Items where Subject is "L Education (General)"

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 180.


Abdullah, Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim and Abu Bakar, Zulqarnain and Ali, Razol M M and Faye , Ibrahima and Hasan, Mohd Hilmi (2012) The Impact of Video Games in Children’s Learning of Mathematics. Waset Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 64. pp. 968-974. ISSN 1307-6884

Abdullah, Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim and Siraj, Saedah (2011) THE FOUR C’S OF MOBILE CAPABILITY AS GUIDING PRINCIPLE FOR MLEARNING DESIGN: A SHIFT OF LEARNERS’ FOCUS AWAY FROM TECHNOLOGY. Masalah Pendidikan (Issues in Education), Specia. pp. 105-114. ISSN 0126-5024

Akhtar, M. N. and Yahya, N. and Daud., H. and Shafie., A. and Zaid, H. M. and Kashif, M. and Nasir, N. (2011) Development of EM wave guide amplifier potentially used for sea bed logging. Journal.

Akhtar, M. N. and Yahya, N. and Koziol, K. and Nasir, N. (2011) Synthesis and characterizations of Ni0.8Zn0.2Fe 2O4-MWCNTs composites for their application in sea bed logging. Journal. ISSN 02728842

Akhtar, Majid Niaz and Yahya, Noorhana and Nasir, Nadeem (2011) Novel EM Antenna based on Y3Fe5O12 Magnetic feeders for Improved MVO. Conference Proceeding. (Submitted)

Akhtar,, M. N. and Yahya,, N. and Nasir,, N. (2011) Novel EM antenna based on Y3Fe5O12 magnetic feeders for improved MVO. Journal.

Baharom, Mohamed Noor Rosli (2003) Pendekatan Bersepadu ke arah Penghayatan Islam di kalangan Siswa-siswi Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS*. International Journal of Arts and Sciences. ISSN 1944-6934

Barnachea, Josefina Janier and Shafie, Afza and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah (2010) The Use of Courseware in Enhancing Students' Learning the Application of Integration. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences , 8. pp. 609-612. ISSN 1877-0428

Bhattacharya , Swapan Kumar and Tunio, Saleem Qadir (2011) Source of Coal Bed Methane. IPTC, 2011 Malaysia.

Bhattacharyya , Ena and Md Nordin, Shahrina and Salleh, Rohani (2009) Internship Students’ Workplace Communication Skills: Workplace Practices and University Preparation. The International Journal of Learning, Volume 16 (11). ISSN 1447-9494

Chong, Su Li and Renganathan, Sumathi (2008) Voices of ardent readers: one in concert. The English Teacher, 37. pp. 1-14. ISSN 0128-7729

Daud, H. and Yahya, N. and Asirvadam, V (2011) Development of EM simulator for sea bed logging applications using MATLAB. Journal. ISSN 03795136

Daud, H. and Yahya, N. and Harun, R, (2011) Wireless control mechanism for EM source and receiver positioning for offshore application. Journal of Applied Sciences. ISSN 18125654

Girard, Helene (2011) Web 2.0. c'est à dire... Le Français Dans Le Monde, september-october 2011 (377). p. 55. ISSN 0015-9395

Girard, Helene (2011) Petite archéologie du Web 2.0. Lettre de l'ASDIFLE (11).

Hanif, N. H. H. M. and Hussain, N. and Yahya, N. and Daud, H. and Karsiti, M. N. (2011) 1D modeling of controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) data using finite element method for hydrocarbon detection in shallow water. Journal.

Idrus, hairuzila and Azelin, Mohamed Noor and Baharom, Mohamed Noor Rosli (2012) Motivating Engineering and Technical Students to Learn Technical Writing by Inculcating Lifelong Learning Skills. The International Journal of Learning, Volume 18, Issue 11. pp. 191-202.

Irawan, Sonny and Sum, Chow Weng and Jasamai, Mazuin Bt and Tunio, Saleem Qadir and Wang, Arthur Goh Jin (2011) Foamed Cement Properties for Zonal Isolation in Coalbed Methane (CBM) Wells. International Journal of Applied Science and Technology.

Ismail, I and Hashim , M. and Yahya, N. (2011) Magnetic characterization of web-like carbon nanotubes catalyzed by Fe 2O3 via pulsed Laser Ablation Deposition (PLAD) technique. Journal.

Kashif, M. and Yahya, N. and Zaid, H. M and Shafie, A. and Jasamai, M. and Nasir, N. and Akhtar, M. N. (2011) Oil recovery by using electromagnetic waves. Journal of Applied Sciences. ISSN 18125654

Khalid Ali, Khalidah and Salleh, Rohani and Sabdin, Mashitah (2010) A Study on the Level of Ethics at a Malaysian Private Higher Learning Institution: Comparison between Foundation and Undergraduate Technical-based Students. A Study on the Level of Ethics at a Malaysian Private Higher Learning Institution: Comparison between Foundation and Undergraduate Technical-based Students, 10 (05). pp. 35-49.

