Items where Subject is "TC Hydraulic engineering. Ocean engineering"

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Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. (2014) Elementary Lecture on the Pressure Drop Due to Friction in Single and Two-phase Flows. In: Energy Quest 2014, 23-25 April 2014, URAL Federal University – Ekaterinburg – Russia. (Unpublished)

Albarody, Thar M.B and Mustaffa, Zahiraniza (2014) The Laminated Composite Thermosetting Pipe. [Citation Index Journal]

Albarody, Thar M.B and Mustaffa, Zahiraniza and Liew, M. S. (2014) Smart and Robust Composite Tube Columns Frames for Offshore SubStructure Construction. [Citation Index Journal]

Asfaw, Tilahun Derib and Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa (2011) Reservoir Operation Analysis Aimed to Optimize the Capacity Factor of Hydroelectric Power Generation. In: International Conference on Environment and Industrial Innovation (ICEII 2011), 17-19 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Asfaw, Tilahun Derib and Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa (2011) Reservoir Operation Analysis Aimed to Optimize the Capacity Factor of Hydroelectric Power Generation. In: Environment and Industrial Innovation. IACSIT Press, Singapore, pp. 28-32. ISBN 978-981-08-9079-7

Azman, Mohd Fadly and Kurian, V.J. and Liew, Mohd Shahir (2011) Environmental Load Modeling for Offshore Malaysia Regions. In: IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications (ISBEIA2011), Sep 2011, Langkawi.

Azman, Mohd Fadly and Kurian, V.J. and Liew, Mohd Shahir (2011) Base Shear and Collapse Capacity Statistical Analysis. In: International Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial applications ISBEIA 2011, 25-28 September 2011, Langkawi.

Azman, Mohd Fadly and Kurian, V.J. and Shahir Liew, Mohd (2011) Environmental Load Modeling for Offshore Malaysia Regions. In: International Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial applications ISBEIA 2011, 25-28 September 2011, Langkawi.

al-yacouby, A.M. and Kurian, V.J. and Sebastian, A.A. and Liew, M. S. (2014) Effects of Marine Growth on Hydrodynamic Coefficients of Rigid Tubular Cylinders. [Citation Index Journal]


Baharuddin, N.H. and Kurian, V.J. and Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa (2011) Frequency Domain Analysis for Float-over Barge Subjected to Random Waves. In: National Postgraduate Conference (NPC 2011), 19-20 Sept 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak, MALAYSIA.

Baharuddin, Nurul Husna and Kurian, V.J. and Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa (2011) Frequency Domain Analysis for Float-over Barge Subjected to Random Waves. In: National Postgraduate Conference 2011 (NPC 2011), 19-20 Sept 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak, MALAYSIA.


Dabbi, Edgar P. and Mortensen, Simon B. and Jakobsen, Kim P. and Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa (2011) Prediction of Ship Wakes Using Slender Body Theory Coupled with Boussinesq-Type Wave Module. In: Coasts and Ports 2011 Conference, 28-30 September, 2011, Perth, Australia.


Ghulam Rasool, Ayesha and Mustaffa, Zahiraniza (2012) Hydraulic Characteristics of Energy Dissipation Systems. In: 2012 Proceedings of IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering (CHUSER 2012).


Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa (2010) Sustainable coastal management: To keep the coast safe and natural. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa (2010) Influence of Navigation Channel Alignment on Sedimentation Rate – Consideration for a Sustainable Design. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa and Md Noor, Nur Diyana (2013) Performance Evaluation of Innovative Concrete Armor Unit for Coastal Protection Structure. In: 2013 IEEE Business Engineering and Industrial Applications Colloquium (BEIAC), 7-9 April 2013, Langkawi, Malaysia.

Hashim, Roslan and Kamali, Babak and Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa and Ismail, Zubaidah (2010) Morphological Changes in the Vicinity of Detached Breakwater at Sungai Haji Dorani, Peninsular Malaysia. In: International MIKE by DHI Conference 2010, 6-8 September 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Hee Min, Teh (2013) Hydraulic performance of free surface breakwaters: A review. [Citation Index Journal]


Ismail, Hadibah and Teh, Hee Min (2002) Effect of crest width and geometry on floating breakwater performance. In: 5th International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures, 14-17 October 2002, Ramsar, Iran.

