Items where Department / MOR is "Chemical Engineering" and Year is 2010

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Number of items: 111.


., Saepurahman and M.A., Abdullah and F.K., Chong (2010) Preparation and characterization of tungsten-loaded titanium dioxide photocatalyst for enhanced dye degradation. [Citation Index Journal]


A.M., Shariff and Zaini, Dzulkarnain (2010) Toxic Release Consequence Analysis Tool (TORCAT) for Inherently Safer Design Plant. [Citation Index Journal]

A.O.M., Ahmed and A.S., Maulud and M., Ramasamy and S., Mahadzir (2010) Steady State Modeling and Simulation of the Riser in an Industrial RFCC Unit. [Citation Index Journal]

Abdullah, MA (2010) Dual-effects of adsorption and photodegradation of methylene blue by tungsten-loaded titanium dioxide. [Citation Index Journal]

Abdullah, MA (2010) Physicochemical and sorption characteristics of Malaysian Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. as a natural oil sorbent. [Citation Index Journal]

Abdullah, MA (2010) Preparation and characterization of tungsten-loaded titanium dioxide photocatalyst for enhanced dye degradation. [Citation Index Journal]

Ahmad, Faizan and Lau, K.K. and Mohd Shariff, Azmi (2010) Modelling and Parametric Study for CO2/CH4 Separation using Membrane Processes. [Citation Index Journal]

Ahmad, Murni M and Yunus, Mohd Khairuddin and Inayat, Abrar (2010) Simulation of Gasification with In-situ Carbon Dioxide Adsorption of Empty Fruit Bunch into Hydrogen. In: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Application (CCEA 2010), 26-28 February 2010, Singapore.

Ahmad, Faizan and Lau, K.K. and Mohd Shariff, Azmi (2010) Removal of CO2 from Natural Gas using Membrane Separation System: Modeling and Process Design. [Citation Index Journal]

Ahmad, Murni M (2010) Flowsheet simulation of aqueous two-phase extraction systems for protein purification. [Citation Index Journal]

Ahmad, Murni M and Nordin, M Fitrir R and Azizan, M Tazli (2010) Upgrading of Bio Oil into High Value Hydrocarbons via Hydrodeoxygenation. [Citation Index Journal]

Ahmed, Mirza Munir and Khamidi, M. Faris and Kutty, S.R.M. and Mohd Shariff, Azmi (2010) Analysis of Fuel Stations Hazards by Using Risk Assessment Criteria. In: International Conference on Environment 2010 (ICENV 2010), 13th - 15th December, 2010, Penang, Malaysia..

Ahmed, Tigabwa Y and Ahmad, Murni M (2010) Flowsheet Development and Simulation of Off Shore Carbon Dioxide Removal System at Natural Gas Reserves. In: 1st International Chemical and Environmental Engineering Conference (ICEEC 2010), 26-28 November 2010, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia.

Amelia Suyono, Wiryoatmojo and Hilmi, Mukhtar and Zakaria, Man (2010) DEVELOPMENT OF POLYSULFONE-CARBON MOLECULAR SIEVES MIXED MATRIX MEMBRANES FOR CO2 REMOVAL FROM NATURAL GAS. In: International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (CBEE 2009), OCT 09-11, 2009, Singapore.

Awah Nouh, Salma and Lau, Kok Keong and Mohd Shariff, Azmi (2010) Kinetic Adsorption of CO2/CH4 Mixture using 13X Zeolite: Modeling and Simulation. [Citation Index Journal]


B, Shimekit and H., Mukhtar and S., Maitra (2010) Comparison of Predictive Models for Relative Permeability of CO2 in Matrimad-Carbon Molecular Sieve Mixed Membrane. In: . Paper presented in International Conference of chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials (ICPEAM), organized by Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), , 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

B, Shimekit and H., Mukhtar and S., Maitra (2010) Comparison of Predictive Models for Relative Permeability of CO2 in Matrimid-Carbon Molecular Sieve Mixed Matrix Membrane. [Citation Index Journal]

