Items where Subject is "TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics"

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A Aziz, A Rashid and Firmansyah, Firmansyah and Raja Shahzad, Raja Shahzad (2010) Combustion Analysis of a CNG Direct Injection Spark Ignition Engine. [Citation Index Journal]

Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Day, A. J. and Bruun, H. H. (1989) A computer aided manufacturing procedure for experimental two‐dimensional aerofoils. [Citation Index Journal]

Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Sidik , M.F.B.M. and Munusammy, Y.R.A.L. (2010) Study on the thermal accumulation and distribution inside a parked car cabin. [Citation Index Journal]

Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. (2008) On-Line Measurements and Analysis of High Turbulent and Reverse Flow Fields. In: 13th International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, 27-29 May, Cairo, Egypt.

Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Al-Ambari, A.S.S (2007) Flow Analysis in Spiked Supersonic Intakes of A/C (I - Inviscid). In: Conference on Aerospace Technology of XXI Century, 20-21 June 2007, Kuala Lumpur.

Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Aziat, M. N. (2008) Fabrication of NACA4412 Airfoil Model by CAE for Wind Tunnel Tests. Proceedings of EnCon2008. pp. 700-705. ISSN ISBN: 778-983-9257-92-2

Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Chelven, AK K. (2010) EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION ON A 2-D WING – GROUND COLLISION. In: World Engineering Congress 2010, Conference on Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, 2-5 August 2010, Kuching. Sarawak.

Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Hon, T. F. (2012) CFD Simulation of the Intermediate Passage Of Gas Turbine With Energy Promoters. [Citation Index Journal]

Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Salih, T. W. (2008) Combined Effect Of Incidence - Forebody Angles on the Flow Structure Inside Spiked Supersonic Intakes. In: 13 International conference on Applied mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, AMME13, 27-29 May, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt .

Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Salih, T. W. and Al-Ambari, A. S. S. (2010) ON THE VISCOUS VERSUS NON-VISCOUS FLOW ANALYSIS IN SUPERSONIC SPIKED INTAKES. In: World Engineering Congress 2010, conference on Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, 2-5 August 2010, Kuching. Sarawak.

Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Salih, T.W. and Govindasamy, D. (2012) Coupled Analytical-Numerical Procedure to Solve the Double Wedge Spiked Supersonic Intake Flow Field. In: Applied Mechanics and Materials, AEROTECH IV., Switzerland, pp. 67-72.

Anbese, Yohannes T. and A.R.A., Aziz and Abdul Karim, Z. A. (2011) Flame Development Study at Variable Swirl Level Flows in a Stratified CNG DI Combustion Engine using Image Processing Technique. [Citation Index Journal]


Badri, T. M. and Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. (2012) A Static Analysis of Piezo-laminated Shell Structures. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PRODUCTION, ENERGY AND RELIABILITY, ICPER2012 , 12-14 June 2012, Kuala Lumpur convention centre.

Badri, T.M. and Al-Kayiem, H.H. (2012) Free vibration analysis of structronics shell. In: Trends in Intelligent Robotics, Automation, and Manufacturing. Communications in Computer and Information Science , 330 CC . Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 322-330. ISBN 978-364235196-9

Badri, T.M. and Al-Kayiem, H.H. (2012) Free vibration analysis of structronics shell. In: Trends in Intelligent Robotics, Automation, and Manufacturing. Communications in Computer and Information Science , 330 CC . Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 322-330. ISBN 978-364235196-9

Badri, T.M. and Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. (2012) Free vibration analysis of structronics shell. In: Trends in Intelligent Robotics, Automation, and Manufacturing. Communications in Computer and Information Science , 330 CC . Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 322-330. ISBN 978-364235196-9

Bruun, H. H. and Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Badran, O.O. (1990) Flying Hot-Wire Anemometry with X-Wire Probe. The American Soceity of Mechanical Engineers, FED-97. pp. 81-86. ISSN 0-7918-049-1


Eldemerdash, Usama (2009) Enhanced Discharge of ANG storage for vehicle use. [Citation Index Journal]

Eldemerdash, Usama (2010) Technical evaluation for hydrogen storage for vehicles. [Citation Index Journal]

Eldemerdash, Usama (2010) Use of Ceramic Materials for the Adsorptive Storage of Natural Gas – a Review, Part 1. Interceram, 03 (04). pp. 198-202.



Ibrahim, Abdulwehab A. and Aziz, A. Rashid A. (2009) Dynamic And Thermodynamic Analysis of Two-Stoke, Dual Cylinder, Linear Combustion Engine. In: International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2009) , 24-25th June 2009, Shah Alam, Malaysia.

Ibrahim, Abdulwehab A. and Aziz, A. Rashid A. (2009) Modeling of Two Stroke, Dual Cylinder Free Piston Linear Generator Engine. In: National Postgraduate Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (NCP 2009), 25-26th March 2009, UTP.

