Items where Department / MOR is "Geoscience & Petroleum Engineering" and Year is 2010

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Number of items: 69.

Khairy, Hilfan and Harith Zahir Tuan, Zuhar (2010) Surface Conductivity, Pore Radius Distribution and Their Effect to Electrical Dispersion: Study in Shaly Sandstones. In: ICIPEG 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Mohd Azhar, Hammad Hazim and Hermana, Maman and Khairy , Hilfan and Zahir Tuan Harith, Zuhar (2010) CO2 SEQUESTRATION MONITORING & ROCK PHYSICS STUDY USING P- WAVE VELOCITY DATA & AVO ANALYSIS AT DIFFERENT BEDDING ORIENTATIONS. In: SEG Workshop 2010.


., Bahaa-eldin EA Rahim, I Yusoff, AR Samsudin, WZW Yaacob, AGM Raf (2010) Deterioration of groundwater quality in the vicinity of an active open-tipping site in West Malaysia. Deterioration of groundwater quality in the vicinity of an active open-tipping site in West Malaysia.


Abd Kadir, Askury and Herman, Angga Pratama and Mohd Shariai, Aminur Rashid and George, Aaron Subash (2010) Physico-chemical behavior of carbonaceous shale at Batu Gajah, Perak: Their troubles and mitigation. In: National Geoscience Conference 2010, June 11-12, 2010, Shah Alam.

Abd Kadir, Askury and Pierson, Bernard and Tuan Harith, Zuhar Zahor and Chow, Weng Sum (2010) A wonderful slump structure at Sg Siput, Perak: Potential geosite en route for conservation. In: Third Indonesia-Malaysia Joint Conference, 6-8 October 2010, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional, Yogyakarta, Inodonesia.

Al-Mossawy, Mohammed Idrees and Demiral, B.M.R (2010) Duration of Transient Pressure of Single- Phase Flow in Porous Media. In: 2010 International Conference on Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences, 15-17 June, 2010, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia.

Alta'ee, Ali F. and Saaid, I. and Masoudi, R. (2010) Carbon Dioxide Injection and Asphaltene Precipitation in Light Oil Reservoirs. In: The Eleventh Mediterranean Petroleum Conference and Exhibition , 23-25 Feb 2010, Tripoli, Libya.

Ayoub, Mohammed Abdalla and Demiral, B.M.R (2010) Development of a Universal Artificial Neural Network Model for Pressure Loss Estimation in Pipeline Systems; A comparative Study. In: 2010 International Conference on INtegrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences, 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Chalabi, Aicha and Pierson, Bernard and Ab Talib, Jasmi (2010) REMOTE SENSING ANALYSIS OF RECENT CARBONATE PLATFORMS EAST OF SABAH: POTENTIAL ANALOGUES TO MIOCENE CARBONATE PLATFORMS OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA. In: Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia 2010, 18 - 21 Oct 2010, Manado, Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Chow, W.S and Sonny Irawan, Sonny and Taufiq F Fathaddin, Taufiq (2010) The Use of Hot Springs in The Malay Peninsular. In: Word Geothermal Congress 2010, 25 - 30 April 2010, Nusa Dua Bali - Indonesia.

Chow, W.S (2010) Hot Springs in the Malay Peninsula. In: World Geothermal Congress 2010, 25-30 April 2010, Bali, Indonesia.

Chow, Weng Sum and Irawan, Sonny and Fathaddin, Muhammad Taufiq (2010) Hot Springs in the Malay Peninsula. In: World Geothermal Congress 2010, 25-29 April 2010, Bali.

Chow Weng Sum, Chow and Ab Talib, Jasmi (2010) RECLAMATION OF MINED-OUT PONDS IN THE KINTA VALLEY FOR HOUSING DEVELOPMENT. In: International Conference and Exhibition on the Rehabilitation, Restoration and Transformation of Mining Land, 1 - 2 Nov 2010, Sunway, Selangor. (Submitted)


El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. (2010) Effect of Adsorption, Dispersion and Slug Size on Chemical EOR. In: ICIPEG2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. (2010) Review of Waterflooding Performance in Stratified Reservoirs. In: ICIPEG 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. (2010) Waterflooding Performance in Inclined Communicating Stratified Reservoirs. In: SPE North Africa Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Cairo, Egypt, 14–17 February 2010., 14 - 17 February 2010, Cairo , Egypt.

Elraeis, Khaled A and Isa, M Tan (2010) Design and Application of a New Acid-Alkali-Surfactant Flooding Formulation for Malaysian reservoirs. In: SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, 18–20 October 2010, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Elraeis, Khaled A and Isa, M Tan and Awang, Mariyamni and Fathaddin, M.T (2010) A New Approach to Low-cost,High Performance Chemical Flooding system. Society of Petroleum Engineers (133004-MS).