Ismail, Hadibah and Teh, Hee Min (2002) Effect of crest width and geometry on floating breakwater performance. In: 5th International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures, 14-17 October 2002, Ramsar, Iran.

Ismail, Hadibah and Teh, Hee Min (2002) Wave attenuation characteristics of a stepped-slope floating breakwater (SSFBW) system. In: Advances in Hydraulics and Water Engineering. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, pp. 805-810. ISBN 981-238-090-6

Ismail, Hadibah and Teh, Hee Min (2002) Wave attenuation characteristics of a stepped-slope floating breakwater (SSFBW) system. In: Advances in Hydraulics and Water Engineering. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, pp. 805-810. ISBN 981-238-090-6

Ismail, Hadibah and Teh, Hee Min (2002) Wave attenuation characteristics of a stepped-slope floating breakwater (SSFBW) system. In: Advances in Hydraulics and Water Engineering. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, pp. 805-810. ISBN 981-238-090-6

Ismail, Hadibah and Teh, Hee Min and Lim, Chai Heng (2003) Laboratory Investigations on wave energy dissipation over the edge of an oceanic atoll. In: Technical Seminar on Shoreline Management 2003, 18-19 August 2003, Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu.

Ismail, Hadibah and Teh, Hee Min and Lim, Chai Heng (2003) Laboratory Investigations on wave energy dissipation over the edge of an oceanic atoll. In: Technical Seminar on Shoreline Management 2003, 18-19 August 2003, Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu.


Kurian, V.J. and Al Yacouby, A. M. and Sebastian, A.A. and Liew, M. S. (2014) Effect of Anodes on Hydrodynamic Coefficients of Tubular Cylinders - Model Tests. [Citation Index Journal]

Kurian, V.J. and Al Yacouby, A. M. and Sebastian, A.A. and Liew, M. S. (2014) Hydrodynamic Coefficients for Array of Tubular Cylinders. In: ISOPE 2014, 15-20 June 2014, Busan, Korea.

Kurian, V.J. and Al-Yacouby, A.M. and Liew, M. S. (2013) Model Tests for the Effect of Random Waves on the Hydrodynamic Forces on Rigid Vertical Cylinders. In: ISBEIA 2013, 22-25 Sep 2013, Kuching.

Kurian, V.J. and Baharuddin, Nurul Husna and Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa (2012) Experimental Investigations of Float-over Barge Responses Subjected to Random Waves. In: 2012 IEEE Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications Colloquium (IEEE BEIAC 2012), 7-8 April 2012, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.

Kurian, V.J. and Baharuddin, Nurul Husna and Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa (2012) Investigations Into Motion Responses of Float-over Barge by Scale Model Testing. In: ESTCON - ICCOEE 2012, 12-14 June 2012, Kuala Lumpur.

Kurian, V.J. and Baharuddin, Nurul Husna and Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa and Magee, A.R. (2012) Dynamic Responses of Float-over Barge Subjected to Random Waves. In: International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers Conference 2012 (ISOPE 2012), 17-22 June 2012, Rhodes, Greece.

Kurian, V.J. and Baharuddin, Nurul Husna and Magee, A.R. and Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa (2013) Model Tests for Dynamic Responses of Float-over Barge in Shallow Wave Basin. In: ISOPE 2013, 30 June - 5 July, 2013, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.

Kurian, V.J. and Febik, J.K. and Nurmin, B. and Ideris, Z. (2006) Isopleths for Rainfall Data in Sabah. In: World Environmental & Water Resources Conference 2006 Organizes by ASCE, 21-25 May 2006, Omaha, USA.

Kurian, V.J. and Ganapathy, C. (2009) DECOMMISSIONING OF OFFSHORE PLATFORMS. In: 2nd Construction Industry Research Achievement Innovation Conference 2009 (CIRAIC 2009), 3-5 November 2009, Kuala Lumpur.

