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Number of items: 613.

Abdalla, Izzeldin Idris Abdalla and Kondapalli, K. S. Rama Rao. and Nallagownden, N. Perumal. (2010) Harmonics mitigation and power factor correction with a modern three-phase four-leg shunt active power filter. In: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), Nov 29-Dec 1, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Mohd Azhar, Hammad Hazim and Hermana, Maman and Khairy , Hilfan and Zahir Tuan Harith, Zuhar (2010) CO2 SEQUESTRATION MONITORING & ROCK PHYSICS STUDY USING P- WAVE VELOCITY DATA & AVO ANALYSIS AT DIFFERENT BEDDING ORIENTATIONS. In: SEG Workshop 2010.

Khairy, Hilfan and Harith Zahir Tuan, Zuhar (2010) Surface Conductivity, Pore Radius Distribution and Their Effect to Electrical Dispersion: Study in Shaly Sandstones. In: ICIPEG 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Hashim, A. Sobri and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Ahmad, Rohiza (2010) MOBILE LEARNING IMPLEMENTATION: STUDENTS’PERCEPTIONS IN UTP. In: ICCESSE 2010 : "International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems Science, and Engineering", February 24-26, 2010, Pulau Pinang.


Ahyudanari, Ervina and Shafiq, Nasir and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim (2010) An Alternative Method in Evaluation Approach of Airport Pavement Performance. In: Malaysian Universities Transportation Research Forums and Conferences 2010, December 21st, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ahmed, Mirza Munir and Khamidi, M. Faris and Kutty, S.R.M. and Mohd Shariff, Azmi (2010) Analysis of Fuel Stations Hazards by Using Risk Assessment Criteria. In: International Conference on Environment 2010 (ICENV 2010), 13th - 15th December, 2010, Penang, Malaysia..

Ali, S. F. and Jaafar, J. and Malik, Aamir Saeed (2010) Proposed Technique for Aircraft Recognition in Intelligent Video Automatic Target Recognition System (IVATRs). In: International Conference on Computer Applications & Industrial Electronics (ICCAIE-2010), 5-7 December 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ali, Syed Faisal and Malik , Aamir Saeed (2010) Proposed technique for aircraft recognition in intelligent video automatic target recognition system (IVATRs). In: International Conference on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics, 5-7 December 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Abdullah, S. S and Yusup, Suzana and Ahmad, Murni M and Ramli, Anita and Ismail, Lukman (2010) Thermogravimetry study on pyrolysis of various lignocellulosic biomass for potential hydrogen production. In: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology , 18-20 December, 2010, Singapore.

Ahmad, Muneer and Azween, Abdullah and Buragga, Khalid (2010) A Better Way for Exon Identification in DNA Splicing. In: 2010 IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering & Sciences , 30/11-2/12, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ahmad, Murni M and Ali, Razol M M and Inayat, Abrar and Yusup, Suzana (2010) Potential Development of Hydrogen Production from Biomass in Malaysia. In: 1st International Chemical and Environmental Engineering Conference (ICEEC 2010), 26-28 November 2010, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ahmed, Tigabwa Y and Ahmad, Murni M (2010) Flowsheet Development and Simulation of Off Shore Carbon Dioxide Removal System at Natural Gas Reserves. In: 1st International Chemical and Environmental Engineering Conference (ICEEC 2010), 26-28 November 2010, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia.

Amran, N.N and Lau, K.K. and Mohd Shariff, Azmi and Hashim, F.M. (2010) Natural Gas Dehydration via Solid Phase Adsorbents. In: International Conference for Postgraduate Education 4 (ICPE-4-2010), 26 - 29 Nov 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ahmed, Mirza Munir and Kutty, S.R.M. and Khamidi , Mohd Faris and Mohd Shariff, Azmi (2010) Mitigation Strategies to Improve Safety Conditions at Fuel Stations. In: Second International Conference on The Roles of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Engineering, ICoHSE 2010, UniMAP Malaysia., 12 - 14 Nov. 2010, Bayview Hotel, Feringghi, Penang.

Arif, Agus and Asirvadam, Vijanth S. and Karsiti, M. N. (2010) Forward modeling of seabed logging with controlled source electromagnetic method using multilayer perceptron. In: Applied Electromagnetics (APACE), 2010 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on.

Abdullah, M. F. and Hamid , N. H. and Baharudin , Z. and Khamis, M. F. I. and Hashim, N. S. R. and Yusof, S. (2010) Investigation On High Neutral Earthing Resistor Temperature When Islanded Generator Connected To Utility Grid. In: The 9th International Power and Energy Conference, IPEC 2010 , 27-29 October 2010, Singapore.

Azmi, Nurulhuda and Hilmi, Mukhtar and Sabil, Khalik M (2010) REMOVAL OF HIGH CO2 CONTENT IN NATURAL GAS BY FORMATION OF GAS HYDRATES AS A POTENTIAL SOLUTION FOR CO2 GAS EMISSION. In: ICENV 2010, December 13-15, 2010, Penang, Malaysia.

Abdul Jamak, Abu Bakar Sedek and Mohd Ali, Razol Mahari and Salleh, Rohani (2010) THE MICRO ENTERPRISE ISSUES AND CHALLENGES OF ORANG ASLI ABORIGINES IN MALAYSIA. In: @nd International Conference on Entrepreneurship (ICE 2010), 11-12 October 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Abdollah, Norfarhana and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Patah Akhir, Emelia Akashah (2010) Design and Development Methodology of ‘Komputer Saya’: Multimedia Courseware for Slow Learners. In: 4th International Malaysian Educational Technology Convention 2010 , 26 - 29 September 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Abd Kadir, Askury and Pierson, Bernard and Tuan Harith, Zuhar Zahor and Chow, Weng Sum (2010) A wonderful slump structure at Sg Siput, Perak: Potential geosite en route for conservation. In: Third Indonesia-Malaysia Joint Conference, 6-8 October 2010, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional, Yogyakarta, Inodonesia.

Abdullah, Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim and Siraj, Saedah (2010) M-Learning Curriculum Design for Secondary School: A Needs Analysis. In: International Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education(ICOLDE 2010), June 28-30, 2010 , Paris, France.

Ahmad, Faizan and Lau, K.K. and Mohd Shariff, Azmi (2010) Removal of CO2 from Natural Gas using Membrane Process: Design, Fabrication and Parametric study. In: EMS Summer School, GKSS Research center, 29 Sept - 2 Oct 2010, Geeesthact, Germany.

Abro, Ahsanullah and Mahmood, Ahmad Kamil and Sulaiman, Suziah (2010) Investigation of Fingertip Blobs on Optical Multitouch Screen. In: ITSIM'10, 15-17June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Adi, Waskito and Sulaiman, Suziah (2010) Haptic Texture Search Engine Framework. In: ITSIM'10, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ahmad, Irshad and Sulaiman, Suziah (2010) Evaluation of Real-Time Visio-Haptic Deformable Bovine Rectal Palpation Simulator. In: ITSIM'10, 15-17June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

abro, ahsanullah and Mahmood, Ahmad Kamil and Sulaiman, Suziah (2010) Design and Implementation of Multi-Touch System Using FTIR Technique for Optimization of Finger Touch Detection. In: ITSIM'10, 15-17June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ahmad, Faizan and Lau, K.K. and Mohd Shariff, Azmi (2010) Modeling and Parametric Study for CO2/CH4 Separation using Membrane Processes. In: International conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Technology, 25 - 27 August 2010, Singapore.

Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Chelven, AK K. (2010) EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION ON A 2-D WING – GROUND COLLISION. In: World Engineering Congress 2010, Conference on Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, 2-5 August 2010, Kuching. Sarawak.

Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Salih, T. W. and Al-Ambari, A. S. S. (2010) ON THE VISCOUS VERSUS NON-VISCOUS FLOW ANALYSIS IN SUPERSONIC SPIKED INTAKES. In: World Engineering Congress 2010, conference on Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, 2-5 August 2010, Kuching. Sarawak.

Ahmad, Zubair and Ab Manan, Jamallul-Lail and Sulaiman, Suziah (2010) User Requirement Model for Federated Identities Threats. In: 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering(ICACTE) 2010, August 20-22, 2010, Chengdu, China. .

Ali Khan, M Waris and Khamidi, M. Faris and Idrus, Arazi (2010) AN EARNED VALUE MANAGEMENT (EVM) FRAMEWORK FOR THE PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT OF PFI CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS IN MALAYSIA. In: 2nd International Conference on Technology and Operations Management, 5th to 6th July 2010, Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia.

Ayoub, Mohammed Abdalla (2010) The Use of Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms for Effectively Optimizing Production from Multiphase Flow Wells. In: ICIPEG 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur. (Submitted)

Asnawi, Rustam and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and A. Rambli, Dayang R. (2010) Unifying Multimedia Player and Presentation System With Utilizing Dual-Display Feature. In: 2010 International Symposium on Information Technology, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Abd. Majid , Muhammad Azmi Adly and Wan Daud, Wan Amirfaiz and Wan Tarmizi, Wan Faizura and Elamvazuthi, I and K.M., Begam (2010) Design and Kinematic Analysis of Biped Robot. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Amir, Norlaili and Ahmad, Faiz and Megat-Yusoff, Puteri Sri Melor (2010) Study on Fiber Reinforced Epoxy-based Intumescent Coating Formulations and Their Characteristics. In: International Conference on Plant Equipment and Reliability (ICPER 2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia , 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ahmad, Faizan and Lau, Kok Keong and Mohd Shariff, Azmi (2010) Removal of CO2 from Natural Gas using Membrane Separation System: Modeling and Process Design. In: International Conference on Process Engineering and Advanced Materials, 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Awang, Azlan and Lagrange, Xavier and Ros, David (2010) Toward an Analysis of Energy Consumption in Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks. In: 3rd International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Aris, Mohd (2010) The Two-Way Training of Shape Memory Alloys Vortex Generators Manufactured in a Selective Laser Melting Process. In: International Conference on Plant Equipment and Reliability (ICPER 2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia , 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

A. Mohmmmad , Roaa and Ibrahim, Taib and Begam , Mumtaj and Belal, Abdallah (2010) A Capacitive Discrimination of Slaughtered and Non Slaughtered Sheep and Goat Meat. In: The 3rd International Conference on Intelligent & Advanced Systems 2010 (ICIAS2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Atnaw, Samson Mekbib and Sulaiman, S. A. and Yusup, Suzana (2010) A Simulation Study of Downdraft Gasification of Oil-Palm Fronds Using ASPEN PLUS. In: International Conference on Plant Equipment and Reliability (ICPER), June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Adhipta, D. and Hassan, M.F. (2010) Single and Replicated Simulations for Colored Petri Nets Nondeterministic Network. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Akbar, R. and Hassan, M.F. (2010) A Collaborative-Interaction Model of Software Project Development: An Extension to Agile Based Methodologies. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Amin, A. and Hassan, M.F. and M Ariffin , Mazeyanti (2010) Framework of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators of Knowledge Sharing: A case of Training Institutes of an Oil and Gas Company in Malaysia. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Akhbar, R. and Hassan, M.F. (2010) Limitations and Measures in Outsourcing Projects to Geographically Distributed Offshore Teams. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Adhistya, Erna and Dayang R.A. Rambli, Rohaya and Dominic P, Dhanapal Durai (2010) Forecasting Method Selection Using ANOVA and Duncan Multiple Range Tests on Time Series Dataset. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Aliza, sarlan and Rohiza, ahmad and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Dominic P, Dhanapal Durai (2010) Conceptual Information System Success Model for Small and Medium Enterprise Clinic Information System. In: ITSIM'10, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Akbar, Ibrisam and Oehlers, Deric J. and M.S., Mohamed Ali (2010) Partial and Full Interaction Behaviour of FRP Plated Steel Member. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Abd Kadir, Askury and Herman, Angga Pratama and Mohd Shariai, Aminur Rashid and George, Aaron Subash (2010) Physico-chemical behavior of carbonaceous shale at Batu Gajah, Perak: Their troubles and mitigation. In: National Geoscience Conference 2010, June 11-12, 2010, Shah Alam.

Ab Aziz, Norshakirah and Ahmad, Rohiza (2010) A Proposed Framework for E-business Supply Chain Integrator. In: ITSIM 2010, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Ahmad, Sajjad and Ahmad, Rohiza (2010) An Improved Security Framework for Data Warehouse: A Hybrid Approach. In: ITSIM'10, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ali Wagan, Asif and Munir Mughal, Bilal and Hasbullah, Halabi (2010) VANET Security Framework for Trusted Grouping Using TPM Hardware: Group Formation and Message Dissemination. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim'10), 15-17 June 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Ali Wagan, Asif and Munir Mughal, Bilal and Hasbullah, Halabi (2010) VANET Security Framework for Trusted Grouping Using TPM Hardware. In: 2nd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks 2010, 26-28 February 2010, Singapore.

Ahmed Ali Alshakhsi, Sameha and Hasbullah, Halabi (2010) Improving QoS of VoWLAN via cross-layer interaction approach. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim'10), 15-17 June 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Abdul Rahman, Mohd Saiful and Hasbullah, Halabi (2010) Early detection method of corrosion on burried pipeline. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim'10), 15-17 June 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Ahmed Soomro, Irshad and Hasbullah, Halabi and Jamalul-lail, Ab Manan (2010) User requirements model for VANET applications. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim'10), 15-17 June 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Arif, Agus and Asirvadam, Vijanth S. and Karsiti, M. N. (2010) Geophysical inversion using radial basis function. In: Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS), 2010 International Conference on.

Anwer, Jahanzeb and Khalid, Usman and Singh, Narinderjit and Hamid, Nor H. and Asirvadam, Vijanth S. (2010) Joint and marginal probability analyses of Markov Random Field networks for digital logic circuits. In: Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS), 2010 International Conference on.

