Items where Subject is "TN Mining engineering. Metallurgy"

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Ahmad, Tahir and Mamat, Othman (2011) The Development and Characterization of Zirconia-Silica Sand Nanoparticles Composites. World Journal of Nano Science and Engineering, 01 (01). pp. 7-14. ISSN 2161-4954

Ahmad, Faiz (2008) Control of defects in powder injection molded aluminum matrix composites. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POWDER METALLURGY, 44 (3 ). 69-76 . ISSN 0888-7462

Ahmed, Tahir and Mamat, Othman (2011) Characterization and Properties of Copper-Silica Sand Nanoparticle Composites. Defect and Diffusion Forum, 319-320. pp. 95-105. ISSN 1662-9507

Al-Batati, Nabil and Fakhruldin, Bin Mohd Hashim and Pao, William K. S. (2014) Simulation of Drill Pipe Lateral Vibration Due to Riser’s Oscillation. [Citation Index Journal]

Al-Batati, Nabil and Fakhruldin, Bin Mohd Hashim and Pao, William K. S. (2014) Simulation of Drill String Vibration inside Well Bore due to Riser’s Oscillation. [Citation Index Journal]

Aulia, Akmal and El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. (2010) Mathematical Description of the Implementation of the Adaptive Newton-Raphson Method in Compositional Porous Media Flow. [Citation Index Journal]

Awang, Mariyamni and Goh , Meng Seng (2008) Sulfonation of phenols extracted from the pyrolysis oil of oil palm shells for enhanced oil recovery. ChemSusChem, 1 (3). pp. 210-214. ISSN 18645631


B., Demiral and O., Izgec and H., Bertin and S., Akin (2008) CO2 injection into saline carbonate aquifer formations II: Comparison of numerical simulations to experiments. Transport in Porous Media, 73 (1). pp. 57-74. ISSN 1693913


Dzulkarnain, Iskandar (2011) Enhancement of IFT Reduction in Surfactant Flooding by Branched Alcohols. International Petroleum Technology Conference 2011,Bangkok. (Submitted)

Dzulkarnain, Iskandar and Awang, Mariyamni and Mohamad, Ahmad Muzakkir (2011) Uncertainty in MMP Prediction from EOS Fluid Characterization. In: SPE Enhanced Oil Recovery Conference, 19-21 July 2011, Kuala Lumpur.


El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. (2011) Design and analysis of single pulse tests. [Citation Index Journal]

El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. (2010) Effect of Adsorption, Dispersion and Slug Size on Chemical EOR. In: ICIPEG2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. (2011) Evaluation of Formation Damage from Transient Pressure Analysis: Unsteady State Skin Factor. In: SPE 9th European Formation Damage Conference held in Noordwijk, 7–10 June 2011., Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. (2006) Immiscible Displacement of Non-Newtonian Fluids in Communicating Stratified Reservoirs. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering , 9 (4). pp. 356-365.

El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. (2011) The Modification of the Dykstra-Parsons Method for Inclined Stratified Reservoirs. In: SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference, 21-23 March 2011, Bahrain.

El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. (2010) Review of Waterflooding Performance in Stratified Reservoirs. In: ICIPEG 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. (2009) Transient pressure behavior for a reservoir with continuous permeability distribution in the invaded zone. In: 16th Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference 2009, MEOS 2009, 15 March 2009 through 18 March 2009, Manama.

El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. (2012) Waterflooding Performance in Inclined Communicating Stratified Reservoirs. [Citation Index Journal]

El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. (2010) Waterflooding Performance in Inclined Communicating Stratified Reservoirs. In: SPE North Africa Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Cairo, Egypt, 14–17 February 2010., 14 - 17 February 2010, Cairo , Egypt.

Eltilib, R. A E. E. and Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. (2009) Simulation of Cutting Particles Transportation in Oil Well Drilling. In: Proceedings of the 1st National Post Graduate Conference, NPC09, 25-26 March 2009, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS.


F.M., Nasir and N.A., Amiruddin (2008) Miscible C02 injection: Sensitivity to fluid properties. In: International Petroleum Technology Conference, IPTC 2008, 3 December 2008 through 5 December 2008, Kuala Lumpur.


Harith, Z.Z.T. and Maman Hermana, (2008) Design Model of CO2 Injection Monitoring Into Depleted Oil Reservoir Using Induced Seismicity Data. In: NGC 2008.

Hasan, Nurul (2009) Comparison of a computational model of single bubble Collection efficiency in a hallimond tube. In: Seventh International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries.

Hasan, Hasan (2008) Validation of Computational Model of Single Bubble Collection Efficiency in Hallimond Tube. In: 2008 ANSYS User Conference: Nov 10-11, Sydney.