Kurian, V.J. and Gasim, M.A. and Narayanan,, S.P (2009) FREQUENCY AND TIME DOMAIN ANALYSES FOR TLP RESPONSES. In: 7th Asia Pacific Structural Engineering & Construction Conference 2009 (APSEC 2009)/ 2nd European Asian Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF), 4-6 August 2009, Langkawi.

Kurian, V.J. and Gasim, M.A. and Narayanan,, S.P (2008) Parametric Studies of Triangular TLP. In: 2nd Engineering Conference (ENCON 2008), 18-19 December 2008, Kuching.

Kurian, V.J. and Goh, S.S. and Mohamed , M.A.W. and Liew, M. S. (2013) Component Reliability Prediction Model for Malaysia Offshore Regions Static and Regression Analysis. In: ISBEIA 2013, 22-25 Sep 2013, Kuching.

Kurian, V.J. and Goh, S.S. and Wahab, M.M.A. (2014) Reliability Assessment Model for Aging Jacket Structures in Malaysian Waters. [Citation Index Journal]

Kurian, V.J. and Islam, A.B.M.S. and Ahmad, S. and Jumaat, M.Z. (2013) Structural behaviour of fully coupled spar–mooring system under extreme wave loading. [Citation Index Journal]

Kurian, V.J. and Mohamed , M.A.W. and Montasir,, O.A.A and Liew, M. S. (2012) Effects of Mooring Line Failure on the Wave Frequency Responses of Truss Spar Platforms. In: International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers Conference 2012 (ISOPE 2012), 17-22 June, 2012, Rhodes, Greece.

Kurian, V.J. and Mohamed , M.A.W. and Voon, M.C. and Goh, S.S. and Liew, M. S. (2013) Reliability of Jacket Platforms in Malaysian Waters Sensitivity Study using Pushover Analysis. In: ISBEIA 2013, 22-25 Sep 2013, Kuching.

Kurian, V.J. and Mohammad, N.A. and Hashim, F.M. (2010) Effect of Pretension on Triangular Tension Leg Platform (TLP) Responses. In: International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM 2010), 29 Nov - 2 December 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Kurian, V.J. and Montasir,, O.A.A and Liew, M. S. (2012) Effect of Current on the Dynamic Motion of Truss Spar Platforms. In: ESTCON - ICCOEE 2012 - International Conference in Civil, Offshore and Environmental Engineering, 12-14 June 2012, Kuala Lumpur.

Kurian, V.J. and Montasir,, O.A.A and Liew, Mohd Shahir (2012) Truss Spar Platform Motions for Combined Wave, Current and Wind Forces. In: 2012 IEEE Business, Engineering & Industrial Applications Colloquium (BEIAC 2012), 7-8 April 2012, Kuala Lumpur.

Kurian, V.J. and Narayanan,, S.P and Ganapathy, C. (2009) Towers for Offshore Wind Turbines. In: 10th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery 2009 (AICFM 2009), 21-23 October 2009, Kuala Lumpur .

Kurian, V.J. and Ng , C.Y. and Liew, M. S. (2012) Dynamic Responses of Classic Spar Platforms Subjected to Long Crested Waves: Morison Equation vs. Diffraction Theory. In: ICSSBE 2012 (International Conference on Statistics in Science, Business and Engineering 2012), 10-12 Sep 2012, Langkawi.

Kurian, V.J. and Ng , C.Y. and Liew, M. S. (2013) Effect of Short-crested Waves on the Dynamic Responses of Truss SPAR Platforms. In: ISOPE 2013, 30 June - 5 July, 2013, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.

Kurian, V.J. and Ng , C.Y. and Liew, M. S. (2012) Experimental Investigation of Dynamic Responses for Semi-submersible Platform: Short Crested Waves vs. Long Crested Waves. In: ESTCON - ICCOEE 2012, 12-14 June 2012, Kuala Lumpur.

Kurian, V.J. and Ng , C.Y. and Liew, M. S. (2012) Experimental investigation on dynamic responses of spar platforms subjected to multi-directional waves. In: 2012 IEEE Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications Colloquium (IEEE BEIAC 2012), 7-8 April 2012, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.

