Items where Department / MOR is "Mechanical Engineering" and Year is 2009

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Number of items: 59.

Mohyaldinn, Mysara Eissa and Hamzah, Razali and Che Ismail, Mokhtar (2009) Prediction of Sand Erosion in Elbows and Tees Using Direct Impingement Model. In: NACE Asia Pacific Conference, 21-23 Nov 2009, Kuala Lumpur.

Salarian, Hesamoddin and Taherian, Hessam and Ghadamian, Hosain and Khalaji Assadi, Morteza (2009) A Study of Liquid Desiccant System Performance. 6TII International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning, ISHVAC09, I-III Proceedings, 2009, Pages: 565-572. pp. 565-572.


Abdul Kadir, Amirruddin and Hanipah, M. R. and Firmansyah, and Sulaiman, S. A. and Abdul Aziz, A. R. (2009) Gasohol Blends Spray Visualisation by Using Video Image. In: Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology, June 2009, Kuantan, Malaysia.

Abdul Karim, Z. A. (2009) Development of Valve Less Micropump Preliminary Characteristics from Fluid Flow. In: 11th International Conference on Electronics & Packaging 2009, 1-3 Dec 2009, Penang.

Abdul Karim, Z. A. (2009) MEASURING THE SUCCESS OF INDUSTRIAL INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDY. In: International Engineering Education Conference 2009, 16-19 May 2009, Madinah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Abdul Rani, A. M. and Vu, Trieu Minh (2009) Modeling and control of distillation column in a petroleum process. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2009. ISSN 1024123X

Abdullah , Mohamad Zaki and Bickerton, Simon and Bhattacharyya, Debes and Crawford, R. J. and Harkin-Jones, E. (2009) Rotational molding cycle time reduction using a combination of physical techniques. Polymer Engineering and Science. pp. 1846-1854.

Abdullah , Mohamad Zaki and Lin , R. J. T. and Pe, K and Bhattacharyya, Debes (2009) Effects of Peak Internal Air Temperature on Mechanical Properties. RotoWorld Magazine.

Abraham Debebe , Abraham Debebe and A Majid, M Amin (2009) Simulation of Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Network System Performance. [Citation Index Journal]

Ahmad Majdi , Abdul Rani and Alexis , Mouangue Nanimina and Faiz , Ahmad (2009) NON-CONVENTIONAL MACHINING OF ALUMINIUM METAL MATRIX COMPOSITE. In: ICEE 17 Hawaaii USA, 26 - 31, July 2009, Hawaii USA.

Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Git, H. M. and Lee, Seow L. (2009) Experimental Investigation on Solar - Flue Gas Chimney. Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 3 (9). pp. 25-31. ISSN 1934-8975

Alemu Lemma, Tamiru and Rangkuti, Chalillullah and Mohd Hashim, Fakhruldin (2009) Fault Detection Relevant, Neural Network and Evolutionary Algorithm based Model for a Single-shaft Industrial Gas Turbine. In: International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME), 24 – 25 June 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Alemu Lemma, Tamiru and Rangkuti, Chalillullah and Mohd Hashim, Fakhruldin (2009) Neuro-Fuzzy and Particle Swarm Optimization based Model for the Steam and Cooling sections of a Cogeneration and Cooling Plant. In: International Conference on Energy and Environment (ICEE), 7 – 8 December 2009, Malacca, Malaysia.

Anbese, Yohannes Timarat and Abdul Aziz, A. R. and Abdul Karim, Z. A. (2009) Flame development characteristics at variable swirl level inductions in a stratified CNG direct injection combustion engine. [Citation Index Journal]

Assadi, M.Kh (2009) Solar Combi-System a New Solution for space Heating in Buildings. Journal of Applied Sciences, 9 (8). pp. 1458-1465. ISSN 1812-5654


Baharom, M and Hussain, K and Day, A J (2009) Design concepts and analysis of a semi-active steering system for a passenger car. Proceeding of the IMechE , 223 (4/2009). pp. 283-292.

Baharom, Masri B and Hussain, Khalid and Day , A J (2009) Analysis of the properties of a steering shaft used as a back-up for a steer-by-wire system during system failure. [Citation Index Journal]

Baheta, Aklilu Tesfamichael and Gilani, Syed Ihtsham-Ul-Haq (2009) Analytical Modeling and Simulation of Heat Recovery Steam Generator in a Cogeneration Plant. In: National Postgraduate Conference , Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS.


Che Ismail, Mokhtar and Fatah, Martin Choirul (2009) EFFECT OF LOW CONCENTRATION ACETIC ACID ON CO2 CORROSION IN TURBULENT FLOW CONDITIONS. [Citation Index Journal]


Eltilib, R. A E. E. and Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. (2009) Simulation of Cutting Particles Transportation in Oil Well Drilling. In: Proceedings of the 1st National Post Graduate Conference, NPC09, 25-26 March 2009, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS.

