Items where Year is 2011

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Number of items: 1083.

Abidin, K.A.Z. and Lee, K.C. and Ibrahim, I. and Zainudin, A. (2011) Problem Analysis at a Semiconductor Company: A Case Study on IC Packages. [Citation Index Journal]

Ahmad, Farooq and Dennis, John Ojur and Md Khir, Mohd Haris and Hamid, Nor Hisham (2011) Theoretical Analysis of Resonant Lateral Electrostatic Comb drive Actuator and Sensor. In: NPC2011, 19 - 20 September 2011, UTP, Bandar Sri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia.

Ahmad,, Farooq and Md Khir, Mohd Haris and Hamid, Nor Hisham and Dennis, John Ojur (2011) Analytical Modeling of Plus Shape MEMS Paddle Bridge Resonant Sensor for Weak Magnetic Fields. IEEE Xplore, 10.1109/RSM.2011.6088350 (10.1109/RSM.2011.6088350 ). 310 -314 . ISSN 978-1-61284-844-0

Ashraf, Khalid and Md Khir, Mohd Haris and Dennis, John Ojur (2011) An Electromagnetic Frequency Increased Vibration Energy Harvester. Advanced Materials Research, 403-40. pp. 4231-4234.

Chandio, Imtiaz Ahmed and Matori, A.N and Lawal, Dano Umar (2011) Built Environmental Rehabilitation of Garhi Khuda Bux Bhutto Town and Model Town Planning. International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 2 (3). pp. 205-2012. ISSN 2078-0737

Chandio, Imtiaz Ahmed and Matori, A.N and Lawal, Dano Umar (2011) GIS-based Accessibility Analysis Using Suitable Landfor Public Parksin Larkana City Pakistan. [Citation Index Journal]

Hossain, M. Ismail and El-Harbawi , Mohanad and Noaman, Yousr Abdulhadi and Bustam , Mohd Azmi B. and Alitheen , Noorjahan Banu Mohamed and Affandi , Nor Azrin and Hefter, Glenn and Yin, Chun-Yang (2011) Synthesis and anti-microbial activity of hydroxylammonium ionic liquids,. Chemosphere, 84. pp. 101-104.

Khalaji Assadi, M (2011) Analytical model of atrium for heating and ventilating an institutional building naturally. Energy and Buildings, 43. pp. 2595-2601.

Khalaji Assadi, Morteza (2011) Integration of reverse osmosis and refrigeration systems for energy efficient seawater desalination. International Journal of the Physical Sciences, Vol. 6 (12). pp. 2832-2843. ISSN 1992 - 1950 ©2011 Academic Journals

Khalaji Assadi, Morteza (2011) Performance Analysis of a Hybrid Solar Energy Storage System. Journal of Mechanics, 27 (2). N19-N23.

Lawal, Dano Umar and Matori, A.N and Chandio, Imtiaz Ahmed and Balogun, Abdul-Lateef (2011) Framework for Recreational Park Suitability Sites. [Citation Index Journal]

Mirza,, Asif and Md Khir, Mohd Haris and Dennis , John Ojur and Ashraf, Khalid and Hamid, Nor Hisham (2011) Design, modeling and simulation of CMOS MEMS cantilever for carbon dioxide gas sensing. IEEE Xplore. 324 -328 . ISSN 978-1-61284-844-0

Mohd Saaid , Ismail and Kamat , Dahlila and Muhammad, Suhaila (2011) Characterization of Malaysia Sand for Possible Use as Proppant. American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 1 (1). pp. 37-44.


., Ali S Muhsan, Faiz Ahmad (2011) Development of nanocomposites heat sink (MWCNTs/Cu) using powder injection moulding for electronic applications. Development of nanocomposites heat sink (MWCNTs/Cu) using powder injection moulding for electronic applications. (Submitted)

., Ali Samer Muhsan, Faiz Ahmad, M Rafi Raza (2011) Flow properties of Cu/CNTs feedstocks. Flow properties of Cu/CNTs feedstocks.

., Nurul Syala Abdul Latip, Tim Heath, Shuhana Shamsuddin, M. S. Li (2011) The contextual integration and sustainable development of Kuala Lumpur’s City Centre waterfront: an evaluation of the policies, law and guidelines. In: The contextual integration and sustainable development of Kuala Lumpur’s City Centre waterfront: an evaluation of the policies, law and guidelines . (Submitted)

., li Samer Muhsan, Faiz Ahmad, Norani Muti Mohamed, M Rafi Raza (2011) Flow behavior of Cu/CNTs feedstocks for powder injection molding. Flow behavior of Cu/CNTs feedstocks for powder injection molding.


A Majid, M Amin (2011) Thermal Storage at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Gas District Cooling Plant. In: Gas District Cooling in Malaysia. Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany, pp. 97-115. ISBN ISBN 978-3-8465-5441-8

A Majid, M Amin and Nasir Rashid, Meseret (2011) Multi-State Availability and Reliability Assessment of Electric Chillers of a District Cooling Plant. In: 2011 IEEE Colloquim on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research, 5-6 December 2011, Penang, Malaysia.

A Majid, M Amin and Nasir Rashid, Meseret and Waluyo, Joko (2011) Operation and Performance of a Thermal Energy Storage System: A Case Study of Campus Cooling using Cogeneration Plant. In: 2nd International Conference on Advances in Energy Engineering, 26th to 28th Dec 2011, Bangkok, Thailand.

A., Arunagiri and I, R and T., Murugesan (2011) Interfacial area and mass transfer coefficients in liquid-gas ejectors. Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 45 (6). pp. 818-823. ISSN 0040-5795

A. Lubis, Luluan and Tuan Harith, Zuhar Zahir and Mohd Noh, Khairul Ariffin (2011) Workflow to Reconstruct 3D Pore Space from 2D CT-Scan Image of Berea Sandstone. In: NATIONAL GEOSCIENCE CONFERENCE 2011, 11 – 12 June 2011, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

A.L., Tamiru and M. Hashim, Fakhruldin (2011) Application of Bat Algorithm and Fuzzy Systems to Model Exergy Changes in a Gas Turbine. In: Artificial Intelligence, Evolutionary Computation and Metaheuristics (AIECM). Springer. (Submitted)

A.L., Tamiru and M. Hashim, Fakhruldin (2011) Fuzzy and LOLIMOT based Model Identification for the Steam and Cooling sections of a Cogeneration and District Cooling Plant. Journal of Applied Sciences . (Submitted)

A.L., Tamiru and M. Hashim, Fakhruldin (2011) A Hybrid Approach to Fault Detection and Diagnosis in an Industrial Gas Turbine. In: Computational Intelligence in Multi-Agent Systems: Theory and Practice. IGI Global. (Submitted)

A.L. , Tamiru and M. Hashim, Fakhruldin (2011) A Critical Review on Fault Detection and Diagnosis Systems related to Cogeneration and Cooling Plants. In: Computational Intelligence in Multi-Agent Systems: Theory and Practice. IGI Global. (Submitted)

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN and Kamarudin, Mohd Hafizi and HASAN, KHATIM and SULAIMAN, JUMAT (2011) Wavelet Transform and Fast Fourier Transform for Signal Compression: A Comparative Study. In: 2011 International Conference on Electronic Devices, Systems and Applications (ICEDSA). UITM, pp. 280-285.




ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN and KAMARUDIN, MOHD HAFIZI and ABDUL KARIM, BAKRI and HASAN, M KHATIM and SULAIMAN, JUMAT (2011) Wavelet Transform and Fast Fourier Transform for Signal Compression: A Comparative Study. International Conference on Electronic Devices, Systems & Applications (ICEDSA 2011). .

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN and Razali, Radzuan (2011) A Proposed Mathematical Model of Influenza A, H1N1 for Malaysia. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN and Razali, Radzuan (2011) A Proposed Mathematical Model of Influenza A, H1N1 fro Malaysia. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN and Singh, Balbir and Razali, Radzuan and ABDUL KARIM, BAKRI (2011) COMPRESSION SOLAR RADIATION DATA USING HAAR AND DAUBECHIES WAVELETS. Malaysian Society for Engineering & Technology (MSET) AND Federation of Engineering Institutions of Islamic Countries (FEIIC), Regional Symposium on Engineering and Technology 2011, KUCHING, SARAWAK, MALAYSIA.