Kurian, V.J. and Ng , C.Y. and Liew, M. S. (2013) NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON MOTION RESPONSES OF SEMI-SUBMERSIBLE PLATFORMS SUBJECTED TO SHORT CRESTED WAVES. In: ICOVP2013 - International Conference on Vibration Problems, 9-12 Sep 2013, Lisbon. (In Press)

Kurian, V.J. and Ng , C.Y. and Liew, M. S. (2012) Numerical Investigation on Dynamic Responses of Classic Spar Platforms: Long Crested Waves vs. Short Crested Waves. In: 2012 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research (CHUSER 2012), 3-4 December 2012, Kota Kinabalu.

Kurian, V.J. and Ng , C.Y. and Liew, M. S. (2013) A Study on Motion Responses of Classic Spar Platforms Subjected to Short Crested Waves. In: IEEE Business, Engineering & Industrial Applications Colloqium (2013), 7-9 April 2013, Langkawi.

Kurian, V.J. and Ng , C.Y. and Liew, M. S. (2012) Use of Optical Tracking System for Measurement of Dynamic Model Responses in a Wave Tank. In: International Conference on Photonics (ICP2012), 1-3 Oct 2012, Penang.

Kurian, V.J. and Ng , C.Y. and Montasir,, O.A.A and Muhammed , M.A.W. (2010) Response of Classic Spar by Morison Equation and Diffraction Theory. In: Offshore Asia 2010, 16-18 March 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Kurian, V.J. and Ng , Cheng Yee and Liew, M. S. (2013) Dynamic Responses of Truss Spar Due to Wave Actions. [Citation Index Journal]

Kurian, V.J. and Nizamani, Zafarullah and Liew, M. S. (2013) Bayesian Updating for Probability of Failure of Jacket Platforms in Malaysia. In: IEEE Business, Engineering & Industrial Applications Colloqium (2013) , 7-9 April 2013, Langkawi.

Kurian, V.J. and Nizamani, Zafarullah and Liew, M. S. (2013) Modelling for Uncertainties in Resistance for Jacket Platforms in Malaysia. [Citation Index Journal]

Kurian, V.J. and Nizamani, Zafarullah and Liew, M. S. (2012) Statistical Modelling of Environmental Load Uncertainty for Jacket Platforms in Malaysia. In: 2012 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research (CHUSER 2012), 3-4 December 2012, Kota Kinabalu.

Kurian, V.J. and Nizamani, Zafarullah and Liew, M. S. and Muhammed , M.A.W. (2012) System Reliability for Jacket Platform Subjected to Wave and Current Loads. In: ESTCON - ICCOEE 2012, 12-14 June 2012, Kuala Lumpur.

Kurian, V.J. and Nizamani, Zafarullah and Mohamed , M.A.W. and Liew, M. S. (2013) Component, Joint and System Based Environmental Load Factor for Jacket Platforms in Malaysia. In: ISOPE 2013, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.

Kurian, V.J. and Sebastian, A.A. and Al Yacouby, A. M. and Liew, M. S. (2014) Experimental Investigation of Hydrodynamic Force Coefficients on Rigid Vertical Cylinders. In: IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering 2014, 7-9 April 2014, Penang.

Kurian, V.J. and Sebastian, A.A. and al-yacouby, A.M. and Liew, M. S. (2013) Experimental Investigation of Hydrodynamic Forces on Rigid Vertical Cylinders in Regular Waves. In: ISBEIA 2013, 22-25 Sep 2013, Kuching.

Kurian, V.J. and Tuhaijan, Siti Nor Adha and Liew, M. S. (2012) Dynamic Responses of Spar acted upon by Random Wave and Current. In: 2012 IEEE Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications Colloquium (IEEE BEIAC 2012), 7-8 April 2012, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.

Kurian, V.J. and Tuhaijan, Siti Nor Adha and Liew, M. S. (2013) Effect of Current on the Dynamic Responses of Spars Subjected to Random Wave. In: 95. SHUSER 2013 – IEEE Symposium on Humanities, Science and Engineering, Penang, 23-25 June 2013, Penang.

Kurian, V.J. and Tuhaijan, Siti Nor Adha and Liew, M. S. (2012) Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Spar Responses Subjected to Random Wave and Current. In: ESTCON - ICCOEE 2012, 12-14 June 2012, Kuala Lumpur .

