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Number of items: 399.

UNSPECIFIED Area based adaptive subdivision of a triangular mesh for visio haptic deformation. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Investigating the effect of hysteresis modelling on numerical simulation of immiscible WAG injection. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Practicable unified Security, Trust and Privacy (STP) framework for Federated Access Management (FAM). [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A novel single and dual-band miniaturized matched band-stop filter using stepped impedance resonator. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Subspace based spectral subtraction approach for visual evoked potential extraction. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Linear permanent magnet motor for reciprocating compressor applications. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Five-level cascaded inverter based shunt active power filter in four-wire distribution system. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Impact of Multi-Diagonal Code on High-Speed Spectral Amplitude Coding Optical Code Division Multiple-Access Networks. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Design and modeling of a single-phase linear permanent magnet motor for household refrigerator applications. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Electricity load forecasting in UTP using moving averages and exponential smoothing techniques. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Positivity preserving using GC1 rational quartic spline. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Seabed loging data curve fitting using cubic splines. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Development and characterization of epoxy nanocomposites based on nano-structured oil palm ash. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Mlearning scaffolding model for undergraduate English language learning: Bridging formal and informal learning. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Building a unique online corporate identity. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Erratum: Hydrogen Adsorption Study on Mixed Oxides using the Density Functional Theory (Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids (2013) (558-564)). [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A survey of approaches for verifying model transformations. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Automated Electrical Protection System for domestic application. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Chemical procedures to detect carcinogenic compound in domestic wastewater. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Operational performance of vertical upflow roughing filter for pre-treatment of leachate using limestone filter media. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Optimization of Fenton treatment of amoxicillin and cloxacillin antibiotic aqueous solution. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED 3D surface roughness measurement for scaliness scoring of psoriasis lesions. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Temperature and pressure dependence of membrane permeance and its effect on process economics of hollow fiber gas separation system. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Optimized real time vertex based deformation using octree and two neighborhood method. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Towards optimal aqueous two-phase extraction system flowsheets for protein purification. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Design and modeling of the trapezoidal electrodes array for electrets energy harvester. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Studying the formation of Fe2SiO4 and pearlite phases in iron-silica sand nanoparticle composites. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Influence of Co-Solvent Concentration on the Properties of Dope Solution and Performance of Polyethersulfone Membranes. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Hazards forecasting and weights determination during operation and maintenance of petrol fuel station. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Influence of operating conditions on the air gasification of dry refinery sludge in updraft gasifier. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Developing a Process Oriented Environmental Management System (PO-EMS) based on business processes management and reengineering. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Hydrogen from renewable palm kernel shell via enhanced gasification with low carbon dioxide emission. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED The effect os steel yielding on CFRP plated steel member by partial interaction theory. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Thermophysical properties of 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate [hmim][BF4] + N-methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) at temperatures (303.15 to 323.15) K. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Total Suspended Sediments Mapping by Using ALOS Imagery Over the Coastal Waters of Langkawi Island, Malaysia. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A divided spectrum balanced detection technique for intensity noise reduction in SAC OCDMA systems. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Aperture coupled Dielectric Resonator Antenna design with flat reflector. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Improved lifetime pressure drop management for subsurface safety valves in oil and gas wells. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A relative permeability model to derive fractional-flow functions of water-alternating-gas and surfactant-alternating-gas foam core-floods. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Prototype production and experimental analysis for circular and profiled conformal cooling channels in aluminium filled epoxy injection mould tools. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED CFD simulation of air to air enthalpy heat exchanger. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A spatial decision support system (SDSS) for sustainable tourism planning in Johor Ramsar sites, Malaysia. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A Framework for sustainable tourism planning in johor Ramsar sites, Malaysia: A geographic information system (GIS) based analytic network process (ANP) approach. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Representing visual content of movie cartoons through narration for the visually impaired. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED PIN versus Avalanche photodiode gain optimization in zero cross correlation optical code division multiple access system. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Improvement of hydrophobicity of urea modified tapioca starch film with lignin for slow release fertilizer. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED SMA Actuation for wrist motion with split-tube flexures. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Towards the development of an interface model for information visualization in multiple electronic health records. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Application of quarter-sweep iteration for first order linear Fredholm integro-differential equations. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Optimization of hybrid solar and wind power generation. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Improved energy harvesting from low frequency vibrations by resonance amplification at multiple frequencies. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Erratum: A wideband, frequency up-converting bounded vibration energy harvester for a low frequency environment (Smart Materials and Structures (2013) 22 (025018)). [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A wideband, frequency up-converting bounded vibration energy harvester for a low-frequency environment. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Surface morphology and tensile strength of natural rubber films filled with sulphur free lignin derived from rubberwood. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Design and characterization of low power and low noise truly all-digital clock and data recovery circuit for SERDES devices. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Lung nodule detection using multi-resolution analysis. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Sub-balanced energy consumption through engineered gaussian deployment strategies in corona-based wireless sensor network. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Static adsorption of anionic surfactant onto crushed Berea sandstone. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED The effects of polymer and surfactant on polymer enhanced foam stability. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A survey on distributed topology control techniques for extending the lifetime of battery powered wireless sensor networks. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Depth penetration of enterprise risk management model in Malaysian government sector. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Flow Behavior in the Resin Infusion of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Wind Turbine Blade. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Dual band aperture coupled cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna array. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Aperture and mutual coupled cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna array. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Non-conscious behavior in emotion recognition: Gender effect. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Design of full electric power steering with enhanced performance over that of hydraulic power-assisted steering. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Effect of particle size on effective thermal conductivity of nanofluids. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED On the peak-to-average power ratio reduction in mobile WiMAX: A discrete cosine transform matrix precoding based random-interleaved orthogonal frequency division multiple access uplink system. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Zadoff-Chu Matrix Transform Precoding-Based Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access Uplink Systems: A Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Performance. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A ZCMT precoding based multicarrier OFDM system to minimize the high PAPR. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED On the PAPR Reduction in LTE-Advanced: Precoding-Based SLM-LOFDMA Uplink Systems. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Object-oriented software maintainability measurement in the past decade. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Switchable microwave band-stop to all pass filter using stepped impedance resonator. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED An assessment of authentication and key management protocol of IEEE 802.16d (WIMAX) Wireless Mesh Networks. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Simulation of energy saving potential of a centralized HVAC system in an academic building using adaptive cooling technique. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Exact solution for the kinetic equations of first order reversible reaction systems through flow graph theory approach. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Thermal and magnetisms design of an inductor using finite element method. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Electrochemical Performance of Cathode LiVOPO4 Doped with Mo and W. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Hybrid energy from exhaust system. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED GIS-based analytic hierarchy process as a multicriteria decision analysis instrument: A review. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Morphology dependent ammonia sensing with 5-sulfosalicylic acid doped nanostructured polyaniline synthesized by several routes. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Synthesis, characterization and enhanced thermoelectric performance of structurally ordered cable-like novel polyaniline-bismuth telluride nanocomposite. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf powder: A plant-based adsorbent for removal of textile acid azo dye from aqueous solution. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Degradation of pesticide chlorothalonil by visible light-responsive photocatalyst ferrioxalate and H2O2 under solar irradiation. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical model with consideration of thermal-osmosis based on modified mixture theory. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED The effect of integrating social plugins into e-commerce website: A study on online consumer behaviour. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Control growth of silicon nanocolumns' epitaxy on silicon nanowires. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Ionic liquid as low dosage hydrate inhibitor for flow assurance in pipeline. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Successive over relaxation method in solving two-point fuzzy boundary value problems. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Simulating runoff along soil slope using smoothed particle hydrodynamics method and comparison with standard empirical formula. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Impact strength, microstructure, and water absorption properties of kenaf/polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fiber-reinforced polyoxymethylene (POM) hybrid composites. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Fingerprint-Based Recognition. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Risk-based maintenance of a cross-country petroleum pipeline system. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Analysis of Bonding Failure in CMOS MEMS Chips. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Predicting methods for sulfur removal from model oils using COSMO-RS and partition coefficient. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Trust-based partner identification method for e-supply chain (B2B) integrator-A case study of Malaysian construction industry. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED University website quality comparison by using non-parametric statistical test: A case study from Malaysia. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Traditional and Dissipated Energy approaches to compare the 2PB and 4PB flexural methodologies on a Warm Mix Asphalt. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED An intelligent control of Blood Pressure system using PID and Neural Network. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Despeckling of ultrasound images of bone fracture using multiple filtering algorithms. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Effects of exchanged ammonium cations on structure characteristics and CO2 adsorption capacities of bentonite clay. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED The effect of a new in situ precipitation inhibitor on chemical EOR. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED An experimental study on chemical flooding using in-situ precipitation inhibitor. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Evaluation of catalytic activityof two functionalized imidazolium ionic liquids for biodieselfuel production by a two-stage process. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Mechanical properties of high strength concrete using fly ash. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Effect of inorganic fillers on thermal performance and char morphology of intumescent fire retardant coating. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Performance analysis of AODV routing protocol for wireless sensor network based smart metering. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Biodiesel production from waste cooking oil using bifunctional heterogeneous solid catalysts. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Local approximation improvement of trajectory piecewise linear macromodels through Chebyshev interpolating polynomials. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Automated model generation of analog circuits through modified trajectory piecewise linear approach with cheby shev newton interpolating polynomials. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Treatment of tanneries waste water by ultrasound assisted electrolysis process. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Electrochemical behavior of X52 steel in a CO2 environment in the presence of acetate and sulfide. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Empirical equation of sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) corrosion based on abiotic chemistry approach. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Effects of sulphide ion on corrosion behaviour of X52 steel in simulated solution containing metabolic products species: A study pertaining to microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Study the effectiveness of the different pozzolanic material on self-compacting concrete. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Double stage wiebe: An approach to single zone modeling of dual fuel HCCI combustion. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED TextSumIt: A semantic single document summarization model on Android mobile device. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Particle swarm inspired timetabling for ICT courses. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED An auto-operated telepresence system for the Nao humanoid robot. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Simulation and Evaluation of Small Scale Solar Power Tower Performance under Malaysia Weather Conditions. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Swarm intelligence and gravitational search algorithm for multi-objective optimization of synthesis gas production. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Hypervolume-Driven Analytical Programming for Solar-Powered Irrigation System Optimization. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Normal-boundary intersection based parametric multi-objective optimization of green sand mould system. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Reduced order inferential model-based optimization of a phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC) stack. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Recent advances on power distribution system planning: A state-of-the-art survey. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Multi-objective particle swarm optimization based on fuzzy-Pareto-dominance for possibilistic planning of electrical distribution systems incorporating distributed generation. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Optimization of anaerobic treatment of petroleum refinery wastewater using artificial neural networks. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Profit optimization for chemical process plant based on a probabilistic approach by incorporating material flow uncertainties. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Techno-economic analysis of potential natural gas liquid (NGL) recovery processes under variations of feed compositions. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Replacement analysis for air compressors: A case of a petrochemical company in Malaysia. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Development of a new approach for incorporating tool tilting in friction stir welding. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A study of unsteady rotating hydromagnetic free and forced convection in a channel subject to forced oscillation under an oblique magnetic field. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Volumetric properties, viscosities and refractive indices of aqueous solutions of 2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP). [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Thermally-assisted end milling of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V using induction heating. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Surface integrity in end milling titanium alloy Ti-6A1-4V under heat assisted machining. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Assessing engineering drawings through automated assessment: Discussing mechanism to award marks. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Performance study of waste heat driven pressurized adsorption chiller. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Study on solar driven combined adsorption refrigeration cycles in tropical climate. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Parametric study and optimization of in situ transesterification of Jatropha curcas L assisted by benzyltrimethylammonium hydroxide as a phase transfer catalyst via response surface methodology. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Effect of mixture strength and injection timing on combustion characteristics of a direct injection hydrogen-fueled engine. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Parametric study of instantaneous heat transfer based on multidimensional model in direct-injection hydrogen-fueled engine. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Physiological assessment of in vivo human knee articular cartilage using sodium MR imaging at 1.5T. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Physiological assessment of in vivo human knee articular cartilage using sodium MR imaging at 1.5 T. [Citation Index Journal]



