Items where Subject is "TE Highway engineering. Roads and pavements"

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Number of items at this level: 32.


Ahyudanari, Ervina and Shafiq, Nasir and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim (2010) An Alternative Method in Evaluation Approach of Airport Pavement Performance. In: Malaysian Universities Transportation Research Forums and Conferences 2010, December 21st, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Gasm, Yasreen and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Napiah, Madzlan (2009) CREEP PERFORMANCE OF BASE AND POLYMER MODIFIED BITUMINOUS MIXTURES CONTAINING TWO TYPES OF SAND AS FINE AGGREGATE. In: 7th Asia Pacific Structural Engineering & Construction Conference 2009 (APSEC 2009)/ 2nd European Asian Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF), 4-6 August 2009, Langkawi.


Habib, Noor Zainab and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Napiah, Madzlan and Mohd Tan, Isa (2010) EFFECT OF THERMOPLASTIC COPOLYMERS ON MICROSTRUCTURE AND VISCOELASTIC BEHAVIOUR OF BITUMEN. In: Malaysians Universities Transportation Research Forum and Conferences 2010, December 21st, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Habib, Noor Zainab and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Napiah, Madzlan and Mohd Tan, Isa (2010) Effect of Thermoplastic Copolymers on Microstructure and ViscoelasticBehavior of Bitumen. In: Malaysian Universities Transportation Research Forum and Conference, December 21st, 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Habib, Noor Zainab and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Napiah, Madzlan and Mohd Tan, Isa (2011) Rheological Properties of Polyethylene and Polypropylene Modified Bitumen. International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 3 (2). pp. 96-100. ISSN 2010-3883

Habib, Noor Zainab and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Napiah, Madzlan and Mohd Tan, Isa (2010) Rheological and Morphological Analysis of Polymer Modified Bitumen. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Habib, Noor Zainab and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Napiah, Madzlan and Mohd Tan, Isa (2010) Rheological Properties of Polyethylene and Polypropylene Modified Bitumen. WASET.

Habib, , Noor Zainab and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Napiah, Madzlan and Isa, M Tan (2011) Effects of mixing process on polypropylene modified bituminous concrete mix properties. [Citation Index Journal]


Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Napiah, Madzlan (2010) The Effect of Fine Aggregate Properties on The Rutting Behaviorof The Conventional and Polynmer Modified Bituminous Mixtures using Two Types of Sands as Fine Aggregate. In: Malaysians Universities Transportation Research Forum and Conferences 2010, December 21st, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Napiah, Madzlan (2007) The Properties and Performance of Polymer Fibre Reinforced Bituminous Mixtures. WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 57. pp. 61-71. ISSN 1743-3533 (online)

Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Napiah, Madzlan and Rizkiyantoro, P (2010) PERMANENT DEFORMATION OF BITUMINOUS MIXTURES INCORPORATING HYDRATED LIME (HL) AND ORDINARY PORTLAND CEMENT (OPC) AS FILLER MATERIAL. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Napiah, Madzlan and Soelistijo, A (2010) A comparison of the engineering properties of gap-graded and well-graded road bituminous mixtures. The Built Environment, 111 . WIT Press. ISBN 978-1-84564-456-7

Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Napiah, Madzlan (2010) Moisture Damage in Fibre Reinforced Bituminous Road Materials. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Napiah, Madzlan and Gasm, Yasreen (2010) THE EFFECT OF FINE AGGREGATE PROPERTIES ON THE RUTTING BEHAVIOR OF THE CONVENTIONAL AND POLYMER MODIFIED BITUMINOUS MIXTURES USING TWO TYPES OF SAND AS FINE AGGREGATE. In: Malaysian Universities Transportation Research Forum and Conference, December 21st, 2010, Kuala Lumpur.


Matori, A.N (2012) Proposed GIS-based Environmental Impact Assessment Approach for Site Suitability of Petrol Filling Stations in Malaysia. In: ICCOEE 2012.