Amir, Norlaili and Ahmad, Faiz and Megatt-Yusoff, P.S.M. (2010) Study on the Fibre Reinforced Epoxy-based Intumescent Coating Formulations and the Char Characteristics. In: ICPER2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Aris, M.S. (2010) The Two-Way Training of Shape Memory Alloys Vortex Generators Manufactured in a Selective Laser Melting Process. In: International Conference on Plant Equipment and Reliability (ICPER 2010) , 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia .

Al-Absi, Hamada R. H. and Sebastian, Patrick and Devaraj, Justin D.D. and Yap, Vooi Voon (2010) Vision Based Automated Parking System. In: 10th International Conference on Information Science, Signal Processing and their applications (ISSPA 2010), 10-13 May 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Ahmad, Rizwan and Zheng, Fu-Chun and Drieberg , Micheal (2010) Delay Analysis of Enhanced Relay-Enabled Distributed Coordination Function. In: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Spring, 16-19 May 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.

Akib, Afifi and Saad , Nordin and Asirvadam , Vijanth Sagayan (2010) Ensemble dual recursive learning algorithms for identifying flow with leakage. In: 6th International Colloquium on Signal Processing and Its Applications (CSPA), 2010 , Melaka.

Anwer, Janhanzeb and Khalid, Usman and Hamid, Nor Hisham and Asirvadam , Vijanth Sagayan (2010) Highly noise-tolerant design of digital logic gates using Markov Random Field modelling. In: International Conference on Electronic Computer Technology (ICECT), 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Ahmed Soomro, Irshad and Hasbullah, Halabi and Ab Manan, Jamalul-lail (2010) Denial of Service (DOS) Attack and Its Possible Solution in VANET. In: ICCESSE-WASET 2010 Conference, 26-28 May 2010, Tokyo, Japan.

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2010) Font Designing Using Generalized Ball Basis. In: Proceedings of EnCon2010 3rd Engineering Conference on Advancement in Mechanical and Manufacturing for Sustainable Environment, 14-16 APRIL 2010 , PULLMAN HOTEL, KUCHING .

Akmal , Aulia and Tham, Boon Keat and Maulut, M Saniff and Jasamai, Mazuin and El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. (2010) Mining Data from reservoir Simulation Results. In: ESTCON - ICIPEG 2010, June 15-17, 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Ahmad, Murni M and Yunus, Mohd Khairuddin and Inayat, Abrar (2010) Simulation of Gasification with In-situ Carbon Dioxide Adsorption of Empty Fruit Bunch into Hydrogen. In: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Application (CCEA 2010), 26-28 February 2010, Singapore.

Asnawi, Rustam and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and A. Rambli, Dayang R. (2010) Development of the Multipurpose Integrated Multimedia Presentation System Based on the CCM Algorithm. In: The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE2010), Singapore.

Alta'ee, Ali F. and Saaid, I. and Masoudi, R. (2010) Carbon Dioxide Injection and Asphaltene Precipitation in Light Oil Reservoirs. In: The Eleventh Mediterranean Petroleum Conference and Exhibition , 23-25 Feb 2010, Tripoli, Libya.

Ahmad, R. and Kasbon, Rozana and Mazlan, E.M. and Sarlan, A. (2010) A Framework for Personalized Multi-Device Information Communicating System. In: International Conference on Computer, Electrical & System Science & Engineering (ICCESSE 2010) , 24-26 February 2010, Penang.

Alnaimi, F. B. I. and Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. (2010) Multidimensional Minimization Training Algorithms for Steam Boiler High Temperature Superheater Trip using Artificial Intelligence Monitoring System. In: Control Automation Robotics & Vision (ICARCV), 2010 11th International Conference, 7-10 Dec. 2010, singapore.

Asfandyar , khan and Azween, Abdullah (2010) Climate Control and Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Network: A Case Study. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 ITSim, June 2010 , Kuala Lumpur.

Akbar, R. and Hassan, M.F. and Safdar, S. and Qureshi, M.A. (2010) Client’s Perspective: Realization as a New Generation Process for Software Project Development and Management. In: IEEE International Conference of Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN 2010), 28-26 Feb. 2010, Singapore.

Ahmad, iftikhar and Azween, Abdullah (2010) Evaluating Neural Network Intrusion Detection Approaches Using Analytic Hierarchy Process. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Amelia Suyono, Wiryoatmojo and Hilmi, Mukhtar and Zakaria, Man (2010) DEVELOPMENT OF POLYSULFONE-CARBON MOLECULAR SIEVES MIXED MATRIX MEMBRANES FOR CO2 REMOVAL FROM NATURAL GAS. In: International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (CBEE 2009), OCT 09-11, 2009, Singapore.

Amin , Aamir and Hassan , M. F and Ariffin,, M (2010) Theoretical Framework of the Effect of Extrinsic Rewards and Individual’s Intrinsic Attributes on Knowledge Sharing Behavior. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology (ITSIM 10).

A. Wahab, Mohamed Mubarak and Abu Bakar, Nabilah and S. A, Shah Haeqal and Vallyutham, Kalaikumar (2010) Comparative Study on Behavior of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) under Static Load at Different Loading Rates. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Abdollah, Norfarhana and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and P. Akhir, Emelia Akashah (2010) Multimedia Courseware for Slow Learners:A Preliminary Analysis. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Adhistya Erna, Permanasari and Dayang R.A. Rambli, Rohaya and Dominic P, Dhanapal Durai (2010) Forecasting of Salmonellosis Incidence in Human using Artificial Neural Network. In: ICCAE singapore 2010, Singapore.

Adhistya, Erna and Dayang R.A. Rambli, Rohaya and Dominic P, Dhanapal Durai (2010) Decision Support Conceptual Framework for Zoonosis Emerging System. In: ICCAE 2010 Bali, Bali.

Assaad, Maher (2010) Ultra low power, harsh environment SOI-CMOS design of temperature-sensor based threshold-detection and wake-up IC. In: IEEE 2010 INTERNATIONAL SOI CONFERENCE.

Anwer, Janhanzeb and Khalid, Usman and Hamid, Nor Hisham and Asirvadam , Vijanth Sagayan and Singh, Narenderjit (2010) Highly noise-tolerant design of digital logic gates using Markov Random Field modelling. In: International Conference on Electronic Computer Technology (ICECT), 2010, 7-10 May 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Akib, Afifi and Saad , Nordin and Asirvadam , Vijanth Sagayan (2010) Ensemble Dual Recursive Learning Algorithms for Identifying Custom Tanks Flow with Leakage. In: Fourth Asia International Conference on Mathematical/Analytical Modelling and Computer Simulation (AMS), 21 June 2010, Kota Kinabalu.

Ali, Sardar and Mohd Zabidi, N. A. and Duvvuri, Subbarao (2010) Effect of loading on the physicochemical properties of alumina supported Co/Mo bimetallic nanocatalysts. In: International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Sciences (ICFAS2010), 15 to 17 June 2010, Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur.

Al-Mossawy, Mohammed Idrees and Demiral, B.M.R (2010) Duration of Transient Pressure of Single- Phase Flow in Porous Media. In: 2010 International Conference on Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences, 15-17 June, 2010, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ayoub, Mohammed Abdalla and Demiral, B.M.R (2010) Development of a Universal Artificial Neural Network Model for Pressure Loss Estimation in Pipeline Systems; A comparative Study. In: 2010 International Conference on INtegrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences, 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ahmad, Rohiza and Sarlan, Aliza and Ab Maulod, Khairul Aiman and Mazlan, Eliza Mazmee and Kasbon, Rozana (2010) SMS-Based Final Exam Retrieval System on Mobile Phones. In: ITSIM'10, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ali, Sardar and Mohd Zabidi, N. A. and Subbarao, D (2010) Synthesis and characterization of γ-alumina supported cobalt and iron nanocatalysts. In: International Conference on Advancement of Materials and Nanotechnology 2010, 29 Nov-1st December 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Altag Ali, Gassan and Jeoti , Varun and Manzoor, Shahid (2010) A new Doppler Spread Estimation Algorithm Based on Zero Crossings of The Auto-correlation. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Aurangzeb , khan and Baharum, Baharudin and Khairullah, khan (2010) Efficient Feature Selection and Domain Relevance Term Weighting Method for Document Classification. In: 2010 Second International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications.

Aurangzeb , khan and Baharum, Baharudin and Khairullah, khan (2010) An Overview of E-Documents Classification. In: 2009 International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing.

Aurangzeb , khan and Baharum , Baharudin and Khairullah , khan (2010) Semantic Based Features Selection and Weighting Method for Text Classification. In: ITSIM'10, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Alemu Lemma, Tamiru and Mohd Hashim, Fakhruldin and Rangkuti, Chalillullah (2010) Fault Detection Relevant Modeling of an Industrial Gas Turbine based on Neuro-Fuzzy Approach. In: International Conference on Plant Equipment and Reliability (ICPER), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Abdul Latip, Nurul Syala and Heath, Tim and Shamsuddin, Shuhana and Liew, M. S. and Kalaikumar, V. (2010) The Contextual Integration and Sustainable Development of Kuala Lumpur’s City Centre Waterfront: An Evaluation of the Policies, Law and Guidelines. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI), part of The World Engineering, Science and Technology Congress (2010), 15 - 17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Unpublished)


Badruddin , Nasreen and Evans, Jamie and Hanly, Stephen (2010) On Optimal Power Allocation for a Class of Interference Networks. In: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 2010, GLOBECOM 2010, 6-10 Dec 2010, Miami, Florida, USA.

Bakhsh, Sheikh Tahir and Hasbullah, Halabi and Subhan, Fazli (2010) Dynamic Load Balancing through Backup Relay in Bluetooth Scatternet. In: Frontiers of Information Technology 2010 (FIT’10), 21-23 December 2010, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Brahim Belhaouari Samir, BBS (2010) automatic detection of breast masses in digital mammograms using pattern matching. In: 2010 IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering & Sciences , 30/11-2/12, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Brahim Belhaouari, samir and Ibrahima, faye and Mohamed, meselhy (2010) A Statistical Based Feature Extraction Method for Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Digital Mammogram Using Multiresolution Representation. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE AND VIDEO PROCESSING AND COMPUTER VISION.

Basri, Shuib and O’Connor, Rory V. (2010) Organizational Commitment Towards Software Process Improvement An Irish Software VSEs Case Study. In: ITSIM'10, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Baloch, M A and Ismail, Idris and Hanif, NHHM and Baloch , Taj Mohamad (2010) ANFIS Identification Model of an Advanced Process Control (APC) Pilot Plant. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Basith, A. and Matori, A.N and Harahap, I.S.H. (2010) Past landslide at Post Slim: Evaluation of its causative factors using geospatial and remote sensing data. In: International Conference on Suatainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

B, Shimekit and H., Mukhtar and S., Maitra (2010) Comparison of Predictive Models for Relative Permeability of CO2 in Matrimad-Carbon Molecular Sieve Mixed Membrane. In: . Paper presented in International Conference of chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials (ICPEAM), organized by Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), , 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Balfagih, Z. and Hassan, M.F. (2010) Agent based Monitoring Framework for SOA Applications Quality. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Bakhsh, Sheikh Tahir and Hasbullah, Halabi (2010) Dynamic Stable Relay Selection in Bluetooth Scatternet. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim'10), 15-17 June 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Brahim Belhaouari Samir, BBS (2010) introducing SKIP in transform domain distributed video coding. In: 2010 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Brahim Belhaouari Samir, BBS (2010) performance analysis of M-ary modulation techniques over nakagami-m and rician fading environment with maximal ratio combining diversity. In: 2010 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Brahim Belhaouari Samir, BBS (2010) biased random walk based routing for mobile ad hoc networks. In: 2010 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Brahim Belhaouari Samir, BBS (2010) Immune Multi Agent System for Intrusion Prevention and Self healing System Implement a Non-Linear Classification. In: 2010 International Symposium on Information Technology-system development and application and knowledge society , 15-17 june 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Brahim Belhaouari Samir, BBS (2010) Intrusion Prevention and Self-Healing Algorithms Inspired by Danger Theory. In: 2010 The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, ICCAE 2010, Singapore.

Brahim Belhaouari Samir, BBS (2010) binary pulse position modulation simulation system in free space optical communication system. In: 2010 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Brahim Belhaouari Samir, BBS (2010) curvelet based feature extraction method for breast cancer diagnosis in digital mammogram. In: 2010 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

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Chow Weng Sum, Chow and Ab Talib, Jasmi (2010) RECLAMATION OF MINED-OUT PONDS IN THE KINTA VALLEY FOR HOUSING DEVELOPMENT. In: International Conference and Exhibition on the Rehabilitation, Restoration and Transformation of Mining Land, 1 - 2 Nov 2010, Sunway, Selangor. (Submitted)

Chalabi, Aicha and Pierson, Bernard and Ab Talib, Jasmi (2010) REMOTE SENSING ANALYSIS OF RECENT CARBONATE PLATFORMS EAST OF SABAH: POTENTIAL ANALOGUES TO MIOCENE CARBONATE PLATFORMS OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA. In: Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia 2010, 18 - 21 Oct 2010, Manado, Sulawesi, Indonesia.

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Chiew, Chai Kian and Inayat, Abrar and Ahmad, Murni M (2010) Simulation of Hydrogen Production from Biomass via Pressurized Gasification using iCON. In: International Conference on Process Engineering and Advance Material (ICPEAM 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia.

C.D., Wilfred (2010) Ionic Liquids-your green solution. In: International Conference for Young Chemist, June, 2010, Penang.

C.D., Wilfred and Bustam, Azmi and Ziyada, Abu Bakr (2010) Thermophysical Properties of trihexyltetradecylphosphonium dioctylsulfosuccinate ionic liquid. In: Internation Conference of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, KL.


