Items where Department / MOR is "Electrical & Electronic Engineering" and Year is 2008

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Number of items: 118.

Kasim Rawthar, Mumtaj Begam and Michael , M.S. and Prabaharan ., S.R.S (2008) Nanostructured lithium-free oxyanion cathode, Li x Co 2(MoO4)3 [0∈x∈<3] for 3 v class lithium batteries. In: -, -, -.


A., Bhattacharya and P., Vasant and B., Sarkar and S.K., Mukherjee (2008) A fully fuzzified, intelligent theory-of-constraints product-mix decision. [Citation Index Journal]

A., Mahjoub and R., Mukerjee (2008) Modeling of controller for voltage sourced converter based HVDC transmission system. In: 2008 IEEE 2nd International Power and Energy Conference, PECon 2008, 1 December 2008 through 3 December 2008, Johor Baharu.

A.F.M., Hani and N.A., Setiawan and P.A., Venkatachalam (2008) Missing attribute value prediction based on artificial neural network and rough set theory. In: BioMedical Engineering and Informatics: New Development and the Future - 1st International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, BMEI 2008, 27 May 2008 through 30 May 2008, Sanya, Hainan.

A.F.M., Hani and V.S., Asirvadam and D., Sathyamoorthy (2008) Computation of scale-independent surface roughness via the generation of multiscale digital elevation models. In: International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering 2008, ICCCE08: Global Links for Human Development, 13 May 2008 through 15 May 2008, Kuala Lumpur.

A.M., Parimi and Elamvazuthi, I and N., Saad (2008) Damping of inter area oscillations using interline power flow controller based damping controllers. In: 2008 IEEE 2nd International Power and Energy Conference, PECon 2008, 1 December 2008 through 3 December 2008, Johor Baharu.

A.M., Parimi and Elamvazuthi, I and N., Saad (2008) Interline Power Flow controller (IPFC) based Damping Controllers for Damping Low Frequency Oscillations in a Power System. In: IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (ICSET 2008), 24-27 November 2008, Singapore.

Ahmad, Rizwan and Zheng, Fu-Chun and Drieberg , Micheal and Olafsson, Sverrir (2008) An Enhanced Relay-Enabled Medium Access Control Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. In: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Spring, 11-14 May 2008, Singapore.

Ahmad, Rizwan and Zheng, Fu-Chun and Drieberg , Micheal and Olafsson, Sverrir (2008) Performance Evaluation of Enhanced Relay-Enabled Distributed Coordination Function. In: European Wireless Conference (EW), 22-25 June 2008, Praque, Czech Republic.

Altahir, A. Altahir and Asirvadam , Vijanth Sagayan and Sebastian , Patrick (2008) Knowledge extraction from human motion. In: International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering, 2008. ICCCE 2008., 13-15 May 2008, Kuala Lumpur.

Asim , M. and Jeoti , Varun (2008) Efficient and simple method for designing chaotic S-boxes. [Citation Index Journal]

Asirvadam, Vijanth Sagayan (2008) Adaptive regularizer for recursive neural network training algorithms. In: 11th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, CSE Workshops 2008, 16 July 2008 through 18 July 2008, Sao Paulo, SP.



Badruddin , Nasreen and Bhaskaran, S.R. and Evans, Jamie and Hanly, Stephen (2008) Maximizing the sum rate in symmetric networks of interfering links under flat power constraints. In: 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 2008 , 23 - 26 Sept 2010, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA.

Badruddin , Nasreen and Evans, Jamie and Hanly, Stephen (2008) Maximising sum rate for two interfering wireless links. In: Australian Communications Theory Workshop, 2008. AusCTW 2008. , 30 Jan 2010 - 1 Feb 2010, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Baharudin, Zuhairi and Kamel , Nidal (2008) A.R. Modified Covariance In One Week Ahead Short Term Load Forecast. In: The Second IASTED Asian Conference on Power and Energy Systems, April 2 – 4, 2008, Langkawi, Malaysia.