Engida Woldemichael, Dereje and Mohd Hashim, Fakhruldin (2009) Development of Conceptual Design Support Tool for Subsea Process Equipment Design. Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering (IJMME-IJENS), 9 (10). pp. 12-17. ISSN 2077-124X


Hussain, P and Mamat, Othman and Firmanto, Hudiyo (2009) Solution nitriding of AISI 430 ferritic stainless steel. In: International Conference on Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, 23-25 June 2009, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Tehnology, Surabaya, Indonesia.


Ibrahim, M Yussoff and Khalid Ali, Khalidah and Abdul Karim, Z. A. (2009) Level of Business Acumen of UTP Interns – Students’ vs. Supervisors’ Perspectives. In: Regional Conference on The Humanities 2009, 18-19 Feb 2009, UTP.

Ibrahim, M.A. and Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. (2009) Prediction of Pressure Drop Correction to Suit Wax Deposition Modeling in Annular Test Section. PETRONAS TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL, 2 (spe (2). pp. 46-52. ISSN KDN: PP 15855/07/2009(021898)

Ismail , F.B. and Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. (2009) Development of Hybrid Intelligent Systems for Boiler Fault Detection and Diagnosis. In: 1st National Post Graduate Conference, NPC09, 25-26 March 2009, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia.


Jaafar, A and Escudier, Marcel and Poole, Robert (2009) Turbulent pipe flow of a drag reducing, rigid “rod-like” polymer solution. J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 161. pp. 86-93.

Japper-Jaafar, Azuraien and Escudier, Marcel and Poole, Robert (2009) Turbulent pipe flow of a drag reducing, rigid “rod-like” polymer solution. J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 161. pp. 86-93.


Khalid Ali, Khalidah (2009) QUALITY OF INFORMATION SUPPLIED TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS: A CASE STUDY ON A HIGHER LEARNING INSTITUTION. In: Regional Conference on the Humanities (RCH2009), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS.

Kumar, S.G and Nagarajan, T and Srinivasa, Y.G (2009) Characterization of reconfigurable Stewart platform for contour generation. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 25 (4-5). pp. 721-731. ISSN 07365845


M., Awang and V.H., Mucino (2009) Energy generation during friction stir spot welding (FSSW) of al 6061-T6 plates. In: Friction Stir Welding and Processing V -TMS 2009 Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 15 February 2009 through 19 February 2009, San Francisco, CA.

M., Sudin and A., Triwiyanto and S., Mridha and E., Haruman (2009) Thermochemical treatments of austenitic stainless steel in fluidised bed furnace for improved mechanical and ribological properties. [Citation Index Journal]

Mamat, Othman and Gebrehiwot, Tesfalidet (2009) Effect of Natural Sand on the Mechanical Properties of High Density polyethylene (HDPE) and Polypropylene (PP) Based Composites. In: International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2009 UiTM, 24-25 June 2009, Concorde Hotel, Shah Alam, Selangor.

Mamat, Othman and Ahmed, Tahir (2009) CHARACTERIZATION AND PROPERTIES OF ALUMINIUM- SILICA SAND NANOPARTICLE COMPOSITES. In: 25th. Regional Conference on Solid State Science and Technology for Scientific Advancement, 21-23 December 2009, Bayview Beach Resort, Penang, Malaysia.

Mamat, Othman and Mustapha, Mazli and Ismail, Fauzi (2009) The Empirical Relationship Between Relative Electrical Conductivity And Relative Density Of The Al-Foam Fabricated Through Pressure Assisted Sintering/Dissolution Process. In: International Advanced of Technology Congress (ATCi),PWTC, Malaysia, 3-5 November 2009, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.

Megat-Yusoff, Puteri Sri Melor (2009) Optimizing Neural Network Prediction of Composite Fatigue Life Under Variable Amplitude Loading Using Bayesian Regularization. In: Composite Materials Technology: Neural Network Applications. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, pp. 221-249. ISBN 9781420093322

Mekbib, S. and Sulaiman, S. A. (2009) Modeling and Simulation Study of Downdraft Gasifier Using Oil-Palm Fronds. In: International Conference on Energy and Environment, December 2009, Melaka.

Mohamed , M.F. and Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. (2009) Analytical Investigation on the Ribbed Double Pipe Heat Exchanger. In: National Postgraduate Conference, NPC09, 25-26 March 2009, Univeriti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Malaysia.

Mohd Fahmi Abdul, Ghafir and Mohd Faizal Mohideen, Batcha and Vijay R., Raghavan (2009) Prediction of the thermal conductivity of metal hydrides - The inverse problem. In: 4th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, APR, 2007 , Dubrovnik, CROATIA.