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Chow, W.S and Sonny Irawan, Sonny and Taufiq F Fathaddin, Taufiq (2010) The Use of Hot Springs in The Malay Peninsular. In: Word Geothermal Congress 2010, 25 - 30 April 2010, Nusa Dua Bali - Indonesia.

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Chaudhuri, M. and Elmolla, E. S. (2010) Effect of Fenton Operating Conditions on the Performance of the Combined Fenton-SBR Process for Antibiotic Wastewater Treatment. In: The 1st IWA Malaysia Young Water Professionals Conference (IWAYWP2010), 2-4 March, 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Chaudhuri, M. and Elmolla, E. S. (2010) Effect of Fenton Reaction Time on the Performance of Fenton-SBR Process for Antibiotic Wastewater Treatment. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

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Chaudhuri, M. and Azizan, N. K. B. (2010) Coconut Coir Activated Carbon ─ A Novel Adsorbent for Heavy Metal Remediation in Aqueous Environment. In: International Conference on Environment (ICENV 2010), 13-15 December, 2010, Penang, Malaysia.

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C.T, Ramanathan and Sambu Potty, Narayanan and Idrus, Arazi (2010) Component Optimisation of Multiple D&B Bridge Projects: A Case Study in Sabah, Malaysia. In: International Conference On Civil And Environmental Engineering ICCEE 2009, October 28 - October 30, Venice Italy.


Daffalla, S.B. and Mukhtar, Hilmi and Shaharun, Maizatul Shima (2010) PROPERTIES OF ACTIVATED CARBON PREPARED FROM RICE HUSK WITH CHEMICAL ACTIVATION. In: ICENV 2010, December 13-15, 2010, Penang, Malaysia.

Daud, Hanita and Yahya, Noorhana and Asirvadam , Vijanth Sagayan (2010) Development of EM Simulator for Sea Bed Logging Applications using MATLAB. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Unmanned System, 2/11/2010 - 7/11/2010, Bali Indonesia.

Daud, Hanita and Yahya, Noorhana and Mohd Sakri, Mohd Syazwan (2010) TAGGING SYSTEM FOR NEWBORN BABIES USING RFID SYSTEM (BabyTraXX). In: Conference on Engineering and Technology Education, World Engineering Congress 2010., 2nd – 5th August 2010, Sarawak, Malysia.

Daffalla, S.B. and Mukhtar, Hilmi and Shaharun, Maizatul Shima (2010) Characterization of Adsorbent Developed from Rice Husk: Effect of Surface Functional Group on Phenol Adsorption. In: 24th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers (SOMChE) and ICPEAM 2010, 15-17 June 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

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Daffalla, Samah and Mukhtar, Hilmi and M.S.Shaharun, Maizatul (2010) Characterisation of Adsorbent Developed from Rice Husk: Effect of Surface Functional Group on Phenol Adsorption. In: ICPEAM2010 , 15 - 17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Duvvuri, Subbarao (2010) A model for cluster size in risers. In: Annual Meeting of the American-Institute-of-Chemical-Engineers, NOV, 2008, Philadelphia, PA.

Daud, Hanita and Low, Tan Jung and Khalid Ali, Khalidah (2010) Development of Islamic Medication Expert System on Mobile Platform (MIMES). In: ITSIM'10, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Daud, Hanita and Yahya, Noorhana (2010) Wireless Control Mechanism for EM Source and Receiver Positioning for Offshore Applications. In: International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Sciences (ICFAS2010), 15 to 17 June 2010, Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur.

Dominic P, Dhanapal Durai and Jehangir , Khan and Alamgir , Khan and Naseebullah, R (2010) Adoption of e-commerce in malaysia and its affect on the business performance: An organizational perspective. In: ITSIM'10, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Dominic P, Dhanapal Durai and Jehangir, Khan and Alamgir, Khan (2010) Opportunities and Challenges for E-Commerce in Malaysia: A Theoretical Approach. In: ICECT 2010.

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Daud, H. and Yahya, N. and Asirvadam, V. and Talib, K. I (2010) Air waves effect on sea bed logging for shallow water application. In: 2010 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ISIEA 2010; Penang; 3 October 2010 through 5 October 2010; Category number CFP1049H-ART; Code 83634.


Esa, Ahmad Maziz and Mohd Taib, Shakirah and Nguyen , Thi Hong (2010) Prototype of Semantic Search Engine Using Ontology. In: 2010 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS 2010), December 5-7, 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Elraeis, Khaled A and Isa, M Tan (2010) Design and Application of a New Acid-Alkali-Surfactant Flooding Formulation for Malaysian reservoirs. In: SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, 18–20 October 2010, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

El-khatib, Lina Noaman and Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi and Sebastian , Patrick (2010) Camera Sensor Network Localization Using FPGA. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Elkhatib, Lina Noaman and Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi and Xia, Likun and Sebastian , Patrick (2010) An optimal design of moving objects tracking algorithm on FPGA. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Elraeis, Khaled A and Isa, M Tan and Awang, Mariyamni and Fathaddin, M.T (2010) A New Approach to Low-Cost, High Performance Chemical Flooding System. In: SPE Production and Operations Conference and Exhibition, June 8-10, Tunis.

Elsir, Mohamed Tag and Sebastian , Patrick and Yap, Vooi Voon (2010) A RTOS for Educational Purposes. In: 2010 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS2010), 15- 17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. (2010) Waterflooding Performance in Inclined Communicating Stratified Reservoirs. In: SPE North Africa Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Cairo, Egypt, 14–17 February 2010., 14 - 17 February 2010, Cairo , Egypt.

Elmolla, E. S. and Chaudhuri, M. (2010) Effect of Photo-Fenton Operating Conditions on the Performance of Photo-Fenton-SBR Process for Recalcitrant Wastewater Treatment. In: International Conference on Process Engineering and Advanced Materials (ICPEAM 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. (2010) Review of Waterflooding Performance in Stratified Reservoirs. In: ICIPEG 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. (2010) Effect of Adsorption, Dispersion and Slug Size on Chemical EOR. In: ICIPEG2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Eldemerdash, Usama and Shuhaimi , M. (2010) Technology Review of Natural Gas Liquefaction Processes. In: SOMCHE2010 / ICPEAM2010 ,, June 2010, KL, Malaysia .

Eldemerdash, Usama (2010) Adsorptive Storage of Natural Gas a Promising Alternative for Gaseous Fuel Vehicle. In: SOMCHE2010 / ICPEAM2010 , June 2010, KL, Malaysia.

Eldemerdash, Usama (2010) Technical Evaluation of Current Hydrogen Storage Technologies for Vehicles. In: ESTCON - ICPEAM 2010, June 15-17, 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Eldemerdash, Usama (2010) Towards High Performance Adsorptive Natural Gas Storage for Vehicles. In: ESTCON - ICPEAM 2010, June 15-17, 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Eldemerdash, Usama (2010) Technical evaluation for breakthrough hydrogen storage materials. In: ESTCON - ICPEAM 2010, June 15-17, 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Eldemerdash, Usama (2010) Adsorptive Natural Gas Storage for Vehicles Approach for Actual Application. In: Conference on Engineering and Meta Engineering, April 2010, , Orlando, FL 32821-8095, USA.

Eldemerdash, Usama (2010) Study on Biosorption of Heavy Metals by Modified Lignocellulosic Waste. In: ESTCON - ICPEAM 2010, June 15-17, 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.


Fazli, M.F. and Ashfaq, A. and Isa, M.H. (2010) Sustainable development – Need for protecting heritage: A case study of Coaching & Guidance Centre, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI’10), World Engineering, Science and Technology Congress (ESTCON), 15th-17th June, 2010, KLCC, Malaysia.

Farooq, H. and Zakaria, M.N. and Hassan, M.F. and Sulaiman, Suziah (2010) A Multidimensional Search Space Using Interactive Genetic Algorithm. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Fazal, E. Amin and Mahmood, Ahmad Kamil and Oxley, A. (2010) A Proposed Reusability Attribute Model for Aspect Oriented Product Line Components. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010.

Fazal, Imran and Karsiti , Mohd Noh and Zulkifli, Saiful. A. and Ibrahim, Taib and Rao, K.S. Rama (2010) Modeling and Simulation of a Moving-Coil Linear Generator. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Faye, Ibrahima and Brahim Belhaouari, Samir and Eltoukhy , Mohamed Meselhy (2010) Automatic Detection of Breat masses in digital Mammograms using pattern matching. In: Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences.

Faye, Ibrahima and Jeoti, Varun and Doma, Mustafa (2010) A Simple Approach for Text Segmentation in Images based on Curvelet Transform. In: International Conference on Intelligent Systems Modelling and Simulation.


Gasim, H.A. and Kutty, S.R.M. and Isa, M.H. (2010) Biodegradability of petroleum refinery wastewater in batch reactor. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI’10), World Engineering, Science and Technology Congress (ESTCON), 15th-17th June, 2010, KLCC, Malaysia.

Git, H. M. and Sulaiman, S. A. (2010) Measuring Service Quality of a Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Course. In: 3rd Regional Conference on Engineering Education & Research in Higher Education, 7-9 June 2010, Kuching, Malaysia.


Hashim, Ahmad Sobri and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Ahmad, Rohiza (2010) A study of design principles and requirements for the m-learning application development. In: User Science and Engineering (i-USEr), 2010 International Conference on , 13-15 Dec. 2010, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.

Habib, Noor Zainab and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Napiah, Madzlan and Mohd Tan, Isa (2010) Effect of Thermoplastic Copolymers on Microstructure and ViscoelasticBehavior of Bitumen. In: Malaysian Universities Transportation Research Forum and Conference, December 21st, 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Habib, Noor Zainab and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Napiah, Madzlan and Mohd Tan, Isa (2010) EFFECT OF THERMOPLASTIC COPOLYMERS ON MICROSTRUCTURE AND VISCOELASTIC BEHAVIOUR OF BITUMEN. In: Malaysians Universities Transportation Research Forum and Conferences 2010, December 21st, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi and Yu, Thomas Edison Chua and Yoneda, Tomokazu and Fujiwara, Hideo (2010) RedSOCs‐3D: Thermal‐safe Test Scheduling for 3D‐Stacked SoC. In: 2010 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 6-9 December, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Hermana, Maman and Harith, Zuhar Zahir Tuan (2010) A New Proposed Method to Estimate Attenuation Based on Shift Frequency Method. In: SEG Workshop "Hydrocarbon Reservoir Imaging and Characterization-Issues and Challenges in Southeast Asia", 30 November 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Hashim, Roslan and Kamali, Babak and Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa and Ismail, Zubaidah (2010) Morphological Changes in the Vicinity of Detached Breakwater at Sungai Haji Dorani, Peninsular Malaysia. In: International MIKE by DHI Conference 2010, 6-8 September 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Hussain, Nayyar and Nallagownden, Perumal and Ibrahim, Taib (2010) The Malaysia’s Energy Sector: A Modeling and Decision Aid Framework for Long Term Sustainable Energy Planning. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Renewable Energy Technologies,ICARET2010.

Hasan, Nurul (2010) Predicting The Nanoparticle Diffusion using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). In: International Conference on Process Engineering and Advanced Materials (ICPEAM 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Haza, Z.F. and Harahap, I.S.H. (2010) Simulation of mass volume fraction and velocity characteristics of submarine slide using computational fluid dynamics. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (IVSBI2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Harahap, I.S.H. and Nanak, W.P. (2010) Evaluation of dominant mode of failure of soil nail system using analytical hierarchy process. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Harahap, I.S.H. and Aini, F. (2010) On aspects of geotechnical risk assessment for hillside development. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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Hermana, Maman and Harith, Zuhar Zahir Tuan (2010) Design Model of CO2 Injection Monitoring Into Depleted Oil Reservoir Using Induced Seismicity Data. In: ICIPEG 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Habib, Noor Zainab and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Napiah, Madzlan and Mohd Tan, Isa (2010) Rheological and Morphological Analysis of Polymer Modified Bitumen. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa (2010) Influence of Navigation Channel Alignment on Sedimentation Rate – Consideration for a Sustainable Design. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa (2010) Sustainable coastal management: To keep the coast safe and natural. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Hussin, Hilmi and Hashim, F.M. and Muhammad, Masdi and Ibrahim, S.N. (2010) A systematic approach of analysing offshore maintenance data. In: The International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2010 (IMECS) , March 2010, Hong Kong.

Haza, Z,F, and Harahap, I.S.H. (2010) Numerical approach for simulation of mass movement during submarine slide. In: The First Makassar International Conference on Civil Engineering (MICCE2010), 8-9 March 2010, Makassar, Indonesia.

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Hammuzamer Irwan, Hamzah and Azween, Abdullah (2010) A Soft Computing Approach for the Memory Storage of a Sound Signal Processor. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Hastuti, Merry and Sapari, Nasiman (2010) Bioretention Systems For The Treatment of Oily Wastewater In Partially Saturated Condition. In: International Conference on Water Resources (ICWR 2009), 26-27 May 2009, Langkawi, Kedah.

Hamada , R. H. Al-Absi and Azween, Abdullah (2010) Biologically Inspired Object Recognition System. In: ITSIM'10.

Heng, G. C. and Elmolla, E. S. and Chaudhuri, M. (2010) Optimization of the Photo-Fenton Process for Removal of Chemical Oxygen Demand from Sanitary Landfill Leachate by Response Surface Methodology. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Hashim, Ahmad Sobri and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Ahmad, rohiza (2010) Architecture and UML Models of Mobile Learning Application for Course Content. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Hamid, Mohamed Ali and Demiral, Birol M R (2010) The effect of Skin Factor On Water Injectivity during WAG process. In: 2010 International Conference on Integrated Petroleum Engineering And Geoscieneces, 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Hasan, Nurul (2010) Climate Control and Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Network: A Case Study. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Hunter, A.W., (2010) Crinoid diversity from the Upper Cretaceous deeper water facies of northern Japan; Implications for the Mesozoic marine revolution. In: 7th European Conference on Echinoderms, October 2-9, 2010, Göttingen, Germany.