Lai , C. Y. and Sapuan, S.M. and Ahmad, M. and Yahya, N. and Dahlan, K. Z. H. M. (2005) Mechanical and electrical properties of coconut coir fiber-reinforced polypropylene composites. Journal. ISSN 03602559

Mahinder Singh, Balbir Singh and Chong, Fai Kait and Sivapalan, Subarna (2010) DEVELOPING PRACTICAL APTITUDE AMONGST TECHNICAL LEARNERS: THE CASE OF A MALAYSIAN PRIVATE INSTITUTION OF HIGHER LEARNING. European Journal of Social Sciences, 13 (1). ISSN 14502267

Md Nordin, Shahrina and Halib, Mohammed and Ghazali, Zulkipli (2009) The Impact of Formalization and Centralization on Organizational Communication: A Study on a Highway Concessionaire in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. Communication, Creativity and Global Citizenship:. ISSN 978-1-74107-

Md Nordin, Shahrina and Halib, Mohammed and Ghazali, Zulkipli and mohd ali, razol mahari (2010) Error Correction and Students' Perceptions on Teacher Written Feedback. The International Journal of Learning, 17. ISSN 14479494

Md Nordin, Shahrina and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Masri, Mazyrah (2010) Learning English Literature through Multimedia. European Journal of Social Sciences. ISSN 14502267

Md Nordin, Shahrina and mohammed, halib and Ghazali, Zulkipli and mahari, Razol (2010) ERROR CORRECTION AND STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON TEACHER WRITTEN FEEDBACK: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY ON L2 LEARNERS IN A MALAYSIAN UNIVERSITY. The International Journal of Learning, 17 (2). pp. 55-64. ISSN 1447-9494

Md Nordin, Shahrina and Halib, Mohammed and Ghazali, Zulkipli (2010) The Dilemma of Second Language Writing Teachers in a Higher Learning Institution. Review of Higher Education and Self-Learning – RHESL , Volume (Issue ). ISSN 1940-9494

Nasir, N and Yahya, N and Akhtar, M. N. and Kashif, M. and Shafie, A and Daud, H. and Zaid , H. M. (2011) Magnitude verses offset study with EM transmitter in different resistive medium. Journal.

Nasir, N and Yahya, N and Akhtar , M. N (2011) (MVO) study of antenna and its 3D scale modeling by Finite integration (FIM) method. Conference Proceedings.

Nasir, N. and Yahya, N. and Kashif, M. and Daud, H. and Akhtar, M. N. and Zaid, H. M. and Shafie, A. and Teng, L. C (2011) Observation of a cubical-like microstructure of strontium iron garnet and yttrium iron garnet prepared via sol-gel technique. Journal. ISSN 15334880

Puspitasari, P and Yahya, N and Zabidi, N. A. M. and Ahmad, N. A. (2011) Comparison of mechanical properties and magnetic properties of Mn0.8Zn0.2Fe2O4 synthesized by conventional ball milling and self combustion method. Journal.

Renganathan, Sumathi (2000) English for Academic Purposes: An Investigation of Students' Proficiency. Platform, 1 (2). pp. 54-60. ISSN 1511-6794

Renganathan, Sumathi (2010) Exploring Researcher-Participant Relationship in a Multiethnic, Multicultural and Multilingual Context Through Reflexivity. Qualitative Research Journal, 9 (2). pp. 3-17. ISSN 14439883

Renganathan, Sumathi and Chong, Su Li (2010) Exploring Multiliteracies and Social Practices of the Orang Asli Children in Perak. Report Submitted to the Educational Planning and Research Division, Ministry of Education.

Renganathan, Sumathi and Chong, Su Li (2010) Exploring Multiliteracies: A Case Study of The Social Practices of the Orang Asli Children in Perak. Report Submitted to the Jabatan Hal Ehwal Orang Asli Malaysia, Ministry of Rural and Regional Development.

Renganathan, Sumathi and Chong, Su Li (2007) The Use of English as a Social Practice in a Multilingual and Multiethnic Society. Proceedings of the International Conference On Social Sciences and Humanities (ICOSH'07).

Renganathan, Sumathi and Chong, Su Li and Valenzuela, Joan (2011) Living Literacies - The Orang Asli Literacy Project. The Arts and Social Sciences Journal, 2011 (ASSJ-27). ISSN 21516200

Renganathan, Sumathi and Chong, Su Li and Valenzuela, Joan (2010) The Orang Asli Literacy Project - Combining Research and Social Responsibility in a Technological University. Proceedings of the International University Social Responsibility (IUSRCE 2010) Conference and Exhibition. ISSN ISBN 978-983-42420-5-3

Shafie, Afza and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah (2010) Design and Heuristic Evaluation of MathQuest: A Role-Playing game on numbers. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences , 8. pp. 620-625. ISSN 1877-0428

Wan, Roselind and Md Nordin, Shahrina and Razali, Radzuan (2013) International Students’ Cultural Experiences: Exploring Socio-Cultural and Academic Adjustment in Malaysian Universities. Recent Advances in Modern Educational Technologies. pp. 31-37. ISSN ISBN: 978-1-61804-180-7

Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Shafie, Afza and A Latif, Mohd Hezri Amir (2010) Role-Playing Game-Based Learning in Mathematics. The Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology. ISSN 1933-2823