Napiah, Madzlan (2011) The Effect of Fine Aggregaate Properties on the Fatigue Behaviour of the Conventional and Polymer Modified Bituminous Mixtures Using Two Types of Sand as Fine Aggregate. In: International Conference On Civil And Environmental Engineering ICCEE 2011, October 26 - October 28, Bali, Indonesia. (Submitted)

Napiah, Madzlan (2011) Effect of Fine Aggregate Physical Properties on the Engineering Properties of Conventional and Polymer-Modified Bituminous Mixtures. In: 10th International Conference on Low-Volume Roads, 24-27 July 2011, Florida, USA.

Napiah, Madzlan (2011) Effect of Mixing Process on Polypropylene Modified Concrete Mix Properties. In: International Conference On Civil And Environmental Engineering ICCEE 2011, October 26 - October 28, Bali, Indonesia. (Submitted)

Napiah, Madzlan (2011) Effect of Polymer Dispersion on the Rheology and Morphology of Polymer Modified Bituminous Blend. In: International Conference on Chemical, Material and Metallurgical Engineering (ICCMME 2011) , 23-25 December 2011, Beihai, China. (Submitted)

Napiah, Madzlan (2011) Quality of Service and Passenger’s Perception – A Review on Bus Service in Kota Bharu. [Citation Index Journal]

Napiah, Madzlan and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim (2003) Creep and Fatigue Performance of Polymer Modified and Fibre Reinforced Bituminous Mixtures. In: 21st ARRB/11th REAAA Conference, Australia.

Napiah, Madzlan and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim (2009) On-Time Performance and Service Regularity of Stage Buses in Mixed Traffic. [Citation Index Journal]

Napiah, Madzlan and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Gasm, Yasreen (2009) The Creep Performance of Base and Polymer Modified Bitumen Mixes Containing Different Types of Sand as Fine Aggregate. In: 8th International Conference of the Eastern Asia for Transportation Studies, 16-19 November 2009, Surabaya, Indonesia.

Napiah, Madzlan and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Gasm, Yasreen (2010) The Creep Performance of Base and Polymer Modified Bitumen Mixes Containing Different Types of Sand as Fine Aggregate. [Citation Index Journal]

Napiah, Madzlan and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Miswar, Intan Kumalasari (2010) A Correlation between Degree of Compaction and Performance Life of Asphalt Concrete. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Napiah, Madzlan and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Syed Osman, Syed Baharom (2008) The Effect of Particle Size on the Strength of Kaolinite Soil Stabilized by Electrokinetic Method. Advanced Research in Transportation and Geotechnical Engineering . University Publication Centre (UPENA), Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-305-152-6

Napiah, Madzlan and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Syed Osman, Syed Baharom (2008) Electroosmotic Method in Stabilizing Kaolinite Soil. In: 8th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 15-17 September 2008, Famagusta, North Cyprus.

Napiah, Madzlan and Kamaruddin,, Ibrahim (2003) Creep and Fatigue Performance of Polymer Modified and Fibre Reinforced Bituminous Mixtures. In: 21st ARRB and 11th REAAA Conference, May 18-23, 2003, Cairns, Queensland, Australia.

Napiah, Madzlan and Koh, Moi Ing and Che Long, Laila (2007) The Effect of Countdown Timer on Red-Light-Running. In: AWAM'07, 29-31 May 2007, Langkawi, Malaysia.


Suwardo, W and Napiah, Madzlan and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim (2007) Bus Operation Characteristics and Performance Indicators as a Preliminary Study in Promoting Public Transport: A Case Study Based on the Ipoh-Lumut Corridor in Perak. In: AWAM'07, 29-31 May 2007, Langkawi, Malaysia.

Suwardo, W and Napiah, Madzlan and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim (2008) PUNCTUALITY AND EXPECTED WAITING TIME OF STAGE BUSES IN MIXED TRAFFIC. Jurnal Transportasi, 8 (3). pp. 213-226. ISSN 1411-2442

Suwardo, W and Napiah, Madzlan and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim (2008) REVIEW ON MOTORIZATION AND USE OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT IN PERAK MALAYSIA: REALITIES AND CHALLENGES. In: 2nd International Conference on Built Environment in Developing Countries (ICBEDC 2008), 2008, USM.

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