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Idrus, Arazi and Sambu Potty, Narayanan and Abdul Hamid, Mohd Foad and Nizamani, Zafarullah (2010) Hydrodynamic Load Models for Offshore Jacket Platforms: Comparison of API and ISO codes. In: The Asia-Pacific Offshore Conference-APOC2010, December 13-14, 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Idrus, Arazi and Sambu Potty, Narayanan and Abdul Hamid, Mohd Foad and Nizamani, Zafarullah (2010) Comparison of Foundation Strength Modelling of Jacket Platforms in API RP2A codes and ISO 19902. In: The Asia-Pacific Offshore Conference-APOC2010, December 13-14, 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Ismail, Izyani and Mat Amin, Mohd Jeffri and Mohd Shariff, Azmi (2010) Maintenance Strategies for Process Equipment. In: International Conference on Environment 2010 (ICENV 2010), 13th - 15th December, 2010, Penang, Malaysia..

Idrus, Arazi and Olanrewaju, Abdul Lateef and Khamidi, M. Faris and Abd. Rahim, Mohd Shahrin (2010) The Implementation of Value Engineering Among the Malaysian Construction Consultants. In: MiCRA 2010 – Management in Construction Researchers Association 9th Annual Conference and Meeting, 1-2 December 2010, Shah Alam.

Idrus, Arazi and Zakaria, Mohd Saiful and Muqeem, Sana (2010) Development of Production Rate Database for Construction Industry By Direct Observation: Substructure Works. In: MiCRA 2010 – Management in Construction Researchers Association 9th Annual Conference and Meeting, 1-2 Dec 2010, Shah Alam.

Isa, M.H. and Kutty, S.R.M. and Rahim, F.A. (2010) Anaerobic treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions. In: International Conference on Environment 2010 (ICENV 2010), 13th - 15th December, 2010, Penang, Malaysia..

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Idrus, Arazi and Khamidi, M. Faris and Muqeem, Sana and Zulkefly, Zairul 'Aziya (2010) Development of Production Rates Database for the Pre-cast Construction Works. In: 2010 International Conference on Construction and, Chengdu, China.

Inayat, Abrar and Ahmad, Murni M and Abdul Mutalib, M I and Yusup, Suzana (2010) Process Design of Enriched Hydrogen Gas Production from Empty Fruit Bunch via Steam Gasification with In-Situ CO2 Capture. In: AIChE Annual Meeting 2010 (AIChE 2010), 7-12 Nov 2010, Salt Lake City, UT, USA .

Idrus, Hairuzila and Azelin, Mohamed Noor and Salleh, Rohani and Mohd Hashim, Hezlina (2010) An exploratory study on intern's communicative abilities: The industrial internship experience. In: 2010 2nd International Congress On Engineering Education, 8th-9th December 2010, Sunway Lagoon Hotel & SPA, Kuala Lumpur, M'sia.

Ibrahim, Mohammad Noor and Mahamad, Saipunidzam and Chua, Edrea Ning Wei (2010) Mobile Learning: An Application Prototype for AVL Tree Learning Object. In: International Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies 2010, 27-28 October 2010, Chengdu, China..

Iwan, Awaludin and Rosdiazli , Ibrahim and K. , S. Rama Rao. (2010) Conventional ARX and Artificial Neural Networks ARX Models for Prediction of Oil Consumption in Malaysia. In: 2009. IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications,ISIEA 2009. , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Inayat, Abrar and Ahmad, Murni M and Abdul Mutalib, M I and Yusup, Suzana (2010) Flowsheet Development and Modelling of Hydrogen Production from Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) via Steam Gasification. In: 13th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES 2010), 28 Aug-1 Sep 2010, Prague, Czech Republic.

Isa, M.H. and Kutty, S.R.M. and Hussin, S.R.M. and Daud, N.H. and Malakahmad, A. (2010) Cadmium (Cd) removal from aqueous solution using microwave incinerated rice husk ash (MIRHA). In: Conference on Natural Resources and Green Technology, World Engineering Congress 2010, 2nd-5th August, 2010, Kuching, Sarawak.

Inayat, Abrar and Ahmad, Murni M and Abdul Mutalib, M I and Yusup, Suzana (2010) Flowsheet Modelling of Biomass Steam Gasification System with CO2 Capture for Hydrogen Production. In: International Conference on Advances in Renewable Energy Technologies (ICARET 2010), 6-7 July 2010, Putrajaya, Malaysia .

Iffa, Emishaw D. and Aziz, A. Rashid A. and Malik, Aamir S. (2010) 3D Time Resolved Temperature and Concentration Measurement Using Background Oriented Schlieren Technique. In: 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization (ISFV14), 21-24 June 2010, Daegu, Korea.

Isa, M.H. and Halim, A.G.A. and Kutty, S.R.M. and Malakahmad, A. (2010) Electrochemical generation of free available chlorine in continuous flow process. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI’10), World Engineering, Science and Technology Congress (ESTCON), 15th-17th June, 2010, KLCC, Malaysia.

Inayat, Abrar and Ahmad, Murni M and Abdul Mutalib, M I and Yusup, Suzana (2010) Effect of Process Parameters on Hydrogen Production and Efficiency in Biomass Steam Gasification with in-situ CO2 Capture. In: International Conference on Process Engineering and Advance Material (ICPEAM 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia.

Idrus, Arazi and Amer, Azzuin and Utomo, Christiono (2010) A Study of Negotiation Styles in Malaysian Construction Industry. In: 2010 International Conference, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Iffa, Emishaw and Azia, A. Rashid and Malik, Aamir Saeed (2010) 3D Time Resolved Temperature and concentration Measurement using Background Oriented Quantitative Schlieren Technique. In: 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization , June 21-24, 2010, Daegu, South Korea .

Ishaq, Oyefolahan and Dominic P, Dhanapal Durai (2010) Conceptualization of the Antecedents and Impacts of KMS Utilization: A preliminary framework. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Imran, Muhammad and Mohamed , Younis and Md Said, Abas and Hasbullah, Halabi (2010) Volunteer-instigated Connectivity Restoration algorithm for Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks. In: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Information Security (WCNIS-2010), 25-27 June 2010, Beijing, China.

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Idrus, Arazi and Utomo, Christiono (2010) Functionality of Negotiation Agent on Value-based Design Decision. In: WASET Conference No. 63, 29-31 March 2010, Rio de Janeiro.

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I., Ahmad and Azween, Abdullah and Alghamdi, Abdullah (2010) comparative Analysis of Intrusion Detection Approaches. In: 12th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation (UKSim), 2010 , 24-26 March 2010 , u.k.

Ibrahim, Rabiu and Oxley, Alan (2010) Proposed Development Methodology for Higher Education and Library Mash-ups. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010.

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Iftikhar , Ahmad and Azween, Abdullah and Abdullah , S. Alghamdi (2010) Applying Neural Network to U2R Attacks. In: 2010 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA 2010) , 3-6/10, Penang, Malaysia.

Iftikhar, Ahmad and Azween, Abdullah and Abdullah , S. Alghamdi (2010) Remote to Local Attack Detection Using Supervised Neural Network. In: The 5th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, 8-11/11, London, UK.


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Jeoti , Varun (2010) A New ZCT Precoded OFDM System with Improved PAPR. In: Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 6 - 9 Dec 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Jeoti , Varun (2010) A New ZCT Precoding Based SLM Technique for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems. In: Asia Pacific Conf. on Circuits and Systems , 6-9 December 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Jeoti , Varun (2010) DCT Precoded SLM Technique for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Jeoti , Varun (2010) PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems: Zadoff-Chu Matrix Transform Based Pre/Post-Coding Techniques. In: International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks.

Jaafar, A and Escudier, Marcel and Poole, Robert (2010) Transition to turbulence in a concentric annular pipe. In: The 6th Annual European Rheology Conference, 7 - 9 April 2010, Sweden.

Jaafar, J. and Danyaro , K. U. and De Lara , R. A. and Alan, G. Downe (2010) An Evaluation of the Usage of Web 2.0 among Tertiary Level Students in Malaysia. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim 2010), Kuala Lumpur.

Jaafar, J. and Mohamed, H. and Razali, H. (2010) Design and Development of Architectural Model Darul Ridzuan Museum. In: International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (ICCSE 2010), 24-26 Feb 2010, Penang, Malaysia.

Jaafar, J. and McKenzie, E. (2010) Dempster-Shafer's Approach for Autonomous Virtual Agent Navigation in Virtual Environments. In: International Conference on Computational Intelligent Systems Engineering (ICCISE2010).

Jaafar, Azuraien and Escudier, Marcel and Poole, Robert (2010) Transition to turbulence in a concentric annular pipe. In: The 6th Annual European Rheology Conference, 7 - 9 April 2010, Sweden.

Jaafar, Azuraien and Poole, Robert (2010) Drag reduction of biopolymer flows. In: The 2nd International Conference on Plant Equipment and Reliability, June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Jeoti , Varun (2010) The Evaluation of Cyclostationarity-Based Spectrum Sensing in Multipath Fading Channel. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Jeoti , Varun (2010) Cyclostationary Feature Based Multiresolution Spectrum Sensing Approach for DVB-T and Wireless Microphone Signals. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Jeoti , Varun (2010) Bluetooth Compatible Wideband Sierpinski Patch Antenna and Receiving Front End for TV Reception in Vehicles. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Jeoti , Varun (2010) A Blind Watermarking Scheme Using Bitplane of DC Component for JPEG Compressed Images. In: International Conference on Emerging Technologies.

Jeoti , Varun (2010) The Effects of HPA on OFDM System Based on Dual – Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DT. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Jeoti , Varun (2010) PAPR Analysis of DHT-Precoded OFDM System for M-QAM. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Jeoti , Varun (2010) Speed and Angle Estimation of Mobile Terminal in Distributed Antenna Systems. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Jamil, A. and Yusoff, M. Z and Yahya, N. (2010) Current issues and challenges of MIMO antenna designs. In: 2010 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems, ICIAS 2010; Kuala Lumpur; 15 June 2010 through 17 June 2010; Code 84196.

Jamil, A. and Yusoff, M. Z and Yahya, N. (2010) Small Koch fractal antennas for wireless local area network. In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems 2010, ICCS 2010; Singapore; 17 November 2010 through 19 November 2010; Category number CFP10806-ART; Code .

Jaafar, A and Poole, Robert (2010) Drag reduction of biopolymer flows. In: The 2nd International Conference on Plant Equipment and Reliability, June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Napiah, Madzlan (2010) The Effect of Fine Aggregate Properties on The Rutting Behaviorof The Conventional and Polynmer Modified Bituminous Mixtures using Two Types of Sands as Fine Aggregate. In: Malaysians Universities Transportation Research Forum and Conferences 2010, December 21st, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Napiah, Madzlan and Gasm, Yasreen (2010) THE EFFECT OF FINE AGGREGATE PROPERTIES ON THE RUTTING BEHAVIOR OF THE CONVENTIONAL AND POLYMER MODIFIED BITUMINOUS MIXTURES USING TWO TYPES OF SAND AS FINE AGGREGATE. In: Malaysian Universities Transportation Research Forum and Conference, December 21st, 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Khan, Muhammad Imran and Jeoti , Varun and Malik , Aamir Saeed (2010) Designing a Joint Perceptual Encryption and Blind Watermarking Scheme Compliant with JPEG Compression Standard. In: 2010 International Conference on Computer Applications & Industrial Electronics (ICCAIE 2010), 5-7 December 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Khalid, U. and Anwer, J. and Singh, N. and Hamid, N.H. and Asirvadam, V.S. (2010) Computation and analysis of output error probability for C17 benchmark circuit using bayesian networks error modeling. In: Research and Development (SCOReD), 2010 IEEE Student Conference on.

Kamaruddin, Ibrahim (2010) Moisture Damage in Fibre Reinforced Bituminous Road Materials. In: Conference of The ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organisation 2010, November 30th - December 2nd, 2010, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Kamaruddin, Ibrahim (2010) Fatigue Behavior of Fibre Reinforced Bituminous Mixturesfrom Indirect Tensile Fatigue Test. In: Conference of The ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organisation, 30 November - 2 December, 2010, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Kurian, V.J. and Mohammad, N.A. and Hashim, F.M. (2010) Effect of Pretension on Triangular Tension Leg Platform (TLP) Responses. In: International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM 2010), 29 Nov - 2 December 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

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Khamis, M. F. I. and Baharudin , Z. and Hamid , N. H. and Abdullah, M. F. and Md Yunus, S. S. (2010) Electricity Forecasting for Small Scale Power System using Fuzzy Logic. In: The 9th International Power and Energy Conference, IPEC 2010 , 27-29 October 2010, Singapore.

Kurian, V.J. and Ng , C.Y. and Yassir, M.E.A. (2010) RESPONSE OF SEMI-SUBMERSIBLE PLATFORM BY MORISON EQUATION AND DIFFRACTION THEORY. In: World Engineering Congress 2010, 2-5 August 2010, Kuching. Sarawak.

Kalaikumar, V. and Kurian, V.J. and Narayanan,, S.P and Shahir Liew, Mohd and Nabilah , A.B. (2010) PREDICTION OF BUCKLING LOAD OF STEEL RACKING FRAME USING NON DESTRUCTIVE METHOD. In: International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures, July 2010, Sydney.