Bhattacharya , Arijit and Vasant , Pandian and Susanto , Sani (2008) Simulating Theory-of Constraint Problem with Novel Fuzzy Compromise Linear Programming Model. In: Simulation and Modeling: Current Technologies and Applications. IGI Global, USA, 307-336 . ISBN 1591406374


Desta, Zahlay F. and K.S., Ramarao and Taj, Mohammed Baloch (2008) Autoreclosure in Extra High Voltage Lines using Taguchi’s Method and Optimized Neural Networks. In: 2008 IEEE Electrical Power & Energy Conference, 6-7 Oct, 2008, Vancouver, Canada.

Drieberg , Micheal and Zheng, Fu-Chun and Ahmad, Rizwan (2008) Performance Evaluation of Asynchronous Channel Assignment Scheme for Dense WLANs. In: 2nd ACoRN Workshop on Co-operative Wireless Communications, 14-17 July 2008, Melbourne, Australia.

Drieberg , Micheal and Zheng, Fu-Chun and Ahmad, Rizwan and Olafsson, Sverrir (2008) An Asynchronous Distributed Dynamic Channel Assignment Scheme for Dense WLANs. In: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 19-23 May 2008, Beijing, China.

Drieberg , Micheal and Zheng, Fu-Chun and Rizwan, Ahmad and Olafsson, Sverrir (2008) An Asynchronous Channel Assignment Scheme: Performance Evaluation. In: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Spring, 11-14 May 2008, Singapore.


F.B., Abdullah and A.S.A. , Hameed and Elamvazuthi, I and K.M., Begam (2008) Design and Construction of Pen Mouse to Enhance Presentation. In: Symposium on Engineering and Technology, 15-16 Dec 2008, Kuching, Malaysia.

Faye , Ibrahima and Ahmed, H.Y. and Saad, M.N. (2008) Zero Vectors Combinatorial Code Family for Spectral Amplitude Coding. [Citation Index Journal]


Hemani , Kaushal and Jain, V.K. and Subrat , Kar (2008) Issues in Ground to Deep Space Optical Communication. In: National Conference on Optical and Wireless Communication , 27-28 November, Jalandhar, India.

Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi and Yoneda, Tomokazu and Fujiwara, Hideo (2008) NoC-Compatible Wrapper Design and Optimization under Channel-Bandwidth and Test-Time Constraints. Transactions on Information and Systems, Volume (Issue ). pp. 2008-2017. ISSN 0916-8532

Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi and Yoneda, Tomokazu and Fujiwara, Hideo (2008) On NoC Bandwidth Sharing for the Optimization of Area Cost and Test Application Time. Transactions on Information and Systems, Volume (Issue ). pp. 1997-2007. ISSN 0916-8532

Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi and Yoneda, Tomokazu and Orailoglu, Alex and Fujiwara, Hideo (2008) Scheduling Power-Constrained Tests through the SoC Functional Bus. Transactions on Information and Systems, Volume (Issue ). pp. 736-746. ISSN 0916-8532

hassan, khairul nisak and Yahaya, Nor Zaihar and jelani, nor alina and sariat, siti sakinah (2008) Comparative Study of CoolMOS and MOSFET in High Frequency Circuit Design. IEEE 2nd International Conference on Power and Energy. pp. 1108-1111.


I.M., Nawi and M.A.S.A., Rahim (2008) Autonomous mobile robot: Path planning using backward chaining. In: Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering - IAENG Special Edition of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2008, WCECS 2008, 22 October 2008 through 24 October 2008, San Francisco, CA.


Jagtar, Singh and Jain, V.K. (2008) Performance Analysis of BPPM and M-ary PPM Optical Communication Systems in Atmospheric Turbulence. IETE Technical Review, 25 (4). pp. 146-153.

Jagtar , Singh and Jain, V.K. (2008) PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF PPM BASED OPTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM IN ATMOSPHERIC TURBULENCE. In: International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, 13-17 December, New Delhi, India.

Jegatheesan, Ramiah and Mohd Nor, Nursyarizal and Perumal, Nallagownden (2008) Piecewise Power Flow Solution Using Impedance Parameters. In: The 2ndInternational Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO2008).