Kurian, V.J. and Voon, M.C. and Mohamed , M.A.W. and Liew, M. S. (2013) Reliability of Jacket Platforms in Malaysian Waters Pushover and Regression Analysis Methods in Obtaining Reserve Strength Ratio. In: ISBEIA 2013, 22-25 Sep 2013, Kuching.

Kurian, V.J. and Voon, M.C. and Wahab, M.M.A. (2014) Multivariate Regression Analysis For Screening Process of Reliability Assessment. [Citation Index Journal]

Kurian, V.J. and Wahab, M.M.A. and Goh, S.S. and Liew, M. S. (2014) Met-ocean Study for Reliability of Jacket Platform Regression Analysis. In: IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering 2014, 7-9 April 2014, Penang.

Kurian, V.J. and Wahab, M.M.A. and Liew, M. S. (2014) System Reliability of Existing Jacket Platform in Malaysian Water (Failure Path and System Reliability Index). [Citation Index Journal]

Kurian, V.J. and Wahab, M.M.A. and Voon, M.C. and Liew, M. S. (2014) Pushover Analysis for Jacket Platform Sensitivity Study and Safety Ratios. In: IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering 2014, 7-9 April 2014, Penang.

Kurian, V.J. and Wong, B.S. and Montasir,, O.A.A (2008) Frequency Domain Analysis of Truss Spar Platform. In: International Conference on Construction and Building Technology (ICCBT), June 16- 20, Kuala Lumpur.

Kurian, V.J. and Yassir, M.E.A. and Harahap, I.S.H. (2012) Dynamic Response of Semisubmersibles with Damaged Mooring Lines. In: International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers Conference 2012 (ISOPE 2012), 17-22 June 2012, Rhodes, Greece.

Kurian, V.J. and Yassir, M.E.A. and Harahap, I.S.H. (2011) Second Order Motion Responses of Semi-submersibles: Numerical and Experimental Study. In: ISOPE 2011 , 19th to 25th June 2011, Maui, Hawaii, USA.

Kurian, V.J. and Yassir, M.E.A. and Ng , C.Y. and Harahap, I.S.H. (2013) Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Multi-component Mooring Lines Incorporating Line-seabed Interaction. [Citation Index Journal]

Kurian, V.J. and Yunos, N.Z.M. and Magee, A.R. and Razak, Z.A. (2013) Mating Load Analysis of Topside Float-over Installation. In: SHUSER 2013 – IEEE Symposium on Humanities, Science and Engineering, Penang, 23-25 June 2013, Penang.

Kurian, V.J. and al-yacouby, A.M. and Sebastian, A.A. and Liew, M. S. (2014) Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Wave Forces on Rigid Vertical Cylinders. In: IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering 2014, 7-9 April 2014, Penang.


M. A. W. , Mohamed and O. A. , Montasir and V. J. , Kurian and M. S. , Liew (2012) Effects of Mooring Line Failure on the Wave Frequency Responses of Truss Spar Platforms. In: International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 17–22, 2012, Rhodes, Greece.

Magee, A.R. and Yunos, N.Z.M. and Kurian, V.J. (2014) Model Testing Capabilities for Verification of Floatover Operations. In: ISOPE 2014, 15-20 June 2014, Busan, Korea.

Matori, A.N and Lee, H.Y. (2009) Suitability Analysis of Subsea Pipeline Route using GIS. [Citation Index Journal]

Mayeetae, Zuraida and Liew, Mohd Shahir and Kurian, V.J. (2011) Parametric Study on Environmetal Loads of Hindcast and Measured Full Scale Data. In: National Postgraduate Conference 2011 (NPC 2011), 19-20 Sept 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak, MALAYSIA.

Md Noor, Nur Diyana and Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa (2012) Innovation and Development of Armoring Unit for Coastal Protection Structure: A Review. In: International Conference on Civil, Offshore and Environmental Engineering (ICCOEE 2012), 12-14 June 2012, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.