Yahya, N and Al Habashi, R. M. and Koziol, K. and Borkowski, R. D. and Akhtar, M. N. and Kashif, M. and Hashim, M. (2011) Morphology and magnetic characterisation of aluminium substituted yttrium-iron garnet nanoparticles prepared using sol gel technique. Journal. ISSN 15334880

Yahya, N and Hean, G. K. (2007) High saturation induction for bi-substituted yttrium iron garnet prepared via sol gel technique. Journal. ISSN 15469239

Yahya, N and Waje, S. B and Ramli, I (2008) Carbon nanopipe catalysed by as-prepared NiO nanoparticles. Journal. ISSN 01266039

Yahya, N. and Akhtar, M. N and Masun, A. F. and Kashif, M. (2011) Synthesis and characterization of ZnO-CNTs filled PVA composite as EM detector. Journal of Applied Sciences. ISSN 18125654

Yahya , N and Daud , H and Tajudding, N. A and Daud, H. M. and Shafie, A. and Puspitasari, P. (2010) Application of ZnO nanoparticles EM wave detector prepared by solgel and self-combustion techniques. Journal. ISSN 16625250

Zaid, H. M and Yahya, N. B. and Akhtar, M. N. and Kashif, M. and Daud, H. and Brahim, S. and Shafie, A. and Hanif, N. H. H. M. and Zorkepli, A. A. B (2011) ID EM modeling for onshore hydrocarbon detection using MATLAB. Journal.

Zaid , H. M. and Yahya, N. and Akhtar, M. N and Ahmad Sallehim, A.B. (2011) Synthesis and characterizations of ZnO nanoparticles for application in electromagnetic detectors. Journal. ISSN 16625250

Book Section

Azelin, Mohamed Noor (2007) The Change. In: On Becoming Language Educators: A compilation of reflective journals on professional growth. University Publication Centre (UPENA), pp. 39-43. ISBN 9789833644155

Bhattacharyya , Ena and SIVAPALAN, SUBARNA and Md Nordin, Shahrina (2009) Students' Perceptions of the Importance of Presentation Skills to Succeed in the Workplace. In: READINGS IN ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES (ESP) AND TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION. Universiti Putra Malaysia Press 2009, Malaysia, pp. 85-106.

Idrus, hairuzila and Md Nordin, Shahrina and Chong, Su Li (2004) English Language Communication Workshop: Participants' Feedback and Its Pedagogical Implications to ELT Classrooms. In: UNSPECIFIED ELT Matters 1: Issues in English Language learning and Teaching, 1 . Universiti Putra Malaysia Press, Serdang Malaysia. ISBN 983-2871-76-X

Idrus, Hairuzila and SIVAPALAN, SUBARNA (2010) Perceived Self-efficacy of ESL Students with Regard to Their Oral Communication Ability. In: Contemporary Issues of Education, Development and Security. Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, pp. 74-86. ISBN 978-967-942-941-1

Masri, Mazyrah and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Md Nordin, Shahrina and Sulaiman, Suziah (2009) The Effect of Visual of a courseware towards pre-university students' learning in literature. In: Visual Informatics: Bridging Research and Practice. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume . Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 822-831. ISBN 978-3-642-05035-0

Md Nordin, Shahrina and SIVAPALAN, SUBARNA (2007) Outcome-based Curriculum: Its Implementation in the Teaching of English Language Proficiency Courses. In: Monograf 2: Strategi dan Kaedah Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran. Pusat Pembangunan Akademik, UPM, Selangor, pp. 100-111. ISBN 978-967-960-222-7

Md Nordin, Shahrina and SIVAPALAN, SUBARNA and Bhattacharyya , Ena (2010) Bridging the Gap between Teaching Styles and Students’ Learning Styles in a Second Language Classroom. In: Readings in Professional Development in Teaching English as a Second Language. Universiti Putra Malaysia Press, pp. 30-48. ISBN 978-967-344-141-9

Renganathan, Sumathi and Chong, Su Li (2009) Disparity in School's Literacy Practices and That of Home: Understanding Orang Asli Children's Educational Needs in Malaysia. In: Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Social Science and Management (ICSSM 2009). International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology, Singapore. ISBN 978-9-8108-3817-1

Shafie, Afza and Janier, Josefina Barnachea and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah (2010) Visual Learning in Application of Integration. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 832-843. ISBN 978-3-642-05035-0

Siraj, Saedah and Abdullah, Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim and Syofwan, Asra (2013) Emergence and Application of Interpretive Structural Modelling in Educational Research. In: Design and Developmental Research: Emergent Trends in Educational Research. Pearson, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 60-70. ISBN 978-967-349-283-1

W. A. Arif, W. Norazlinawati and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Md Nordin, Shahrina and Abdullah, Azrai and SIVAPALAN, SUBARNA (2009) Designing 3 Dimensional Virtual Reality Using Panoramic Image. In: Visual Informatics: Bridging Research and Practice. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 404-414. ISBN 978-3-642-05035-0

Yahya, N and Koziol, K and Bin Mansor, M. K. (2008) Synthesis and characterization of single crystals Y3Fe 5O12 and Bi3Fe5O12 prepared via sol gel technique. In: Synthesis and characterization of single crystals Y3Fe 5O12 and Bi3Fe5O12 prepared via sol gel technique. Defect and Diffusion Forum , pp. 406-412.