Jegatheesan, Ramiah and Mohd Nor, Nursyarizal and Perumal, Nallagownden (2008) Power Flow Solution Using Impedance Parameters. In: The 2ndInternational Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO2008).

Jegatheesan, Ramiah and Mohd Nor, Nursyarizal and Romlie, Mohd Fakhizan (2008) Piecewise Power Flow Solution Using Impedance Parameters. [Citation Index Journal]

Jeoti , Varun (2008) A Novel Efficient and Simple Method for Designing Chaotic S-boxes. ETRI JOURNAL. ISSN 1225-6463


K. M., Begam and M. S., Michael and S. R. S., Prabaharan (2008) Nanostructured lithium-free oxyanion cathode, LixCo2(MoO4)(3) [0 <= x < 3] for 3 V class lithium batteries. In: 4th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, JUL 01-06, 2007, Singapore.

K. S. , Rama Rao and Khairul, Nisak Md Hasan (2008) Rectifier Power Transformer Design by Intelligent Optimization Techniques. In: 2008 IEEE Electrical Power & Energy Conference, 6-7 Oct, 2008, Vancouver, Canada.

K.M., Begam and M.K., Lai and N.M., Mohamed (2008) The role of Al2O3 buffer layer in the growth of aligned CNTs. In: International Conference on Frontiers in Materials Science and Technology, FMST 2008, 26 March 2008 through 28 March 2008, Brisbane, QLD.

K.N., Hasan and K.S.R., Rao and Z., Mokhtar (2008) Analysis of load flow and short circuit studies of an offshore platform using ERACS software. In: 2008 IEEE 2nd International Power and Energy Conference, PECon 2008, 1 December 2008 through 3 December 2008, Johor Baharu.

K.S., Rama Rao and K.N., Mohd Hassan (2008) Design Optimization of 3-phase rectifier power transformers by Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing. [Citation Index Journal]

K.S., Rama Rao and K.N., Mohd Hassan (2008) Design Optimization of 3-phase rectifier power transformers by Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing. In: WSEAS, PEOCO 2008, The 2nd International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference, Shah Alam, Malaysia, 4-5 June 2008, Shah Alam, Malaysia.

K.S., Rama Rao and Mayarisma, Denci (2008) Power loss estimation and simulation of a BLDC motor drive system. In: The 2nd Engineering Conference, ENCON 2008, 18-19 Dec 2008, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia , 18-19 Dec 2008, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

K.S., Rama Rao and Md Hasan, Khairul Nisak (2008) Design Optimization of 3-Phase Rectifier Power Transformers by Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing. [Citation Index Journal]

K.S., Rama Rao and Md. Hasan , K.N. (2008) Rectifier power transformer design by intelligent optimization techniques. In: 2008 IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference - Energy Innovation, 6 October 2008 through 7 October 2008, Vancouver, BC.

K.S., Rama Rao and Muhammad, Aariff Yahya (2008) Neural Networks based fault diagnosis of ac motors. In: IEEE International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSIM 2008, 26-28 Aug 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

K.S., Rama Rao and Nagadeven , - and Taib , S. (2008) Sensorless control of a BLDC motor with back EMF detection method using DSPIC. In: 2008 IEEE 2nd International Power and Energy Conference, PECon 2008, 1 December 2008 through 3 December 2008, Johor Bahru.

K.S., Rama Rao and Yahya , M.A. (2008) Neural networks applied for fault diagnosis of AC motors. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSim, 26 August 2008 through 29 August 2008, Kuala Lumpur.

K.S.R, Rao and F. D., Zahlay (2008) Autoreclosure in extra high voltage lines using taguchi's method and optimized neural networks. In: 2008 IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference - Energy Innovation, 6 October 2008 through 7 October 2008, Vancouver, BC.

K.S.R., Rao and K.N., Nashruladin (2008) Artificial neural networks and genetic algorithm for transformer winding/insulation faults. In: 4th IASTED Asian Conference on Power and Energy Systems, AsiaPES 2008, 2 April 2008 through 4 April 2008, Langkawi.