Mohammed, Zahid I. and Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Fawad, Hasen and Ganawa, Abdallelah M. (2013) Evaluation of Vibration Characteristics of a Pipe with Various Fluid Densities. In: International Oil and Gas Symposium and Exhibition, IOGSE2013, 9-11 Oct 2013, Novatel Kota Kinabalu Hotel, Sabah, Malaysia.

Montasir,, O.A.A and Kurian, V.J. (2010) Time Domain and Frequency Domain Analysis for Truss Spar Platform. In: Offshore Asia 2010, 16-18 March 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Montasir,, O.A.A and Kurian, V.J. (2010) Effect of Adding Mooring Lines to the Truss Spar Platform. In: Asia Pacific Offshore Conference 2010 (APOC 2010), 13-14 December 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Montasir,, O.A.A and Kurian, V.J. (2011) Effect of slowly varying drift forces on the motion characteristics of truss spar platforms. Ocean Engineering, 38 (14). pp. 1417-1429. ISSN 0029-8018

Montasir,, O.A.A and Kurian, V.J. and Narayanan,, S.P (2009) NUMERICAL AND MODEL TEST RESULTS FOR TRUSS SPAR PLATFORM. Platform, 7 (1). pp. 2-8. ISSN 1511-6794

Montasir,, O.A.A. and Kurian, V.J. and Shafiq, N. (2009) Numerical and model test results for truss spar platform subjected to random waves. In: 2nd International Conference on Engineering Technology, 8-10 December 2009, Kuala Lumpur.

Mustafa, M.R. and Isa, M.H. and Rezaur, R.B. (2011) A comparison of artificial neural networks for prediction of suspended sediment discharge in river - A case study in Malaysia. [Citation Index Journal]

Mustafa, M.R. and Rezaur, R.B. and Rahardjo, H. and Isa, M.H. (2012) Prediction of pore-water pressure using radial basis function neural network. [Citation Index Journal]

Mustafa, M.R. and Rezaur, R.B. and Saiedi, Saied and Isa, M.H. (2012) River Suspended Sediment Prediction Using Various Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Training Algorithms—A Case Study in Malaysia. [Citation Index Journal]

Mustafa, M.R. and Rezaur, R.B. and Saiedi, Saied and Rahardjo, H. and Isa, M.H. (2013) Evaluation of MLP-ANN Training Algorithms for Modeling Soil Pore-Water Pressure Responses to Rainfall. [Citation Index Journal]

Mustafa, M.R. and Rezaur R.B., Rezaur and Isa, M.H. and Saiedi, Saied and Rahardjo, H. (2012) Effect of Antecedent Conditions on Prediction of Pore-Water Pressure Using Artificial Neural Networks. [Citation Index Journal]

Mustaffa, Z. and Rajaratnam, N. and Zhu, D.Z. (2006) An experimental study of flow into orifices and grating inlets on streets. [Citation Index Journal]

Mustaffa, Zahiraniza (2014) TOP-OF-LINE SPATIAL CORROSION PREDICTION IN GAS PIPELINES. In: 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, June 8-13, 2014, San Francisco, USA.

Mustaffa, Zahiraniza and Albarody, Thar M.B (2014) Flexible Thermosetting Pipe. [Citation Index Journal]

Mustaffa, Zahiraniza and Albarody, Thar M.B and Muhammad Roshdi, Azrulfirdaus (2014) Finite Element Assessment of Difficult Pipelines at Bends. [Citation Index Journal]

Mustaffa, Zahiraniza and Ghulam Rasool, Ayesha (2013) Dealing with Supercritical Flow in Culvert. In: ICESD 2013, January 19-20, Dubai.

Mustaffa, Zahiraniza and Sadek, Mohamad Mounes and Shitan, Mahendran and Dawotola, Alex W. (2014) TOP-OF-LINE SPATIAL CORROSION PREDICTION IN GAS PIPELINES. In: 33th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE) 2014, June 8-13, 2014, San Francisco, CA.