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN and Singh, Balbir and Razali, Radzuan and Yahya, Noorhana (2011) Solar Radiation Data Analysis by using Daubechies Wavelets. ICCSCE 2011 .

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN and singh, balbir and Razali, Radzuan and Yahya, Noorhana (2011) Data Compression Technique for Modeling of Global Solar Radiation. ICCSCE 2011.

ABDULLAH, ZULHAMRI and Md Nordin, Shahrina and ABDUL AZIZ, YUHANIS (2011) BUILDING A UNIQUE CORPORATE IDENTITY: A STUDY ON THE MISSION & VISION STATEMENTS ON CORPORATE WEBSITES OF MALAYSIAN AND SINGAPOREAN CORPORATIONS. In: 1st International Colloquium on Corporate Branding, Identity, Image and Reputation (COBIIR), 15-16 February 2011, Switzerland ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences.

AHMED, M. M and Kutty, S.R.M. and SHARIFF, A. M and Khamidi, M. Faris (2011) Petrol Fuel Station Safety and Risk Assessment Framework. In: National Postgraduate Conference 2011 (NPC 2011), 19-20 Sept 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak, MALAYSIA.

AL WADI, SADDAM and ISMAIL, M TAHIR and ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2011) Discovering Structure Breaks in Amman Stocks Market. [Citation Index Journal]

ASSADI, M.KH (2011) Using a developed PM in order to optimize the production productivity in a cement industry. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage, 15 (2). pp. 381-389. ISSN JASEM ISSN 1119-8362

Ab Rahim, Lukman and Whittle, Jon (2011) Identifying state space reduction techniques from behavioural design patterns. In: Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Behavioural Modelling.

Abbas, Maythem K. and Karsiti , Mohd Noh and Napiah, Madzlan and Samir, B. B. (2011) Dynamic Traffic-Light Phase Plan Protocol (DT3P). In: 9'th IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD 2011), 19-20 / December / 2011, Cyberjaya.

Abd Kadir, Askury and Tengku Mohd, Tengku Amran (2011) A new approach and prospectivity of sand injectites in Malaysia. In: Petroleum Geology and Exhibition 2011, 7 & 8 March 2011, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Abd Majid, Mohd Amin and Nasir Rashid, Meseret (2011) Multi-state System Availability Model of Electricity Generation for a Cogeneration District Cooling Plant. [Citation Index Journal]

Abd Manaf, Maizatul Asnida and Abdul Rahman, Abdul Hadi and Ab Talib, Jasmi (2011) Geomorphology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of Perak River and Coastal-plains. In: 7th Malaysia Geoheritage Conference, 1 - 2 Oct 2011, Kuala Trengganu, Malaysia. (Submitted)

Abd Manaf, Maizatul Asnida and Abdul Rahman, Abdul Hadi and Ab Talib, Jasmi (2011) STUDY ON GEOMORPHOLOGY AND YOUNG QUATERNARY STRATIGRAPHY OF PERAK RIVER AND COASTAL PLAIN AREAS. In: AKEPT Young Researcher Conference, 19 - 20 Dec 2011, Kuala Lumpur. (Submitted)

Abdalla, Izzeldin Idris and K. S. , Rama Rao and Nallagownden, Perumal (2011) A Comparative Study of Shunt Active Power Filter Performance in Distribution Systems. In: 2011 5th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference, PEOCO2011, 6-7 Jun 2011, Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA.

Abdalla, Izzeldin Idris and K. S. , Rama Rao and Nallagownden, Perumal (2011) Three-phase Four-Leg Shunt Active Power Filter to Compensate Harmonics and Reactive Power. In: 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Computers & Informatics, ISCI 2011, 20-22 Mar 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Abdollah, Norfarhana and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Patah Akhir, Emelia Akashah (2011) Usability Evaluation for ‘Komputer Saya’: Multimedia Courseware for Slow Learners. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) , 7067. pp. 104-113. ISSN 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online)

Abdul Aziz, Hanida and Mohd Shariff, Azmi and Roslan, Mohd Rafizie (2011) Managing Process Hazards in Lab-scale Pilot Plant for Safe Operation. In: United Kingdom-Malaysia-Ireland Engineering Science Conference (UMIEST2011), 12th -14th July 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Abdul Aziz, Hanida and Mohd Shariff, Azmi and Roslan, Mohd Rafizie (2011) Managing Process Hazards in Lab-scale Pilot Plant for Safe Operation. In: United Kingdom - Malaysia Ireland Engineering Science Conference 2011 (UMIES 2011), 12-14 July, 2011, Kuala Lumpur.

Abdul Aziz, Hanida and Mohd Shariff, Azmi and Roslan, Mohd Rafizi (2011) Managing of Training for Environmental Protection and Safe Operation of Process Plant. In: Postgraduate Colloquium of Environmantal Research, 15-16 July 2011, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Semenyih.

Abdul Aziz, Hanida and Mohd Shariff, Azmi and Roslan, Mohd Rafizie (2011) Application of Process Hazards Management in Lab-Scale Pilot Plant. In: National Postgraduate Conference 2011 (NPC 2011), 19-20 Sept 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak, MALAYSIA.

Abdul Aziz, Hanida and Mohd Shariff, Azmi and Roslan, Mohd Rafizie (2011) Managing of Training for Environmental Protection and Safe Operation of Process Plant. In: Proceeding in Postgraduate Colloquium for Environmental Research (POCER 2011), 15th – 16th July 2011, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Semenyih, Malaysia.

Abdul Jamak, Abu Bakar Sedek and Mohd Ali, Razol Mahari and Salleh, Rohani (2011) THE MICRO BUSINESS ENTERPRISE OF ORANG ASLI ABORIGINES IN MALAYSIA. China-USA Business Review , 10 (5). pp. 336-348. ISSN 1537-1514

Abdul Karim, Z. A. (2011) Chapter 3 Fundamentals of Gas District Cooling in Gas District Cooling in Malaysia. In: Gas District Cooling in Malaysia. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co., Germany, pp. 41-53. ISBN 978-3-8465-5441-8

Abdul Karim, Z. A. and Yongo A., Philip Waden (2011) Analytical Models for Energy Audit of Cogeneration Plant. [Citation Index Journal]

Abdul Latif, Mohd Azman and Zain Ali, Noohul Basheer and Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi (2011) IDVP (Intra-Die Variation Probe) for System-On-Chip (SoC) Infant Mortality Screen. In: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2011), 15-18 May 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Abdul Latif, Mohd Azman and Zain Ali, Noohul Basheer and Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi (2011) NBTI-induced 8-Bit DAC circuit mismatch in System-On-Chip (SoC). In: 3rd Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ASQED 2011), 19 - 20 July 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Abdul Mutalib, M I and Ariwahjoedi, B. and Murugesan, T and Kurnia, Kiki (2011) Density and excess molar volume of the protic ionic liquid bis(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium acetate with alcohols. J Solution Chem, 40 (3). pp. 470-480. ISSN 00959782

Abdul Mutalib, M I and Kurnia, Kiki (2011) Densities and Viscosities of Binary Mixture of the Ionic Liquid Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium Propionate with Methanol, Ethanol and 1-Propanol at T = (293.15, 303.15, 313.15 and 323.15) K and at P = 0.1 MPa. J. Chem. Eng. Data, 56 (1). pp. 79-83. ISSN ISSN 219568

Abdul Mutalib, M I and Man, Zakaria and Bustam, Mohamad Azmi and Wilfred, Cecilia and Sikander, Rafiq and Nawshad, M K (2011) Synthesis and Thermophysical Properties of Low Viscosity Amino Acid-Based Ionic Liquids.”. [Citation Index Journal]

Abdullah, Bawadi and Dave, Chirag and Cooper, Cyrus G. and Nguyen, Tuan-Huy and Adesina, Adesoji A. (2011) Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Investigation in a Gas-Inducing Agitated Reactor Using Electrical Capacitance Tomography. In: Synthetic liquids production and refining. American Chemical Society, pp. 185-213.

Abdullah, M. F. and Hamid, N. H. and Baharudin, Z. and Khamis, M. F. I. (2011) Triplen Harmonics Currents Propagation Through Medium Voltage Distribution Network. In: 2011 4th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, ICMSAO 2011 , 19-21 April 2011, Kuala Lumpur.