K.S.R., Rao and Z.F., Desta (2008) Taguchi's method for optimized neural network based autoreclosure in extra high voltage lines. In: 2008 IEEE 2nd International Power and Energy Conference, PECon 2008, 1 December 2008 through 3 December 2008, Johor Baharu.

Kamel , Nidal and Sayeed , S (2008) SVD-based signature verification technique using data glove. [Citation Index Journal]

Kondapalli, K. S. R. Rao. and K., K. N. Md. Hassan (2008) Design Optimization of 3-Phase Rectifier Power Transformers by Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing. [Citation Index Journal]


M., Shoaib and B. A., Steves and A., Szell (2008) Stability analysis of quintuple stellar and planetary systems using a symmetric five-body model. NEW ASTRONOMY , 13 (8 ). 639-645 . ISSN 1384-1076

M.F., Romlie and D., Purwanto and H., Agustiawan (2008) The Taguchi-neural networks approach to forecast electricity consumption. In: IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE 2008, 4 May 2008 through 7 May 2008, Niagara Falls, ON.

M.F., Romlie and M.F., Pesol and K.N., Hasan (2008) PWM technique to control speed of induction motor using matlab/xpc target box. In: 2008 IEEE 2nd International Power and Energy Conference, PECon 2008, 1 December 2008 through 3 December 2008, Johor Baharu.

M.F., Romlie and R., Jegatheesan and N.M., Nor (2008) Newton-raphson power flow solution employing systematically constructed jacobian matrix. In: 2008 IEEE 2nd International Power and Energy Conference, PECon 2008, 1 December 2008 through 3 December 2008, Johor Baharu.

M.F.B., Abdullah and R.N., Mukerjee (2008) Under-reach correction in twin circuits without residual current input from the parallel line. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 23 (3). pp. 1359-1365. ISSN 8858977

M.H.A., Fadzil and D., Ihtatho (2008) Modeling psoriasis lesion colour for PASI erythema scoring. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSim, 26 August 2008 through 29 August 2008, Kuala Lumpur.

M.H.A., Fadzil and D., Ihtatho and A.M., Affandi and S.H., Hussein (2008) Objective assessment of psoriasis erythema for PASI scoring. Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, 2008. pp. 4070-4073. ISSN 1557170X

M.H.A., Fadzil and H., Nugroho and S., Norashikin and H.H., Suraiya (2008) Assessment of therapeutic response in skin pigment disorder treatment. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSim, 26 August 2008 through 29 August 2008, Kuala Lumpur.

M.K.A., Ahamed Khan and Elamvazuthi, I and M.M., Mahmood and K., Anayet and Sinnadurai, Rajendran (2008) Solar Energy Based Ozone Generator For Air And Water Treatment. In: Seminar on Progress of Solar Energy Research & Development 2008, 2008, Solar Energy Research Institute, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

M.K.A., Ahamed Khan and Elamvazuthi, I and M.M. , Mahmood and K. , Anayet and Sinnadurai, Rajendran (2008) Intelligent Control of Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation in an Indoor Environment. In: International Conference on Advancement in Science and Technology (ICAST2008), 13-15 June 2008, Kuantan, Malaysia.

Mallika , Wadhawan and Jain, V.K. (2008) POWER OPTIMIZATION IN SCM-WDM TRANSMISSION SYSTEM. In: International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, 13-17 December, New Delhi, India.

Michael , M.S. and Kasim Rawthar, Mumtaj Begam and Cloke , M. and Prabaharan , S.R.S. (2008) New NASICON type oxyanion high capacity anode, Li2Co 2(MoO4)3, for lithium-ion batteries: Preliminary studies. In: -, -, -.

Mohd Nor, Nursyarizal and Jegatheesan, Ramiah and Perumal, Nallagownden (2008) Newton-Raphson State Estimation Solution Employing Systematically Constructed Jacobian Matrix. In: WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE.

Mohd Nor, Nursyarizal and Jegatheesan, Ramiah (2008) APPLICATION OF BURG’S ALGORITHM IN STATE ESTIMATION. In: The Fourth IASTED International Conference POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS (AsiaPES 2008).