Binyam, S. and Hilmi, Mukhtar and KK, Lau (2010) Flux and Rejection of Methyldiethanolamine from Wastewater by Composite Reverse Osmosis Membrane. [Citation Index Journal]

Biruh , Shimekit and Hilmi, Mukhtar and Thanapalan , Murugesan (2010) Prediction of the Relative Permeability of Gases in Mixed Matrix Membranes. Paper Accepted to be published in Journal of Membrane Science. [Citation Index Journal]

Bustam, Mohamad Azmi and Mohd Shariff, Azmi and Maitra, Saikat and Ishihara, Tatsumi (2010) Effect of Different Solvents on the Synthesis of d-Vanadyl Phosphate and Its Performance as Cathode for Li-ion Battery. Trans. Ind. Ceram. Soc., 69 (4). pp. 235-239.


Chiew, Chai Kian and Inayat, Abrar and Ahmad, Murni M (2010) Simulation of Hydrogen Production from Biomass via Pressurized Gasification using iCON. In: International Conference on Process Engineering and Advance Material (ICPEAM 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia.


D.T., Lemma and M., Ramasamy and M., Shuhaimi (2010) System Identification using Orthonormal Basis Filters. [Citation Index Journal]

Daffalla, S.B. and H., Mukhtar and Shaharun, Maizatul Shima (2010) Characterization of Adsorbent Developed from Rice Husk: Effect of Surface Functional Group on Phenol Adsorption. [Citation Index Journal]

Daffalla, S.B. and Mukhtar, Hilmi and Shaharun, Maizatul Shima (2010) Characterization of Adsorbent Developed from Rice Husk: Effect of Surface Functional Group on Phenol Adsorption. In: 24th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers (SOMChE) and ICPEAM 2010, 15-17 June 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Daffalla, S.B. and Mukhtar, Hilmi and Shaharun, Maizatul Shima (2010) PROPERTIES OF ACTIVATED CARBON PREPARED FROM RICE HUSK WITH CHEMICAL ACTIVATION. In: ICENV 2010, December 13-15, 2010, Penang, Malaysia.

Daffalla, Samah and Mukhtar, Hilmi and M.S.Shaharun, Maizatul (2010) Characterisation of Adsorbent Developed from Rice Husk: Effect of Surface Functional Group on Phenol Adsorption. In: ICPEAM2010 , 15 - 17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Duvvuri, Subbarao (2010) A model for cluster size in risers. In: Annual Meeting of the American-Institute-of-Chemical-Engineers, NOV, 2008, Philadelphia, PA.


El-Harbawi, Mohanad (2010) Assessment on the Consequences of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Release Accident in the Road Transportation via GIS Approaches. Journal of Applied Sciences, 10 (12). pp. 1157-1165.

El-Harbawi, Mohanad (2010) Hazardous waste management: current status and future strategies in Malaysia. Int. J. Environmental Engineering, 2 (1/2/3). pp. 139-158.

El-Harbawi, Mohanad (2010) MDDSS: a New Software for Multicomponent Distillation Design and Simulation. International Review of Chemical Engineering (I.RE.CH.E.), 2 (1). pp. 155-160.

El-Harbawi, Mohanad (2010) SCIA: GIS-Based Software for Assessing the Impacts from Chemical Industrial Accidents. Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, 14 (2). pp. 104-114.

El-Harbawi, Mohanad (2010) DESIGN OF A PORTABLE DUAL PURPOSES WATER FILTER SYSTEM. [Citation Index Journal]

Eldemerdash, Usama (2010) Adsorptive Natural Gas Storage for Vehicles Approach for Actual Application. In: Conference on Engineering and Meta Engineering, April 2010, , Orlando, FL 32821-8095, USA.

Eldemerdash, Usama (2010) Adsorptive Storage of Natural Gas a Promising Alternative for Gaseous Fuel Vehicle. In: SOMCHE2010 / ICPEAM2010 , June 2010, KL, Malaysia.