Hasan, Nurul (2001) CFD Modelling of Free Surface and Entrainment of Buoyant Particles from Free Surface for Submerged Jet Systems. [Citation Index Journal]

Hasan, Nurul (2001) CFD analysis of the mixing zone for a submerged jet system. ASME Fluids Engineering. ISSN 0791835324

Hasan, Nurul (2007) CFD modelling of heat transfer in supersonic nozzles for magnesium production. [Citation Index Journal]

Hasan, Nurul (2006) The Carbothermic Route to Magnesium. [Citation Index Journal]

Hasan, Nurul (2000) Collapse of a Cylinder of Bingham Fluid. [Citation Index Journal]

Hasan, Nurul (2006) Design of Supersonic Nozzles for Ultra-Rapid Quenching of Metallic Vapours. [Citation Index Journal]

Hasan, Nurul (2008) Determining thethicknessofliquidfilminlaminarconditiononarotatingdrum surface usingCFD. Chemical EngineeringScience. ISSN 0009-2509

Hasan, Nurul (2004) Dispersion of particles injected through an impinging vertical round jet. In: CTAC 2004: 12th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, Australia.

Hasan, Nurul (2004) Entrainment Behaviour of Particles Induced by A Half-Submerged Horizontal Rotary Drum. In: CTAC 2004: 12th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference .

Hasan, Nurul (2001) Entrainment of Buoyant Particles Influenced by a Liquid Jet. In: International conference of multiphase flow, May, New Orleans USA.

Hasan, Nurul (2008) Evaluation of a Proposed and an Existing Dust Ventilation/Collection System in an Underground Mine Crushing Plant. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on FLUID MECHANICS.

Hasan, Nurul and Zakaria, Zalinawati (2011) Computational approach for a pair of bubble coalescence process. [Citation Index Journal]


Hussain, P and Mamat, Othman and Mohammad, Mazlan (2010) Formation of Nitrogen-Pearlite in the Diffusion Bonding of Sialon to 316L Stainless Steel. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceeding, 1217 (129). ISSN 978-0-7354-0673-5

Hussain, P and Mamat, Othman and Mohammad, Mazlan (2010) Formation of Nitrogen-Pearlite in the Diffusion Bonding of Sialon to 316L Stainless Steel. American Institute of Physics (AIP).

Hussain, P and Mamat, Othman and Firmanto, Hudiyo (2009) Solution nitriding of AISI 430 ferritic stainless steel. In: International Conference on Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, 23-25 June 2009, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Tehnology, Surabaya, Indonesia.


I., Sonny and M.F., Nuruddin and S., Saidin (2008) A new approach for optimizing cement design to eliminate microannulus in steam injection wells. In: International Petroleum Technology Conference, IPTC 2008, 3 December 2008 through 5 December 2008, Kuala Lumpur.

I.M., Saaid and N.A.M., Agil and J., Ibrahim and M.F., Harun (2008) Utilizing acidized NH2 for mitigating formation damage and improving oil recovery: Case Study of Penara Field, Malaysia. In: 16th SPE/DOE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium 2008 - IOR: Now More Than Ever."", 19 April 2008 through 23 April 2008, Tulsa, OK.

Irawan, Sonny and M. Nasir, F. and Saaid, I. and Chow, W.S (2009) INVESTIGATION OF RHEOLOGICAL PERFORMANCE OF SABAH BENTONITE FOR DRILLING FLUID APPLICATION. In: International Engineering Convention, mSET, Syria.


Mamat, Othman and Gebrehiwot, Tesfalidet (2009) Effect of Natural Sand on the Mechanical Properties of High Density polyethylene (HDPE) and Polypropylene (PP) Based Composites. In: International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2009 UiTM, 24-25 June 2009, Concorde Hotel, Shah Alam, Selangor.

Mamat, Othman and Ahmed, Tahir (2009) CHARACTERIZATION AND PROPERTIES OF ALUMINIUM- SILICA SAND NANOPARTICLE COMPOSITES. In: 25th. Regional Conference on Solid State Science and Technology for Scientific Advancement, 21-23 December 2009, Bayview Beach Resort, Penang, Malaysia.

Mamat, Othman and Hussain, P and Mustapha, Mazli and Ismail, Fauzi (2008) Empirical Relationship Between Relative Electrical Conductivity And Relative Density Of The Al-Foam Fabricated Through Pressure Assisted Sintering/Dissolution Process. American Institute of Physics (AIP), Volume. pp. 310-314.

Mamat, Othman and Mustapha, Mazli and Ismail, Fauzi (2009) The Empirical Relationship Between Relative Electrical Conductivity And Relative Density Of The Al-Foam Fabricated Through Pressure Assisted Sintering/Dissolution Process. In: International Advanced of Technology Congress (ATCi),PWTC, Malaysia, 3-5 November 2009, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.