Elraeis, Khaled A and Isa, M Tan and Awang, Mariyamni and Fathaddin, M.T (2010) A New Approach to Low-Cost, High Performance Chemical Flooding System. In: SPE Production and Operations Conference and Exhibition, June 8-10, Tunis.

Elraies, Khaled A and Isa, M Tan (2010) Design and Application of a New Acid-Alkali-Surfactant Flooding Formulation for Malaysian Reservoirs. Society of Petroleum Engineers (133005-MS).

Elraies, Khaled A and Isa, M Tan and Awang, Mariyamni and Ismail , Mohd Saaid (2010) The Synthesis and Performance of Sodium Methyl Ester Sulfonate for Enhanced Oil Recovery. Petroleum Science and Technology,, Volume ( Issue). pp. 1977-1985. ISSN ISSN: 1091-6466 print/1532-2459 online

Ewin, T.A.M., and Fraser,, N., and Hunter, A.W., and Lewis, D.N., (2010) Chapter 15-Echinoderms. In: Fossils from the Lower Lias of the Dorset Coast. Palaeontological Association London, pp. 298-316.


Fathaddin, M.T. and Buang, P.N and Elraies, Khaled A (2010) Performance of Surfactant Flooding in Heterogeneous Two-Layered Porous Media. [Citation Index Journal]


GHOSH, DEVA and ABDUL HALIM, MUHAMMAD FIRDAUS and BREWER, MARTIN and VIRATNO, BERNATO and DARMAN, NASIR (2010) Geophysical issues and challenges in Malay and adjacent basins from an E&P perspective. THE LEADING EDGE.

Ghosh, Deva Prasad and Abdul Halim, Muhammad Firdaus and Brewer, Martin and Vernato, Bernato and Darman, Nasir (2010) Geophysical Issues and Challenges in Southeast Asia with Emphasis on Malay Basin. the leading edge.

Ghosh, Dr. Deva P and Ibrahim, Nor Azhar and Viratno, Bernato and Mohamad, Hamdan (2010) Seismic Attributes adding a new Dimension to Prospect Evaluation & Geomorphology Identification in the Malay and adjacent basins. Seismic Attributes adding a new Dimension to Prospect Evaluation & Geomorphology Identification in the Malay and adjacent basins.

Ghosh, Dr. Deva P and Ibrahim, Nor Azhar and Viratno, Bernato and Mohamad, Hamdan (2010) Seismic Attributes adding a new Dimension to Prospect Evaluation & Geomorphology Identification in the Malay and adjacent basins. SEG Denver 2010 Annual Meeting.

Ghosh, Dr. Deva P and Ibrahim, Nor Azhar and Viratno, Bernato and Mohamad, Hamdan (2010) Seismic Attributes adding a new Dimension to Prospect Evaluation & Geomorphology Identification in the Malay and adjacent basins. SOCIETY OF EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICISITS.


Hamid, Mohamed Ali and Demiral, Birol M R (2010) The effect of Skin Factor On Water Injectivity during WAG process. In: 2010 International Conference on Integrated Petroleum Engineering And Geoscieneces, 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Hermana, Maman and Harith, Zuhar Zahir Tuan (2010) A New Proposed Method to Estimate Attenuation Based on Shift Frequency Method. In: SEG Workshop "Hydrocarbon Reservoir Imaging and Characterization-Issues and Challenges in Southeast Asia", 30 November 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Hermana, Maman and Harith, Zuhar Zahir Tuan (2010) Design Model of CO2 Injection Monitoring Into Depleted Oil Reservoir Using Induced Seismicity Data. In: ICIPEG 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Hunter, A.W., and Lefebvre, B., and Nardin, E., and Van Roy, P., and Zamora, S., and Régnault, S., (2010) Preliminary report on new echinoderm Lagerstätten from the Upper Ordovician of the eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco. In: Echinoderms: Durham. Proceedings of the 12th International Echinoderm Conference, Durham, New Hampshire, USA, 7-11 August 2006. Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 23-30.

Hunter, A.W., and Rees, J., (2010) A new echinoderm faunule from the Lower Jurassic (Pliensbachian) of southern Sweden. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 58. pp. 67-73.

Hunter, A.W., (2010) Crinoid diversity from the Upper Cretaceous deeper water facies of northern Japan; Implications for the Mesozoic marine revolution. In: 7th European Conference on Echinoderms, October 2-9, 2010, Göttingen, Germany.

Hunter, A.W., and Underwood, C.J., (2010) Comment and Reply on “Palaeoenvironmental Control on Distribution of Crinoids in the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) of England and France” by Aaron W. Hunter and Charlie J. Underwood. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 55. pp. 174-176.