Eldemerdash, Usama (2010) Study on Biosorption of Heavy Metals by Modified Lignocellulosic Waste. In: ESTCON - ICPEAM 2010, June 15-17, 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Eldemerdash, Usama (2010) Technical Evaluation of Current Hydrogen Storage Technologies for Vehicles. In: ESTCON - ICPEAM 2010, June 15-17, 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Eldemerdash, Usama (2010) Technical evaluation for breakthrough hydrogen storage materials. In: ESTCON - ICPEAM 2010, June 15-17, 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Eldemerdash, Usama (2010) Technical evaluation for hydrogen storage for vehicles. [Citation Index Journal]

Eldemerdash, Usama (2010) Towards High Performance Adsorptive Natural Gas Storage for Vehicles. In: ESTCON - ICPEAM 2010, June 15-17, 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

Eldemerdash, Usama (2010) Use of Ceramic Materials for the Adsorptive Storage of Natural Gas – a Review, Part 1. Interceram, 03 (04). pp. 198-202.

Eldemerdash, Usama (2010) Use of Ceramic Materials for the Adsorptive Storage of Natural Gas – a Review, Part 2. Interceram, 05. pp. 281-286.


Farooq, Ahmad and Hilmi, Mukhtar and Zakaria, Man and Binay, K. Dutta (2010) Separation of carbon Dioxide from CO2/CH4 Binary Mixture using Silicone Rubber Membrane. UTP Platform Vol (8), No (1), 2010.. ISSN 1511-6794

Fauzan , Rahman and D.B. , Umesh and D., Subbarao and M. , Ramasamy (2010) Enhancement of Entrainment Rates in Liquid-Gas Ejectors. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 49 (10). pp. 1128-1135. ISSN 2552701


Ganesapillai, Magesh and I., Regupathi and Miranda, Lima rose and T., Murugesan (2010) Moisture Diffusivity and Energy Consumption during Microwave Drying of Plaster of Paris. Chemical Product and Process Modeling, 5 ((1) 4). pp. 1-23. ISSN 19342659


H., Zabiri and N., Mazuki (2010) A Black-Box Approach in Modeling Valve Stiction. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 6 (5). pp. 277-284. ISSN 2070-3880

Harris, F and Kurnia, Kiki and M.I., Abdul Mutalib and T., Murugesan (2010) Heat Capacity of Sodium Aminoacetate Solutions before and after CO2 Absorption. [Citation Index Journal]

Hasan, Nurul (2010) Predicting The Nanoparticle Diffusion using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). In: International Conference on Process Engineering and Advanced Materials (ICPEAM 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Hasanaly, Mohd Noor and Man, Zakaria and Bustam, Mohamad Azmi (2010) Synthesis and Electrochemical Behaviour of Tin Phosphate as Anode Material For Lithium Ion Cells. Solid State Science and Technology, 18 (1). pp. 101-110. ISSN 0128-7389

Hew, K. L. and Tamidi, A. M. and Yusup, Suzana and Ahmad, Murni M (2010) Catalytic cracking of bio-oil to organic liquid product (OLP). Bioresource Technology, 101 (22). pp. 8855-8858. ISSN 0960-8524


Ibrahim, Ruzanna and Lwin, Ye (2010) Adsorbents derived from Mg-Al hydrotalcite-like compounds for high-temperature hydrogen storage. Journal of Applied Sciences, 10 (12). pp. 1128-1133. ISSN 1812-5654

Idris, Hani Kh. and Bustam, Mohamad Azmi and Ayman, Abo Jabal and Maitra, Saikat (2010) Some Studies on the synthesis of Iron Nanoparticles,. Indoceram :Indian Ceramic Review, 46 (3). pp. 53-60.

Inayat, Abrar and Ahmad, Murni M and Abdul Mutalib, M I and Yusup, Suzana (2010) Effect of Process Parameters on Hydrogen Production and Efficiency in Biomass Steam Gasification with in-situ CO2 Capture. In: International Conference on Process Engineering and Advance Material (ICPEAM 2010), 15-17 June 2010, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia.