Mohd Nor, Nursyarizal and Jegatheesan, Ramiah and Perumal, Nallagownden (2008) Use of AR Block Processing for Estimating the State Variables of Power System. In: The 2ndInternational Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO2008).


N., Saad and I., Awaludin and H., Agustiawan (2008) A prediction of oil demand in Malaysia using time series modeling approach. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSim, 26 August 2008 through 29 August 2008, Kuala Lumpur.

N., Saad and M., Arrofiq (2008) A PLC-based self-tuning PI-fuzzy controller for linear and non-linear drives control. In: 2008 IEEE 2nd International Power and Energy Conference, PECon 2008, 1 December 2008 through 3 December 2008, Johor Baharu.

N., Saad and M., Arrofiq (2008) A simulation of PLC-based self-tuning PI-fuzzy logic controller for DC motor. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSim, 26 August 2008 through 29 August 2008, Kuala Lumpur.

N., Saad and M.A.A., Elmaleeh (2008) Acoustic emission techniques for early detection of bearing faults using LabVIEW. In: 5th International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications, ISMA 2008, 27 May 2008 through 29 May 2008, Amman.

N., Saad and M.A.A., Elmaleeh (2008) Development of acoustic emission diagnostic system for condition monitoring of rotating machines. In: 2008 IEEE 2nd International Power and Energy Conference, PECon 2008, 1 December 2008 through 3 December 2008, Johor Baharu.

N., Saad and M.A.A., Elmaleeh (2008) A study of acoustic emission technique on incipient detection of rotating machine faults. In: 2008 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARCV 2008, 17 December 2008 through 20 December 2008, Hanoi.

N., Saad and O., Wahyunggoro (2008) Evaluations of fuzzy-logic-based self tuning PI controller and fuzzy-scheduled PID controller for DC servomotor. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSim, 26 August 2008 through 29 August 2008, Kuala Lumpur.

N., Yahya and K.K.K., Koziol and M.K., Bin Mansor (2008) Synthesis and characterization of single crystals Y3Fe 5O12 and Bi3Fe5O12 prepared via sol gel technique. Diffusion and Defect Data. Pt A Defect and Diffusion Forum, 283-28. pp. 406-412. ISSN 10120386

N., Yahya and S.B., Waje and I., Ramli (2008) Carbon nanopipe catalysed by as-prepared NiO nanoparticles. Sains Malaysiana, 37 (3). pp. 289-293. ISSN 1266039

N.H., Hamid and A.F., Murray and S., Roy (2008) Time-domain modeling of low-frequency noise in deep-submicrometer MOSFET. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 55 (1). pp. 245-257. ISSN 10577122

N.H., Hamid and A.R., Kermany and Z.A., Burhanudin (2008) A study of MRF-based circuit implementation. In: 2008 International Conference on Electronic Design, ICED 2008, 1 December 2008 through 3 December 2008, Penang.

N.H., Hamid and I., Yasri and V.V., Yap (2008) Performance analysis of FPGA based Sobel edge detection operator. In: 2008 International Conference on Electronic Design, ICED 2008, 1 December 2008 through 3 December 2008, Penang.

N.M., Saad and A.Y., Ahmed and J.O., Dennis and W.A., Talah (2008) Design and simulation of a high temperature MEMS microhotplate for application in trace gas detection. In: 2008 IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, ICSE 2008, 25 November 2008 through 27 November 2008, Johor Bahru, Johor.

N.S., Kamel and A.M., Ahmed Jad Elrab (2008) Performance analysis of non-blind adaptive beamforming techniques for (3G) WCDMA uplink. In: International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering 2008, ICCCE08: Global Links for Human Development, 13 May 2008 through 15 May 2008, Kuala Lumpur.

N.S., Kamel and A.M., Ahmed Jad Elrab (2008) Comparative study of Pilot Symbol Assisted (PSA) beamforming techniques for (3G) WCDMA reverse link. In: International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering 2008, ICCCE08: Global Links for Human Development, 13 May 2008 through 15 May 2008, Kuala Lumpur.

N.S., Kamel and M.Z., Yusoff (2008) A generalized subspace approach for estimating visual evoked potentials. In: 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS'08, 20 August 2008 through 25 August 2008, Vancouver, BC.