UNSPECIFIED Extraction of soil moisture from RADARSAT-1 and its role in the formation of the 6 December 2008 landslide at Bukit Antarabangsa, Kuala Lumpur. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Facies analysis of the uppermost Kubang Pasu Formation, Perlis: A wave-and storm-influenced coastal depositional system. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Drag force investigation in the collision between subaqueous mudflows and pipeline. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Conversion of Jatropha curcas oil into biodiesel using re-crystallized hydrotalcite. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Combined uv/fenton and sbr treatment of a semi-aerobic landfill leachate. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED B-spline collocation with domain decomposition method. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Wi-Fi energy harvester for low power RFID application. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Synthesis and anti-microbial potencies of 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-3-alkylimidazolium chloride ionic liquids: Microbial viabilities at different ionic liquids concentrations. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Fusion of local rank transform and tone mapping for contrast enhancement: Application to skin lesion image analysis. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Real-time processing for shape-from-focus techniques. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Segmentation of acne vulgaris lesion based on spectral models of RGB pixels. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Precursor preparation for Ti-Al-V-Y alloy via FFC cambridge process. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Optimization of processor architecture for sobel real-time edge detection using FPGA. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Maintainability analysis of an offshore gas compression train system, a case study. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Prediction of weak acid toxicity in saccharomyces cerevisiae using genome-scale metabolic models. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Application-centric recovery algorithm for wireless sensor and actor networks. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Development of an intelligent condition monitoring system for AC induction motors using PLC. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED An intelligent diagnostic system for the condition monitoring of AC motors. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Evaluation of potassium formate as a potential modifier of TEG for high performance natural gas dehydration process. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Optimization of Fenton process for refinery wastewater biodegradability augmentation. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Hybrid and integrated intelligent system for load demand prediction. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Simulation of solar chimney power plant with an external heat source. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Characteristics of compressed natural gas jet and jet-wall impingement using the Schlieren imaging technique. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A Comparative Study of SPWM on A 5-Level H-NPC Inverter. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Accessibility algorithm based on site availability to enhance replica selection in a data grid environment. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Automated segmentation of brain MR images by combining Contourlet Transform and K-means Clustering techniques. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Internal audit function, board quality and financial reporting quality: Evidence from Malaysia. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Battles in volatile information and communication technology landscape: The Malaysia small and medium enterprise case. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED An evaluation of online machine translation of arabic into english news headlines: Implications on students' learning purposes. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Dynamical properties of multi-photon interaction between a cavity field and a single-qubit. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Electrochemical study of iridium oxide coating on stainless steel substrate. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Ensemble averaging subspace-based approach for ERP extraction. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Extension quintic wang-ball curves and surfaces. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Finite element simulation of residual stresses in cold-expanded plate. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Yield stress measurement and thixotropic behaviour of waxy crude oil from the Malay basin. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Survey of classification techniques in intrusion detection system for determining optimized solution. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A novel synthesis procedure for ultra wideband (UWB) bandpass Filters. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A Jatropha biomass as renewable materials for biocomposites and its applications. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Natural fiber reinforced poly(vinyl chloride) composites: A review. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Bismuth-modified hydroxyapatite carbon electrode for simultaneous in-situ cadmium and lead analysis. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Fill removal with foam in horizontal well cleaning in coiled tubing. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Fatigue loaded intervertebral disc analysis for low back pain using nonlinear black-box model. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Investigation of low back pain using system modeling. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Tuning of end-coupled line bandpass filter for 2.4 GHz using defected ground structure (DGS) parameters. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Adsorption of arsenate from aqueous solution by rice husk-based adsorbent. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Detection and mitigation of node replication attacks in wireless sensor networks: A survey. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Scrutinising well-known countermeasures against clone node attack in mobile wireless sensor networks. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A proposed model of construction cost and carbon emission best practices in the Malaysian construction industry. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Emotion detection using average relative amplitude features through speech. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Model tests for dynamic responses of float-over barge in shallow wave basin. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Effect of short-crested waves on the dynamic responses of truss spar platforms. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A study on motion responses of classic spar platforms subjected to short crested waves. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Dynamic responses of truss spar due to wave actions. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Dynamic responses of truss spar due to wave actions. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Bayesian updating for probability of failure of jacket platforms in. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Modelling for uncertainties in resistance for jacket platforms in Malaysia. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Component, joint and system based environmental load factor for jacket platforms in Malaysia. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Nonlinear dynamic analysis of multi-component mooring lines incorporating line-seabed interaction. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Selection of ILs for separation of benzene from n-hexane using COSMO-RS. A quantum chemical approach. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Assessment of different matrix-fracture shape factor in double porosity medium. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED The chlor-alkali process: Work in Progress. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Coupling between transport and injection properties of pentacene field-effect transistors with different morphologies. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A brain computer interface for smart home control. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED IFDD: Intelligent fault detection and diagnosis-application to a cogeneration and cooling plant. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Polynomial joint angle arm robot motion planning in complex geometrical obstacles. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Content-orientation for collaborative learning using tabletop surfaces. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Mobile English learning system: A conceptual framework for Malaysian primary school. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Modelling and control of 4wd parallel split hybrid electric vehicle converted from a conventional vehicle. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Field emission model of cnt based ionization gas sensor. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Systematic methodology for optimal enterprise network design between Bio-Refinery and petroleum refinery for the production oftransportation fuels. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Study on performance and characteristic of microorganisms in a waste-to-energy system. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Application of response surface methodology to optimize coagulation-flocculation treatment of anaerobically digested palm oil mill effluent using alum. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Oil sludge contaminated soil bioremediation via composting using refinery treatment plant sludge and different bulking agents. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Anaerobic transformation of biodegradable waste; Simultaneous production of energy and fertilizer. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Nano-structured yttria-stabilized zirconia coating by electrophoretic deposition. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Parallelization of discrete cosine transform in shape from focus. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED The statistical quantized histogram texture features analysis for image retrieval based on median and laplacian filters in the DCT domain. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A Brønsted ammonium ionic liquid-KOH two-stage catalyst for biodiesel synthesis from crude palm oil. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED The study of tensile failure on thin plate hybrid composites with drilled holes. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Capacity and error probability performance analysis for MIMO MC DS-CDMA system in η-μ Fading environment. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED The review of approaches to knowledge management system studies. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Water absorption properties and morphology of polypropylene/polycarbonate/polypropylene-graft-maleic anhydride blends. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Development of a portable fingerprint attendance system for university student. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Greenhouse remote control and monitoring system. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Real-time alert system for home surveillance. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Smart energy saving classroom system using programmable logic controller. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Automatic Meter Reader Using Zigbee Network. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Vector-projection approach to curve framing for extruded surfaces. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Investigation on the effect of silica sand addition in densification of Al2O3-SiO2-ZrO2 composite. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Effect of sodium hydroxide concentration on fresh properties and compressive strength of self-compacting geopolymer concrete. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Hydrocarbon potentials, thermal and burial history in Herwa-1 well from the Nigerian sector of the chad basin: An implication of 1-d basin modeling study. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Reduction of graphene oxide through a green and metal-free approach using formic acid. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Optimization of the production of aligned CNTs array as the gas sensing element. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED DC-AC inverter using hysteresis current controller with a low pass filter for WECS. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Performance of TiO2 aggregates-based dye solar cells. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED One way RC wall panels with openings strengthened with CFRP. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Shear strength of palm oil clinker concrete beams. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Using integrated toxic release consequences analysis tool for inherently safer design of process plant at preliminary design stage. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A case study on trust-based automated blog recommendation making. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Extension of NORSOK CO2 corrosion prediction model for elbow geometry. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Preparation of activated carbon from durian shell and seed. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A study of unmanned aerial vehicle photogrammetry for environment mapping: Preliminary observation. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Separation and characterization of cellulose fibers from cypress wood treated with ionic liquid prior to laccase treatment. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A framework for providing optimal QoS routing information in vehicular ad hoc network. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Investigations of novel nitrile-based ionic liquids as pre-treatment solvent for extraction of lignin from bamboo biomass. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Aligning IT strategy with business strategy for competitive advantage: A structural equation model. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Evaluation of MLP-ANN training algorithms for modeling soil pore-water pressure responses to rainfall. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Inhibition of CO2 corrosion of X52 steel by imidazoline-based inhibitor in high pressure CO2-water environment. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Corrosion behavior of X52 steel in high pressure CO2 environment. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Wounding composite pipeline with internally pressurized conditions. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Bending and moment stability in reel mechanisms. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Carbothermal nitridation process of mechanically milled silica sand using Taguchi's method. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Introducing the concept of hyperactivity in multi agent systems. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Unsteady magnetohydrodynamic free convection flow past an accelerated vertical plate with constant heat flux and heat generation or absorption. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Effects of time dependent temperature and thermal radiation on free convection flow in unsteady couette motion. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Strength assessments of fixed steel offshore platforms for life extension. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Antenna for offshore hydrocarbon exploration. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Material Advancements in Fabrication of Mixed-Matrix Membranes. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A Perturbed-Chain SAFT Equation of State Applied to Mixtures of Short- and Long-Chain n-Alkanes. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Energy efficient and QoS aware routing protocol for Clustered Wireless Sensor Network. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Eco-friendly extraction and characterization of cellulose from oil palm empty fruit bunches. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Supply network synthesis on rubber seed oil utilisation as potential biofuel feedstock. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Overview on economics and technology development of rubber seed utilisation in Southeast Asia. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Slagment cement improve the cement resistance toward acids attack during acidizing treatment. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Performance evaluation of Fi-Wi network based on SCM-optical code division multiple access architecture. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Dynamic Adsorption of CO2 from Methane: Studies on Mass and Heat Transfer. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Computerised image analysis of vitiligo lesion: Evaluation using manually defined lesion areas. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Levels of trace elements in tissue of Ostrea edulis and Crassostrea gigas from Quiberon Bay, Brittany, France. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Comparative study of water quality of rivers used for raw water supply & ex-mining lakes in Perak, Malaysia. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Energy saving in the hydraulic cylinders by using novel self-actuated flow control valve (SAFCV). [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Relationship of plasticity index of soil with laboratory and field electrical resistivity values. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Public sector perception of barriers to the use of public-private partnerships (PPP) in nigeria-findings from a questionnaire survey. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A review of effects of molding methods, mold thickness and other processing parameters on fiber orientation in polymer composites. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Optimization of insulation padding for directional solidification. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon removal from petroleum sludge cake using thermal treatment with additives. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Controlling attitude maneuvers of flexible spacecraft based on nonlinear model using combined feedback-feedforward constant-amplitude inputs. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Experimental investigations on the potential of SDS as low-dosage promoter for carbon dioxide hydrate formation. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Liquid-liquid equilibrium of aqueous two-phase system (PEG 2000-Sodium Citrate-Water) using potential difference as a key tool. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Studies of Bis{mu-2,2 '-[N,N '-diylbis (nitrilomethylidyne)]diphenolato}dicobalt(II) Using Triple Component Solvent System. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED BIMAS : A prototype for intrusion detection system using motion sensors and ZigBee. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Synthesis of optimum water polygeneration system in ethylene glycol production. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Causal factors of Malaysian landslides: A narrative study. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED AC-grid generation using dual-input hybrid inverter circuit. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Efficient Energy Utilization Through Optimum Number of Sensor Node Distribution in Engineered Corona-Based (ONSD-EC) Wireless Sensor Network. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Characterization of the time-averaged overall heat transfer in a direct-injection hydrogen-fueled engine. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED The study of biodegradation kinetics of starch based coating in controlled released fertilizer (CRF). [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Further investigations on the influence of scale-up of a high shear granulator on the granule properties. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Strength and structure of granules produced in continuous granulators. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Simulation of urea prilling process: An industrial case study. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED An overview of LULU operators and discrete pulse transform for image analysis. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED 3D shape from focus using LULU operators and discrete pulse transform in the presence of noise. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Synthesis and characterization of Mo/γ-Al2O3-MgO mixed oxide catalysts. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED H2 production from steam gasification of Palm Kernel Shell in the presence of 5% Ni/BEA and 5% Fe/BEA catalysts. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Response surface methodology in-cooperating embedded system for bus's route optimization. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Role of debinding to control mechanical properties of powder injection molded 316L stainless steel. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Development of defects free stainless steel parts using powder injection molding. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Separation of Hydridocarbonyltris(triphenylphosphine) Rhodium (I) Catalyst Using Solvent Resistant Nanofiltration Membrane. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Novel configurations of solar distillation system for potable water production. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Photodegradation of orange II under visible light using Cu-Ni/TiO 2: Influence of Cu: Ni mass composition, preparation, and calcination temperature. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Evaluating hazard conflicts using inherently safer design concept. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Surface interpolation using partial differential equation with positivity preserving cubic Bézier curves boundary condition. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Flammability and thermal characterization of aluminum hydroxide filled with LDPE. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Effect of zinc borate on flammability/thermal properties of ethylene vinyl acetate filled with metal hydroxides. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Electron-beam irradiation of low density polyethylene/ethylene vinyl acetate blends. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED The effect of TMPTMA addition on electron-beam irradiated LDPE, EVA and blend properties. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Synthetic indicator on the severity of torrefaction of oil palm biomass residues through mass loss measurement. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Effects of torrefaction on the physiochemical properties of oil palm empty fruit bunches, mesocarp fiber and kernel shell. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED CO2 solubility in silica supported [hmim][Tf2N]. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Comparative study on data acquisition techniques and solid reconstruction algorithm for quantitative ulcer wound assessment. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED In-situ stress perturbation due to temperature around borehole during carbon injection. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Outlier detection scoring measurements based on frequent pattern technique. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Synthesis of nano-structured Ni-Co-Al hydrotalcites and derived mixed oxides. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Hydrogen adsorption study on mixed oxides using the density functional theory. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Characterization of nano-crystalline Mg-Ni-Al hydrotalcite derived mixed oxides as hydrogen adsorbent. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Hydrogen storage investigation of fixed bed of nano-crystalline Mg-Ni-Cr mixed oxides. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Catalytic hydrogen adsorption of nano-crystalline hydrotalcite derived mixed oxides. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Hydrogen Adsorption Study on Mixed Oxides using the Density Functional Theory (vol 74, pg 558, 2013). [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Graded Multilayered TiO2 Photoelectrode for Improving the Performance of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED The recent convergence on the NW Borneo Wedge-a crustal-scale gravity gliding evidenced from GPS. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Jet and vortex ring-like structures in internal combustion engines: Stability analysis and analytical solutions. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED New models for droplet heating and evaporation. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A kinetic model of droplet heating and evaporation: Effects of inelastic collisions and a non-unity evaporation coefficient. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Evaluation of properties and FEM model of the friction welded mild steel-Al6061-alumina. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Thermal effect on void formation of waxy crude oil using electrical capacitance tomography. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Effects of photoperiod, salinity and pH on cell growth and lipid content of Pavlova lutheri. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Epileptic seizure detection using the singular values of EEG signals. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Software cost estimations for projects requiring customized revisions. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Physical properties of aqueous blends of sodium glycinate (SG) and piperazine (PZ) as a solvent for CO2 capture. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Bandstop to allpass reconfigurable filter technique in SPDT switch design. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Switchable radial stub resonator for isolation improvement of SPDT switch. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A CFD study of heat transfer through spacer channels of membrane distillation modules. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Morphology and Thermal Characteristics of Polyamide/Monosodium Glutamate Membranes. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Inherent fire consequence estimation tool (IFCET) for preliminary design of process plant. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Inherent risk assessment methodology in preliminary design stage: A case study for toxic release. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Decision Making for safety assessment of mobile mooring system. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Experimental investigations on the characteristics of Biomass and coal-biomass fuel briquettes. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Modeling battery management system using the lithium-ion battery. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Issues on trust management in wireless environment. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Xanthan Gum Recovery from Palm Oil-Based Fermentation Broth by Hollow Fibre Microfiltration (MF) Membrane with Process Optimisation Using Taguchi Method. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Determination reflection and transmission coefficients of lanthanum iron garnet filled PVDF-polymer nanocomposite using finite element method modeling at microwave frequencies. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Automatic eye-blink artifact removal method based on EMD-CCA. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED A method for automatic removal of eye blink artifacts from EEG based on EMD-ICA. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Association of electroencephalogram scalp potential with autonomic nervous system. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Classification of attacks in vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET). [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Densities, refractive index and excess properties of bis(2-hydroxyethyl) ammonium acetate ([bheaa]) + monoethanolamine + water system at temperatures from 303.15 to 353.15 K. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED The theory of user acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT): A meta-analytic review of empirical findings. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Noise reduction for ellipse fitting on medical images. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Performance evaluation of arrays of stepped-slope floating breakwater. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Hydraulic characteristics of a stepped-slope floating breakwater. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Performance evaluation of a semicircular breakwater with truncated wave screens. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Performance enhancement of a perforated free surface semicircular breakwater. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Experimental analysis of potato slices drying characteristics using solar dryer. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Comparison of raft and folded plate foundations. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Impact of coefficient of subgrade reaction on raft foundation design. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Transgressive systems tract of a ria-type estuary: The late holocene vilaine river drowned valley (france). [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Optimization of blood vessel detection in retina images using multithreading and native code for portable devices. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Microstructure and nanoindentation characterization of low temperature hybrid treated layer on austenitic stainless steel. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Direct synthesis controller identification. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Torrefaction of oil palm EFB in the presence of oxygen. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Optimization of production process parameters of rice husk silica (RHS) refractories. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Dual-purpose semi-fragile watermark: Authentication and recovery of digital images. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Silicate scales formation during asp flooding: A review. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Stakeholder perceptions on achieved benefits of PFI procurement strategy. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Recent advances in miniaturization of Substrate integrated waveguide bandpass filters and its applications in tunable filters. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Hybrid LS-SA-PS methods for solving fuzzy non-linear programming problems. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED An efficient defense method against UDP spoofed flooding traffic of denial of service (DoS) attacks in VANET. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Prevention of DoS Attacks in VANET. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Non-linear ASF product distribution over alkaline-earth promoted molybdenum carbide catalysts for hydrocarbon synthesis. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Fast and efficient document image clean up and binarization based on retinex theory. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED An Investigation of mould growth in tropical climate buildings. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Tectonic processes, from rifting to collision via subduction, in SE asia and the western pacific: A key to understanding the architecture of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Extracting physical properties from thin section: Another neural network contribution in rock physics. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Integrating digital image processing and artificial neural network for estimating porosity from thin section. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Mathematical modelling and simulation of the dehumidifier for the tropical region of. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Magnetic mineralogy of some ring complexes from the South Eastern Desert, Egypt. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Development of an optical strain measurement method using digital image correlation. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Survey and Evaluation of Automated Model Generation Techniques for High Level Modeling and High Level Fault Modeling. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Interactive mind map desktop widget: A proposed concept. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Forward modeling of seabed logging by finite integration and finite element methods. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Y3Fe5O12nanocatalyst for green ammonia production by using magnetic induction method. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Hardness improvement of dental amalgam using zinc oxide and aluminum oxide nanoparticles. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Y(3)Fe(5)O(12)Nanocatalyst for Green Ammonia Production By Using Magnetic Induction Method. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Ammonia Synthesis Using Magnetically Induced Reaction. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Applications of sonoelectrochemistry in wastewater treatment system. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Estimation of response transfer functions of offshore structures using the time-varying arx model. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Synthesis, characterization and biological studies of Bis{μ-2,2'-[N,N'- diylbis (nitrilomethylidyne)]diphenolato}dicobalt(II) using triple component solvent system. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Studies of Bis-{mu-2,2 '-[ethane-1,3-diyl-bis(nitrilomethylidyne)]diphenolato}dicopper(II) Using Triple Component Solvent System. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Laminar flame speed of methane- air mixtures at atmospheric conditions. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Simulation of hybrid solar dryer. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Integrated OBF-NN models with enhanced extrapolation capability for nonlinear systems. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Stagewise optimization of distributed clustered finite difference time domain (FDTD) using genetic algorithm. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED The effect of team leader skills and competencies team: A Structural equation modelling approach. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Static object removal from video scene using local similarity. [Citation Index Journal]

UNSPECIFIED Private Finance 2 (PF2): Re-inventing the wheel? [Citation Index Journal]

This list was generated on Tue Apr 1 15:05:12 2025 +08.