Abdullah, M. F. and Hamid, Nor Hisham and Baharudin , Z. and Khamis, M. F. I. and Nasir, M.H.M. (2011) The study of triplen harmonics currents produced by salient pole synchronous generator. In: 2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI), 17-19 July 2011, Bandung.

Abdullah, M.F. and Hamid, N.H. and Baharudin, Z. and Khamis, M.F.I. and Nasir, M.H.M. (2011) The study of triplen harmonics currents produced by salient pole synchronous generator. In: 2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ICEEI 2011 , 17-19 July 2011, Bandung, Indonesia.

Abdullah, MA (2011) Evaluation of Malaysian Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. for oily water filtration using factorial design. Desalination.

Abdullah, MA (2011) Optimization of biomethane production by anaerobic digestion of palm oil mill effluent using response surface methodology. ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING.

Abdullah, Mohamad Zaki and Megat Yusoff, Puteri S. M. and Mat Shayuti, Muhammad S. (2011) Compressive Properties and Morphology of Polypropylene/Polycarbonate Blends. In: 2011 International Conference on Environment and Industrial Innovation, 17-19 June, 2011, Kuala Lumpur.

Abdullah, Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim and Abu Bakar, Zulqarnain and Ali, Razol M M and Faye , I. and Hasan, Mohd Hilmi and Amar, Am Zairi and Raja Yaacob, Raja Ahmad Iskandar (2011) Video Games in Children’s Learning of Mathematics. [Citation Index Journal]

Abdullah, Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim and Abu Bakar, Zulqarnain and Ali, Razol M M and Raja Yaacob, Raja Ahmad Iskandar and M.A., Abdur-Rahman and Embong, Abdul Mutalib and Amar, Am Zairi (2011) WRITING STRATEGIES OF MALAYSIAN ESL UNDERGRADUATE ENGINEERING LEARNERS. [Citation Index Journal]

Abdullah, Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim and Siraj, Saedah (2011) THE FOUR C’S OF MOBILE CAPABILITY AS GUIDING PRINCIPLE FOR MLEARNING DESIGN: A SHIFT OF LEARNERS’ FOCUS AWAY FROM TECHNOLOGY. Masalah Pendidikan (Issues in Education), Specia. pp. 105-114. ISSN 0126-5024

Abdullah, Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim and Siraj, Saedah (2011) Supportive Scaffolding MLearning Theory for Language Learning through Interaction. In: 10th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning, October 18-21, 2011, Beijing .

Abdullah, Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim and Siraj, Saedah (2011) mLEARNING: A Reconceptualisation. In: 11th International Educational technology Conference, May, 25-27, Istanbul, Turkey.

Abou-Hamad, Edy and Babaa, Moualy Rachid and Bouhrara, Mohamed and Kim, Y and Saih, Youssef and Dennler, Samuel and Mauri, Fabrizio and Basset, Jean-Marie and Goze-Bac, Christophe and Wagberg, Thomas (2011) Structural properties of carbon nanotubes derived from 13C NMR. PHYSICAL REVIEW B (Impact Factor: 3.772), 84. 165417-1-165417-6. ISSN 1098-0121 (print) 1550-235X (online) 1538-4489 (CD-Rom)

Abu Bakri, Ziyada and Azmi Bhustam , M A and T., Murugesan and Wilfred, Cecilia (2011) Effect of sulfonate-based anions on the physicochemical properties of 1-alkyl-3-propanenitrile imidazolium ionic liquids. [Citation Index Journal]

Abu Bakri, Ziyada and Azmi Bhustam , M A and Wilfred, Cecilia and T., Murugesan (2011) Densities, Viscosities, and Refractive Indices of 1-Hexyl-3- propanenitrile Imidazolium Ionic Liquids Incorporated with Sulfonate-Based Anions. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA , 56 (05). pp. 2343-2348. ISSN 0021-9568

Abu Bakri, Ziyada and Man, Zakaria and Mohd Azmi, Bhustam and T., Murugesan and Wilfred, Cecilia (2011) Thermophysical Properties of Trihexyltetradecyl Phosphonium Octylsulfosuccinate Ionic Liquid. [Citation Index Journal]

Affam, A. C. and Chaudhuri, M. (2011) Activated Carbon/Hydrogen Peroxide (AC/H2O2) Treatment of Amoxicillin and Cloxacillin Antibiotics in Aqueous Solution. In: United Kingdom - Malaysia Ireland Engineering Science Conference 2011 (UMIES 2011), 12-14 July, 2011, Kuala Lumpur.

Ahmad, Junaid and Malik, Aamir Saeed and Xia, Likun (2011) Vegetation Encroachment Monitoring for Transmission Lines Right-of-Ways: A Survey. [Citation Index Journal] (Submitted)

Ahmad, Murni M and Aziz, Mohd F and Inayat, Abrar and Yusup, Suzana (2011) Heat Integration Study on Biomass Gasification Plant for Hydrogen Production. [Citation Index Journal]

Ahmad, Rohiza and Abdul-Kareem, Sameem (2011) A Database Querying Language for Formulating Relational Queries on Small Devices. Journal of Computer Technology and Application. ISSN 1934-7332

Ahmad, Tahir and Mamat, Othman (2011) The Development and Characterization of Zirconia-Silica Sand Nanoparticles Composites. World Journal of Nano Science and Engineering, 01 (01). pp. 7-14. ISSN 2161-4954

Ahmad, Faizan and Lau, K.K. and Mohd Shariff, Azmi and Murshid, Ghulam (2011) CO2 Capture from Natural Gas using Membrane Separation System: Process Simulation, Parametric Analysis and Joule Thompson Effect. In: 5th International congress on Chemistry and Environment, 27-29 May 2011, Port Dickson, Malaysia.

Ahmad, Faizan and Lau, K.K. and Mohd Shariff, Azmi and Murshid, Ghulam (2011) Faizan Ahmad, K.K. Lau, A.M. Shariff, Ghulam Murshid. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 36. pp. 119-128.

Ahmad, Faizan and Lau, K.K. and Mohd Shariff, Azmi and Murshid, Ghulam (2011) The Study of Joule Thompson Effect for the Removal of CO2 from Natural Gas by Membrane Process. In: International Renewable Energy and and Environment Conference, 24-26 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ahmad, Farooq and Dennis , John Ojur and Md Khir, Mohd Haris and Hamid, Nor Hisham (2011) A CMOS MEMS Resonant Magnetic field Sensor with differential Electrostatic actuation and Capacitive sensing. Advanced Materials Research, 403-40. pp. 4205-4209.

Ahmad, Farooq and Dennis, John Ojur and Md Khir, Mohd Haris and Hamid, Nor Hisham (2011) A CMOS MEMS Resonant Magnetic field Sensor with differential Electrostatic actuation and Capacitive sensing. In: ICMENS 2011, 4 - 6 November 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Submitted)

Ahmad, Junaid and Malik, Aamir Saeed and Xia, Likun (2011) Effective techniques for vegetation monitoring of transmission lines right-of-ways. In: IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, 17-18 May, 2011, Penang.

Ahmad, Junaid and Malik, Aamir Saeed and Xia, Likun (2011) Vegetation monitoring for high-voltage transmission line corridors using satellite stereo images. In: National Postgraduate Conference 2011 (NPC 2011), 19-20 Sept 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak, MALAYSIA.

Ahmad, Muneer and Azween, Abdullah and Buragga, Khalid (2011) A Novel Optimized Approach for Gene Identification in DNA Sequences. [Citation Index Journal]

Ahmad, Murni M and Ali, Razol M M and Inayat, Abrar and Yusup, Suzana (2011) Potential Development of Hydrogen Production from Biomass in Malaysia: A Brief Perspective. [Citation Index Journal]

Ahmad, Murni M and Chiew, Chai Kian and Inayat, Abrar and Yusup, Suzana (2011) Simulation of Integrated Pressurized Steam Gasification of Biomass for Hydrogen Production using iCON. [Citation Index Journal]

Ahmad, Murni M and Inayat, Abrar and Yusup, Suzana and Sabil, Khalik M (2011) Simulation of Oxygen-steam Gasification with CO2 Adsorption for Hydrogen Production from Empty Fruit Bunch. [Citation Index Journal]

Ahmad, Murni M and Inayat, Abrar and Yusup, Suzana and Uemura, Yoshimitsu (2011) Modelling of Thermodynamic Efficiency for Biomass Steam Gasification with In-Situ CO2 capture for Hydrogen Production. In: BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress of Bioenergy (WCBE 2011), 25-30 April 2011, Dalian, China.