Hunter, Aaron and Sakurai, Kazuhiko and Tomohiro, Nishimura (2010) ‘Caught in the act’; evidence for asteroid predation on plesiosaur (elasmosaurid) carcasses from the Upper Cretaceous of Hokkaido, Japan. In: 7th European Conference on Echinoderms, October 2-9, 2010, Göttingen, Germany.


Khairy, Hilfan and Zahir Tuan Harith, Zuhar (2010) Complex Resistivity of Shaly Sandstone: Study on Pressure and Saturation Effect. [Citation Index Journal]

Khairy , Hilfan and Harith, Zuhar Zahir Tuan (2010) Complex Resistivity of Shaly Sandstone: Study on Pressure and Saturation Effect. [Citation Index Journal]

Khairy , Hilfan and Harith, Zuhar Zahir Tuan (2010) Surface Conductivity, Pore Radius Distribution and Their Effect to Electrical Dispersion: Study in Shaly Sandstones. In: ICIPEG 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.


Lefebvre, B., and Noailles, F., and Franzin, B., and Régnault, S., and Nardin, E., and Hunter, A.W., and Zamora, S., and Van Roy, P., and El Hariri, K., and Lazreq, N., (2010) Les gisements à échinodermes de l'Ordovicien supérieur de l'Anti-Atlas oriental (Maroc): un patrimoine scientifique exceptionnel à préserver. Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique, Rabat, section Sciences de la Terre, 32. pp. 1-17.


Majidaie, Saeed and Isa, M Tan and Demiral, B.M.R (2010) Review of ASP Flooding. In: 2010 International Conference on Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Masnan, Safiq and Padmanabhan, Eswaran and Mokhtar, Mohd Afiq and Ganeson, Rajamohan and Viswanathan, Prasanna (2010) THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY VALUES OF SOME SANDSTONES AND SHALES FROM THE BELAIT FORMATION. Newsletter of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 36 (1). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0126-5539 PP2509/07/2011(028111)


Mohd Hafiz Musa, Zulfadhli Hasan Adli, MN Khairul Arifin, . (2010) Determination of seismic wave of consolidated granite rock in Penang Island: Ultrasonic testing method vs seismic refraction method. Determination of seismic wave of consolidated granite rock in Penang Island: Ultrasonic testing method vs seismic refraction method.

Mohyaldinn, Mysara Eissa and El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. and Che Ismail, Mokhtar (2010) A Computational Code for Sand Erosion Prediction in Elbows and Tees: An Improvement to the Direct Impingement Model to Account for Temperature Dependence. Corrosion and Materials , 35 (5). pp. 62-69.

Mohyaldinn, Mysara Eissa and El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. and Che Ismail, Mokhtar (2010) A Computational Tool for Erosion/Corrosion Prediction in Oil/Gas Production Facilities. In: 3rd International Conference on Solid State Science and Technology 2010 (ICSSST2010), 01-03 December 2010, Kuching, Sarawak, Maklaysia.

Mohyaldinn, Mysara Eissa and El-Khatib, Noaman A.F. and Ismail, Mokhtar C (2010) A Computational Model for Simulation of CO2 Corrosion Rate along Pipelines. In: 3rd International Conference on Solid State Science & Technology ICSSST2010, December 01 - 03, 2010, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Musa, Sami A and Awang, Mariyamni and Demiral, B.M.R (2010) Development of a Mathematical Model for Heavy Oil Recovery using Heat Assisted WAG with Chemical Additives. In: 2010 International Conference on Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences, 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.



Padmanabhan, Eswaran and Eswaran, Hari and Mermut, Ahmet (2010) CLASSIFYING SOILS AT THE ULTIMATE STAGE OF WEATHERING: A CONTINUING CHALLENGE FOR SUSTAINABLE AGROMANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN THE 21ST CENTURY. In: 19th World Congress of Soil Science, August 1-6, 2010, Brisbane, Australia.

Padmanabhan, Eswaran and Eswaran, Hari and Reich, Paul (2010) SOIL CARBON STOCKS IN SARAWAK, MALAYSIA. In: Carbon Sequestration, Bogor Indonesia.

Padmanabhan, Eswaran and Ganeson, Rajamohan and Nazor, Siti Nuralia and Mokhtar, Mohd Afiq and M Viswanathan, Prasanna (2010) IMPACT OF SPATIAL VARIABILITY IN MICROFABRICS ON HEAT TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS OF SOME SEDIMENTARY ROCKS. In: ICIPEG 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Padmanabhan, Eswaran and Mohd Pauzi, Ahmad Syabil and Masnan, Safiq and Mokhtar, Mohd Afiq and MV, Prasanna (2010) Ripple mark styles in the Belait Formation: Implications on depositional history. In: National Geoscience Conference 2010, June 11-12, 2010, Shah Alam.