Zainal Abidin, Azizan (2010) Conducting Assessment Workshop for Staff Development Program. In: INNOVATIONS 2010 World Innovations in Engineering Education and Research. iNEER, United States of America, pp. 47-58. ISBN 978-0-9818868-1-7

Zainal Abidin, Azizan and Saleh, Fatimah (2011) TEAM-BASED ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIO IN THE TEACHING & LEARNING OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. In: INNOVATIONS 2011 World Innovations in Engineering Education and Research. iNEER, pp. 285-296.

Conference or Workshop Item

Abbas,, Muhammad Azeem and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Kalid , Khairul Shafee (2013) Heuristics Evaluation of Preschool Cognitive Skills Learning System. In: International Visual Informatics Conference.

Hashim, A. Sobri and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Ahmad, Rohiza (2010) MOBILE LEARNING IMPLEMENTATION: STUDENTS’PERCEPTIONS IN UTP. In: ICCESSE 2010 : "International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems Science, and Engineering", February 24-26, 2010, Pulau Pinang.

Abbas, Muhammad Azeem and Ahmad, Wan Fatimah Wan and Kalid, Khairul Shafee (2014) OntoCog: A Knowledge based Approach for Preschool Cognitive Skills Learning Application. In: 2nd International Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology Research.

Abbas, Muhammad Azeem and Ahmad, Wan Fatimah Wan and Kalid, Khairul Shafee (2014) A pragmatic use of Semantic Web technologies for preschool cognitive skills tutoring system. In: Computer and Information Sciences (ICCOINS), 2014 International Conference on.

Abdollah, Norfarhana and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and P. Akhir, Emelia Akashah (2010) Multimedia Courseware for Slow Learners:A Preliminary Analysis. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Abdul Karim, Z. A. and Renganathan, Sumathi and Su Li, Chong (2007) The Importance of Industrial Internship Programme in Engineering Education: Some Critical Success Factors. In: 2nd. Regional Conference on Engineering Education, 3-5 December, 2007, Johor Bahru.

Abdullah, Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim and Siraj, Saedah (2010) M-Learning Curriculum Design for Secondary School: A Needs Analysis. In: International Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education(ICOLDE 2010), June 28-30, 2010 , Paris, France.

Abdullah, Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim and Siraj, Saedah (2011) Supportive Scaffolding MLearning Theory for Language Learning through Interaction. In: 10th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning, October 18-21, 2011, Beijing .

Ahmad, N. A and Yahya, N. and Zakariah, M. H. and Puspitasari, P. (2009) Development of a powerful EM transmitter. In: International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Nano-SciTech 2008; Selangor; 18 November 2008 through 21 November 2008.

Ahmad, Wan Fatimah Wan and Muddin, Hidayatun Nafisah Binti Isa and Shafie, Afza (2014) Number skills mobile application for down syndrome children. In: Computer and Information Sciences (ICCOINS), 2014 International Conference on.

Asnawi, Rustam and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and A. Rambli, Dayang R. (2010) Development of the Multipurpose Integrated Multimedia Presentation System Based on the CCM Algorithm. In: The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE2010), Singapore.

Azelin, Mohamed Noor and Idrus, Hairuzila and Baharom, Mohamed Noor Rosli (2011) Motivating Engineering and Technical Students to Learn Technical Writing by Inculcating Lifelong Learning Skills. In: Learning Conference 2011, 5-8th July 2011, University of Mauritius, Mauritius. (Submitted)

Azelin, Mohamed Noor and Embong, Abdul Mutalib and Abdullah, Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim (2012) E-Books in Malaysian Primary Schools: The Terengganu Chapter. In: WASET 2012 , 27 - 28 June 2012, PARIS, FRANCE.

Baharom, Mohamed Noor Rosli and Salleh, Rohani and Sivapalan, Subarna (2009) University-Industrial Partnerships Towards Producing Quality Graduates. In: Conference of the International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 2009, Boston, USA.

Chong, Su Li and Renganathan, Sumathi (2008) The Use of English as a Medium of Instruction: Issues and Challenges in a Private Technological University. In: International Conference on Language Issues in English-medium Universities: A Global Concern, 18-20 June 2008, Hong Kong.

Daffalla, Samah and Mukhtar, Hilmi and M.S.Shaharun, Maizatul (2010) Characterisation of Adsorbent Developed from Rice Husk: Effect of Surface Functional Group on Phenol Adsorption. In: ICPEAM2010 , 15 - 17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Daud, H. and Sagayan, V. and Yahya, N. and Najwati , W. (2009) Modeling of electromagnetic waves using statistical and numerical techniques. In: 1st International Visual Informatics Conference, IVIC 2009; Kuala Lumpur; 11 November 2009 through 13 November 2009; Code 79347.

Daud, H. and Yahya, N. and Asirvadam, V. and Talib, K. I (2010) Air waves effect on sea bed logging for shallow water application. In: 2010 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ISIEA 2010; Penang; 3 October 2010 through 5 October 2010; Category number CFP1049H-ART; Code 83634.