Inayat, Abrar and Ahmad, Murni M and Abdul Mutalib, M I and Yusup, Suzana (2010) Flowsheet Modelling of Biomass Steam Gasification System with CO2 Capture for Hydrogen Production. In: International Conference on Advances in Renewable Energy Technologies (ICARET 2010), 6-7 July 2010, Putrajaya, Malaysia .

Inayat, Abrar and Ahmad, Murni M and Abdul Mutalib, M I and Yusup, Suzana (2010) Process Design of Enriched Hydrogen Gas Production from Empty Fruit Bunch via Steam Gasification with In-Situ CO2 Capture. In: AIChE Annual Meeting 2010 (AIChE 2010), 7-12 Nov 2010, Salt Lake City, UT, USA .

Inayat, Abrar and Ahmad, Murni M and Yusup, Suzana and Abdul Mutalib, M I (2010) Biomass Steam Gasification with In Situ CO2 Capture for Enriched Hydrogen Gas Production: A Reaction Kinetics Modelling Approach. Energies, 3 (8). pp. 1472-1484. ISSN 1996-1073

Inayat, Abrar and Ahmad, Murni M and Abdul Mutalib, M I and Yusup, Suzana (2010) Flowsheet Development and Modelling of Hydrogen Production from Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) via Steam Gasification. In: 13th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES 2010), 28 Aug-1 Sep 2010, Prague, Czech Republic.

Inayat, Abrar and Ahmad, Murni M and Abdul Mutalib, M I and Yusup, Suzana (2010) Flowsheet Development and Modelling of Hydrogen Production from Empty Fruit Bunch via Steam Gasification. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 21. pp. 427-432. ISSN 1974-9791

Ismail, Izyani and Mat Amin, Mohd Jeffri and Mohd Shariff, Azmi (2010) Maintenance Strategies for Process Equipment. In: International Conference on Environment 2010 (ICENV 2010), 13th - 15th December, 2010, Penang, Malaysia..

Iyyaswami, Regupathi and P. E, JagadeeshBabu and M, Chitra and T., Murugesan (2010) Drag reduction in co-current down flow packed column using xanthan gum. Korean J. Chem. Eng.,, 27 (4). pp. 1205-1212. ISSN ISSN: 0256-1115 (print version);ISSN: 1975-7220 (electronic version)


K. Ziyada, Abobakr and Wilfred, Cecilia and Azmi Bhustam , M A and Zakaria, Man and T., Murugesan (2010) Thermophysical properties of 1-propyronitrile- 3-alkylimidazolium bromide ionic liquids at Temperatures (293.15 to 353.15) K. [Citation Index Journal]

K.K., Lau and M. Z. , Abu Bakar and A. L. , Ahmad and T., Murugesan (2010) Effect of Feed Spacer Mesh Length Ratio on Unsteady Hydrodynamics in 2D Spiral Wound Membrane (SWM) Channel. Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, 49 (12). pp. 5834-5845. ISSN 0888-5885

K.M., Sabil and G.-J., Witkamp and C.J., Peters (2010) Estimations of enthalpies of dissociation of simple and mixed carbon dioxide hydrates from phase equilibrium data. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 290 (1-2). 109-114 . ISSN 03783812

K.M., Sabil and G.-J., Witkamp and C.J., Peters (2010) Phase equilibria in ternary (carbon dioxide + tetrahydrofuran + water) system in hydrate-forming region: Effects of carbon dioxide concentration and the occurrence of pseudo-retrograde hydrate phenomenon. [Citation Index Journal]

K.M., Sabil and Nadia , Oujamma and Witkamp, Geert-Jan and Peters, Cor J. and Bruining, Johannes M (2010) Hydrate-Aqueous Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium (H-LW-V) for binary CO2/H2 Mixture in Aqueous Solutions of Water and Tetrahydrofuran. In: the 2010 International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applications, 26-28 February 2010, Singapore.

