Items where Subject is "QA Mathematics"

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ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN and Kamarudin, Mohd Hafizi and HASAN, KHATIM and SULAIMAN, JUMAT (2011) Wavelet Transform and Fast Fourier Transform for Signal Compression: A Comparative Study. In: 2011 International Conference on Electronic Devices, Systems and Applications (ICEDSA). UITM, pp. 280-285.

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) Bézier Triangular Patches for Closed Surface. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2009) Compression Chemical Signal Using Wavelet Transform. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) Construction of Cubic Ball Surface Based on Biharmonic Partial Differential Equation. In Proceedings of the 21st National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences (SKSM21), AIP Conf. Proc. 1605, 101-105 (2014), In: AIP Conf. Proc. 1605. AIP Conf. Proc. 1605.

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) Convexity Preserving Using GC^1 Cubic Ball Interpolation. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) Convexity-preserving using rational cubic spline interpolation. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) Cubic Spline Interpolation for Petroleum Engineering Data. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) Denoising Solar Radiation Data Using Coiflet Wavelets. ICFAS 2014, 3-5 June 2014 KLCC. AIP Conf. Proc. 1621, 394 (2014), 394-401. In: AIP Conf. Proc. 1621, 394 (2014), 394-401. AIP Conf. Proc. 1621.

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2013) Denoising the Temperature Data using Wavelet Transform. Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 7, 2013, no. 117, 5821 - 5830. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) Effects of Varied Amount of Carbon Dioxide and Pressure on the Stability of Asphaltene. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2013) Electricity Load Forecasting in UTP using Moving Averages and Exponential Smoothing Techniques. Applied Mathematical Sciences. Vol. 7, 2013, no. 80, 4003 - 4014. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2013) Extension Quintic Wang-Ball Curves and Surfaces. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS), Special Volume 2013, Part II, pp. 185-201, 2013. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) Forecasting Performance of Denosing Signal by Wavelet and Fourier Transforms using SARIMA Model. In Proceedings of the 21st National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences (SKSM21), AIP Conf. Proc. 1605, 961-966 (2014). In: AIP Conf. Proc. 1605, 961-966 (2014). AIP Conf. Proc. 1605.


ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) Global Solar Radiation Modeling Using Polynomial Fitting. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) Heat simulation via Scilab programming. AIP Conf. Proc. 1605, 113-118, (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4887574. In: AIP Conf. Proc. 1605. AIP Conf. Proc. 1605.

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2012) Image Reconstruction Using Singular Value Decomposition. In: SIMPOSIUM KEBANGSAAN SAINS MATEMATIK KE 20 (SKSM 20) AIP INDEX, 18-20 DEC 2012, IOI RESORT, PUTRAJAYA. (In Press)

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) Implementation of optimum solar electricity generating system. AIP Conf. Proc. 1621, 278(2014), 278-283. In: AIP Conf. Proc. 1621, 394 (2014). AIP Conf. Proc. 1621.

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) Implicit Finite Difference Solutions of One-Dimensional Burgers’ Equation Using Newton-HSSOR Method. In International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Statistics 2013, Kilicman, A., Leong, W.J. and Eshkuvatov, Z. (Eds.,), pp. 285-295. In: International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Statistics 2013, Kilicman, A., Leong, W.J. and Eshkuvatov, Z. (Eds.,). SPRINGER VERLAG .

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) Local Control of the Curves using Rational Cubic Spline. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) Long Memory Analysis using Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transforms. In Research in Statistical Analysis, Majid, A.A., Sulaiman, H. and Ismail, M.T. (Eds.,), School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), pp. 155-165, 2014. In: Research in Statistical Analysis. School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2012) Monotonicity Preserving Using GC^1 Rational Quartic Spline. AIP.