Mustaffa, Zahiraniza and van Gelder, Pieter (2010) A Review and Probabilistic Analysis of Limit State Functions of Corroded Pipelines. The 20th International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol. 1 (10). pp. 626-632. ISSN 1098-6189

Mustaffa, Zahiraniza and van Gelder, Pieter and Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa (2012) An insight in spatial corrosion prediction. [Citation Index Journal]


Namazi-Saleh, Fatemeh and Kurian, V.J. and Mustaffa, Zahiraniza (2014) Investigation of Vortex Induced Vibration of Offshore Pipelines near Seabed. [Citation Index Journal]

Ng , C.Y. and Kurian, V.J. and Liew, M. S. (2014) Dynamic Responses of Classic Spar Platform: Short Crested Waves vs. Long Crested Waves. [Citation Index Journal]

Ng , C.Y. and Kurian, V.J. and Liew, Mohd Shahir (2011) Experimental Investigation for the Responses of Semi-submersible Platform Subjected to Bidirectional Waves. In: National Postgraduate Conference 2011 (NPC 2011), 19-20 Sept 2011, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak, MALAYSIA.

Ng , C.Y. and Kurian, V.J. and Mohamed , M.A.W. (2009) Diffraction method for spar platforms. In: 2nd International Conference on Construction Technology, 8-10 December 2009, Kuala Lumpur.

Ng , C.Y. and Kurian, V.J. and Muhammed , M.A.W. (2010) Experimental and Analytical Investigation for the Responses of Semi-Submersible Platform. In: Asia Pacific Offshore Conference 2010 (APOC 2010), 13-14 December 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Ng , C.Y. and Kurian, V.J. and Yassir, M.E.A. (2011) REGRESSION ANALYSIS FOR THE DYNAMIC RESPONSES OF SEMI-SUBMERSIBLE PLATFORM. In: ICSAS 2011, 13-15 June 2011, Kuching, Malaysia.


O. A. A. , Montasir and V. J. , Kurian (2008) Effect of Wave Kinematics on the Response of Spar Platform. In: National Postgraduate Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (NPC2009), 23-24 March, 2009, Tronoh, Malaysia.

O. A. A. , Montasir and V. J. , Kurian (2009) Model Tests on Truss Spar Platform. In: National Postgraduate Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (NPC2009), 23-24 March, 2009, Tronoh, Malaysia.

O. A. A. , Montasir and V. J. , Kurian and M. A. W. , Mubarak (2010) Effect of Mooring Line Damage on the Responses of Truss Spar Platforms. In: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (ICSBI 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

O. A. A. , Montasir and V.J. , Kurian and N. , Shafiq (2009) Numerical and model test results for truss spar platform subjected to random waves. In: International Conference on Engineering Technology, 8-10 December 2009, Kuala Lumpur.

O.A.A. , Montasir and V.J. , Kurian (2010) Time Domain and Frequency Domain Analysis for Truss Spar Platform. In: Offshore Asia 2010, 16-18 March 2010, Kuala Lumpur.


Saiedi, Saied and Hashim, Ahmad Mustafa (2010) Application of Remote Sensing Images for Analysis of Coastline Changes- A Case Study. In: ICSBI 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Saiedi, Saied and Mustaffa, Zahiraniza and Teh, Hee Min and Abu Bakar, Nabilah (2009) Challenges in Physical Modeling of Erosion. Platform, 7 (2). pp. 43-55.

Saiedi, Saied and Teh, Hee Min and Mustaffa, Zahiraniza and Nabilah , A.B. and Kalaikumar, V. (2010) A COMPREHENSIVE FIELD INVESTIGATION FOR REHABILITATION OF AN EMBANKMENT POND. In: Joint Federal Interagency Conference 2010, 27 June - 1 July 2010, Las Vegas, NV.

Sebastian, A.A. and Kurian, V.J. and Al-Yacouby, Ahmad and Liew, M. S. (2014) Hydrodynamic Forces on Linear and Multi-Dimensional Arrays of Circular Cylinders. [Citation Index Journal]

Setvati, Mahdi Razavi and Mustaffa, Zahiraniza and Shafiq, Nasir and Syed, Zubair (2014) A REVIEW ON COMPOSITE MATERIALS FOR OFFSHORE STRUCTURES. In: OMAE 2014.

Shafiq, N. (2010) Prioritizing the pipeline maintenance approach using Analytical Hierarchical Process. International Review of Mechanical Engineers. pp. 346-352. ISSN 1970-8734

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