Daud, H. and Yahya, N. and Sagayan, V. and Talib, A. M. (2010) Magnitude vs Low frequency EM waves for sea bed logging applications. In: 2010 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, APACE 2010; Port Dickson; 9 November 2010 through 11 November 2010; Category number CFP10551-ART; Code 84329.

Embong, Abdul Mutalib and Azelin, Mohamed Noor and Mohd Hashim, Hezlina and H. Shaari, Zullina (2012) E-Books as textbooks in the classroom. In: Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research (CY-ICER-2012), 8-10 February 2012, North Cyprus.

Embong, Abdul Mutalib and Azelin, Mohamed Noor and Ali, Razol M M and Abu Bakar, Zulqarnain and M.A., Abdur-Rahman (2012) Teachers’ Perceptions on the Use of E-Books as Textbooks in the Classroom. In: WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, 24 - 25 October 2012, Bali, Indonesia.

Endut, M. Nuri Al Amin and Abu Bakar, Zulqarnain and Idrus, Hairuzila (2006) Malay Students’ Perception on English as the Medium of Instruction for the Islamic Studies Course in a Private Higher Learning Institution. In: Wacana Pendidikan Islam Peringkat Kebangsaan Siri ke 5, August 5th. 2006, Penang.

Endut, M. Nuri Al Amin and Abu Bakar, Zulqarnain and Idrus, Hairuzila (2008) Penerimaan/Kecenderungan Pelajar Melayu Terhadap Pnggunaan Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai Bahasa Pengantar Dalam Pengajaran Subjek Pengajian Islam di IPTS: Satu Kajian Faktor. In: Wacana Pendidikan Islam Peringkat Kebangsaan Siri Ke-6, 25-26, July, 2008, Kucing, Sarawak.

Endut, Mohd Nuri al-Amin and Wan Abdullah, Wan Suhaimi (2009) TOWARDS THE CONCEPTUAL DEFINITION OF ISLAMIC CRITICAL THINKING. In: The 7th World Conference on Muslim Education, 9th December 2009, Shah Alam.

Fong Woon, Lai and Abdul Karim, Z. A. and Johl, Satirenjit Kaur (2007) Examining a Successful Industrial Training Program Model: Inter-relationship Among the Three Main Stakeholders: Students, University and Host Companies. In: 2nd. Regional Conference on Engineering Education, 3-5 December 2007, Johor Bahru.

Guan, B. H. and Yahya, N. and Pah, L. K. (2011) Purification of carbon nanotubes synthesized by catalytic decomposition of methane using bimetallic Fe-Co catalysts supported on MgO. In: Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, CAMAN 2009; Kuala Lumpur; 3 November 2009 through 5 November 2009; Code 84186.

Hashim, Ahmad Sobri and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Ahmad, Rohiza (2010) A study of design principles and requirements for the m-learning application development. In: User Science and Engineering (i-USEr), 2010 International Conference on , 13-15 Dec. 2010, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.

Hashim, Ahmad Sobri and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Ahmad, rohiza (2010) Architecture and UML Models of Mobile Learning Application for Course Content. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

ISMAIL, M TAHIR and ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2012) International Student Enrolment in IPTA by Using Multilevel Analysis. In: In 2nd International Conferences on Fundamental and Applied Sciences Department (ICFAS), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 12-14 June 2012, Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. .

Ibrahim, Mohammad Noor and Mahamad, Saipunidzam and Chua, Edrea Ning Wei (2010) Mobile Learning: An Application Prototype for AVL Tree Learning Object. In: International Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies 2010, 27-28 October 2010, Chengdu, China..

Ibrahim, Norshahila and Ahmad, Wan Fatimah Wan (2014) A preliminary study on local folktales exposures to support the development of animated courseware. In: Computer and Information Sciences (ICCOINS), 2014 International Conference on.

Idrus, Hairuzila and Azelin, Mohamed Noor and Salleh, Rohani and Mohd Hashim, Hezlina (2010) An exploratory study on intern's communicative abilities: The industrial internship experience. In: 2010 2nd International Congress On Engineering Education, 8th-9th December 2010, Sunway Lagoon Hotel & SPA, Kuala Lumpur, M'sia.

Jamil, A. and Yusoff, M. Z and Yahya, N. (2010) Current issues and challenges of MIMO antenna designs. In: 2010 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems, ICIAS 2010; Kuala Lumpur; 15 June 2010 through 17 June 2010; Code 84196.

Jamil, A. and Yusoff, M. Z and Yahya, N. (2010) Small Koch fractal antennas for wireless local area network. In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems 2010, ICCS 2010; Singapore; 17 November 2010 through 19 November 2010; Category number CFP10806-ART; Code .

Jamil, A. and Yusoff, M.Z. and Yahya, N. (2011) An electrically small meander line antenna for wireless applications. In: 2010 Asia Pacific Conference on Circuit and System, APCCAS 2010; Kuala Lumpur; 6 December 2010 through 9 December 2010; Category number CFP10APC-ART; Code 85160.