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) Monotonicity Preserving Using New Rational Quartic Spline. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 13: 978-3-659-54868-0. 108 pp. Book Type: Research Monograph. 10 June 2016. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. . ISBN ISBN 13: 978-3-659-54868-0

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2013) Monotonicity Preserving using Ball Cubic Interpolation. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7(2): 780-790, 2013 ISSN 1991-8178. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) Monotonicity-preserving using rational cubic spline interpolation. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2013) Numerical Solution of Burgers’ Equation by Using Half-Sweep EG Methods. Uzbek Mathematical Journal, 4: 105-115. [ISSN: 2010-7269]. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2013) Numerical Solutions of Nonlinear Second-Order Two-Point Boundary Value Problems Using Half-Sweep SOR with Newton Method. In J. Concrete and Applicable Mathematics, Vol. 11, No. 1, 112-120, 2013. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) Point Control of the Curves Using Rational Quartic Spline. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) Positivity Preserving Interpolation by Using Rational Cubic Spline. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2012) Positivity Preserving using GC^1 Rational Quartic Spline. In: SIMPOSIUM KEBANGSAAN SAINS MATEMATIK KE 20 (SKSM 20) (AIP INDEX), 18-20 DEC 2012, IOI RESORT, PUTRAJAYA. (In Press)

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2013) Rational Cubic Ball Functions for Positivity Preserving. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS). Vol. 82, No. 2, pp. 193-207, 2013. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) Rational Cubic Spline for Positivity Preserving Interpolation. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2013) Seabed Loging Data Curve Fitting using cubic Splines. Applied Mathematical Sciences. Scopus. Vol. 7, 2013, no. 81, 4015 – 4026. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) Shape preserving interpolation using rational cubic spline. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2013) Surface Interpolation Using Partial Differential Equation with Positivity Preserving Cubic Bézier Curves Boundary Condition. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS). Volume 75, Issue 2 (April 2013), Page: 257 – 272. [Citation Index Journal]

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2012) Surface Interpolation Using Partial Differentiation Equation with Positivity Preserving Cubic Bezier Curves Boundary Condition. In: UNSPECIFIED.


ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2014) The statistical analysis of evaluating crude oils. AIP Conf. Proc. 1621, 422 (2014), 422-428. In: AIP Conf. Proc. 1621, 394 (2014). AIP Conf. Proc. 1621.


ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN and ABDUL KARIM, BAKRI and ISMAIL, M TAHIR and HASAN, KHATIM and SULAIMAN, JUMAT (2010) Compression of Temperature Data by using Daubechies Wavelets. SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, UKM, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Science, 30 Nov-3 Dec 2010, PWTC Kuala Lumpur. . ISBN (ISBN: 978-967-5878-03-9)

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN and KAMARUDIN, MOHD HAFIZI and ABDUL KARIM, BAKRI and HASAN, M KHATIM and SULAIMAN, JUMAT (2011) Wavelet Transform and Fast Fourier Transform for Signal Compression: A Comparative Study. International Conference on Electronic Devices, Systems & Applications (ICEDSA 2011). .

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN and Singh, Balbir and ABDUL KARIM, BAKRI and HASAN, M KHATIM and SULAIMAN, JUMAT and Josefina Janier , Josefina and Ismail , Mohd Tahir (2012) Denoising Solar Radiation Data Using Meyer Wavelets. In: In 2nd International Conferences on Fundamental and Applied Sciences Department (ICFAS), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 12-14 June 2012, Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. .

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN and Singh, Balbir and Razali, Radzuan and ABDUL KARIM, BAKRI (2011) COMPRESSION SOLAR RADIATION DATA USING HAAR AND DAUBECHIES WAVELETS. Malaysian Society for Engineering & Technology (MSET) AND Federation of Engineering Institutions of Islamic Countries (FEIIC), Regional Symposium on Engineering and Technology 2011, KUCHING, SARAWAK, MALAYSIA.

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN and Singh, Balbir and Razali, Radzuan and Yahya, Noorhana (2011) Solar Radiation Data Analysis by using Daubechies Wavelets. ICCSCE 2011 .

ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN and singh, balbir and Razali, Radzuan and Yahya, Noorhana (2011) Data Compression Technique for Modeling of Global Solar Radiation. ICCSCE 2011.