Mokhtar, Ainul Akmar and che ismail, mokhtar and mohamad, masdi (2009) Comparative Study between Degradation Analysis and First Order Reliability Method for Assessing Piping Reliability for Risk-Based Inspection. [Citation Index Journal]

Mokhtar, Ainul Akmar and Muhammad, Masdi and A Majid, M Amin (2009) DEVELOPMENT OF SPREADSHEET BASED DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR PRODUCT DISTRIBUTIONS. In: Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, 28-30 September, Athens, Greece.

Moni, M. N. Z. and Sulaiman, S. A. (2009) Development of a Biomass Downdraft Gasifier for Oil Palm Fronds. In: National Postgraduate Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology, March 2009, Tronoh.

Muhammad, Masdi and Abd Majid, M Amin and Ibrahim, Nurul Akma (2009) A CASE STUDY OF RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT FOR CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS IN A PETROCHEMICAL PLANT. In: 4th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, 28-30 September 2009, Athen, Greece.


Nugroho, G. and Ali, A.M.S. and Abdul Karim, Z. A. (2009) On a Special Class of Analytical Solutions to the Three-Dimensional Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations. Applied Mathematics Letters, 22 (11). pp. 1639-1644. ISSN 8939659

Nugroho, G. and Ali, A.M.S. and Abdul Karim, Z. A. (2009) Toward a New Simple Analytical Formulation of Navier Stokes Equations. International Journal of Mechanical Systems Science and Engineering, 1 (2). pp. 71-75. ISSN 2070-3929


Oumer, A.N. and Ali, A.M.S. and Mamat, O.B. (2009) Numerical Simulation of Fibre Orientation in Simple Injection Molding Processes. International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering, 09 (09). pp. 361-367. ISSN 2077-124X


Panca Asmara, Yuli and Che Ismail, Mokhtar (2009) A Statistics Approach for the Prediction of CO2 Corrosion in Mixed Acid Gases. Corrosion and materials, 34 (4). pp. 25-30.

Parman, Setyamartana (2009) Finite Element Software Development of a Flexible Satellite Orbiting in Space. In: International Conference on APPLICATIONS AND DESIGN IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (ICADME) 2009, 11-13 October 2009, Batu Feringhi, Pulau Pinang.

Pradhan, M.K. and Biswas, C.K. (2009) Modeling and analysis of process parameters on Surface Roughness in EDM of AISI D2 tool steel by RSM approach. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 33. pp. 814-819.

Pradhan, M.K. and Biswas, C.K. (2009) Neuro-fuzzy model and regression model a comparison study of MRR in electrical discharge machining of D2 tool steel. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 33. pp. 796-801.

Pradhan, M.K. and Das, R. and Biswas, C.K. (2009) Comparisons of neural network models on surface roughness in electrical discharge machining. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 223 (7). pp. 801-808.


S., Karuppanan and A.G., Philipps and N., Banerjee and D.A., Hills (2009) Crack tip stress intensity factors for a crack emanating from a semi-infinite notch with application to the avoidance of fatigue in complete contacts. [Citation Index Journal]

Saha, Bidyut B. and Habib, Khairul and El-Sharkawy, Ibrahim I. and Koyama, Shigeru (2009) Adsorption characteristics and heat of adsorption measurements of R-134a on activated carbon. Adsorption characteristics and heat of adsorption measurements of R-134a on activated carbon, 32. pp. 1563-1569.

Said, M. A. M. and Mubin, M. A. and Sulaiman, S. A. and Shazi, R. I. (2009) Experimental Investigation of an Air Enhancement Device on the Performance of a Spark Ignition Engine. IEM Journal, 72. pp. 9-14. ISSN 0126-513X

Shehabuddeen, Kamarudin and Mohd Hashim, Fakhruldin (2009) Tilt Control for Vertical Self-balancing Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. In: 7th PetroMin Deepwater Technology Asia Conference & Exhibition, 26th – 27th October 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Sulaiman, S. A. and Lawes, M. (2009) Burning Rates of Turbulent Gaseous and Aerosol Flames. [Citation Index Journal]


T., Nagarajan and P., Verma and D., Chatterjee (2009) Design and development of a modular valveless micropump on a printed circuit board for integrated electronic cooling. [Citation Index Journal]


Vu, Trieu Minh and Ahmad Majdi , Abdul Rani (2009) Linear Quadratic State Feedback Design for Switched Linear Systems with Polytopic Uncertaities. [Citation Index Journal]


Yazid, Edwar and Parman, Setyamartana and Fuad, Khairul (2009) Dynamic Response Of Guyed Crane Girder Structure Induced By Moving Loads. In: National Postgraduate Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (NPC) 2009, 11-12 March 2009, Tronoh.

Yazid, Edwar and Parman, Setyamartana and Fuad, Khairul (2009) DYNAMIC RESPONSE OF A CRANE STRUCTURE INDUCED BY MOVING TROLLEY WITH SWINGING PAYLOAD. In: International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME) 2009 , 24-25 June 2009 , Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.

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