Koh, Minghao and Ellis, Grant and Teoh, Chin Soon (2010) Effects of Output Low Impedance Termination to Linearity of GaAs HBT Power Amplifier. In: The 3rd International Conference on Intelligent & Advanced Systems 2010 (ICIAS2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Kuna Segaran, Vrejenan and Kalaikumar, V. and Khamidi, M. Faris and Husna , Takaijudin (2010) Case Study of Concurrent Engineering in Stadium Construction. In: ICSBI 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

K., S. Rama Rao. and Chew, Choon-keat (2010) Simulation and design of A DC-DC synchronous converter by intelligent optimization techniques. In: 2010 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Napiah, Madzlan and Rizkiyantoro, P (2010) PERMANENT DEFORMATION OF BITUMINOUS MIXTURES INCORPORATING HYDRATED LIME (HL) AND ORDINARY PORTLAND CEMENT (OPC) AS FILLER MATERIAL. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Napiah, Madzlan (2010) Moisture Damage in Fibre Reinforced Bituminous Road Materials. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Kurian, V.J. and Ganapathy, C. (2010) Monopile Foundations for Offshore Wind Turbines. In: ICSBI 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Kurian, V.J. and Yassir, M.E.A. and Harahap, I.S.H. (2010) Nonlinear Coupled Dynamic Response of a Semi-submersible Platform. In: 20th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-2010, 20-25 June 2010, Beijing.

Khalil, M.A.T. and P.D.D., Dominic and Hassan, M.F. (2010) Decision Support System Framework for Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Kamarudin , Shehabuddeen and Fakhruldin, Bin Mohd Hashim (2010) Design of a Vertical Self-balancing Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. In: ICPER 2010.

Khamidi, M. Faris and Khalid, A'zie Syazwani and Rahardjati, Retno and Idrus, Arazi (2010) Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Energy Retrofitting: Turning Challenges into Opportunities. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure 2010 (ICSBI2010), 15 ~ 17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Khamidi, M. Faris and Olanrewaju, Abdul Lateef and Idrus, Arazi (2010) Development of a value maintenance management model for Malaysian university campuses. In: CIB World Congress 2010, 13th to 16th May 2010, Salford, Manchester, UK.

Kurian, V.J. and Ng , C.Y. and Montasir,, O.A.A and Muhammed , M.A.W. (2010) Response of Classic Spar by Morison Equation and Diffraction Theory. In: Offshore Asia 2010, 16-18 March 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Khan, T. and Chaudhuri, M. (2010) Adsorptive Removal of Disperse Red 343 from Aqueous Solution by Coconut Coir Activated Carbon. In: The 1st IWA Malaysia Young Water Professional Conferencre (IWAYWP2010), 2-4 March, 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

K.M., Sabil and Nadia , Oujamma and Witkamp, Geert-Jan and Peters, Cor J. and Bruining, Johannes M (2010) Hydrate-Aqueous Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium (H-LW-V) for binary CO2/H2 Mixture in Aqueous Solutions of Water and Tetrahydrofuran. In: the 2010 International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applications, 26-28 February 2010, Singapore.

Khor, C. S. (2010) An MILP approach with extensive logic cuts for the optimal design of petroleum refinery configuration. In: Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design (FOCAPD) 2009.

Khan, T. and Chaudhuri, M. (2010) Batch Study on Adsorption of Direct Red 105 from Aqueous Solution by Coconut Coir Activated carbon. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Kalid , Khairul Shafee (2010) The Challenges in Transferring Technical Knowledge: A Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Study. In: ITSIM'10, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Khamaruddin, P.F. and Ramli, R.M. and Omar, A.Aziz and Dutta, B.K. (2010) Fenton’s reagents dosing effect on treatment efficiency of Diisopropanolamine contaminated wastewater. In: Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applications.

Khairy , Hilfan and Harith, Zuhar Zahir Tuan (2010) Surface Conductivity, Pore Radius Distribution and Their Effect to Electrical Dispersion: Study in Shaly Sandstones. In: ICIPEG 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.


Lai, Fong Woon and A. Samad, Fazilah (2010) Enterprise Risk Management Framework and The Empirical Determinants of Its Implementation. In: 2010 International Conference on Information and Finance, 26-28, November 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Lai, Fong Woon (2010) Value maximization determinants of enterprise risk management implementation: a Malaysian evidence. In: International (Summer) Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation & Technology Management,.

Latif, N.A. and Hassan, M.F. (2010) Development of Simulation Environment for Agent Interaction Protocol. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Lai, Fong Woon and Azizan, N. A. and Samad,, M. F (2010) A Conceptual Framework for Value Enhancing Enterprise Risk Management. In: Intellectbase International Consortium peer-reviewed conference proceedings, March 8-9, 2010, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

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Mirza, Munir and Khamidi, M. Faris and Kutty, S.R.M. and Azmi , Mohd Shariff (2010) ANALYSIS OF FUEL STATIONS HAZARDS BY USING RISK ASSESSMENT CRITERIA. In: International Conference on Environment 2010 (ICENV 2010), 13-15 December, 2010, Batu Ferringgi, Penang, Malaysia.

Mobashar, Rehman and Mahmood, Ahmad Kamil and Salleh, Rohani and Amin , Aamir (2010) Review of Factors Affecting Knowledge Sharing Behavior. In: 2011 2nd International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics - ICEME 2010, 28 - 30 December, 2010, HongKong, China.

Md Zainudin, noorfadzilah and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Goh , Kim Nee (2010) Designing e-commerce user interface. In: User Science and Engineering (i-USEr), 2010 International Conference on , 13-15 Dec 2010, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.

Montasir, O. A. A and Kurian , V.J. (2010) Effect of Adding Mooring Lines to the Truss Spar Platform. In: Asia Pacific Offshore Conference 2010 (APOC 2010), 13-14 December 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Mohyaldinn, Mysara Eissa and El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. and Ismail, Mokhtar C (2010) A Computational Model for Simulation of CO2 Corrosion Rate along Pipelines. In: 3rd International Conference on Solid State Science & Technology ICSSST2010, December 01 - 03, 2010, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Mohamed, Mohamed, K.H and Kondapalli, Rama Rao. K. S. (2010) Intelligent Optimization Techniques for Optimal Power Flow using Interline Power Flow Controller. In: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon 2010), , Kuala Lumpur.

Montasir,, O.A.A and Kurian, V.J. (2010) Effect of Adding Mooring Lines to the Truss Spar Platform. In: Asia Pacific Offshore Conference 2010 (APOC 2010), 13-14 December 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Mohyaldinn, Mysara Eissa and El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. and Che Ismail, Mokhtar (2010) A Computational Tool for Erosion/Corrosion Prediction in Oil/Gas Production Facilities. In: 3rd International Conference on Solid State Science and Technology 2010 (ICSSST2010), 01-03 December 2010, Kuching, Sarawak, Maklaysia.

Mohd Razmi, S. and Saad , Nordin and Asirvadam , Vijanth Sagayan (2010) Vision-based flame detection: Motion detection amp; fire analysis. In: Research and Development (SCOReD), 2010 IEEE Student Conference on, 13-14 December 2010, Putrajaya.

Muhammad, Imran and Md Said, Abas and Hasbullah, Halabi and Younis, Mohammed (2010) Partitioning detection and connectivity restoration algorithm for WSAN. In: 8th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC-2010), 11-13 December 2010, Hong Kong, SAR.

M.K.A., Ahamed Khan and Elamvazuthi, I and M, Amudha and Sinnadurai, Rajendran (2010) The Role of Medical Robotics in Elderly Care. In: International Conference on Advancement in Science and Technology (IIUM-iCAST 2010), 26-29 November 2010, Kuantan.

Murshid, Ghulam and Mohd Shariff, Azmi and Lau, Kok Keong and Bustam, Mohamad Azmi and Ahmad, Faizan (2010) Evaluation of Physical Properties of Piperazine (PZ), PZ Activated Aqueous 2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP + PZ) for CO2 Removal from Hydrocarbon Streams. In: International Conference on Chemical and Environmental Engineering (ICEEC 2010), 26 - 28 November 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Mohd Shariff, Azmi and Norazahar, Norafneeza (2010) At-Risk Behaviour Analysis and Improvement Study in Chemical Engineering Laboratories. In: International Chemical and Environmental Engineering Conference (ICEEC 2010), 26 - 28 November 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Mirza, Munir and Kutty, S.R.M. and Khamidi, M. Faris and Azmi , Mohd Shariff (2010) MITIGATION STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE SAFETY CONDITIONS AT FUEL STATIONS. In: International Conference on The Roles of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Engineering, ICoHSE , 12-14 Nov 2010, Penang, MALAYSIA.

Malik, Aamir F and Iqbal, Asif and Burhanudin, Zainal Arif (2010) Design and Simulation of SAW Delay Lines for Corrosion Detection. In: International Conference on Electronic Devices, Systems & Applications (ICEDSA 2011), April 25-27, 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Muhammad , Ayaz and Azween, Abdullah and Ibrahima, Faye (2010) Hop-by-Hop Reliable Data Deliveries for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks. In: Broadband, Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA), 2010, 2010, Fukuoka, Japan.

Mohd Zain, Asna and Mahmud, Hilmi and Shaaban, Mg Ghazaly (2010) Petroleum Sludge Stabilization and Solidification - An Alternative Treatment Using Ordinary Portland Cement and Rice Husk Ash. In: Int Conference on Biological, Chemical and Environmental Eng., 2-4 Nov 2010, Egypt.

Mirza, Munir and Kutty, S.R.M. and Khamidi, M. Faris and Shariff, Azmi Mohd (2010) MITIGATION STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE SAFETY CONDITIONS AT FUEL STATIONS. In: Second International Conference on The Roles of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Engineering, ICoHSE 2010, UniMAP Malaysia., 12 - 14 Nov. 2010, Bayview Hotel, Feringghi, Penang.

Mohd Nazlee, Anas and Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi and Zain Ali, Noohul Basheer (2010) Serpent encryption algorithm implementation on Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA). In: IEEE Student Conference On Research and Development (SCOReD 2009), 16-18 November 2009, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia..

Mohd Nazlee, Anas and Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi and Zain Ali, Noohul Basheer (2010) Serpent encryption algorithm implementation on Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA). In: IEEE Student Conference On Research and Development (SCOReD 2009), 16-18 November 2009, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia..

Mirza, Munir and Kutty, S.R.M. and Khamidi, M. Faris and Azmi , Mohd Shariff (2010) MITIGATION STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE SAFETY CONDITIONS AT FUEL STATIONS. In: Second International Conference on The Roles of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Engineering, ICoHSE 2010, UniMAP Malaysia., 12 - 14 Nov. 2010, Bayview Hotel, Feringghi, Penang.

Mahamad, Saipunidzam and Mohd Taib, Shakirah and Ibrahim, Mohammad Noor (2010) Analyzing Speed Accuracy Trade-off in Control Movement Mechanism with Error Enforcement. In: International Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies 2010, 27-28 October 2010, Chengdu, China.

Mazlan, Eliza Mazmee and Ahmad, Rohiza and Kasbon, Rozana (2010) Hierarchical (Taxonomical) Approach for Handling External Documents in a Database System. In: World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2010 , San Francisco, USA.

Muhammad , Ayaz and Azween, Abdullah (2010) Temporary cluster based routing for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks. In: Information Technology (ITSim), 2010 International Symposium in .

Mahmood, Salman and Burhanudin, Zainal Arif and Hamid, Nor Hisham (2010) Simulation of Electron Densities and Breakdown Voltages in Argon-Filled Cylindrical Electrodes. In: 2010 International Conference on Electronic Devices, Systems & Applications, 11 - 13 April 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Malik, Aamir Saeed (2010) Selection of Window Size for Focus Measure Processing. In: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, 1-2 July, 2010, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Matori, A.N and HIDZIR, Hazwani (2010) Low Cost DTM for Certain Engineering Purposes. In: MapAsia 2010.

Mohd Azman, Abdul Latif and Zain Ali, Noohul Basheer and Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi (2010) A Case Study for Reliability-Aware in SoC Analog Circuit Design. In: Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS), 2010 International Conference on , 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Md Sallah, Siti Sarah and Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi and Yusoff, Mohd Zuki (2010) Shape-based Road Sign Detection and Recognition for Embedded Application Using MATLAB. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (In Press)

Malakahmad, A. and Za’im Zaki, C.M.N. and Kutty, S.R.M. and Isa, M.H. (2010) Solid waste characterization and recycling potential for Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) academic buildings. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI’10), World Engineering, Science and Technology Congress (ESTCON), 15th-17th June, 2010, KLCC, Malaysia.

Mohamed , M.A.W. and Nabilah , A.B. and Shah Haeqal, S.A. and Kalaikumar, V. (2010) Comparative Study on Behavior of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) under Dynamic Loading at Different Loading Ranges. In: ICSBI 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Md Zainudin, Noorfadzilah and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Goh , Kim Nee (2010) Evaluating C2C e-commerce Website usability in Malaysia from users ' perspective: A case study. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Muhd Zain, Muhammad Luqman and Elamvazuthi, I and K.M., Begam (2010) Comparative Analysis of Filtering Techniquesfor Ultrasound Images of Bone Fracture. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

M. Osman, Zahraa Elhassan and Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi and Zain Ali, Noohul Basheer (2010) Hardware Implementation of an Optimized Processor Architecture for SOBEL Image Edge Detection Operator. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Mohamed , Khalid. H and K., S. Rama Rao. and Khairul , Nisak Bt Md. Hasan (2010) Application of particle swarm optimization and its variants to Interline Power Flow Controllers and optimal power flow. In: 2010 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Mohd Zain, Asna and Shaaban, Md Ghazaly and Mahmud, Hilmi (2010) Petroleum Sludge Stabilization and Solidification by Ordinary Portland Cement. In: Int Conference on Process Eng & Adv Material, World Eng., Sc & Tech Congress, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.