K.M., Sabil and V.R., Roman and G.-J., Witkamp and C.J., Peters (2010) Experimental observations on the competing effect of tetrahydrofuran and an electrolyte and the strength of hydrate inhibition among metal halides in mixed CO2 hydrate equilibria. [Citation Index Journal]

Khalik M., Sabil and Geert-Jan, Witkamp and Cor J., Peters (2010) Phase equilibria in ternary (carbon dioxide plus tetrahydrofuran plus water) system in hydrate-forming region: Effects of carbon dioxide concentration and the occurrence of pseudo-retrograde hydrate phenomenon. [Citation Index Journal]

Khamaruddin, P.F. and Ramli, R.M. and Omar, A.Aziz and Dutta, B.K. (2010) Fenton’s reagents dosing effect on treatment efficiency of Diisopropanolamine contaminated wastewater. In: Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applications.

Khan, Zakir and Yusup, Suzana and Ahmad, Murni M and Chok, Vui Soon and Uemura, Yoshimitsu and Sabil, Khalik M (2010) Review on Hydrogen Production Technologies in Malaysia. [Citation Index Journal]

Ku Shaari, Ku Zilati and Turton, Richard (2010) The Study of Droplet Impact Behavior on Flat Surface with Different Surface Properties. Defect and Diffusion Forum .


Lau, Kok Keong and Ahmad, Faizan and M Shariff, Azmi (2010) Removal of CO2 from Natural Gas Using Membrane Separation System: Modeling and Process Design. [Citation Index Journal]

Lemma D., Tufa and M., Ramasamy and M., Shuhaimi (2010) Closed-Loop System Identification using OBF-ARMAX Model. [Citation Index Journal]


M Taib, Malyanah and T., Murugesan (2010) Density and Excess Molar Volumes of Binary Mixtures of Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium acetate+ Water, and Monoethanolamine + Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium acetate at Temperatures ( 303.15 to 353.15)K. [Citation Index Journal]

M., Perumalsamy and T., Murugesan (2010) Extended NRTL model for PEG + salt based aqueous two-phase system. ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 5 (2). pp. 355-360. ISSN ISSN 1932-2135

M. Yunus, Normawati and Abdul Mutalib, M I and Man, Zakaria and Bustam, Mohamad Azmi and Murugesan, Thanapalan (2010) Thermophysical properties of 1-alkylpyridinum bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ionic liquids. J. Chem. Thermodynamics , 42 (4). pp. 491-495. ISSN 0021-9614

M.S., Shaharun and B.K., Dutta and H., Mukhtar and S., Maitra (2010) Hydroformylation of 1-octene using rhodium-phosphite catalyst in a thermomorphic solvent system. Chemical Engineering Science, 65 (1). pp. 273-281. ISSN 00092509

Maizatul, S. Sharun and Hilmi, Mukhtar and Zakaria, Man and Binaty, K. Dutta (2010) Selectively of Rhodium-catalyzed Hydroformylation of 1-Octene in Thermomorphic Solvent System. In: International Conference Fundamental and Applied Science, Journal of Applied Sciences (ICFAS), 15-17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Maizatul, S Shaharun and Hilmi , Mukhtar and Binay, K.Dutta (2010) Selectivity of Rhodium-catalyzed Hydroformylation of 1-Octence in a Thermorphic Solvent System. [Citation Index Journal]

Masita Mohammada, Mohammad and Maitra, Saikat and Ahmad, Naveed and Bustam, Mohamad Azmi and Sen, Binay Kanti and Dutta , Binay Kanti (2010) Metal ion removal from aqueous solution using physic seed hull. Journal of Hazardous Materials , 179. pp. 363-372. ISSN 0304-3894

Mohanad , Osman and M., Ramasamy (2010) Neural Network based Soft Sensor for Inferential Control of a Binary Distillation. [Citation Index Journal]

Mohd Shariff, Azmi and Norazahar, Norafneeza (2010) At-Risk Behaviour Analysis and Improvement Study in Chemical Engineering Laboratories. In: International Chemical and Environmental Engineering Conference (ICEEC 2010), 26 - 28 November 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Mohd Shariff, Azmi and Beshir, Dhalia Mamoun and Bustam, Azmi (2010) Some Studies on the Synthesis and Characterization of Carbon Aerogel. Trans. Ind. Ceram. Soc., 69 (2). pp. 1-4.