AL WADI, SADDAM and ISMAIL, M TAHIR and ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2010) A Comparison between the Daubechies wavelet transformation and the Fast Fourier Transform in Analyzing Insurance Time Series Data. [Citation Index Journal]

AL WADI, SADDAM and ISMAIL, M TAHIR and ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2011) Discovering Structure Breaks in Amman Stocks Market. [Citation Index Journal]

Abdulkarim, Muhammad and Ahmad, Wan Fatimah Wan and Ansari, Adeel and Nyamasvisva, Elisha Tadiwa and Shafie, Afza (2014) Airwaves estimation in shallow water CSEM data: Multi-layer perceptron versus multiple regression. In: Computer and Information Sciences (ICCOINS), 2014 International Conference on.


Badri, T. M. and Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. (2012) Dynamic Response of Magneto-Thermo-Electro-elastic shell structure closed-circuit surface condition. Journal of Applied Sciences, 12 (24). pp. 2541-2547. ISSN 1812-5654

Badri, T.M. and Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. (2012) Analytical Solution for Simply Supported and Multilayered Magneto-Thermo-Electro-Elastic Plates. [Citation Index Journal]

Brahim Belhaouari Samir, BBS and Daud, Hanita and raja, syahira and aissa , boudjella (2012) License Plate Recognition Part II: Wavelet Transform and Euclidean Distance Method. In: 2012 4th International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS2012), 12 - 14 June 2012, KLCC.


Daud, Hanita and Yahya, Noorhana and Asirvadam , Vijanth Sagayan and Talib, Ahmad Muizuddin (2012) Visualization of Sediment Thickness Variation for Sea Bed Logging using Spline Interpolation. [Citation Index Journal]


Farooq, Muhammad Umer and Xia, Likun and Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi and Malik, Aamir Saeed (2013) Local Approximation Improvement of Trajectory Piecewise Linear Macromodels through Chebyshev Interpolating Polynomials. In: 18th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), Jan. 22-25, 2013, Yokohama, Japan.

Farooq, Muhammad Umer and Xia, Likun and Malik, Aamir Saeed and Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi (2013) Automated Model Generation of Analog Circuits Through Modified Trajectory Piecewise Linear Approach With ChebyShev Newton Interpolating Polynomials. In: 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation (ISMS), Jan. 29-31, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand.

Faye, Ibrahima (2011) On Integer sequences related to a memorization technique. [Citation Index Journal]

Faye, Ibrahima (2011) On Integer sequences related to a memorization technique. [Citation Index Journal]


HASAN, KHATIM and SULAIMAN, JUMAT and ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2012) Complexity Reduction Approach for Solving Hyperbolic Problems. In: SIMPOSIUM KEBANGSAAN SAINS MATEMATIK KE 20 (SKSM 20) AIP INDEX, 18-20 DEC 2012, IOI RESORT, PUTRAJAYA. (In Press)

HASAN, M KHATIM and SULAIMAN, JUMAT and ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2011) Development of Some Numerical Methods by Applying Complexity Reduction Approach for Solving Scientific problem. [Citation Index Journal]

HASAN, M KHATIM and SULAIMAN, JUMAT and ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN and OTHMAN, MOHAMED (2010) Development of Some Numerical Methods Applying Complexity Reduction Approach for Solving Scientific problem. UTP, International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Science. 15-17 June 2010. . ISBN (ISBN: 978-983-2271-19-2)


Ismail, Atef and Lee, Yen Cheong and Mahmoud, Z M M (2015) Puzzle of the folding potential on the nuclear halo reactions. [Citation Index Journal]

Ismail, Atef and Lee, Yen Cheong and Tammam, M (2015) Elastic scattering analysis of p+40Ca at incident energies from threshold to 48.4 MeV and nuclear matter radius. [Citation Index Journal]

Ismail , Mohd Tahir and ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN and AL WADI, SADDAM (2011) A study of structural breaks in Malaysian stock market. [Citation Index Journal]


Lee, Yen Cheong (2012) Dynamics of Information Coded in a Single Cooper Pair Box. [Citation Index Journal]

Lee, Yen Cheong (2012) On the covariant gauge $\alpha$ of the linearized gravity in de Sitter spacetime. In: ICFAS2012, 12-14 June 2012, Kuala Lumpur.