Montasir,, O.A.A and Kurian, V.J. and Mohamed , M.A.W. (2010) Effect of Mooring Line Damage on the Responses of Truss Spar Platforms. In: ICSBI 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Moni, M. N. Z. and Sulaiman, S. A. (2010) A Preliminary Study on Synthesis Gas Produced by Gasification of Oil Palm Fronds. In: International Conference on Plant Equipment and Reliability (ICPER), June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Malik , Aamir Saeed (2010) An Algorithm for Vehicle Detection and Tracking. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems , 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Mohamed, K.H. and K., S. Rama Rao, . and Mohamed, K.N.B.M. (2010) Optimal parameters of interline power flow controller using particle swarm optimization. In: 2010 IEEE International Symposium on inInformation Technology (ITSim), , Jun 15-17, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Mohammad, Abdi and Dominic P, Dhanapal Durai (2010) Strategic IT Alignment with Business Strategy: Service Oriented Architecture Approach. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

M. Ibrahim, N. and Hassan, M.F. (2010) A Survey on Different Interoperability Frameworks of SOA Systems Towards Seamless Interoperability. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Mat Using, Siti Noradlina and Ahmad, Rohiza and Mohd Taib, Shakirah (2010) Ontology of Programming Resources for Semantic Searching of Programming Related Materials on the Web. In: ITSIM'10, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Mat Saei, Siti Nur Syazana and Sulaiman, Suziah and Hasbullah, Halabi (2010) Mental model of blind users to assist designer in system development. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim'10), 15-17 June 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Munir Mughal, Bilal and Ali Wagan, Asif and Hasbullah, Halabi (2010) Efficient congestion control in VANET for safety messaging. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim'10), 15-17 June 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Muhammad, Imran and Md Said, Abas and Hasbullah, Halabi (2010) A survey of simulators, emulatots and testbeds for Wireless Sensor Network. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim'10), 15-17 June 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Mohd Ramli, Sharifah Suhaila and Hasbullah, Halabi (2010) An improved inquiry procedure in device discovery Bluetooth network. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim'10), 15-17 June 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Mohd Nuri, Nur Diana and Hasbullah, Halabi (2010) Strategy for efficient routing in VANET. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim'10), 15-17 June 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

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M.A.C., Bhakti and Azween, Abdullah (2010) Towards an Autonomic Service Oriented Architecture in Computational Engineering Framework. In: International Conference on Information Science, Signal Processing and their Applications (ISSPA 2010), kuala lumpur.

M, Nasir, Nor Aziyan and Mohd Zabidi, N. A. and Chong, Fai Kait and Tasfy, S. H. (2010) Characterization of Silica-Supported Iron Nanocatalyst Prepared by Modified Colloidal Method and Wet Impregnation Method. In: 3rd Engineering Confererence on Advancement in Mechanical and Manufacturing, 14-16 April, 2010, Sarawak.

M. Osman, Zahraa Elhassan and Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi and Zain Ali, Noohul Basheer (2010) Optimization of Processor Architecture for Image Edge Detection Filter. In: 12th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (UMSim), 24-26 March 2010, Cambdridge, UK.

Muhd Zain, Muhammad Luqman and Elamvazuthi, I and K.M., Begam (2010) Non-Invasive Ultrasound Image Processing For Biomedical Applications. In: National Postgraduate Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (NPC2009), 23-24 March, 2009, Tronoh, Malaysia.

M Ariffin , Mazeyanti and Haron @ Baharon, Nazleeni Samiha and Che Muda, Mohd Izad (2010) Using Simulation Game As An Alternative Mechanism to Transfer Knowledge Among The Knowledge Workers. In: international conference on Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management CAMP 10, 16-18 March 2010.

Montasir,, O.A.A and Kurian, V.J. (2010) Time Domain and Frequency Domain Analysis for Truss Spar Platform. In: Offshore Asia 2010, 16-18 March 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Malik, Aamir Saeed (2010) Pre-Processing for noise reduction in depth estimation. In: International Conference on Digital Image Processing, 26-28 February, Singapore.

Md Khir, Mohd Haris and Qu, Hongwei (2010) A CMOS-MEMS Nano-Newton Force Sensor for Biomedical Applications. In: Proceedings of the 2010 5th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, January 20-23, Xiamen, China.

Md Khir, Mohd Haris and Qu, Hongwei (2010) A CMOS-MEMS Piezoresistive Accelerometer with Large Proof Mass. In: Proceedings of the 2010 5th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, January 20-23, Xiamen, China.

Mahamat Issa , Hassan and Azween, Abdullah (2010) Semantic-Based Scalable Decentralized Resource Discovery. In: National Post Graduate conference.

M.A.C., Bhakti and Azween, Abdullah and Low, Tan Jung (2010) Autonomic, Self-Organizing Services-Oriented Architecture in Service Ecosystem. In: IEEE DEST 2010, Dubai UAE, April 2010.

M.A.C., Bhakti and Azween, Abdullah (2010) Nature-Inspired Self Organizing Service Oriented Architecture : A Proposal. In: International Conference on Information Technology in Asia (CITA 2009), Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, July 2009.

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Mahamat Issa , Hassan and Azween, Abdullah (2010) Semantic-Based Grid Resource Discovery Systems. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Muhammad, Ayaz and Azween, Abdullah (2010) Dynamic Cluster Based Routing for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Mohd Nor, Nursyarizal and Jegatheesan, Ramiah (2010) Application Of Modified Covariance Method in State Estimation. In: The 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEENG 2008), May 2008, Cairo.

Mohammad, Jehangir Khan and Dominic P, Dhanapal Durai and Alan, G. Downe and Alamgir , Khan (2010) Human Resources Impact on Business Performance: An E-commerce Capability Approach. In: 2010 International Conference on Intelligence and Information Technology ICIIT2010.

Malakahmad, Dr, Amirhossein, Dr and hilmin, normadinah and Matori, A.N (2010) Structural and Non-Structural Management of Carcinogenic Wastewater Factors in a Sewage Treatment Plant. In: 5th International APOCP Conference, Istanbul.

M.A.C., Bhakti and Azween, Abdullah (2010) Design of an Autonomic Services Oriented Architecture. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Muna, Elsadig and Azween, Abdullah (2010) Hybrid Biological Intrusion Prevention and Selfhealing System for Network Security. In: National Post Graduate conference, UTP.

Muna, Elsadig and Azween, Abdullah (2010) Intrusion Prevention and Self-Healing Algorithms Inspired by Danger Theory. In: 2010 The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, ICCAE 2010, Singapore.

Muna, Elsadig and Azween, Abdullah (2010) Biological Intrusion Prevention and Self-Healing Model for Network Security. In: International Conference on Computer and Network Technology .

Md Rais, Helmi and Ali Othman, Zulaiha and Hamdan, Abdul Razak (2010) Suitability Factor on the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. In: The 4th International Symposium on Information Technology (ITSim 2010).

Md Rais, Helmi and Ali Othman, Zulaiha and Hamdan, Abdul Razak (2010) Applying DACS3 in the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. In: The 7th International Conference on Informatics and Systems (INFOS 2010).

Muna, Elsadig and Azween, Abdullah and Samir, B. B. (2010) Immune Multi Agent System for Intrusion Prevention and Self healing System Implement a Non-Linear Classification. In: The 4th International Symposium on Information Technology (ITSim 2010), 15-17/06/2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Mohd Nor, Nursyarizal and Jegatheesan, Ramiah (2010) State Estimation using constructed Jacobian (SECJ) Embedded with UPFC. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS2010).

M Ariffin , Mazeyanti and Alan, G. Downe and Abd Aziz, Irzan Ashraf (2010) Developing a Simulation Game to Facilitate the Acquisition and Transfer of Road Safety Knowledge. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010.

Majidaie, Saeed and Isa, M Tan and Demiral, B.M.R (2010) Review of ASP Flooding. In: 2010 International Conference on Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Musa, Sami A and Awang, Mariyamni and Demiral, B.M.R (2010) Development of a Mathematical Model for Heavy Oil Recovery using Heat Assisted WAG with Chemical Additives. In: 2010 International Conference on Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences, 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Mustakimah, M and Yusup, Suzana (2010) Decomposition study of calcium carbonate in cockle shell. In: World Engineering Congress 2010, 2nd -5th August, 2010, Kuching, Sarawak, .

Mazlan, Eliza Mazmee and Rahman, Shazana and Ahmad, Rohiza and Kasbon, Rozana (2010) Development of a Manufacturing Industry Success Rate Analyzer Using Data Mining Technique. In: ITSIM'10, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Mezgebe, Tedros and Wan Yusoff, Wan Ismail (2010) SOURCE ROCK DELINEATION AND THERMAL MATURITY IN TATUA PROVINCE, OFFSHORE SARAWAK BASIN. In: AAPG 2010 Anual Convention and Exhibition, Calagary.

Muhamad Amin , Anang Hudaya and Khan, Asad I. (2010) A Divide-and-Distribute Approach to Single-Cycle Learning HGN Network for Pattern Recognition. In: 11th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics, and Vision (ICARCV) 2010, 7th - 10th December 2010, Singapore.

Maizatul, S. Sharun and Hilmi, Mukhtar and Zakaria, Man and Binaty, K. Dutta (2010) Selectively of Rhodium-catalyzed Hydroformylation of 1-Octene in Thermomorphic Solvent System. In: International Conference Fundamental and Applied Science, Journal of Applied Sciences (ICFAS), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.


Napiah, Madzlan and Yaakub, Noorfakhriah (2010) PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ON RELIABILITY OF PUBLIC BUS SERVICE IN KOTA BHARU. In: Malaysians Universities Transportation Research Forum and Conferences 2010, December 21st, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Napiah, Madzlan and Ahmad Farid, Amirah Suriati and Suwardo, W (2010) TRIP PRODUCTIVITY EVALUATION OF BUS SERVICE: MEDAN KIDD BUS STATION. In: Malaysians Universities Transportation Research Forum and Conferences 2010, December 21st, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Naseebullah, R and Shuib , Basri and Dominic P, Dhanapal Durai (2010) E-Procurement Current and Future Readiness Level in Malaysia. In: IEEE international conference on open systems ICOS 2010, December 5-7, 2010, KL.

Naseebullah, R and Basri, Shuib and Dominic P, Dhanapal Durai (2010) E-Procurement Current and Future Readiness Level in Malaysia. In: IEEE international conference on open systems ICOS 2010, December 5-7, 2010, KL.

Ngatenah, S.N.I. and Kutty, S.R.M. and Isa, M.H. (2010) Optimization of heavy metal removal from aqueous solution using groundwater treatment plant sludge (GWTPS). In: International Conference on Environment 2010 (ICENV 2010), 13th - 15th December, 2010, Penang, Malaysia..

Ng , C.Y. and Kurian, V.J. and Muhammed , M.A.W. (2010) Experimental and Analytical Investigation for the Responses of Semi-Submersible Platform. In: Asia Pacific Offshore Conference 2010 (APOC 2010), 13-14 December 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Noordin, Syazwan and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah (2010) Implementation of design and learning theories in multimedia courseware development: Lines & Planes in 3-Dimensions. In: User Science and Engineering (i-USEr), 2010 International Conference on , 13-15 Dec. 2010 , Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia .

Nallagownden, Perumal (2010) Power quality problem classification based on Wavelet Transform and a Rule-Based method. In: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon 2010), , Nov 29 - 1 Dec 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Nallagownden, Perumal (2010) Harmonics mitigation and power factor correction with a modern three-phase four-leg shunt active power filter. In: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon 2010), , Nov 29 - 1 Dec 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Nurulhuda, Azmi and Hilmi, Mukhtar and Khalik, M. Sabil (2010) Removal of High CO2 Content in Natural Gas by Formation of Gas Hydrates as a Potential Solution for CO2 Gas Emmision. In: Chemical and Environment Engineering Conferences , 24 Nov 2010, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam.

Nazir, Babar and Hasbullah, Halabi (2010) Energy Efficient Multi Hierarchy Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network (EMHC). In: International Conference on Intelligent and Information Technology 2010 (ICIIT-2010), 28-30 October 2010, Lahore, Pakistan.

Nazir, Babar and Hasbullah, Halabi (2010) Mobile Nodes based Clustering Protocol for Lifetime Optimization in Wireless Sensor Network. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Information Technology 2010 (ICIIT-2010), 28-30 October 2010, Lahore, Pakistan.

Narayanan,, S.P and Kalaikumar, V. and Cossa , N.J and Hasifi, M.S. (2010) STRENGTH OF INTERMEDIATE LENGTH TUBULAR STEEL COLUMNS – BARE, CONCRETE FILLED, RETROFITTED OR REHABILITATED. In: World Engineering Congress 2010, 2-5 August 2010, Kuching. Sarawak.

Nouh, S.A. and Lau , Kok keong and Mohd Shariff, Azmi (2010) Modeling and Simulation of Fixed Bed Adsorption Column Using Integrated CFD Approach. In: 3rd International Conference on Chemical &Bioprocess Eng in conjunction with 23rd Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers, 12 - 14 August 2009, Kota Kinabalu Sabah.

Narayanan,, S.P and Kalaikumar, V. and Cossa, N.J. and Hasifi, M.S. (2010) BEHAVIOUR OF TUBULAR STEEL COLUMN – BARE, CONCRETE FILLED AND RETROFITTED. In: 4th International Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, 21-23 July 2010, Sydney, Australia.

Nallagownden, Perumal (2010) The Malaysia’s Energy Sector: A Modeling and Decision Aid Framework for Long Term Sustainable Energy Planning. In: International Conference on Advances in Renewable Energy Technologies.

Nallagownden, Perumal (2010) Application of Regression and Tracing Methodology for Efficient Operation of Generators and Retailers in a Deregulated System. In: The 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO2010), 23 - 24 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Noordin, Syazwan and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Yew, Kwang Hooi (2010) Survey on visualization: Lines and planes in 3-dimensions. In: IEEE ITSIM2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Narayanan,, S.P and Kalaikumar, V. and Cossa, N.J. and Hasifi, M.S. and Razak, A.A. (2010) Behaviour of Hollow Steel Structural Elements – Bare or retrofitted. In: ESTCON.