Mohd Tamidi, Athirah and Ku Shaari, Ku Zilati (2010) Effect of steam inlet velocity and solid initial bed height to the hydrodynamics of fluidized bed gasifier. [Citation Index Journal]

Muhammad, Nawshad and Man, Zakaria and Bustam, Mohamad Azmi and Elsheikh, Y. A. (2010) Dissolution of Bamboo(Gigantochloa scortechinii) Using Ionic Liquid. Journal of Applied Sciences, 10 (12). pp. 1090-1096. ISSN 1812-5654

Muhammad, Nawshad and Man, Zakaria and Bustam, Mohamad Azmi and Tan, Isa and Maitra, Saikat (2010) Studies on the Thermal Degradation Behavior of Ionic Liquid Regenerated Cellulose. Waste and Biomass Valorization. (In Press)


N.M., Yunus and M.I., Abdul Mutalib and Z., Man and M.A., Bustam and T., Murugesan (2010) Thermophysical properties of 1-alkylpyridinum bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ionic liquids. [Citation Index Journal]

Nouh, S.A. and K.K., Lau and A.M., Shariff (2010) Modeling and Simulation of Fixed Bed Adsorption Column using Integrated CFD Approach. Journal of Applied Sciences, 24 (10). pp. 3229-3235. ISSN 18125654

Nouh, S.A. and Lau , Kok keong and Mohd Shariff, Azmi (2010) Modeling and Simulation of Fixed Bed Adsorption Column Using Integrated CFD Approach. In: 3rd International Conference on Chemical &Bioprocess Eng in conjunction with 23rd Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers, 12 - 14 August 2009, Kota Kinabalu Sabah.

Nurulhuda, Azmi and Hilmi, Mukhtar and Khalik, M. Sabil (2010) Removal of High CO2 Content in Natural Gas by Formation of Gas Hydrates as a Potential Solution for CO2 Gas Emmision. In: Chemical and Environment Engineering Conferences , 24 Nov 2010, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam.


Omar, A Aziz and Ramli, R.M. and Khamaruddin, P.F. (2010) The oxidationof LNG plant wastewater using Fenton reagent. In: International Chemical and Environmental Engineering Conference.

Omar, A Aziz and Ramli, R.M. and Khamaruddin, P.F. (2010) Fenton Oxidation of Natural Gas PLant Wastewater. [Citation Index Journal]

Osman, Abdelbagi and Abdul Mutalib, M I and Mahadzir, Shuhaimi (2010) Process Streams' Temperature Flexibility for Energy Savings in HENs. In: The 13th Asia Pacific Confederation on Chemical Engineering Congress, 5-8 October, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.


P., Roy and R., Khanna and D., Subbarao (2010) Granulation time in fluidized bed granulators. Powder Technology, 199 (1). 95-99 . ISSN 325910


Rusli, Risza and M Shariff, Azmi (2010) Qualitative Assessment for Inherently Safer Design (QAISD) at preliminary design stage. [Citation Index Journal]


S, Binyam and Mukhtar, Hilmi and K.K., Lau (2010) Flux and Rejection of Methyldiethanolamine from Wastewater by Composite Reverse Osmosis Membrane. Journal of Applied Sciences, 24 (10). pp. 3331-3336. ISSN 18125654

S., Binyam and H., Mukhtar and K.K., Lau (2010) Flux and Rejection of Methyldiethanolamine from Wastewater by Composite Reverse Osmosis Membrane. In: International Conference of chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials (ICPEAM), 15 - 17 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

S., Harimurti and A.U., Rahmah and A.A, Omer and T., Murugesan (2010) Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) on Mineralization of Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) using UV/H2O2. In: ESTCON - ICPEAM 2010, June 15-17, 2010, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.