Purnomo, Eko Widi and Harith, Zuhar Zahir Tuan (2010) Combination of minimum-maximum (m-m) attribute and zero-INTENS-difference (z-i-d) attribute for estimating below-tuning layer thickness : A new technique proposal. In: ICIPEG 2010, part of ESTCON 2010, 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.


Ramli, Syamim and Padmanabhan, Eswaran and Mokhtar, Mohd Afiq and Wan Yusoff, Wan Ismail (2010) SPATIAL-TEMPORAL VARIABILITY OF HYDROCARBON DISTRIBUTION IN THE NORTHERN SECTOR OF THE BELAIT FORMATION. In: National Geoscience Conference 2010, June 11-12, 2010, Shah Alam.


Sauki, Arina and Irawan, Sonny and Jasmai, Mazuin (2010) Investigation of Well Cement Degradation by Carbonated Brine in Supercritical CO2 Environment. In: The Asia-Pacific Offshore Conference-APOC2010 , December 13-14, 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Sauki, Arina and Irawan, Sonny (2010) Effects of Pressure and Temperature on Well Cement Degradation by Supercritical CO2. [Citation Index Journal]

Saw, Jasmin and Chow, Weng Sum and Pierson, Bernard and Ashaari, Ani Aiza and Omar, A Aziz (2010) COASTAL FACIES SAND COMPOSITION AND BEACH DYNAMICS ON PULAU PANGKOR TO ASSESS THE IMPACT OF POTENTIAL OIL SPILLS. In: Petroleum Geology and Exhibition 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Sonny, Sonny Irawan (2010) Investigation of Well Cement Degradation by Carbonated Brine in Supercritical CO2 Environment. In: The Asia-Pacific Offshore Conference-APOC2010 , 13 - 14 december 2010, Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia.

Sonny Irawan, Sonny and Chow Weng Sum, Chow and Kori B Mohammad2 , Kori (2010) Formulation Of Drilling Fluids For High Temperature Well Application Using Sabah Bentonite. In: World Geothermal Congress 2010, 25 - 30 April 2010, Nusa Dua Bali - Indonesia.

Sonny Irawan, Sonny and Kania Dina, Kania (2010) Preliminary Study of Jatropha Curcas Oil as Ester-Based Drilling Fluids. In: the First International Conference on Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences 2010 (ICIPEG 2010), 15 throuh 17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Center.

Sonny Irawan, Sonny and Mohd. Amin Shoustari, Mohd Amin (2010) Promoting Safety Integrity Level in CO2 Injection - Enhanced Oil Recovery Projects. In: the First International Conference on Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences 2010 (ICIPEG 2010), 15 throuh 17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Center.

Sonny Irawan, Sonny and Fikri Irawan, Fikri (2010) Core Flood EOR Experiment by Injecting Liquid Carbon Dioxide. In: the First International Conference on Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences 2010 (ICIPEG 2010), 15 throuh 17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Center.

Syahrir, Ridha and Sonny Irawan, Sonny and Jasamai, Mazuin and Bambang Ari, Wahjoedi (2010) Conductivity Dispersion Characteristic of Oilwell Cement Slurry during Early Hydration. [Citation Index Journal]


Tham , Boon Keat and Demiral, B.M.R and Ismail B. Saaid, Ismail (2010) Effect of Reservoir Heterogeneity on Gas Assisted Gravity Drainage Project. In: 2010 International Conference on Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosceinces, 15-17 June, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Widi Purnomo, Eko and Zuhar Zahir Tua, Harith (2010) High Resolution Seismic Inversion Using Combination Maximum-minimum (m-m) attribute and Zero-INTENS-Different (z-i-d) Attribute. In: SEG Workshop 2010.


Zainal, Suzalina and Hon Vai Yee, Hon and Mohd Saaid, Ismail (2010) Gas-Diffusivity Measurement in Reservoir Fluid at Elevated Pressures Systems for Transient Shut-In Modeling. In: SPE Latin American & Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference , 1-3 December 2010, Peru.

Zainal, Suzalina and hon, vai yee and Mohd Saaid, Ismail (2010) Gas-Diffusivity Measurement in Reservoir Fluid at Elevated Pressures Systems for Transient Shut-In Modeling. In: SPE Latin American & Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference , 1–3 December 2010, Lima, Peru.

Zulfadhli Hasan Adli, Mohd Hafiz Musa, Mohd Noh, Khairul Arifin, . (2010) Electrical resistivity of subsurface: Field and laboratory assessment. Electrical resistivity of subsurface: Field and laboratory assessment.

This list was generated on Sat Mar 29 10:45:12 2025 +08.