Nabilah , A.B. and Mohamed , M.A.W. and Nuraihan, Kamaruddin and Kalaikumar, V. (2010) Comparative Study on Behavior of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) under Static Load at Different Loading Rates. In: ICSBI 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Nurul Syala , Abdul Latip and Tim, Heath and Suhana, Shamsuddin and Shahir Liew, Mohd and Kalaikumar, V. (2010) The Contextual Integration and Sustainable Development of Kuala Lumpur’s City Centre Waterfront: An Evaluation of the Policies, Law and Guidelines. In: ICSBI 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Napiah, Madzlan and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Miswar, Intan Kumalasari (2010) A Correlation between Degree of Compaction and Performance Life of Asphalt Concrete. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Nurlaela, Ela and Chong, Fai Kait and Dutta, Binay Kanti and Riaz, Nadia (2010) Bimetallic Cu-Ni/TiO2 as photocatalyst for hydrogen production from water. In: International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Sciences (ICFAS2010), 15 to 17 June 2010, Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur.

Ng , C.Y. and Kurian, V.J. and Montasir,, O.A.A (2010) Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Classic Spar Responses. In: ICSBI 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Nuruddin, F and Shafiq, N. and Beddu, Salmia (2010) Effects of Used Engine Oil on MIRHA Concrete. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Naseebullah, M. and P.D.D., Dominic and Hassan, M.F. (2010) The Role of Factors in Business-to-Business E-Procurement Implementation. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Nazir, Babar and Hasbullah, Halabi (2010) Energy balanced clustering in Wireless Sensor Network. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim'10), 15-17 June 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Nyamasvisva, Elisha Tadiwa and Hasbullah, Halabi (2010) Multi-level security algorithm for randon ZigBee Wireless Sensor Network. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim'10), 15-17 June 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Nisar, Kashif and Md Said, Abas and Hasbullah, Halabi (2010) Enhanced Performance of Packet Transmission using System Model over VoIP Network. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim'10), 15-17 June 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Nazir, Babar and Hasbullah, Halabi (2010) Region-based Energy-aware Clustering (REC) for Efficient Packet Forwarding in WSN. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim'10), 15-17 June 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Noor Anis, Atiqah Mohd Khuzi and Asirvadam, Vijanth Sagayan and Iznita Izhar, Lila (2010) Modeling Cardiac Signal as tomographic mapping. In: Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS), 2010 International Conference on.

Nisar, Kashif and Md Said, Abas and Hasbullah, Halabi (2010) Enhanced Performance of Packet Transmission Over VoIP Network. In: 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications 2010, 20-23 April 2010, Perth, Australia.

Nuruddin, F and Darmawan, M.S (2010) Compressive Strength and Microstructure Properties of Polymeric Concrete Incorporating Pulverized Fuel Ash (PFA)and Microwave Incinerated Rice Husk Ash(MIRHA). In: Proceedings of International Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (2nd APTECS), 21-22 Dec. 2010, Surabaya, Indonesia.

Nuruddin, F and Kusbiantoro, Andri and Qazi, Sobia and Shafiq, N. (2010) The Effect of Natural Retarder On Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Concrete. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Nuruddin, F and Bayuaji, R (2010) NON-EVAPORABLE WATER ANALYSIS ON MIRHA FOAMED CONCRETE. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Nuruddin, F and Qazi, Sobia and Shafiq, N. and Kusbiantoro, A. (2010) Polymeric Concrete: Complete Elimination of Cement for Sustainable Futures. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Noor , Zaman and Azween, Abdullah (2010) Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Network : Research Issues and Challenges. In: International Conference on Intelligence and Information Technology , August 2010, United Kingdom.

Nasir Reshid , Meseret and Abd Majid , Mohd Amin (2010) A Multi-State Reliability Model for a Gas Fueled Cogenerated Power Plant. In: International Conference on Plant Equipment and Reliability (ICPER 2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia , 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Nugroho, Gunawan and Ali, A.M.S. and Abdul Karim, Z. A. (2010) A Short Review on the Analytical Methods in Fluid Dynamics Research: The Importance of Exact Solutions. In: 2nd International Conference on Plant Equipment and Reliability, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Nazlee, Anas Mohd and Hamid, Nor Hisham and Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi (2010) Space Vector PWM for PMSM simulation using Matlab Simulink. In: IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS 2010), December 6-9, 2010, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.


Olanrewaju, Abdul Lateef and Khamidi, M. Faris and Idrus, Arazi (2010) Towards Systemic University Building Maintenance Initiatives. In: MiCRA 2010 – Management in Construction Researchers Association 9th Annual Conference and Meeting, 1-2 Dec 2010, Shah Alam.

Olanrewaju, Abdul Lateef and Khamidi, M. Faris and Idrus, Arazi (2010) DEVELOPMENT OF A FRAMEWORK FOR MANAGING THE MAINTENANCE OF UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS IN MALAYSIA. In: MiCRA 2010 – Management in Construction Researchers Association 9th Annual Conference and Meeting, 1-2 December 2010, Shah Alam.

O. Abdalla, Mohamed and Nagarajan, T. and M. Hashim, Fakhruldin (2010) Numerical Investigation of Pressure Drop in Hydraulic Spool Valve. In: Proceedings of ICSSST2010, 3rd International Conference on Solid State Science & Technology, December 01-03, 2010, Kuching.

Oyefolahan, Ishaq and Dominic P, Dhanapal Durai (2010) INVESTIGATING KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS UTILIZATION ANTECEDENTS: A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION. In: International conference on sustainability in business, 11-12 november 2010, pullman lakeside hotel.

Osman, Abdelbagi and Abdul Mutalib, M I and Mahadzir, Shuhaimi (2010) Process Streams' Temperature Flexibility for Energy Savings in HENs. In: The 13th Asia Pacific Confederation on Chemical Engineering Congress, 5-8 October, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.

Ovinis, Mark (2010) Machine Vision for the Inspection of Surgical Tasks: Applications to Robotic Surgery Systems. In: International Conference on Machine Vision.

Ovinis, Mark and Kerr, David and Bouazza-Marouf, Kaddour and Vloeberghs, Michael (2010) Localisation of Anatomical Soft Tissue Landmarks of the Head in CT Images. In: International Conference on Machine Vision.

O'Connor, Rory V. and Basri, Shuib and Coleman, Gerry (2010) Exploring Managerial Commitment towards SPI in Small and Very Small Enterprises. In: EuroSPI2010, 1-3 Sept 2010, Grenoble , France.

O. A. A. , Montasir and V. J. , Kurian and M. A. W. , Mubarak (2010) Effect of Mooring Line Damage on the Responses of Truss Spar Platforms. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Othman, Shuhadah and Schneider, Etienne (2010) Decision Making Using Fuzzy Logic for Stock Trading. In: ITSIM'10, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Olanrewaju, Abdul Lateef and Khamidi, M. Faris and Idrus, Arazi (2010) Sustainability in the Context of Maintenance: Building Defects in the Malaysian University Campuses. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

O.A.A. , Montasir and V.J. , Kurian (2010) Time Domain and Frequency Domain Analysis for Truss Spar Platform. In: Offshore Asia 2010, 16-18 March 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Oxley, A. (2010) Designing a Computer Literacy Course. In: Information Technology (ITSim), 2010 International Symposium in .

Omar, A Aziz and Ramli, R.M. and Khamaruddin, P.F. (2010) The oxidationof LNG plant wastewater using Fenton reagent. In: International Chemical and Environmental Engineering Conference.


Perumal, Nallagownden and Wiew Kong, Liew and Mohd Nor, Nursyarizal and Yet You, Choi (2010) Sustainable Development Design of Electrical Systems “A Case Study of Asiaflex Products”. In: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon2010).

Puckdeepun, T. and Jaafar, J. and Hassan, M.F. and Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi (2010) Investigating Collaborative Interaction using Interactive Table and IR devices. In: International Conference on User Science & Engineering 2010 (i-USEr 2010), 3 - 15 December 2010, Shah Alam, MALAYSIA..

Parimi, A.M. and Sahoo, N. C. and Elamvazuthi, I and Saad , Nordin (2010) Dynamic Modeling of Interline Power Flow Controller for Small Signal Stability. In: International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon2010), Nov 29 - Dec 1, 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Perumal, Nallagownden (2010) Sustainable development design of electrical systems “A case study of Asiaflex Products”. In: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon2010, Nov 29-Dec1, 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Ponnusamy , Vasaki and Azween, Abdullah (2010) A Bio-Inspired Framework for Wireless Sensor Network Using Mobile Sensors. In: The 6th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2010), 8-11/11, London, UK.

Puckdeepun, T. and Jaafar, J. and Hassan, M.F. and Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi (2010) Design of Interactive Board System for Collaborative Learning. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Parimi, A.M. and Elamvazuthi, I and Saad , Nordin (2010) Fuzzy logic Control for IPFC for Damping Low Frequency Oscillations. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Permanasari , Adhistya Erna and Awang Rambli, Dayang Rohaya and Dominic P, Dhanapal Durai (2010) Forecasting Method Selection Using ANOVA and Duncan Multiple Range Tests on Time Series Dataset. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, 15-17 June, Kuala Lumpur.

Purnomo, Eko Widi and Harith, Zuhar Zahir Tuan (2010) Combination of minimum-maximum (m-m) attribute and zero-INTENS-difference (z-i-d) attribute for estimating below-tuning layer thickness : A new technique proposal. In: ICIPEG 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Parthiban, P and Dominic P, Dhanapal Durai and dhanalakshmi, p (2010) A Simulated Annealing Approach to Solve Fuzzy Multi-Objective Linear Model for Supplier Selection in a Supply Chain. In: ITSIM'10, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Padmanabhan, Eswaran and Ganeson, Rajamohan and Nazor, Siti Nuralia and Mokhtar, Mohd Afiq and M Viswanathan, Prasanna (2010) IMPACT OF SPATIAL VARIABILITY IN MICROFABRICS ON HEAT TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS OF SOME SEDIMENTARY ROCKS. In: ICIPEG 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Padmanabhan, Eswaran and Mohd Pauzi, Ahmad Syabil and Masnan, Safiq and Mokhtar, Mohd Afiq and MV, Prasanna (2010) Ripple mark styles in the Belait Formation: Implications on depositional history. In: National Geoscience Conference 2010, June 11-12, 2010, Shah Alam.

Permanasari, Adhistya Erna and Awang Rambli, Dayang Rohaya and Dominic P, Dhanapal Durai (2010) Decision Support Conceptual Framework for Zoonosis Emerging System. In: 2010 Second International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications, March 19-March 21 2010, Bali Island, Indonesia.


Permanasari, Adhistya Erna and Awang Rambli, Dayang Rohaya and Dominic P, Dhanapal Durai (2010) Forecasting of Salmonellosis Incidence in Human using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). In: 2010 The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, ICCAE 2010, 26-28 February 2010, Singapore.

Padmanabhan, Eswaran and Eswaran, Hari and Mermut, Ahmet (2010) CLASSIFYING SOILS AT THE ULTIMATE STAGE OF WEATHERING: A CONTINUING CHALLENGE FOR SUSTAINABLE AGROMANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN THE 21ST CENTURY. In: 19th World Congress of Soil Science, August 1-6, 2010, Brisbane, Australia.

Ponnusamy , Vasaki and Azween, Abdullah (2010) A Biologically Based Self-Healing Wireless Sensor Network. In: The 4th Global Conference on Power Control and Optimization, 2-4/12, Kuching, Sarawak Malaysia.

Padmanabhan, Eswaran and Eswaran, Hari and Reich, Paul (2010) SOIL CARBON STOCKS IN SARAWAK, MALAYSIA. In: Carbon Sequestration, Bogor Indonesia.


Qasim, S. and Harahap, I.S.H. and Osman, S.B.S. and Izaddin, S.H. (2010) Reliability analysis of engineered landslide mitigation techniques. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Qureshi, M.A. and Hassan, M.F. (2010) Improvements Over Two Phase Shortest Path Algorithm. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Qasim, Sadaf and Indra Sati Hamonangan, Harahap and Syed Osman, Syed Baharom (2010) Reliability Analysis of Engineered Landslide Mitigation Techniques. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Qasim, Sadaf and Harahap, I.S.H. (2010) Reliability analysis and resistance factor determination of bored piles of Malyasian region. In: The First Makassar International Conference on Civil Engineering (MICCE2010), 8-9 March 2010, Makassar, Indonesia.

Qasim, Sadaf and Harahap, I.S.H. and Syed Osman, Syed Baharom (2010) Reliability Based Resistance Factor Determination for Bored Piles. In: First Makassar International Conference on Civil Engineering (MICCE 2010), 9-10 March 2010, Makassar.

Qureshi, MA. and Hassan, M.F. and Safdar, S. and Akhbar, R. (2010) Two Phase Shortest Path Algorithm for Non-Negative Undirected Graphs. In: IEEE International Conference of Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN 2010), 28-26 Feb 2010, Singapore.

Qureshi, M.A. and Hassan, M.F. and Safdar, S. and Akbar, R. and Sammi, R. (2010) An Edge-Wise Linear Shortest Path Algorithm for Non-Negative Weighted Undirected Graphs. In: International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology, 16th – 18th December 2009, Abbottabad, Pakistan.


Ridha, Syahrir and Sonny Irawan, Sonny and Bambang Ari, Wahjoedi and Jasamai, Mazuin (2010) Conductivity Dispersion Characteristic of Oilwell Cement Slurry during Early Hydration. In: ICIPEG 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

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Sambu Potty, Narayanan and Abdul Hamid, Mohd Foad and Idrus, Arazi and J. Cossa, Nelson (2010) Numerical Comparison of Tubular Joint Strength in Offshore Codes. In: The Asia-Pacific Offshore Conference-APOC2010 , December 13-14, 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Saleem, M. Q. and Jaafar, J. and Hassan, M.F. (2010) Model Driven Security Framework for Definition of Security Requirements for SOA Based Applications. In: International Conference on Computer Applications & Industrial Electronics (ICCAIE 2010), 5-7 December 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Shafie, Afza and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah (2010) Designing Role-Playing Games to learn Numbers. In: 15th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, December 17 - 21, Kuala Lumpur.