Janier, Josefina Barnachea and Shafie, Bt. Afza and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah (2010) The Use of Courseware Enhancing the Students' Learning the Application of Integration. In: International Conference on Mathematics Education Research 2010 (ICMER 2010), December 13-14, 2010, Mahkota Hotel Malacca, Malaysia.

Johl, Satirenjit Kaur and Renganathan, Sumathi (2009) Strategies for Gaining Access in Doing Fieldwork: Reflection of Two Researchers. In: The International Qualitative Research Convention, 3-5 September 2007, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.

Khalid Ali, Khalidah and Salleh, Rohani and Sabdin, Mashitah (2012) Ethical Values of Final Year Students at a Malaysian Private Higher Learning Institution. In: ICASS2012, 6-8 April 2012, Nanjing, China. (Submitted)

Ling, Loh Wai and Ahmad, Wan Fatimah Wan and Singh, Termit Kaur Ranjit (2014) Effects of the smart board on students' achievement in moral education. In: Computer and Information Sciences (ICCOINS), 2014 International Conference on.

Ling, Loh Wai and Ahmad, Wan Fatimah Wan and Singh, Termit Kaur Ranjit (2014) Effects of the smart board on students' achievement in moral education. In: Computer and Information Sciences (ICCOINS), 2014 International Conference on.


Mahamad, Saipunidzam and Kasbon, Rozana and Ibrahim, Mohammad Noor and Ahmad , Jale and Mohd Razali, Mazlin (2008) Integrating SCORM content development with Open Source E-Learning: an Implementation E-Learning System of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. In: 4th International Conference on University Learning and Teaching, 20-21 October 2008, Concorde Hotel, Shah Alam.

Mahamad, Saipunidzam and Mohamed@Omar, Hasiah and Syed Mansoor , Syarifah Bahiyah Rahayu (2006) Learning Style Inventory System: A Study to Improve in Learning Programming Subject. In: Seminar IT di Malaysia, 19-20 August 2006, Terengganu, Malaysia.

Mohamed Ramli, Nasser (2003) Dynamic modeling of a slurry filled sump. In: SOMCHE, December 2003, Tronoh.

Mohamed Ramli, Nasser (2005) GCMC Simulation Adsorption of CO2 and CH4 on Activated Carbon. In: 2nd International Conference 19th SOMChe, 8-10 December 2005, UMS Kota Kinabalu.

Mohamed Ramli, Nasser (2005) Modeling and Cohen Coon Control of a Non-interacting Tanks in Series. In: ICIS conference, 1-3 December 2005, Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel.

Mohamed Ramli, Nasser (2005) Modeling and Internal Model Control of a Flotation cell. In: 2nd International conference on Mechatronics, 10-12 May 2005, Kuala Lumpur.

Mohd Hashim, Hezlina and Embong, Abdul Mutalib and Hussain Shaari, Z (2012) Perceptions on Accounting Career. A study Among the Secondary School Students in a Regional Kelantan State. In: ICBEFM 2012 : International Conference on Business, Economics, Finance, and Management. (Submitted)

Nasir, N and Yahya, N and Ahktar, M. N. (2011) (MVO) Study of Antenna and Its 3D Scale Modelling by Finite Integration (FIM) Method. In: Saudi International Electronics, Communications and Photonic Conference 2011, SIECPC 2011, 26 April 2011, Saudi Arabia.

Noordin, Syazwan and Wan Ahmad, Wan Fatimah and Yew, Kwang Hooi . In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2010, ITSim, June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Renganathan, Sumathi (1999) English for Academic Purposes: An Investigation of Students' Proficiency. In: The 12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics AILA'99, 1-6 August 1999, Waseda University, Tokyo.

Renganathan, Sumathi (2009) Indigenous Children's Literacy and Schooling: A Case Study of A Contemporary Orang Asli Community in Malaysia. In: Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research (CAEPR) Seminar Series, 7 Oct 2009, Australian National University.

Renganathan, Sumathi (2006) Subjective Research Design in ELT research: Adopting an Ethnographic Perspective. In: The 6th International Conference on English Language Teaching, 8-10 May 2006, Melaka.

Renganathan, Sumathi (2005) The Use of English as a Social Practice: A study of Malaysian ESL Students. In: Language and Global Communication (LGC 2005) Conference, 7-9 July 2005, Cardiff University.

Renganathan, Sumathi (2005) Using English as a Social Practice and Its Relation to Identity Construction. In: The 2005 Conference of the International Society for Language Studies, 18-20 April 2005, Marriott Chateau Champlain, Quebec, Canada.

Renganathan, Sumathi (2004) What are students’ perceptions of their social practices related to the learning and using of English as a Second Language (ESL)? In: Research Workshop in Language and Literacy (RWLL), 26 Oct 2004, King's College, University of London.

Renganathan, Sumathi and Chong, Su Li (2009) Disparity in School's Literacy Practices and That of Home: Understanding Orang Asli Children's Educational Needs in Malaysia. In: The 2009 International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, ICSSH 2009, 9-11 Oct 2009, Singapore.