Lee, Yen Cheong and Nordin, Zakaria M and Abdel-Haleem, Abdel-Aty and Nasser, Metwally (2013) Effect of the Spin–Orbit Interaction on Partial Entangled Quantum Network. In: The First International Conference on Advanced Data and Information Engineering (DaEng-2013) , Kuala Lumpur.

Lee, Yen Cheong and Nordin, Zakaria M and Abdel-Haleem, Abdel-Aty and Nasser, Metwally (2014) Quantum Network via Partial Entangled State. [Citation Index Journal]


Lee, Yen Cheong and Zakaria, Mohd Nordin (2013) Dynamics of Information Coded in a Single Cooper Pair Box. [Citation Index Journal]


Marneni, Narahari (2010) Effects of Thermal Radiation and Free Convection Currents on the Unsteady Couette Flow Between Two Vertical Parallel Plates with Constant Heat Flux at one Boundary. [Citation Index Journal]

Marneni, Narahari (2012) Effects of thermal radiation and mass diffusion on free convection flow past an impulsively started infinite vertical plate with ramped temperature. [Citation Index Journal]

Marneni, Narahari (2009) Radiation Effects on Free Convection Flow past an Impulsively Started Infinite Vertical Plate with Ramped Wall Temperature and Constant Mass Diffusion. [Citation Index Journal]

Marneni, Narahari and Jaafar, A (2013) Free Convection Flow of a Nanofluid Past an Isothermal Inclined Plate. [Citation Index Journal]

Marneni, Narahari and Lokenath, Debnath (2013) Unsteady magnetohydrodynamic free convection flow past an accelerated vertical plate with constant heat flux and heat generation or absorption. [Citation Index Journal]

Marneni, Narahari and Pendyala, Rajashekhar (2014) Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic Free Convection Flow of a Radiative Fluid past an Infinite Vertical Plate with Constant Heat and Mass Flux. [Citation Index Journal]

Marneni, Narahari and S.K., Ghosh and O., Anwar Bég (2013) A Study of Unsteady Rotating Hydromagnetic Free and Forced Convection in a Channel Subject to Forced Oscillation under an Oblique Magnetic Field. [Citation Index Journal]

Marneni, Narahari and Sulaiman, S. A. (2013) Thermal Radiation Effects on Unsteady MHD Natural Convection Flow Past an Infinite Inclined Plate with Ramped Temperature. [Citation Index Journal]

Marneni, Narahari and Tippa, Sowmya and Pendyala, Rajashekhar (2013) Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic Free Convection Flow of a Radiative Fluid past an Infinite Vertical Plate with Constant Heat and Mass Flux. [Citation Index Journal]

Marneni, Narahari and Yahya, Noorhana (2013) Effects of Time Dependent Temperature and Thermal Radiation on Free Convection Flow in Unsteady Couette Motion. [Citation Index Journal]

Mumtaz, Wajid and Xia, Likun and Mumtaz, Wajid and Yasin, Mohd Azhar Mohd (2013) EEG Classification of Physiological Conditions in 2D/3D Environments Using Neural Network. In: 35th IEEE International Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBC), July 03-07, 2013, Osaka, Japan.


Oxley, A. (2010) Detecting the phenomenon of strange non-chaotic attractors. ANZIAM Journal.

Oxley, A. (2010) Discrete Mathematics and its applications. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications.

Oxley, A. (2011) Loop Closure: A Kinematic Problem That Arises in Protein-Folding. Mathematics Today.

Oxley, A. (2010) Markov Processes in Management Science. Mathematical Spectrum.

Oxley, A. (2011) Transforming Ground. Maths in the City.