Sambu Potty, Narayanan and Nizamani, Zafarullah and Idrus, Arazi (2010) Strength of Tubular Members– Numerical Comparison of API RP2A to ISO Codes. In: Ninth (2010) ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, November 14-17, 2010, Busan, Korea.

Shafie, Afza and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah (2010) Math Quest: A Role-playing Game Learning Platform for Numbers. In: Proceedings of National Meeting of Mathematics Education, October 8 - 10, Korea.

Subhan, Fazli and Hasbullah, Halabi and Rozyyev, Azat and Bakhsh, Sheikh Tahir (2010) Distance Estimation in Bluetooth Networks using Signal Parameters. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Information Technology 2010 (ICIIT-2010), 28-30 October 2010, Lahore, Pakistan.

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Suziah, Sulaiman and Siti Nur Syazana Mat Saei, S. and Foong, Oi Mean and Halabi Hasbullah, H. (2010) Understanding Domain Expert's Perspectives and Expectations in Assistive Technology. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim), 15-17 Jun 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISSN: 2155-897. DOI: 10.1109/ITSIM.2010.5561491.

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Sambu Potty, Narayanan and VALLYUTHAM, Kalaikumar and Cossa, N.J. and Hasifi, M.S. (2010) STRENGTH OF INTERMEDIATE LENGTH TUBULAR STEEL COLUMNS – BARE, CONCRETE FILLED, RETROFITTED OR REHABILITATED. In: WEC 2010, 2-5 August 2010, Kuching. Sarawak.

Sambu Potty, Narayanan and Cossa , N.J and Nizamani, Zafarullah and Idrus, Arazi (2010) TUBULAR JOINT STRENGTH MODELS IN API RP2A WSD, API RP2A LRFD AND ISO 19902. In: WEC 2010, 2-5 August 2010, Kuching. Sarawak.

Sulaiman, S. A. and Tambi, Fara Husna and Khamidi, M. Faris (2010) Reduction of Cooling Energy for Highly Glazed Buildings in Malaysia through Scheduled Start-up and Shutdown of Air-Conditioners. In: 5th International Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition, June 2010, Denizli, Turkey.

Saiedi, Saied and Hee Min, Teh and Mustaffa, Zahiraniza and Nabilah , A.B. and Kalaikumar, V. (2010) A Comprehensive Field Investigation for Rehabilitation of an Embankment Pond. In: Joint Federal Interagency Conference 2010, 27 June - 1 July 2010, Las Vegas, NV.

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Shafquet, Areeba and Ismail, Idris and Karsiti , Mohd Noh (2010) Study of Bubble Flow in an Air-Water Two-Phase Flow by Using Electrical Capacitance Tomography. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Shafquet, Areeba and Ismail, Idris and Karsiti , Mohd Noh (2010) Study of Bubble Flow in an Air-Water Two-Phase Flow by Using Electrical Capacitance Tomography. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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Sambu Potty, Narayanan and Nizamani, Zafarullah and Idrus, Arazi (2010) Pile-Sleeve Strength Modelling in API RP2A WSD, LRFD and ISO 19902. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI2010), 15 - 17 june 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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Sambu Potty, Narayanan and C.T, Ramanathan and Idrus, Arazi (2010) SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF MULTIPLE D&B INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS IN RURAL AREAS OF SABAH. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI2010), 15 - 17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Shahir Liew, Mohd and Abdullah, Mohd Nasir and Kalaikumar, V. (2010) Metocean: Sustainable Consideration and Situation Report on Post Production Sharing Contract (PSC) of Petronas Carigali. In: ICSBI 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

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Sulaiman, Suziah and Mat Saei, Siti Nur Syazana and Mean, Foong Oi and Hasbullah, Halabi (2010) Understanding domain expert's perspective and expectation in assistive technology. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim'10), 15-17 June 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

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Winarto, F.E.W. and Kutty, S.R.M. and Gilani, S.I.U. and Isa, M.H. and Aziz, A.A.A. and Zid, W.K.W. (2010) Nitrification using submerged micro bubbles diffuser in an aeration system. In: International Conference on Environment 2010 (ICENV 2010), 13th - 15th December, 2010, Penang, Malaysia..

Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Abd Latih, Nurul Hidayah (2010) Development of a Mathematics courseware: Fractions. In: Fifteenth Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, 17 - 21 Dec 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Widi Purnomo, Eko and Zuhar Zahir Tua, Harith (2010) High Resolution Seismic Inversion Using Combination Maximum-minimum (m-m) attribute and Zero-INTENS-Different (z-i-d) Attribute. In: SEG Workshop 2010.

Wan Abdullah Zawawi, Noor Amila and Nik Azman, Nik Fatin Izyan and Shamsul Kamar, Muhammad Shamil (2010) Sustainable construction practice: A review of Change Orders (CO) in Construction Projects. In: International Conference on Environment 2010, Penang.

Wilfred, Cecilia and Bustam, Azmi and Man, Zakaria and Muhammad, Nawshad (2010) Dissolution of biomass using amino acid-based Ionic liquid. In: Malaysian Chemical Congress, Kuala Lumpur.

Wilfred, Cecilia and Bustam, Azmi and Ziyada, Abu Bakr (2010) Synthesis and Physiochemical Properties of Monocationic and Dicationic Phosphonium Ionic Liquids Incorporating Dioctylsulfosuccinate Anion. In: Malaysian Chemical Congress, Kulala Lumpur.

Wong, Peng Wen (2010) MULTIBAND MATCHED BANDSTOP FILTER. In: 2010 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE 2010).

Wan Abdullah Zawawi, Noor Amila and Abdullah, Alias and Idrus, Arazi (2010) Sustainable Planning: Specifying Stakeholders’ Preferences in Redevelopment Decisions for Conservation Area in Kuala Lumpur. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Wendeson, Sahilu and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Haron, Nazleeni Samiha (2010) Development of mobile learing tool. In: 2010 International Symposium on Information Technology, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Wan Daud, Wan Amirfaiz and Wan Tarmizi, Wan Faizura and Abd. Majid , Muhammad Azmi Adly and Elamvazuthi, I and K.M., Begam (2010) Kinematic Modeling of Humanoid Arm. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Wan Tarmizi, Wan Faizura and Abd. Majid, Muhammad Azmi Adly and Wan Daud, , Wan Amirfaiz and Elamvazuthi, I and K.M., Begam (2010) Modeling and Simulation of a Multi-Fingered Robot Hand. In: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2010), 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Wong, Peng Wen (2010) Microwave Dual Mode Resonator Matched Bandstop Filter. In: 2010 Indonesia-Malaysia Microwave-Antennas Conference .

Wan Abdullah Zawawi, Noor Amila and Abdullah, Alias and Idrus, Arazi (2010) Conservation practice in a multi-cultural society: A literature review towards incorporating stakeholders’ preferences in heritage management using Multi-Criteria Analysis. In: First International Conference for Urban Heritage in Islamic Countries 2010, 23-28 May 2010, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Wastam, Jumail and Awang Rambli, Dayang Rohaya and Sulaiman, Suziah (2010) A guided digital storytelling prototype system using illustrated flashcards. In: 2010 International Symposium on Information Technology , 15-17 june 2010, Kuala Lumpur.


Wastam, Jumail and Awang Rambli, Dayang Rohaya and Sulaiman, Suziah (2010) A design framework for flashcards based guided digital storytelling. In: 2010 The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, ICCAE 2010, 26-28 February 2010, Singapore.

Wasiu, Saheed and Sulaiman, S. A. (2010) Effects of varying EGR rates on the nitric oxide (NOx) emissions. In: International Conference on Plant Equipment and Reliability (ICPER), June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and P. Akhir, Emelia Akashah and Azmee, Sarah (2010) Game-based Learning Courseware for Children with Learning Disabilities. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Wan Abd Arif, Wan Norazlinawati and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Md Nordin, Shahrina (2010) Applying Virtual Reality Panorama Simulation Environment in Technical Communication. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Wan Yusoff, Wan Ismail (2010) Thermal Considerations in Estimation of Formation Pressure. In: ESTCON - ICIPEG 2010, June 15-17, 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.


Yassir, M.E.A. and Kurian, V.J. and Harahap, I.S.H. and Nabilah , A.B. (2010) Numerical Study on the Dynamic Response of a Semi-submersible Platform with Experimental Validation. In: Conference on Science and Social Science Research (CSSR 2010), 5-8 December 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Yassir, M.E.A. and Kurian, V.J. and Harahap, I.S.H. and Nabilah , A.B. (2010) Parametric Study on Multi-component Catenary Mooring lines for Offshore Floating Structures. In: Asia Pacific Offshore Conference, 13-14 December 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Yahya, Norashikin and Kamel , Nidal and Malik, Aamir Saeed (2010) A Subspace Approach for Restoring Image Corrupted by White Noise. In: Asia Pacific Conf. on Circuits and Systems , 6-9 December 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Yahya, Norashikin and Kamel , Nidal and Malik , Aamir Saeed (2010) Linear Estimation and Wavelet Approach to Image Denoising. In: Int. Conf. on Intelligent Network and Computing , 6-9 December 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Yusup, Suzana and M Tazli, Azizan and Khalik M., Sabil (2010) IMPROVEMENT OF RICE HUSK AND COCONUT SHELL PROPERTIES THROUGH TORREFACTION PROCESS. In: VENICE 2010 Third International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, 8-11 November, 2010, venice, Italy.

Yahya, Norashikin and Kamel , Nidal and Malik, Aamir Saeed (2010) Linear Estimation and Wavelet Approach to Image Denoising. In: Int. Conf. on Intelligent Network and Computing (ICINC 2010), 6th – 9th November 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Yunnus, Y. M. and Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. (2010) A HYBRID DRYER TO DRY SOLID WASTE. In: World Engineering Congress 2010, Conference on Natural resources and Green Technology, 2-5 August 2010, Kuching. Sarawak.

Yew, Kwang Hooi and Ta, Thu Ha (2010) SafeJourney - A Pedestrian Map using Safety Annotation for Route Determination. In: IEEE ITSIM2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Yassir, M.E.A. and Kurian, V.J. and Nabilah , A.B. (2010) Motion Reponses of a Semi-submersible: Experimental Study. In: ICSBI 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Yusof, S.Z.M and Asirvadam , Vijanth Sagayan and Hassan, M.F. (2010) Flight Connections Multi-Leg Searching by Adopting Partial Constraint Satisfaction. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Youssouf Dahab, Abdoul Mahmoud and Md Said, Abas and Hasbullah, Halabi (2010) Quality of Service Metrics using Generalized Pareto Distribution. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim'10), 15-17 June 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Yasir Abdelgadir , Mohamed and Azween, Abdullah (2010) Biologically inspired architecture for securing hybrid mobile ad hoc networks. In: 2008 International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology, IIT 2008, 16-18 Dec 2008, Al Ain, UAE.

Yasir Abdelgadir , Mohamed and Azween, Abdullah (2010) Novel Immune-based Framework for Securing Ad hoc Networks. In: the 25th Symposium On Applied Computing, 21-26 March, Switzerland.

Yunus, Mohd Khairuddin and Ahmad, Murni M and Inayat, Abrar and Yusup, Suzana (2010) Simulation of Enhanced Biomass Gasification for Hydrogen Production using iCON. In: International Conference on Chemical and Biological Engineering (ICCBE 2010), 24-26 February 2010, Penang, Malaysia.

Yasir Abdelgadir , Mohamed and Azween, Abdullah (2010) Biologically Inspired Model for Securing Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSim, 26 August 2008 through 29 August 2008, Kuala Lumpur.

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Zainal, Suzalina and Hon Vai Yee, Hon and Mohd Saaid, Ismail (2010) Gas-Diffusivity Measurement in Reservoir Fluid at Elevated Pressures Systems for Transient Shut-In Modeling. In: SPE Latin American & Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference , 1-3 December 2010, Peru.

Zainal, Suzalina and hon, vai yee and Mohd Saaid, Ismail (2010) Gas-Diffusivity Measurement in Reservoir Fluid at Elevated Pressures Systems for Transient Shut-In Modeling. In: SPE Latin American & Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference , 1–3 December 2010, Lima, Peru.

Zainal Abidin, Azizan and Saleh, Fatimah (2010) DEVELOPMENT OF TEAM-BASED ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIO IN THE TEACHING & LEARNING OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. In: International Conference on Engineering Education ICEE2010, July 18-22, 2010, Gliwice, Poland.

Zakaria, Noor Azam and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Hasan, Mohd Hilmi (2010) Mobile-Based Interactive Learning Using Handwriting Recognition. In: 2010 International Symposium on Information Technology , 15-17 june 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Zaini, Zuraini Hanim and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah (2010) A Study on Students’ Motivation in Learning Mathematics using Multimedia Courseware. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Zamin, N. and Oxley, A. (2010) Information Extraction for Counter-Terrorism: A Survey on Link Analysis. In: 4th International Symposium on Information Technology 2010.

Zainal Abidin, Azizan and Saleh, Fatimah (2010) Soft Skills in the Development of Team-Based Electronic Learning Portfolio. In: International Conference on Mathematics Education Research 2010 (ICMER 2010), 13-14 December,2010, Malacca.

Zakariya, M.A. (2010) A NOVEL 5.8GHz ARRAY DIELECTRIC RESONATOR ANTENNA. In: Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 15, 2010.

Zainal Abidin, Azizan and Saleh, Fatimah (2010) TEAM-BASED ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIO IN THE TEACHING & LEARNING OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. In: International Conference on Engineering Education ICEE2010, July 18-22, 2010, Gliwice, Poland.

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