Renganathan, Sumathi and Chong, Su Li (2007) Diversity in Language Practices in a Multilingual and Multiethnic Society. In: The 2nd International Conference on Language, Education & Diversity (LED 2007), 21-24 Dec 2007, University of Waikato, New Zealand.

Renganathan, Sumathi and Chong, Su Li (2007) The Use of English as a Social Practice in a Multilingual and Multiethnic Society. In: The International Conference On Social Sciences and Humanities (ICOSH'07), 13-15 March 2007, UKM, Malaysia.

Renganathan, Sumathi and Chong, Su Li and Girard, Helene (2009) Investigating The Social Practices and The Use of Language in a Multilingual and Multiethnic Context – A Case Study of Some International Undergraduate Students. In: The International Conference on Education, 3-7 Jan, Hawaii.

Renganathan, Sumathi and Chong, Su Li and Valenzuela, Joan (2010) The Orang Asli Literacy Project - Combining Research and Social Responsibility in a Technological University. In: International University Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition 2010 (IUSRCE 2010), 5-6 Oct 2010, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur.

Renganathan, Sumathi and Johl, Satirenjit Kaur and Lai, Fong Woon (2008) The Relation Between Students’ English Language Proficiency and Their Academic Performance: An Empirical Analysis. In: The International Conference on Language Issues in English-medium Universities: A Global Concern, 18-20 June 2008, University of Hong Kong.

Renganathan, Sumathi (2004) The Use of English as a Social Practice Among Malaysian ESL Students. In: Discourses of Difference Within and Beyond Seminar, 16 Dec 2004, Institute of Education, University of London.

Riaz, Sadia and Awang Rambli, Dayang Rohaya and Salleh, Rohani (2010) Integrating Media Psychology within Framework of Instructional Designing for Web-based Learning Environments (WBLEs). In: 5th International Conference of E-learning, 12-13 July 2010, Penang, Malaysia.

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Shafie, Afza and Janier, Josefina Barnachea (2009) ATTITUDE TOWARDS ONLINE ASSESSMENT IN PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS COURSE AT UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI PETRONAS. In: 4th International Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics, 21 - 23 October 2009, Kuala Lumpur.

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Sumadio, Desi Dwistratanti and Awang Rambli, Dayang Rohaya (2010) Preliminary Evaluation on User Acceptance of the Augmented Reality Use for Education. In: 2010 Second International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications, 19-21 March 2010, Bali, Indonesia.

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Bhattacharyya , Ena (2012) New Media Communication Skills for Engineers and IT Professionals: Trans-National and Trans-Cultural Demands Arun Patil (CQUniversity, Australia), Henk Eijkman (University of New South Wales at Australian Defence Force Academy, Australia) and Ena Bhattacharyya (Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia) Release Date: March, 2012. Copyright © 2012. 272 pages. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0243-4, ISBN13: 9781466602434, ISBN10: 1466602430, EISBN13: 9781466602441. New Media Communication Skills for Engineers and IT Professionals: Trans-National and Trans-Cultural Demands . IGI GLOBAL, USA.

Chong, Su Li (2009) No Last Words. Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH 2009) . International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT), Singapore. ISBN 978-9-8108-3817-1

Renganathan, Sumathi and Chong, Su Li (2009) Disparity in School's Literacy Practices and That of Home: Understanding Orang Asli Children's Educational Needs in Malaysia. International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology, Singapore. ISBN 978-9-8108-3817-1

SIVAPALAN, SUBARNA (2014) Approaching Postcolonial & Psychoanalytical Criticism in Literary Studies: An Illustration of an Analysis of a Malaysian novel. Trafford Publishers, Singapore. ISBN 9781490703466

Citation Index Journal

ABBAS, MUHAMMAD AZEEM and AHMAD, WAN FATIMAH WAN and KALID, KHAIRUL SHAFEE (2014) Semantic Web Technologies for Pre-School Cognitive Skills Tutoring System. [Citation Index Journal]

Abd.N., Matori and H., Sakidin and M.R., Abu Bakar and A.R., Mohamed Shariff and M.S., Md Noorani and A., Mohamed (2009) Effect of GPS tropospheric delay Neill mapping function simplification. [Citation Index Journal]

Abdullah, Azrai (2010) Management skills of technical and technology interns: Interns and supervisors perspectives (Full Paper). [Citation Index Journal]

Abdullah, Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim and Abu Bakar, Zulqarnain and Ali, Razol M M and Faye , I. and Hasan, Mohd Hilmi and Amar, Am Zairi and Raja Yaacob, Raja Ahmad Iskandar (2011) Video Games in Children’s Learning of Mathematics. [Citation Index Journal]

Abdullah, Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim and Siraj, Saedah (2010) M-Learning Curriculum Design for Secondary School: A Needs Analysis. [Citation Index Journal]

Akhtar, M. N. and Yahya, N. and Daud, H. and Shafie, A. and Zaid, H. M. and Kashif, M. and Nasir, N. (2011) Development of EM Wave Guide Amplifier Potentially used for Sea Bed Logging. [Citation Index Journal] (Submitted)


Bhattacharyya, Ena and Sabdin, Mashitah and H. Shaari, Zullina (2014) “Stepping Up in Harmony: Achieving Cluster School Excellence (CSE) Status for Non-CSE Malaysian Secondary Schools”. [Citation Index Journal] (Submitted)