N.S., Kamel and M.Z., Yusoff (2008) A generalized subspace approach for estimating visual evoked potentials. Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, 2008. pp. 5208-5211. ISSN 1557170X

N.S., Kamel and S., Sayeed and R., Besar (2008) Enhancement of glove-based approach to dynamic signature verification by reducing number of sensors. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSim, 26 August 2008 through 29 August 2008, Kuala Lumpur.

N.S., Kamel and Z., Baharudin (2008) Autoregressive method in short term load forecast. In: 2008 IEEE 2nd International Power and Energy Conference, PECon 2008, 1 December 2008 through 3 December 2008, Johor Baharu.

N.Z., Yahaya and K.N., Hassan and N.A., Mani and S.S., Sari'at (2008) Comparative study of CoolMOS and MOSFET in high frequency circuit design. In: 2008 IEEE 2nd International Power and Energy Conference, PECon 2008, 1 December 2008 through 3 December 2008, Johor Baharu.

Nallagownden, Perumal (2008) Design of A Solar Power System for an offshore platform. Proceedings of the 6th ICEENG Conference.

Nidal S., Kamel (2008) Glove-Based Approach to Online Signature Verification. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, 30 (6). pp. 1109-1113. ISSN 0162-8828

Nidal S., Kamel and Shohel, Sayeed and Grant A., Ellis (2008) Glove-based approach to online signature verification. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, 30 (6 ). pp. 1109-1113. ISSN 0162-8828


P., Sebastian and V.V., Yap and R., Comley (2008) The effect of colour space on tracking robustness. In: 2008 3rd IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA 2008, 3 June 2008 through 5 June 2008, Singapore.

P.M., Vasant and N.N., Barsoum and A., Bhattacharya (2008) Possibilistic optimization in planning decision of construction industry. [Citation Index Journal]

Perumal, Nallagownden and A.H., Magumane and K.S.R., Kanth (2008) Performance analysis of surge arrester on high voltage systems using ATP. In: 4th IASTED Asian Conference on Power and Energy Systems, AsiaPES 2008, 2 April 2008 through 4 April 2008, Langkawi.


R.N., Mukerjee and N.M., Razali and V.K., Ramachandaramurthy (2008) Case studies on suppression of multimodal electromechanical oscillations by statcom's supplementary controller. In: 4th IASTED Asian Conference on Power and Energy Systems, AsiaPES 2008, 2 April 2008 through 4 April 2008, Langkawi.

R.S., Manzoor and R., Gani and V., Jeoti and N., Kamel and M., Asif (2008) Implementation of FFT using discrete wavelet packet transform (DWPT) and its application to SNR estimation in OFDM systems. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSim, 26 August 2008 through 29 August 2008, Kuala Lumpur.

R.S., Manzoor and V., Jeoti and N.S., Kamel and M., Asif (2008) A novel front-end noise power and snr estimation using wavelet-packets in OFDM systems. In: International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, WINSYS 2008, 26 July 2008 through 29 July 2008, Porto.

R.S., Manzoor and V., Jeoti and N.S., Kamel and M., Asif (2008) A novel noise power and SNR estimation in WiMAX systems. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSim, 26 August 2008 through 29 August 2008, Kuala Lumpur.


S.A., Zulkifli and M.N., Karsiti and A.R.A., Aziz (2008) Rectangular current commutation and open-loop control for starting of a free-piston linear engine-generator. In: 2008 IEEE 2nd International Power and Energy Conference, PECon 2008, 1 December 2008 through 3 December 2008, Johor Baharu.

S.A., Zulkifli and M.N., Karsiti and A.R.A., Aziz (2008) Starting of a free-piston linear engine-generator by mechanical resonance and rectangular current commutation. In: 2008 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2008, 3 September 2008 through 5 September 2008, Harbin.

S.B., Hisham and M.G.M.K., Elarafi (2008) Modeling and control of pH neutralization using neural network predictive controller. In: 2008 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, ICCAS 2008, 14 October 2008 through 17 October 2008, Seoul.