Sabil, Khalik M and Ahmad, Murni M and Yusup, Suzana and Omar, Abdul A (2010) Kinetic of formation for single carbon dioxide and mixed carbon dioxide and tetrahydrofuran hydrates in water and sodium chloride aqueous solution. [Citation Index Journal]

Sabil, KM and N, Azmi and Hilmi, Mukhtar (2010) A Review on Carbon Dioxide Hydrate Potential in Technological Applications. [Citation Index Journal]

Saikat , Maitra and Ariful, Rahaman and Ram, Pyare and Hilmi, Mukhtar and Binay, K. Dutta (2010) Synthesis and Characterization of Bioactive-Glass Ceramics. Wiley Intersciences, Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings. ISBN 97804704575566

Shaharun, Maizatul Shima and B.K., Dutta and Hilmi, Mukhtar and saikat, Matra (2010) Hydroformylation of 1-octene using rhodium–phosphite catalyst in a thermomorphic solvent system. Chemical Engineering Science , 65. pp. 273-283. ISSN 00092509

Shaharun , M.S. and Dutta, B.K and Mukhtar , H. (2010) Hydroformylation of 1-octene using rhodium-phosphite catalyst in a thermomorphic solvent system. Chemical Engineering Science , 65 (1). pp. 273-281. ISSN 00092509

s, Sudesh and M, Meenakshi and R.Y., Sheeja and T., Murugesan (2010) Optimization studies on Biosorption of Copper (II) by Crab Shell Using Response Surface Methodology(RSM). Chemical Product and Process Modeling, 5 ((1)5). ISSN ISSN: 1934-2659


Tufa , L.D. and Ramasamy , Marappagounder and Patwardhan , S.C. and Mahadzir, Shuhaimi (2010) Development of Box–Jenkins type time series models by combining conventional and orthonormal basis filter approaches. Journal of Process Control , 20. pp. 108-120. ISSN 9591524

Tufa , L.D. and Ramasamy , Marappagounder and Patwardhan , S.C. and Shuhaimi , M. (2010) Development of Box-Jenkins type time series models by combining conventional and orthonormal basis filter approaches. [Citation Index Journal]


U.B. , Deshannavar and M.S. , Rafeen and M. , Ramasamy and D., Subbarao (2010) Crude Oil Fouling: A Review. [Citation Index Journal]


Yunus, Mohd Khairuddin and Ahmad, Murni M and Inayat, Abrar (2010) Simulation of Enhanced Biomass Gasification for Hydrogen Production in iCON. [Citation Index Journal]

Yunus, Mohd Khairuddin and Ahmad, Murni M and Inayat, Abrar and Yusup, Suzana (2010) Simulation of Enhanced Biomass Gasification for Hydrogen Production using iCON. In: International Conference on Chemical and Biological Engineering (ICCBE 2010), 24-26 February 2010, Penang, Malaysia.

Yusoff, Nooryusmiza and Ramasamy , Marappagounder (2010) Profit Optimization: An Integrated Approach for Scheduling and Real-time Optimization in a Refrigerated Gas Plant. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.

Yusoff, Nooryusmiza and Ramasamy , Marappagounder (2010) Selection of RGP Optimization Variables using Taguchi Method. [Citation Index Journal]


Ziyada, Abobakr K. and Wilfred, Cecilia D. and Bustam, Mohamad Azmi and Man, Zakaria and Murugesan, Thanapalan (2010) Thermophysical Properties of 1-Propyronitrile 3-alkylimidazolium Bromide Ionic Liquids at Temperatures from (293.15 to 353.15) K. J. Chem. Eng. Data, 55. pp. 3886-3890. ISSN ISSN 219568

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