Ahmad, iftikhar and Azween, Abdullah and Alghamdi, Abdullah and Hussain, Muhammad (2011) Optimized intrusion detection mechanism using soft computing techniques. Telecommunication Systems, 47. pp. 1-9. ISSN 11235-011-9541-1

Ahmad Fadzil, M Hani and Izhar, Lila Iznita and Nugroho, Hanung Adi (2011) Analysis of Foveal Avascular Zone for Grading of Diabetic Retinopathy. International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, 6 (3). pp. 232-250. ISSN 1752-6418

Ahmad Fadzil, Mohd Hani (2011) A knowledge discovery from incomplete coronary artery disease datasets using rough set. International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics, Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2011, Pages 60-77 (1). pp. 60-77. ISSN 17550653

Ahmad Fadzil, Mohd Hani (2011) A knowledge discovery from incomplete coronary artery disease datasets using rough set. Journal: International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics , 3 (1 ). pp. 60-77. ISSN 17550653

Ahmad Fadzil, M Hani (2011) Area analysis of foveal avascular zone in diabetic retinopathy colour fundus images. [Citation Index Journal]

Ahmad Fadzil, M Hani and Izhar, Lila Isnita and Nugroho, Hanung Adi (2011) Area Analysis of Foveal Avascular Zone in Diabetic Retinopathy Color Fundus Images. [Citation Index Journal]

Ahmad Fadzil, M. H. and Izhar, L. I. and Nugroho, H. and Nugroho, H. A. (2011) Analysis of retinal fundus images for grading of diabetic retinopathy severity. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 49 (6). pp. 693-700. ISSN 01400118


Ahmad Fadzil, Mohd Hani (2011) Analysis of foveal avascular zone for grading of diabetic retinopathy. [Citation Index Journal]

Ahmad Fadzil, Mohd Hani (2011) Detection and Classification of Granulation Tissue in Chronic Ulcers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) , 7066 L (1). pp. 139-150. ISSN 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online)

Ahmad Fadzil, Mohd Hani (2011) Digital image analysis of chronic ulcers tissues. In: 5th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, BIOMED 2011, Held in Conjunction with the 8th Asian Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, APCMBE 201, 20 June 2011 through 23 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur.

Ahmad Fadzil, Mohd Hani (2011) Features and modalities for assessing early knee osteoarthritis. In: 2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ICEEI 2011, 17 July 2011 through 19 July 2011, Bandung.

Ahmad Fadzil, Mohd Hani (2011) High Order Polynomial Surface Fitting for Measuring Roughness of Psoriasis Lesion. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) , 7066 L (1 ). pp. 341-351. ISSN 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online)

Ahmad Fadzil, Mohd Hani (2011) Validation of a 2D multispectral camera: Application to dermatology/cosmetology on a population covering five skin phototypes. In: Clinical and Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging II, 24 May 2011 through 26 May 2011, Munich.

Ahmad Fadzil, Mohd Hani (2011) A modified Beer-Lambert model of skin diffuse reflectance for the determination of melanin pigments. In: 5th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, BIOMED 2011, Held in Conjunction with the 8th Asian Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, APCMBE 2011, 20-23 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur.

Ahmed, Abdelaziz Yousif and Dennis, John Ojur and Khir, M Haris M and Mohamad Saad, Mohamad Naufal (2011) Analytical Modeling of Mass-Sensitive Gas Sensor based on MEMS Resonator. In: NPC 2011, 19 - 20 September 2011, UTP.

Ahmed, Abdelaziz Yousif and Dennis, John Ojur and Md Khir, M Haris and Mohamad Saad, Mohamad Naufal (2011) Analytical Modeling of Mass-Sensitive Gas Sensor based on MEMS Resonator. In: NPC 2011, 19 - 20 September 2011, UTP.

Ahmed, Tahir and Mamat, Othman (2011) Characterization and Properties of Copper-Silica Sand Nanoparticle Composites. Defect and Diffusion Forum, 319-320. pp. 95-105. ISSN 1662-9507

Ahmed, Tahir and Mamat, Othman and Bambang Ari, Wahjoedi (2011) Development and Characterization of Alumina-Silica Sand Nanoparticle Composites. Defect and Diffusion Forum, 319-320. pp. 85-94. ISSN 1662-9507

Ahmed, G.H. and Kutty, S.R.M. and Isa, M.H. (2011) Petroleum Refinery Effluent Biodegradation in Sequencing Batch Reactor. [Non-Citation Index Journal]

Ahmed, Mirza Munir and Kutty, S.R.M. and Mohd Shariff, Azmi and Khamidi, Mohd Faris (2011) Petrol Fuel Station Safety and Risk Assessment Framework. In: National Postgraduate Conference 2011 (NPC 2011), 19-20 Sept 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak, MALAYSIA.

Ahmed, Mirza Munir and Kutty, S.R.M. and Mohd Shariff, Azmi and Khamidi , Mohd Faris (2011) New and Improved Safety and Risk Assessment Model for Petrol Fuel Station. In: National Postgraduate Conference 2011 (NPC 2011), 19-20 Sept 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak, MALAYSIA.

Ahmed, Tigabwa Y and Ahmad, Murni M (2011) Flowsheet Development and Simulation of Off-Shore Carbon Dioxide Removal System at Natural Gas Reserves. [Citation Index Journal]

Ahmed, Tigabwa Y and Ahmad, Murni M and Yusup, Suzana (2011) Equilibrium model for steam gasification of Palm Kernel Shell for hydrogen production. In: National Postgraduate Conference (NPC 2011), 19-20 Sep 2011, Tronoh, Malaysia.

Ahmed, Tigabwa Y and Ahmad, Murni M and Yusup, Suzana and Inayat, Abrar (2011) Kinetics Modeling of Pyrolysis and Gasification of Palm Kernel Shell for Hydrogen Production Using Simulink. In: The 3rd International Conference on Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Technology (ICFCHT 2011), 22-23 Nov 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ahmed , Ashraf and Dominic, P.D.D. and Azween, Abdullah (2011) A Novel Replication Strategy for Large-scale Mobile Distributed Database Systems. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 6 (3). 268 -299. ISSN 1823-4690

Ahmed , Ashraf and Dominic P, Dhanapal Durai and Azween, Abdullah (2011) A NOVEL REPLICATION STRATEGY FOR LARGE-SCALE MOBILE DISTRIBUTED DATABASE SYSTEMS. [Citation Index Journal]

Aja, Ogboo Chikere and Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Abdul Karim, Z. A. (2011) CFD Simulation and Analysis of Thermal Diffuser for High Temperature Flue Gases. In: International Renewable Energy and Environment Conference (IREEC 2011), 24 26 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia .

Aja, Ogboo Chikere and Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Abdul Karim, Z. A. (2011) Review on the Enhancement Techniques and Introduction of an Alternate Enhancement Technique of Solar Chimney Power Plant. [Citation Index Journal]

Aja, Ogboo Chikere and Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Abdul Karim, Z. A. (2011) Thermal Field Study and Analysis in Hybrid Solar Flue Gas Chimney Power Plant. In: National Postgraduate Conference 2011 (NPC 2011), 19-20 Sept 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak, MALAYSIA.

Aja, Ogboo Chikere and Amin, Nowshad and Alghoul, Mohammad A. and Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. (2011) Design of an Intelligent Dual-axis Solar Tracking Device for Solar System Usage. In: Curtin University of Technology Science and Engineering International Conference (CUTSE), 8th to 9th November 2011, Miri Sarawak, Malaysia.