Oxley, A. (1998) Mensuration of simple polytopes. [Non-Citation Index Journal]

Oxley, A. (1996) Pocket calculators of the future. [Non-Citation Index Journal]

Oxley, A. (2013) Stories of the Unplanned Impact of Mathematics: Bayes’ Theorem meets Cyberspace. [Non-Citation Index Journal]


Purbawanto Hidayat, Mas Irfan and Megat-Yusoff, Puteri Sri Melor and Berata, Wajan (2011) Neural Networks with NARX Structure for Material Lifetime Assessment Application. In: IEEE Symposium on Computers and Informatics, 20 to 22nd March 2011, Kuala Lumpur. (Submitted)


Rahman, Imran and Vasant, Pandian and Mahinder Singh, Balbir Singh and Abdullah-Al-Wadud, M. (2016) Novel metaheuristic optimization strategies for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles: A holistic review. [Citation Index Journal]


SULAIMAN, JUMAT and ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2012) Newton-EGMSOR Methods for Solution of Second Order Two-Point Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND SYSTEM SCIENCE. pp. 185-190. ISSN 2159-5291

SULAIMAN, JUMAT and ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2012) Numerical Solutions of Nonlinear Second-Order Two-Point Boundary Value Problems Using Half-Sweep SOR With Newton Method. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED MATHEMATICS & APPROXIMATION THEORY (AMAT) 2012, MAY 17-20, 2012, ANKARA, TURKEY .

SULAIMAN, JUMAT and HASAN, M KHATIM and ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2012) Fourth Order Solutions of Singularly Perturbed Boundary Value Problems by Quarter-Sweep Iteration. In: SIMPOSIUM KEBANGSAAN SAINS MATEMATIK KE 20 (SKSM 20) AIP INDEX, 18-20 DEC 2012, IOI RESORT, PUTRAJAYA. (In Press)

SULAIMAN, JUMAT and HASAN, M KHATIM and ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2012) Newton-EGMSOR Methods for Solution of SEcond Order Two-Point NOnlinear Boundary Value Problem. [Citation Index Journal]

SULAIMAN, JUMAT and HASAN, M KHATIM and OTHMAN, MOHAMED and ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2010) FOURTH-ORDER QSMSOR ITERATIVE METHOD FOR THE SOLUTION OF ONE-DIMENSIONAL PARABOLIC PDE’S. ITB, Bandung Indonesia, Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CIAM2010). ITB, bBndung Indonesia: 34-39, July 06-08, 2010.. ISBN [ISBN : 977-208-70510-0-8]

SULAIMAN, JUMAT and HASAN, M KHATIM and OTHMAN, MOHAMED and ABDUL KARIM, SAMSUL ARIFFIN (2010) MEGSOR Iterative Method for the Triangle Element Solution of 2D Poisson Equation,. Procedia Computer Science, , vol 1,. pp. 377-385. ISSN (ISSN:1877-0509)

Shoaib, Muhammad and Faye, Ibrahima (2011) Collinear Equilibrium Solutions of Four-body Problem. [Citation Index Journal]

Shoaib, Muhammad and Faye, Ibrahima (2011) Collinear Equilibrium Solutions of Four-body Problem. [Citation Index Journal]


Vasant, Pandian (2010) FUZZY MULTI-OBJECTIVE VENDOR SELECTION PROBLEM WITH MODIFIED S-CURVE MEMBERSHIP FUNCTION. In: POWER CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION: Proceedings of the 3rd Global Conference on Power Control and Optimization, 2–4 February 2010, Gold Coast (Australia).


Xia, Likun and Farooq, Muhammad Umer and Bell, Ian (2013) High Level Fault Modeling of Analog Circuits Through Automated Model Generation Using Chebyshev And Newton Interpolating Polynomials. [Citation Index Journal] (Submitted)

Xia, Likun and Vuong, Pham and Malik, Aamir Saeed and Rashid, Rusdi (2013) Using EEG for Alcohol Use Screening. In: 20th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2012) , Nov 03-07, 2013, Daegu, Korea.


Zainal Abidin, Azizan and Faye, Ibrahima (2009) Introduction to Differential Equations A Workbook. McGraw Hill, pp. 1-307. ISBN 978-983-3850-86-0

Zainal Abidin, Azizan and Faye , Ibrahima (2010) Introduction to Differential Equations A Workbook 2nd Edition. McGraw Hill. ISBN 978-983-3850-86-0

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