Masters, Ian and Pao, William K. S. and Lewis, Roland (2000) Coupling temperature to a double porosity model of deformable porous media. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING, 49 (3). pp. 421-438. ISSN 00295981

Mohd Saaid, Ismail and Mohamed Agil, Nurul Aida and Mohamad Ibrahim, Jamal and Harun, Mohd Fadzil (2002) UTILIZING ACIDIZED NH2 FOR MITIGATING FORMATION DAMAGE AND IMPROVING OIL RECOVERY: CASE STUDY OF PENARA FIELD, MALAYSIA. In: 16th SPE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium , 20-23 April 2008, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Mohiuddin , Zeeshan and D.M, Anwar Raja and Mohd Saaid, Ismail (2007) Utilizing the effect of nitrogen to implementation of light- oil air injection in Malaysian Oil Fields. In: 15th SPE Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference , 11-14 March 2007, Bahrain International Exhibition Centre, Kingdom of Bahrain.

Mohyaldinn, Mysara Eissa and El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. and Che Ismail, Mokhtar (2010) A Computational Code for Sand Erosion Prediction in Elbows and Tees: An Improvement to the Direct Impingement Model to Account for Temperature Dependence. Corrosion and Materials , 35 (5). pp. 62-69.


Mohyaldinn, Mysara Eissa and El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. and Che Ismail, Mokhtar (2010) A Computational Tool for Erosion/Corrosion Prediction in Oil/Gas Production Facilities. In: 3rd International Conference on Solid State Science and Technology 2010 (ICSSST2010), 01-03 December 2010, Kuching, Sarawak, Maklaysia.

Mohyaldinn, Mysara Eissa and El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. and Che Ismail, Mokhtar (2011) Evaluation of Different Modelling Methods Used for Erosion Prediction. In: NACE Corrosion Changhai 2011 Conference & Expo, 12-14 October 2011, Changhai , China.

Mohyaldinn, Mysara Eissa and El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. and Che Ismail, Mokhtar (2011) Numerical and Experimental Investigation of CO2 Corrosion. In: NACE Corrosion Changhai 2011 Conference & Expo, 12-14 October 2011, Changhai , China.

Mohyaldinn, Mysara Eissa and El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. and Ismail, Mokhtar C (2010) A Computational Model for Simulation of CO2 Corrosion Rate along Pipelines. In: 3rd International Conference on Solid State Science & Technology ICSSST2010, December 01 - 03, 2010, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Mustapha, Faizal and Mustapha, Mazli and Mamat, Othman and Hussain, P and Noorsal, Kartini (2010) Preliminary study on the fabrication of aluminium foam through pressure assisted sintering dissolution process. [Citation Index Journal]


Nurul, Hasan (2008) Reviewers of Chemeca 2008, Australia. In: Chemeca 2008: Towards a Sustainable Australasia., 28th September through 1st October 2008, Newcastle, N. S. W., Australia.

Nurul, Hasan (2001) Transient Free Surface Modeling with Entrainment of Particles from Free Surface. In: 2001 Fluent Users’ Group Meeting.


P.L., Koh and M.K.R., Panga and S.O., Yean and S.C., Keng and P., Enkababian and M., Samuel and P., Cheneviere (2007) Wettability alteration used for water block prevention in high-temperature gas wells. World Oil, 228 (3). pp. 51-58. ISSN 438790

Pao, William K. S. and Lewis, Roland W. and Masters, Ian (2001) A fully coupled hydro-thermo-poro-mechanical model for black oil reservoir simulation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS IN GEOMECHANICS, 25. pp. 1229-1256. ISSN 0363-9061


Shoushtari, M.A. and Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Aja, Ogboo Chikere (2011) On the natural convection heat transfer in the casing annulus of oil wells. In: Asian Conference on Science and Social Science Research2011, ACSSSR2011, 22-23 June 2011, Gurney Hotel, Penang, Malaysia.


W.S., Chow and T.F., Ng and V.R., Vijayan and A., Sulaiman (2008) Assessment of oil spill vulnerability of Southwest Pulau Pinang shoreline. In: -, -, Kuala Lumpur.

Wahab, A.A. and Abdul Latif, M.R. and Karuppanan, S and Abdul Aziz, A.H. (2010) THREE-DIMENSIONAL RECONSTRUCTION OF RESIN-INFUSED CARBON FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITE. In: 19th Scientific Conference of the Electron Microscopy Society of Malaysia, 14-16 Dec 2010, Langkawi.

Wahab, A.A. and Abdul Latif, M.R. and Kral, M.V. (2008) ELECTRON BACKSCATTERED DIFFRACTION (EBSD) OF CREEP-VOID PRECIPITATES IN STEAM-METHANE REFORMER TUBES. In: 17th Scientific Conference of Electron Microscopy Society of Malaysia, December 2008, Shah Alam.


Yong, Lawrence H. P. and Pao, William and Hashim, F.M. (2013) Fill Removal in Wellbore Using Coiled Tubing. [Citation Index Journal]

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