Aja, Ogboo Chikere and Amin, Nowshad and Alghoul, Mohammad A. and Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. (2011) Design of an Intelligent Dual-axis Solar Tracking Device for Solar System Usage. In: 3rd CUTSE2011 International Conference on Innovative Green Technology for Sustainable Development, 8th – 9th November 2011, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Akbari, Alireza and Sambu Potty, Narayanan (2011) ABNORMAL LEVEL EARTHQUAKE STUDY USING ISO 19901-2. In: 7th International Conference on Steel & Aluminium Structures, 13th –15th July 2011, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Akhbar, R. and Hassan, M.F. and Qureshi, M.A. and Safdar, S. (2011) Structured Role Based Interaction Model for Agile Based Outsourced IT Projects: Client's Composite Structure. [Citation Index Journal]

Akhtar, M. N. and Yahya, N. and Daud, H. and Shafie, A. and Zaid, H. M. and Kashif, M. and Nasir, N. (2011) Development of EM Wave Guide Amplifier Potentially used for Sea Bed Logging. [Citation Index Journal] (Submitted)

Akhtar, M. N. and Yahya, N. and Daud., H. and Shafie., A. and Zaid, H. M. and Kashif, M. and Nasir, N. (2011) Development of EM wave guide amplifier potentially used for sea bed logging. Journal.

Akhtar, M. N. and Yahya, N. and Koziol, K. and Nasir, N. (2011) Synthesis and characterizations of Ni0.8Zn0.2Fe 2O4-MWCNTs composites for their application in sea bed logging. Journal. ISSN 02728842

Akhtar, Majid Niaz and Yahya, Noorhana and Koziol, Krzysztof and Nasir, Nadeem (2011) Synthesis and Characterization of Ni0.8ZnO.2Fe 204-MWCNTs Composites for their Application in Sea Bed Logging. Ceramics International 37 (2011)3237-3245. pp. 3237-3245. (Submitted)

Akhtar, Majid Niaz and Yahya, Noorhana and Nasir, Nadeem (2011) Novel EM Antenna based on Y3Fe5O12 Magnetic feeders for Improved MVO. Conference Proceeding. (Submitted)

Akhtar,, M. N. and Yahya,, N. and Nasir,, N. (2011) Novel EM antenna based on Y3Fe5O12 magnetic feeders for improved MVO. Journal.

Al Yacouby, A. M. and Khamidi, M. Faris and Nuruddin, F and Idrus, Arazi and Farhan, S. A. and Razali, A. E. (2011) A Review on Thermal Performance of Roofing Materials in Malaysia. In: Proceedings of International Building & Infrastructure Technology Conference, 7-8 June 2011, Vistana Hotel, Penang, Malaysia.

Al-Jemeli, Marwan and Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi and Samir, Brahim Belhaouri (2011) SEEK: An Energy Efficient Control Packet Approach For WSN MAC Layer Design. In: International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2011), June 17 - 19, 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Ghanizadeh, A. Hussein (2011) Analysis of the Temperature Distribution in GT Blade Cooled by Compressed Air. [Citation Index Journal]

Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Chin, Yee Sing and Toh, Jia Lin (2011) Performance Influence of the Solar Chimney Power Plant by Variation of the Canopy and Tower Heights. In: ASEAN Australian Engineering Congress 2011. (Submitted)

Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and El-Rahman, Mohamed (2011) RIBBED DOUBLE PIPE HEAT EXCHANGER: ANALYTICAL ANALYSIS. [Citation Index Journal]

Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Salih, T.W. and Al-Ambari, A.S. (2011) Performance prediction procedures of the supersonic spiked intakes. [Citation Index Journal]

Alanezi, M.A and Mahmood, Ahmad Kamil and Basri, Shuib (2011) Quality of e-government service. In: International Conference on Mobile Learning, E-society & E-Management ( ICMLEM 2011 ) , October 30 - 31, 2011 , Prague Czech Republic .

Alanezi, M.A and Mahmood, Ahmad Kamil and Basri, Shuib (2011) Review of e-Government Policy and Outcomes in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), 9 (8). pp. 177-181. ISSN 1947-5500

Alanezi, M.A and Mahmood, Ahmad Kamil and Basri, Shuib (2011) Conceptual model for measuring e-government service quality. In: IEEE Concefrence on Open System 2011, 25-28 September 2011, Langkawi, Malaysia.

Alemu Lemma, Tamiru and Fakhruldin , Bin Mohd Hashim and Chalilullah , Rangkuti (2011) Generating Gas Turbine Component Maps Relying on Partially Known Overall System Characteristics. Journal of Applied Sciences, 11 (11). pp. 1885-1894. ISSN 182-5654

Alemu Lemma, Tamiru and Mohd Hashim, Fakhruldin (2011) Wavelet Neural Network based Fault Detection and Diagnosis in an Industrial Gas Turbine. In: 3rd CUTSE2011 International Conference on Innovative Green Technology for Sustainable Development, 8th – 9th November 2011, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Alemu Lemma, Tamiru and Mohd Hashim, Fakhruldin (2011) Fuzzy Systems and Bat Algorithm for Exergy Modeling in a Gas Turbine Generator. In: IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research, 5-6 December, Penang.

Alemu Lemma, Tamiru and Mohd Hashim, Fakhruldin (2011) A New Optimization Algorithm based on Copulation Behavior of Simine Jackals. In: 3rd CUTSE2011 International Conference on Innovative Green Technology for Sustainable Development, 8th – 9th November 2011, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Alemu Lemma, Tamiru and Mohd Hashim, Fakhruldin (2011) Normalized Radial Basis Function Networks Applied to Exergy, NOx, and Creep Life Prediction in an Industrial Gas Turbine. In: 3rd CUTSE International Conference On Innovative Green Technology for Sustainable Development, 8-9 November 2011, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Alhassan, Ahmed M. and Saad, N.M. and Badruddin , Nasreen (2011) An Enhanced Detection Technique for Spectral Amplitude Coding Optical CDMA Systems. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 23 (13). pp. 875-877. ISSN 1041-1135

Ali, Nurul Amirah and Drieberg , Micheal and Sebastian , Patrick (2011) Deployment of MICAz Mote for Wireless Sensor Network Applications. In: IEEE Conference on Computer Applications & Industrial Electronics (ICCAIE) 2011.

Ali, Nurul Amirah and Drieberg , Micheal and Sebastian , Patrick (2011) Deployment of MICAz Mote for Wireless Sensor Network Applications. In: 2011 IEEE Conference on Computer Applications & Industrial Electronics , 4-7 December 2011, Penang , Malaysia. (In Press)

Ali, S and Mohd Zabidi, N. A. and Subbarao, D (2011) Synthesis and Characterization of Co/Mo Bimetallic Nanocatalysts. [Citation Index Journal]

Ali, S. and Mohd Zabidi, N. A. (2011) Correlation between Fischer-Tropsch catalytic activity and composition of catalysts. [Citation Index Journal]

Ali, S. and Mohd Zabidi, N. A. and Subbarao, D. (2011) Development of niobium-promoted cobalt catalysts on carbon nanotubes for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. [Citation Index Journal]

Ali, S. and Mohd Zabidi, N. A. and Subbarao, D. (2011) Synthesis and Characterization of Cobalt-Based Nanocatalysts: Effect of Supports. In: 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications, 27-29 July 2011, Ottawa, Canada.

Ali, Sardar and Mohd Zabidi, N. A. and Subbarao, D (2011) Effect of loading on the physicochemical properties of alumina supported Co/Mo bimetallic nanocatalysts. [Citation Index Journal]

Ali, Sardar and Mohd Zabidi, N. A. and Subbarao, D (2011) Synthesis and characterization of bimetallic Fe/Co nanocatalyst on CNTs for FT-Synthesis. [Citation Index Journal]

Ali Rizvi, Syed Safdar and Aziz, Asif and M Saad, M Naufal and Armi, Nasrullah and Yusoff, Mohd Zuki (2011) Tight Coupling Internetworking Between UMTS and WLAN: Challenges, Design Architectures and Simulation Analysis. International Journal of Computer Networks (IJCN), 3 (2). pp. 116-134. ISSN 1985-4129

Alian, Sima and Omar, Abdul A and Alta'ee, Ali F. and Hani, Irzie (2011) Study of Asphaltene Precipitation induced formation Damage during CO2 Injection for a Malaysian light oil. [Citation Index Journal]

Almadhoun, Nour M. and D. Dominic, P. Dhanapal and Lai, Fong Woon (2011) Perceived Security, Privacy, and Trust concerns within Social Networking Sites: the Role of Information Sharing and Relationships Development in the Malaysian Higher Education Institutions’ Marketing. In: 2011 IEEE Conference on Control System, Computing and engineering, 25-27 November 2011, Penang, Malaysia.