Shree Prakash , Singh and Subrat, Kar and Jain, V.K. (2008) Optical CDMA Network Performance in Presence of Impairments. In: International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, 13-17 December, New Delhi, India.


T.M., Baloch and T.T.C., Kae (2008) Design and modelling a prototype of a robotic lawn mower. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSim, 26 August 2008 through 29 August 2008, Kuala Lumpur.


V., Jeoti and S.A.M., Sharif (2008) Configuring video sensor network using a novel vision based technique. In: International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSim, 26 August 2008 through 29 August 2008, Kuala Lumpur.

V.V., Yap and U.Y., Oktiawati (2008) Evaluating the effects of the dual tree complex wavelet transform and the adaptive rood pattern search algorithm on a video codec. In: 2008 3rd IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA 2008, 3 June 2008 through 5 June 2008, Singapore.


Wahyunggoro, O. and Saad , Nordin (2008) Development of fuzzy-logic-based self tuning PI controller for servomotor. In: 2008 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARCV 2008 , 17 December 2008 through 20 December 2008 , Hanoi .

Wong, Peng Wen (2008) A New Class of Low-Loss High-Linearity Electronically Reconfigurable Microwave Filter. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions , 56 (8). pp. 1945-1953. ISSN 0018-9480

Wong, Peng Wen (2008) Switched Delay Line Microwave Reconfigurable Filter. In: 5th EMRS DTC Technical Conference, Edinburgh.

Wong, Peng Wen and Ian , C. Hunter (2008) A New Class of Low-Loss High-Linearity Electronically Reconfigurable Microwave Filter. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions, VOL. 5 (NO. 8,). pp. 1945-1953.


Xia, Likun and Bell, Ian and Wilkinson, Antony (2008) Automated Macromodel Generation for High Level Modeling. In: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Design and Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era, 2008. DTIS 2008. , 25-27 March 2008 , Tozeur .

Xia, Likun and Bell, Ian and Wilkinson, Antony (2008) An Automated Model Generation Approach for High Level Modelling. In: World Congress on Engineering (WCE) 2008, July2-4, 2008, London, UK.

Xia, Likun and Bell, Ian and Wilkinson, Antony (2008) A Novel Approach for Automated Model Generation. In: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2008. ISCAS 2008. , 18-21 May 2008 , Seattle, WA, USA.


Yahaya, Nor Zaihar and Begam , Mumtaj and awan, mohammad (2008) A Review on VHF Power Electronics Converter and Design Issues. IAENG Engineering Letters, 16 (3). pp. 288-293.

Yahaya, Nor Zaihar and Begam , Mumtaj and awan, mohammad (2008) SWITCHING LOSS ANALYSIS OF A DIODE-CLAMPED RESONANT GATE DRIVER NETWORK. Annual Seminar on Science and Technology. pp. 471-475.

Yahaya, Nor Zaihar and Begam , Mumtaj and awan, mohammad (2008) Simulation of an Inductive Coupled High Frequency Resonant Gate Driver Circuit. IEEE 6th International Conference on Industrial Informatics. pp. 1523-1527.

Yahaya, Nor Zaihar and awan, mohammad and Begam , Mumtaj (2008) Design & Simulation of High Frequency Gate Driver Circuit for Synchronous Buck Converter. In: Engineering Conference, 18 - 19 December 2008, Kuching, Sarawak.

Yahaya, Nor Zaihar and tran, minh dung (2008) Design and Improvement of Soft-Switched Quasi-Resonant Boost Converter. Engineering Conference. pp. 588-594.

Youjun, Fan and Nuryadi, Ratno and Burhanudin, Zainal Arif and Tabe , Michiharu (2008) Thermal Agglomeration of Ultrathin Silicon-on-Insulator Layers: Crystalline Orientation Dependence. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 47. pp. 1461-1464.


Zain Ali, Noohul Basheer and Mark, Zwolinski and Ahmadi, Arash (2008) Delay Fault Modelling/Simulation using VHDL-AMS in Multi Vdd Systems. In: PROC. 26th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROELECTRONICS (MIEL 2008), 11-14 May, 2008, Nis, Serbia.

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