Ibrahim, Idris and A. Jalil, Adibah and Sulaiman, S. A. (2010) THE EFFECT OF EFI TO THE CARBURETED SINGLE CYLINDER FOUR STROKE ENGINE. [Citation Index Journal]

Ibrahim, Idris and Parman, Setyamartana and Zainuddin, Azman (2008) Attitude Control of Flexible System by Shaping Constant-Amplitude Input. In: UK - MEC 2008, 14-15 July 2008, University College London, London, UK.

Iffa, Emishaw D. and Aziz, A. Rashid A. and Malik, Aamir S. (2010) 3D Time Resolved Temperature and Concentration Measurement Using Background Oriented Schlieren Technique. In: 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization (ISFV14), 21-24 June 2010, Daegu, Korea.

Iffa, Emishaw D. and Aziz, A. Rashid A. and Malik, Aamir S. (2010) Concentration Measurement of Injected Gaseous Fuel Using Quantitative Schlieren and Optical Tomography. [Citation Index Journal]

Iffa, Emishaw D. and Aziz, A. Rashid A. and Malik, Aamir S. (2011) Velocity Field Measurement of a Round Jet Using Quantitative Schlieren. [Citation Index Journal]


M., Shoaib and B. A., Steves and A., Szell (2008) Stability analysis of quintuple stellar and planetary systems using a symmetric five-body model. NEW ASTRONOMY , 13 (8 ). 639-645 . ISSN 1384-1076

Marneni, Narahari (2012) Effects of thermal radiation and mass diffusion on free convection flow past an impulsively started infinite vertical plate with ramped temperature. [Citation Index Journal]

Marneni, Narahari and S.K., Ghosh and O., Anwar Bég (2013) A Study of Unsteady Rotating Hydromagnetic Free and Forced Convection in a Channel Subject to Forced Oscillation under an Oblique Magnetic Field. [Citation Index Journal]

Mohammed, Salah E. and Iffa, Emishaw D. and Baharom, Masri and Aziz, A. Rashid A. (2010) Spray Characteristic Comparisons of Compressed Natural Gas and Hydrogen Fuel Using Digital Imaging. [Citation Index Journal]


Nazal, I.T. and Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. (2012) Experimental characteristics of Diesel engine performance fuelled by various sunflower oil-Diesel mixtures. Journal of Applied Sciences, 12 (24). pp. 2604-2609. ISSN 1812-5654


Parman, Setyamartana (2008) Attitude Control of Linear System by Using Feed- Forward Constant-Amplitude Inputs. In: ICPER 2008, 27-29 March 2008, Kualalumpur, Malaysia.

Parman, Setyamartana (2008) Controlling Attitude Maneuvers of a Flexible Satellite under Low Frequency Vibration by Using Feed-Forward Constant-Amplitude Inputs. In: 13th International Meeting on Low Frequency Noise and Vibration and its Control, 21 – 23 October 2008, Tokyo, JAPAN .

Parman, Setyamartana (2009) Finite Element Software Development of a Flexible Satellite Orbiting in Space. In: International Conference on APPLICATIONS AND DESIGN IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (ICADME) 2009, 11-13 October 2009, Batu Feringhi, Pulau Pinang.


Rahman, Imran and Vasant, Pandian and Mahinder Singh, Balbir Singh and Abdullah-Al-Wadud, M. (2014) Optimisation of PHEV/EV charging infrastructures: a review. [Citation Index Journal]

Rahman, Imran and Vasant, Pandian and Mahinder Singh, Balbir Singh and Abdullah-Al-Wadud, M. (2016) Novel metaheuristic optimization strategies for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles: A holistic review. [Citation Index Journal]


Saad , Nordin and Arrofiq, M., and Karsiti, M. N. (2009) An Identification of Model for Integrated Variable Speed Drive, Induction Motor and Dynamometer. In: 2009 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA 2009), 4-6 October, 2009, Kuala Lumpur .

Saad , Nordin and Arrofiq, Muhammad (2010) M. Arrofiq, N. Saad. “Control of Induction Motor Drives Using Modified-Fuzzy Logic Methods”. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2010), 10-13 October 2010, Instanbul, Turkey, pp. 612-619.IEEE Catalog Number: CFP10SMC-CDR, ISBN: 978-1-4244-6587-3, ISSN: 1062-922X. In: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Systems Man and Cybernetics, 10-13 October 2010, Instanbul, Turkey.

Saad , Nordin and Wahyunggoro, Oyas. (2010) Nordin Saad and Oyas Wahyunggoro (2010). Development of Fuzzy-Logic-Based Self Tuning PI Controller for Servomotor, Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators, S. Ehsan Shafiei (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-099-5, Sciyo, Available from: In: Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators. IN-TECH Sciyo, Crotia, pp. 311-328. ISBN 978-953-307-099-5


Vu, Trieu Minh (2011) Development of a real-time clutch transition strategy for a parallel hybrid electric vehicle. [Citation Index Journal]

Vu, Trieu Minh (2011) Stability for switched dynamic hybrid systems. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 54 (12). pp. 112-119. ISSN 08957177


Wahyunggoro, O. and Saad, N., (2009) Genetic Algorithm Optimization of I/O Scales and Parameters for FLIC in Servomotor Control. 2009 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications .

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