Alvarez, Laurent and Almadouri, Yan and Arenal, Raoul and Babaa, Moualy Rachid and Michel, Theiry and Le Park, Rozen and Bantignies, Jean-Louis and Jousselme, Bruno and Hermet, P and Palacin, Serge and Sauvajol, Jean-Louis (2011) Charge Transfer Evidence between Carbon Nanotubes and Encapsulated Conjugated Oligomers. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115. pp. 11898-11905. ISSN Print Edition ISSN: 1932-7447, Web Edition ISSN: 1932-7455. 2010 Impact Factor: 4.520

Alyacouby, Ahmad and Khamidi, M. Faris and Nuruddin, F and Iskandar, Syed Ahmad Farhan (2011) Study on Roof Tile’s Colors in Malaysia for Development of new Anti-warming Roof Tiles with Higher Solar Reflectance Index (SRI). In: National Postgraduate Conference 2011 (NPC 2011), 19-20 Sept 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak, MALAYSIA.

Amin, Fazal-e- and Mahmood, Ahmad Kamil and Oxley, A. (2011) An Analysis of Object Oriented Variability Implementation Mechanisms. ACM SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes, 35.

Amin, Aamir and Basri, Shuib and Hassan, M.F. (2011) Occupational Stress, Knowledge Sharing and GSD Communication Barriers as Predictors of Software Engineer’s Creativity. In: The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) , 6-9 Dec 2011, Singapore.

Amin, Aamir and Basri, Shuib and Hassan, M.F. (2011) Software Engineering Occupational Stress and Knowledge Sharing in the Context of Global Software Development. In: National Postgraduate Conference 2011 (NPC 2011), , 19-20 Sept 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak, MALAYSIA..

Amin, Fazal-e- and Mahmood, Ahmad Kamil and Oxley, A. (2011) A mixed method study to identify factors affecting software reusability in reuse intensive development. In: National Postgraduate Conference 2011 (NPC 2011), 19-20 Sept 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak, MALAYSIA.

Amin, M.A.R.M.M. and Kutty, S.R.M. and Isa, M.H. (2011) Effect of organic load of refinery wastewater in municipal wastewater treatment using bench scale extended aeration activated sludge system. In: Water Resources Management VI. WIT Press, pp. 701-709. ISBN 978-1-84564-514-4

Amir, A. and Mamat, O. (2011) A Review of Wear Mechanisms of Ceramic-Reinforced Metal-Matrix Composite: Case Study of Nano Silica Reinforced Iron. Defect and Diffusion Forum, 319. pp. 77-84.

Amir, Adibah and Mamat, Othman (2011) A Review of Wear Mechanisms of Ceramic-Reinforced Metal-Matrix Composite: Case Study of Nano Silica Reinforced Iron. Defect and Diffusion Forum, 319-320. pp. 77-84. ISSN 1662-9507

Amir, Norlaili and Ahmad, Faiz and Megat-Yusoff, P.S.M. (2011) Study on the Fibre Reinforced Epoxy-based Intumescent Coating Formulations and their Char Characteristics. [Citation Index Journal]

Amir, Amiza and Muhamad Amin , Anang Hudaya and Khan, Asad I. (2011) P2P-Based Image Recognition for Component Tracking in a Large Engineering Domain. In: The Second International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering 2011 (PARENG 2011), 12-15 April 2011, Ajaccio, Corsica, France.

Amir, Norlaili and Ahmad, Faiz and Megat-Yusoff, Puteri Sri Melor (2011) CHARACTERIZATION OF INORGANIC NON-METALLIC FIBRE REINFORCED EPOXY-BASED INTUMESCENT COATINGS (FRIC) AND CHARTEX 7. Engineering e-Transaction, 6 (2). pp. 136-144. ISSN 1823-6379

Amir, Norlaili and Ahmad, Faiz and Megat-Yusoff, Puteri Sri Melor (2011) CHARACTERIZATION OF INORGANIC NON-METALLIC FIBRE REINFORCED EPOXY-BASED INTUMESCENT COATINGS AND CHARTEX 7 EXPOSED TO HIGH TEMPERATURE. In: Regional Tribology Conference, 22-24 November 2011, Bayview Hotel, Langkawi Island, Malaysia.

Amran, N.N and Lau, Kok Keong and Mohd Shariff, Azmi and Hashim, F.M. (2011) Characterization and Adsorption Equilibrium Studies for Zeolites used in Natural Gas Dehydration. International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering. ISSN 2078-0737

Amran, N.N and Mohd Shariff, Azmi and Lau, K.K. and Hashim, F.M. (2011) Characterization and Adsorption Equilibrium Studies for Zeolites used in Natural Gas Dehydration. In: International Renewable Energy and Environment Conference 2011 (IREEC 2011), 24- 26 August 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Anbese, Yohannes T. and A.R.A., Aziz and Abdul Karim, Z. A. (2011) Flame Development Study at Variable Swirl Level Flows in a Stratified CNG DI Combustion Engine using Image Processing Technique. [Citation Index Journal]

Anggraeni, Silvia and Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi and Jeoti , Varun (2011) High rate (3, k) regular LDPC encoder architecture. In: 3rd National Postgraduate Conference, 19-20 September 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Perak, Malaysia.

Anwer, Janhanzeb and Hamid, Nor Hisham and Asirvadam , Vijanth Sagayan (2011) An Improved Markov Random Field Design Approach For Digital Circuits: Introducing Fault-Tolerance With Higher Noise-Immunity For The Nano-Circuits As Compared To CMOS And MRF Designs Zoom See larger image (with zoom) Share your own customer images Publisher: learn how customers can search inside this book. An Improved Markov Random Field Design Approach For Digital Circuits: Introducing Fault-Tolerance With Higher Noise-Immunity For The Nano-Circuits As Compared To CMOS And MRF Designs. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN 978-3844332636

Ariatedja, J.B. and Mamat, O. (2011) A Semi-elliptical Crack Modeling and Fracture Constraint on Failure Diagram. Journal of Applied Sciences, 11 (11). pp. 2006-2011. ISSN 1812 5654

Aris, M.S. and McGlen, R.J. and Owen, I (2011) An Experimental Investigation into the Deployment of 3D, Finned Wing and Shape Memory Alloy Vortex Generators in a Forced Air Convection Heat Pipe Fin Stack. [Citation Index Journal] (In Press)

Aris, M.S. and Owen, I and Sutcliffe, C.J. (2011) The Development of Active Vortex Generators from Shape Memory Alloys for the Convective Cooling of Heated Surfaces. [Citation Index Journal]

Aris, M.S. and Owen, I and Sutcliffe, C.J. (2011) The development of active alloy vortex generators from shape memory alloys for the convective cooling of heated surfaces. [Citation Index Journal]

Armi, Nasrullah and Arshad, Muhammad and Ali Rizvi, Syed Safdar and Yusoff, Mohd Zuki and M Saad, M Naufal (2011) PERFORMANCE OF OPPORTUNISTIC SPECTRUM ACCESS WITH SENSING ERROR IN COGNITIVE RADIO AD HOC NETWORKS. [Citation Index Journal] (Submitted)

Armi, Nasrullah and M Saad, M Naufal and Yusoff, Mohd Zuki and Arshad, Muhammad (2011) Cooperative Spectrum Sensing and Signal Detection in Cognitive Radio. In: The 3rd International Conference on Intelligent & Advanced Systems 2010 (ICIAS2010), June 15 to 17, 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur.

Armi, Nasrullah and M Saad, M Naufal and Yusoff, Mohd Zuki and Arshad, Muhammad (2011) MAC Protocol for Opportunistic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio System. In: 2010 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA 2010), October 3 through October 6, 2010, Penang, Malaysia.