Bhattacharyya , Ena and Md Nordin, Shahrina and Salleh, Rohani (2009) Internship Students’ Workplace Communication Skills: Workplace Practices and University Preparation. [Citation Index Journal]

Biruh , Shimekit and Hilmi, Mukhtar and Thanapalan , Murugesan (2010) Prediction of the Relative Permeability of Gases in Mixed Matrix Membranes. Paper Accepted to be published in Journal of Membrane Science. [Citation Index Journal]

Embong, Abdul Mutalib and Abdullah, Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim and Raja Yaacob, Raja Ahmad Iskandar and Azelin, Mohamed Noor and abdullah, azrai (2011) The Sustainability of Utilizing the Authentic Materials in English Classroom: From the Perspective of the Theory of Learning. [Citation Index Journal]

Ismail, Ismayadi and Yahya, Noorhana and Hashim, Mansor (2011) Magnetic Characterization of web-like Carbon Nanotubes Catalyzed by Fe2O3 Via Pulsed Laser Ablation Deposition (PLAD) Technique. [Citation Index Journal]

K.S., Rama Rao and K.N.Md., Hasan and Karsiti, M. N. (2009) Optimal Parameters of Rectifier Power Transformer by Intelligent Techniques. [Citation Index Journal]

Kashif, M. and Yahya, N. and Zaid, H. M. and Shafie, A. and Jasamai, M. and Nasir, N. and Akhtar, M. N. (2011) Oil Recovery by using Electromagnetic Waves. [Citation Index Journal]

Mahamad, Saipunidzam and Ibrahim, Mohammad Noor and Foad , Izzriq Ab Malek and Mohd Taib, Shakirah (2008) Open Source Implementation of M-Learning for Primary School in Malaysia. [Citation Index Journal]

Mahamad, Saipunidzam and Ibrahim, Mohammad Noor and Mohd Taib, Shakirah (2010) M-Learning: A New Paradigm of Learning Mathematics in Malaysia. [Citation Index Journal]

Md Nordin, Shahrina and mohammed, halib and Ghazali, Zulkipli and mahari, Razol (2010) ERROR CORRECTION AND STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON TEACHER WRITTEN FEEDBACK: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY ON L2 LEARNERS IN A MALAYSIAN UNIVERSITY. [Citation Index Journal]

Nasir, Nadeem and Yahya, Noorhana and Akhtar, M. N. and Kashif, M. and Shafie, A. and Daud, H. and Zaid, H. M. (2011) Magnitude verses Offset Study with EM Transmitter in Different Resistive Medium. [Citation Index Journal] (Submitted)

Nurdin, Zulbahri and Siraj, Saedah and Hussin, Zaharah and Abdullah, Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim (2013) Post Natural Disaster Education: In-Service Teacher Training Curriculum In Aceh. [Citation Index Journal]

Puspitasari, P and Yahya, N and Zabidi, N. A. M. and Ahmad, N. A (2011) Comparison of Mechanical Properties and Magnetic Properties of MN0.8Zn0.2Fe2O4 Synthesized by Conventional Ball Milling and Self Combustion Method. [Citation Index Journal]

Raja Yaacob, Raja Ahmad Iskandar and Raja Yaacob, Raja Abdullah and Jusoff, Kamaruzzaman (2011) ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE THROUGH INFORMATION LITERACY AS PART OF INNOVATIVE CURRICULUM. [Citation Index Journal]

Riaz, Sadia and Awang Rambli, Dayang Rohaya and Salleh, Rohani and Mushtaq, Arif (2010) Study to investigate learning motivation factors within formal and informal learning environments and their influence upon web-based learning. [Citation Index Journal]

Yahya, Noorhana (2011) Observation of Bamboo-Like Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) via Locally Developed Pulsed Laser Ablation Deposition Technique. [Citation Index Journal]

Non-Citation Index Journal

Renganathan, Sumathi (2018) A better read with meaning-making. [Non-Citation Index Journal]

Chong, Su Li (2018) A better read with meaning-making. [Non-Citation Index Journal]

Chong , Su Li (2018) Of technology, time and the 21st century. [Non-Citation Index Journal]

Ghazali, Zulkipli (2018) Information Source and Media Channel Preference of Malaysian Consumers: A Perception study on Lead-based Household Paints Hazards. [Non-Citation Index Journal]

Khalid Ali, Khalidah (2018) Dewan Masyarakat: A Discourse Study on Ethics Consciousness of The Malays: 1991-2000. [Non-Citation Index Journal]

Khalid Ali, Khalidah (2018) The Paradigms of Consciousness: A Discourse. [Non-Citation Index Journal]

Lai , Fong Woon (2018) Corporate Sustainability Reporting Practices in the Malaysian Oil and Gas Companies. [Non-Citation Index Journal]

Renganathan, Sumathi (2018) Teaching and engaging Orang Asli children. [Non-Citation Index Journal]

Sulam, Muhaimin (2018) "The Representation of George Town Heritage: A Two-Space Analysis of Local Alienation". [Non-Citation Index Journal]



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