Armi, Nasrullah and Yusoff, Mohd Zuki and M Saad, M Naufal (2011) Multiuser Sensing for Opportunistic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks. [Citation Index Journal]

Armi, Nasrullah and Yusoff, Mohd Zuki and M Saad, M Naufal (2011) Multiuser Sensing for Opportunistic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks. [Citation Index Journal]

Arpin, Mohamad Taufiq and Yusup, Suzana (2011) Enhancement of Calcium Oxide (CaO) for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture. [Citation Index Journal]

Arumugam, U and Mohd Nor, Nursyarizal and Abdullah, M F (2011) REVIEW ON VARIOUS METHODS IN HARMONIC STATE ESTIMATION. In: International Conference on Energy and Electrical Systems (ICEES 2011).

Arumugam, U and Mohd Nor, Nursyarizal and Abdullah, M. F. (2011) Harmonics State Estimation for GDC-UTP Distribution Network. In: National Postgraduate Conference (NPC2011).

Asfaw, Tilahun Derib and Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa (2011) Reservoir Operation Analysis Aimed to Optimize the Capacity Factor of Hydroelectric Power Generation. In: Environment and Industrial Innovation. IACSIT Press, Singapore, pp. 28-32. ISBN 978-981-08-9079-7

Asfaw, Tilahun Derib and Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa (2011) Reservoir Operation Analysis Aimed to Optimize the Capacity Factor of Hydroelectric Power Generation. In: International Conference on Environment and Industrial Innovation (ICEII 2011), 17-19 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Asfaw, Tilahun Derib and Wan Yusof, Khamaruzaman and Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa (2011) Parameters Estimation and Rule Curve Development of Cascade Hydropower Reservoirs. In: National Postgraduate Conference 2011 (NPC 2011), 19-20 Sept 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak, MALAYSIA.

Ashraf, Khalid and Md Khir, Mohd Haris and Dennis, John Ojur (2011) Energy Harvesting in a Low Frequency Environment. In: NPC 2011, 19 - 20 September 2011, UTP.

Ashraf , Khalid and Khir, Mohd Haris Md and Dennis, John Ojur (2011) Analysis of frequency up-conversion based vibration energy harvesting. IEEE Xplore. 305 -309 . ISSN 978-1-61284-844-0

Asnawi, Rustam and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Awang Rambli, Dayang Rohaya (2011) A Study on the Leveraging Categorization of Multimedia Presentation. In: National Postgraduate Conference 2011 (NPC 2011), 19-20 Sept 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak, MALAYSIA.

Asnawi, Rustam and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Awang Rambli, Dayang Rohaya (2011) Formalization and Verification of a Live Multimedia Presentation Model. [Citation Index Journal]

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Atnaw, Samson Mekbib and Sulaiman, S. A. and Moni, M. N. Z. (2011) Experimental Study on Temperature Profile of Fixed – Bed Gasification of Oil- Palm Fronds. In: 4th International Meeting on Advances in Thermofluids (IMAT), Melaka.

Atnaw, Samson Mekbib and Sulaiman, S. A. and Yusup, Suzana (2011) Downdraft Gasification of Oil-palm Fronds. Trends in Applied Sciences Research, 6 (9). pp. 1006-1018. ISSN 2151-7908

Atnaw, Samson Mekbib and Sulaiman, S. A. and Yusup, Suzana (2011) Prediction of Calorific Value of Syngas Produced from Oil-Palm Fronds Gasification. In: 3rd National Postgraduate Conference, Tronoh.

Atnaw, Samson Mekbib and Sulaiman, S. A. and Yusup, Suzana (2011) A Simulation Study of Downdraft Gasification of Oil-Palm Fronds using ASPEN PLUS. [Citation Index Journal]

Aulia, Belinda Ulfa and Matori, A.N (2011) Siting Suitability Analysis of Petrol Filling Station using GIS and Analytical Hierarchy Process: A Case Study of Surabaya Metropolitan. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS.

Aurangzeb, Khan and Baharum , Baharudin and Khairullah , Khan (2011) Sentiment Classification from Online Customer Reviews Using Lexical Contextual Sentence Structure. In: ICSECS 2011, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011., Pahang Malaysia.

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Azhari, Azlina and Harahap, I.S.H. (2011) Piled Raft over Soft Marine Clay: Comparison of In-situ Measurement and Numerical Analyses. In: National Postgraduate Conference 2011 (NPC 2011), 19-20 Sept 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak, MALAYSIA.

Azman, Mohd Fadly and Kurian, V.J. and Liew, Mohd Shahir (2011) Environmental Load Modeling for Offshore Malaysia Regions. In: IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications (ISBEIA2011), Sep 2011, Langkawi.

Azman, Mohd Fadly and Kurian, V.J. and Liew, Mohd Shahir (2011) Base Shear and Collapse Capacity Statistical Analysis. In: International Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial applications ISBEIA 2011, 25-28 September 2011, Langkawi.

Azman, Mohd Fadly and Kurian, V.J. and Shahir Liew, Mohd (2011) Environmental Load Modeling for Offshore Malaysia Regions. In: International Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial applications ISBEIA 2011, 25-28 September 2011, Langkawi.

Azmi Md Haniffa, Mohamad and Mohd Hashim , Fakhruldin (2011) Review of Hydrate Prevention Methods for Deepwater Pipelines. In: IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS2011), 25 - 28 Sept., 2011, Langkawi, Malaysia,.

Azmi Md Haniffa, Mohamad and Mohd Hashim, Fakhruldin (2011) Recent Developments in In-Line Inspection Tools (ILI) For Deepwater Pipeline Applications. In: 3rd National Postgraduate Conference(NPC2011), 19 -20 Sept., 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Bandar Seri Iskandar,Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia.

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Thaw, Y. Yi and Mahmood, Ahmad Kamil and Dominic P, Dhanapal Durai (2011) Factors Influencing Consumers’ Trust in E-commerce Transactions: Malaysian Consumers’ Perspectives. International Journal of Business Information Systems (IJBIS). (Submitted)

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Vu, Trieu Minh (2011) Time Forward Observer Based Adaptive Controller for a Teleoperation System. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS, 9 (3). pp. 470-477. ISSN 1598-6446

Vu, Trieu Minh (2011) Tracking setpoint robust model predictive control for input saturated and softened state constraints. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL, AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS, 9 (5). pp. 958-965. ISSN 15986446

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Wilfred, Cecilia and Man, Zakaria and Bustam, Mohamad Azmi and M Nawshad, Nawshad (2011) Synthesis and Thermophysical Properties of Low Viscosity Amino Acid-Based Ionic Liquids. J. Chem. Eng. Data, , 56. pp. 3157-3162.

Wilfred, Cecilia and Thanapalan, Murugesan and Abu Bakri, Ziyada and Azmi Bhustam , M A (2011) Effect of sulfonate-based anions on the physicochemical properties of 1-alkyl-3-propanenitrile imidazolium ionic liquids. [Citation Index Journal] (In Press)

Wilfred, Cecilia and Thanapalan, Murugesan and Azmi Bhustam , M A and Abu Bakri, Ziyada (2011) Densities, Viscosities, and Refractive Indices of 1-Hexyl-3- propanenitrile Imidazolium Ionic Liquids Incorporated with Sulfonate-Based Anions. [Citation Index Journal]

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Yahya, Norashikin and Kamel , Nidal and Malik, Aamir Saeed (2011) Subspace-Based Technique for Image Denoising. In: National Postgraduate Conference 2011 (NPC 2011), 19-20 Sept 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak, MALAYSIA.

Yahya, Norashikin and Kamel , Nidal and Malik, Aamir Saeed (2011) A Subspace-Based Technique for Image Noise Reduction. In: International conference on signal and image processing applications, 16-18 November, 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Yakubov, Adkham and Shaharun, Maizatul Shima and Piven, Vladimir (2011) Comparison of Cobalt based catalysts supported on MWCNT and SBA-15 supporters for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis by using autoclave type reactor. In: The International Conference for Nanomaterials Synthesis and Characterization, 4-5 July 2011, Seri Kembangan, Selagor.

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Yuliastuti, Dayat Indri and Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa (2011) Wave Transmission on Submerged Rubble Mound Breakwater Using L-Blocks. In: Proceedings of 2011 2nd International Conference on Environmental, Science and Technology (ICEST 2011), 26-28 February 2011, Singapore.

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Yunos, Nur Liyana and Abd Rahman, Abdul Hadi and Ab Talib, Jasmi (2011) GEOLOGY AND ECOLOGY OF LARUT MATANG AND KUALA SEPETANG MANGROVE FOREST. In: AKEPT Young Researcher Conference, 19 - 20 Dec 2011, Kuala Lumpur. (Submitted)

Yunos, Nur Liyana and Abdul Rahman, Abdul Hadi and Ab Talib, Jasmi (2011) Geology, Ecology and Biogeography of Larut Matang and Kuala Sepetang Mangrove Forest. In: 7th Malaysia Geoheritage Conference, 1 - 2 Oct 2011, Kuala Trengganu, Malaysia. (Submitted)

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Yusoff, M.Y.M. and Jaafar, J. and Mahmood, A.K. (2011) The visual wiki for the first step of KMS in community college. In: National Postgraduate Conference (NPC), 2011, 19-20 Sept. 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS.

Yusoff, Mohd Zuki and Nidal S., Kamel (2011) A Subspace Approach with Pre-whitening for Measurements of Latencies in Visual Evoked Potentials. In: the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), June 15-17, 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Yusoff, Nooryusmiza and Ramasamy , Marappagounder and Yusup, Suzana (2011) Taguchi's Parametric Design Approach for the Selection of Optimization Variables in a Refrigerated Gas Plant. [Citation Index Journal]

Yusoff, S K M and Md Said, Abas and Ismail, Idris (2011) Optimal Camera Placement for 3D Environment. In: 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering & Computer System, June 27 - 29, 2011, Kuantan. (Submitted)

Yusup, Suzana and Ahmad, Murni M and Uemura, Yoshimitsu and Ali, Razol M M and Rashid, Umer (2011) Palm Oil Utilization (Palm Waste). In: Palm Oil: Nutition, Uses and Impacts. Nova Science Publishers, USA, pp. 73-126. ISBN 978-1-61209-921-7

Yusup, Suzana and Khan, Modhar and Ahmad, Murni M and Uemura, Yoshimitsu and Rashid, Umer (2011) Basic properties of crude rubber seed oil and crude palm oil blend as a potential feedstock for biodiesel production. In: BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress of Bioenergy (WCBE 2011), 25-30 April 2011, Dalian, China.


Zahed, M.A. and Aziz, H.A. and Isa, M.H. and Mohajeri, L. and Mohajeri, S. and Kutty, S.R.M. (2011) Kinetic modeling and half life study on bioremediation of crude oil dispersed by Corexit 9500. [Citation Index Journal]

Zaid, H. M and Yahya, N. B. and Akhtar, M. N. and Kashif, M. and Daud, H. and Brahim, S. and Shafie, A. and Hanif, N. H. H. M. and Zorkepli, A. A. B (2011) ID EM modeling for onshore hydrocarbon detection using MATLAB. Journal.

Zaid , H. M. and Yahya, N. and Akhtar, M. N and Ahmad Sallehim, A.B. (2011) Synthesis and characterizations of ZnO nanoparticles for application in electromagnetic detectors. Journal. ISSN 16625250

Zainal Abidin, Azizan and Ziegler, Rosetta and Tuohi, Raija (2011) Learning Styles amongst Engineering Students in Malaysia, South Africa and Finland. In: International Conference on Engineering Education ICEE2011 , August 21-27,2011, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Zainal Abidin, Azizan (2011) Remedial Tutorials for Differential Equations. [Citation Index Journal]

Zainal Abidin, Azizan (2011) Remedial Tutorials for Differential Equations. [Citation Index Journal]

Zainal Abidin, Azizan and Saleh, Fatimah (2011) TEAM-BASED ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIO IN THE TEACHING & LEARNING OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. In: INNOVATIONS 2011 World Innovations in Engineering Education and Research. iNEER, pp. 285-296.

Zainal Abidin, Azizan and Saleh, Fatimah (2011) TEAM-BASED ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIO IN THE TEACHING & LEARNING OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. In: INNOVATIONS 2011 World Innovations in Engineering Education and Research. iNEER, U.S.A., pp. 285-296. ISBN 978-0-9818868-2-4

Zainal Abidin, Azizan and Saleh, Fatimah (2011) Team-Based Electronic Portfolio. In: International Conference on Engineering Education ICEED2011, Dec 7-8, 2011, Berjaya Time Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

Zainal Abidin, Azizan and Saleh, Fatimah (2011) Team-Based Electronic Portfolio. In: International Conference on Engineering Education ICEED2011, Dec7-8,2011, Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

Zainal Abidin, Azizan and Shafie, Afza and Barnachea, Josefina Janier and Razali, Radzuan (2011) A ‘WOMAN’S TOUCH’ IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRONIC-PORTFOLIOS FOR ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS. In: International Symposium on Advanced Engineering ISAE2011, Nov 9-12,2011, Pukyong National University, Busan, South Korea.

Zaine, Siti Nur Azella and Mastan, Ahmad Anis Kalantar and Shaik Ahmedullah, Sharizal and Mohamed, Norani Muti and Ramli, Anita and Ahmad, Ita Athirah (2011) Synthesis and Characterization of Pure Anatase TiO2 Aggregates. [Citation Index Journal]

Zaini, Dzulkarnain and Mohd Shariff, Azmi (2011) Inherent Risk Tool at Preliminary Design Stage for Inherently Safer Design Using Risk Matrix. In: United Kingdom - Malaysia Ireland Engineering Science Conference 2011 (UMIES 2011), 12-14 July, 2011, Kuala Lumpur.

Zaini, Zuraini Hanim and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah (2011) Application of Design and Learning Theories in Multimedia Courseware Development,'Li2D'. In: National Postgraduate Conference 2011 (NPC 2011), 19-20 Sept 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak, MALAYSIA.

Zaini, Dzulkarnain and Mohd Shariff, Azmi (2011) USING RISK MATRIX AS AN INHERENT RISK TOOL AT PRELIMINARY DESIGN STAGE FOR INHERENTLY SAFER DESIGN. In: National Postgraduate Conference 2011 (NPC 2011), 19-20 Sept 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak, MALAYSIA.

Zaini, Zuraini Hanim and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah (2011) Effectiveness and Usability Evaluation of ‘LI2D’ Courseware. [Citation Index Journal]

Zainuddin, Shazarin Ahmad and Azween, Abdullah and Alan, G. Downe (2011) Social Networking Sites For Learning: A Review From Vygotskian Perspective. In: 2011 International Conference on Computer Communication and Management (ICCCM2011), 02-03/05, Sydeny, Australia.

Zaman, Noor and Azween, Abdullah (2011) Position Responsive Routing Protocol (PRRP). In: International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, ICACT, Feb. 13-16, 2011.

Zamin, N. and Oxley, A. (2011) Building a Corpus-Derived Gazetteer for Named Entity Recognition. In: Software Engineering and Computer Systems: Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer.

Zhai, Gang Jun and Ma, Zhe and Teh, Hee Min and Venugopal, Vengatesan (2011) Performance analysis of a semicircular free surface ocean structure under the different water depths. In: Applied Mechanics and Materials. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, pp. 2782-2789.

Ziyada, A.K. and Man , Z. and Murugesan, T. and Bustam, M.A. and Wilfred, C.D (2011) Thennophysical properties of trihexyltetradecyl phosphonium octylsulfosuccinate ionic liquid. [Citation Index Journal]

Ziyada , A.K. and Bustam , M.A. and Murugesan , T. and Wilfred , C.D. (2011) Effect of sulfonate-based anions on the physicochemical properties of 1-alkyl-3-propanenitrile imidazolium ionic liquids. New Journal of Chemistry, 35 (5). pp. 1111-1116. ISSN 1144-0546

Ziyada , A.K. and Bustam , M.A. and Wilfred , C.D. and Murugesan , T. (2011) Densities, viscosities, and refractive indices of 1-hexyl-3-propanenitrile imidazolium ionic liquids incorporated with sulfonate-based anions. [Citation Index Journal]

Ziyada , A.K. and Wilfred, C.D. and Bustam , M.A. (2011) Synthesis and physiochemical properties of supramolecular. [Citation Index Journal]

Zubir, Ahmad Bakri and Kadir, Askury (2011) POTENTIAL USE OF BASALTIC SOIL FOR DRILLING FLUID. In: National Geoscience Conference 2011. (Submitted)

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