Items where Department / MOR is "Mechanical Engineering" and Year is 2017

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 165.

Abbas, S.S. and Nasif, M.S. and Said, M.A.M. and Kadhim, S.K. (2017) Numerical investigation on effect of aortic root geometry on flow induced structural stresses developed in a bileaflet mechanical heart valve. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 908 (1).

Abbas, S.S. and Shakir Nasif, M. and Meor Said, M.A. and Al-Waked, R. and Khalefa Kadhim, S. (2017) Numerical investigation on effect of leaflet thickness on structural stresses developed in a bileaflet mechanical heart valve for its sustainable manufacturing. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Abbas, T. and Ya, H.H. and Abdullah, M.Z. (2017) Comparison of Energy Absorption of Aluminium-composite Tubes Subjected to Axial Loading. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 205 (1).

Abbas, T. and Ya, H.H. and Abdullah, M.Z. (2017) Effect of composite layers on partially wrapped Al-glass/epoxy hybrid tube subjected to axial load. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1901.

Abbas, T. and Ya, H.H. and Abdullah, M.Z. (2017) Experimental investigation of energy absorption of partially wrapped thin-walled aluminium-glass/epoxy tube subjected to quasi-static loading. Materials Science Forum, 904 MS. pp. 61-67.

Abbas, T. and Ya, H.H. and Zaki, M. (2017) The effect of fiber angles on energy absorption of 50 partially wrapped aluminium-composite hybrid tube under axial crushing : Die Wirkung von Faserwinkeln auf die Energieabsorption von 50 teil-umhülltem Aluminium-Verbund-Hybridrohr unter axialer Stauchung. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 48 (3). pp. 267-272.

Abbasi, A. and Hashim, F.M. (2017) Development of a hydrate formation prediction model for sub-sea pipeline. Petroleum Science and Technology, 35 (5). pp. 443-450.

Abbasi, I. and Ali, S.S.A. and Ovinis, M. and Naeem, W. (2017) U-model based controller design for an unmanned free swimming submersible (UFSS) vehicle under hydrodynamic disturbances. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 46 (4). pp. 742-748.

Abd Majid, M.A. and Kar Kin, L. (2017) Evaluations of thermocline and half cycle figure of merit of a thermal energy storage tank. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Abdalla, I.I. and Zainal A., E.Z. and Anwarudin, A.R.T. and Firmansyah and Aziz, A.R.A. and Heikal, M.R. (2017) Cogging force issues of permanent magnet linear generator for electric vehicle. Journal of Electrical Systems, 13 (3). pp. 489-502.

Abdul Wahhab, H. and Aziz, A.R.A. and Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Nasif, M.S. (2017) Characteristics of CNG bubbles in Diesel flow under the influence of the magnetic field. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 10 (6). pp. 1649-1655.

Abdul Wahhab, H.A. and Aziz, A.R.A. and Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Nasif, M.S. (2017) Mathematical modeling of the flow of diesel-CNG fuel mixture in a pipe under the influence of a magnetic field. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 10 (1). pp. 389-396.

Abdul-Rani, A.M. and Krishnan, S. and Nagarajan, T. and Rao, T.V.V.L.N. (2017) Inverse kinematics-stewart platform actuated by shape memory alloy for immobilization of ankle-foot rehabilitation. Key Engineering Materials, 724 KE. pp. 105-111.

Abdul-Rani, A.M. and Razak, M.A. and Littlefair, G. and Gibson, I. and Nanimina, A.M. (2017) Improving EDM Process on AZ31 Magnesium Alloy towards Sustainable Biodegradable Implant Manufacturing. Procedia Manufacturing, 7. pp. 504-509.

Abdullah, M.A. and Albarody, T.M.B. and Yusoff, P.S.M.B.M. (2017) Utilizing Proton Resonance Frequency of Isotopes Materials for Ultra-Precise Temperature Measurement: A Review. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Abdulwahhab, H.A. and Aziz, A.R.A. and Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Nasif, M.S. (2017) Modeling of diesel- compressed natural gas bubbly flow under influencing of a magnetic field. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 12 (7). pp. 1930-1938.

Afolabi, L.O. and Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Aklilu, T.B. (2017) On the nano-additive enhanced flat plate solar collector integrated with thermal energy storage. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - Asia, 7 (2). pp. 172-182.

Afrooz, I.E. and Sinnathambi, C.M. and Chuang, D.L. and Karuppanan, S. (2017) CFD simulation of bubbling fluidized bed: Effects of bed column geometry on hydrodynamics of gas–solid mixing: Numerische Strömungssimulation einer blasenbildenden Wirbelschicht: Einfluss der Reaktorgeometrie auf die hydrodynamischen Eigenschaften einer Gas-Feststoff Mischung. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 48 (3). pp. 226-234.

Ahmad, R. and Kamaruddin, S. (2017) Structured maintenance engineering policy development based on a production machine process perspective. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 23 (2). pp. 180-194.

Ahmed Kabir, I.F.S. and Kanagalingam, S. and Safiyullah, F. (2017) Performance evaluation of air flow and thermal comfort in the room with Wind-Catcher using different CFD techniques under neutral Atmospheric Boundary Layer. Energy Procedia, 143. pp. 199-203.

Ahsan, S. and Alemu Lemma, T. (2017) Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Gas Turbine Engine using Autoregressive Model. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Akbar, A. and Mokhtar, A.A.B. (2017) Integrating Life Cycle Costing (LCC) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Model for Selection of Centralized Chilled Water Generation - Review Paper. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Akhtar, S. and Khan, M.N. and Kurnia, J.C. and Shamim, T. (2017) Investigation of energy conversion and flame stability in a curved micro-combustor for thermo-photovoltaic (TPV) applications. Applied Energy, 192. pp. 134-145.

Akilu, S. and Baheta, A.T. and Minea, A.A. and Sharma, K.V. (2017) Rheology and thermal conductivity of non-porous silica (SiO2) in viscous glycerol and ethylene glycol based nanofluids. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 88. pp. 245-253.

Akilu, S. and Baheta, A.T. and Sharma, K.V. (2017) Experimental measurements of thermal conductivity and viscosity of ethylene glycol-based hybrid nanofluid with TiO2-CuO/C inclusions. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 246. pp. 396-405.

Al-Azawiey, S.S. and Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Hassan, S.B. (2017) On the Influence of Collector Size on the Solar Chimneys Performance. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Ekhwan, A.B. and Muhi, L.N. (2017) Augmentation of ribs turbulators height on the hydrothermal performance of double pipe heat exchanger. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 12 (2). pp. 548-563.

Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Gilani, S.I.U. and Abdalfatah, M.S. (2017) Experimental investigation of zero energy office under natural and forced ventilation. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Ning, W. and Mokhlif, N.D. (2017) Characterisation of paraffinic compositions in crude oils. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 15 (2). pp. 152-165.

Al-Waked, R. and Nasif, M.S. and Groenhout, N. and Partridge, L. (2017) Energy performance and CO2 emissions of HVAC systems in commercial buildings. Buildings, 7 (4).

Ali, M. and Khan, S.A. and Sheikh, N.A. and Gilani, S.I.-U.-H. and Shehryar, M. and Ali, H.M. and Rashid, T.U. (2017) Performance analysis of a low capacity solar tower water heating system in climate of Pakistan. Energy and Buildings, 143. pp. 84-99.

Aliyu, A.A.A. and Rohani, J.M. and Rani, A.M.A. and Musa, H. (2017) Optimization of electrical discharge machining parameters of SiSiC through response surface methodology. Jurnal Teknologi, 79 (1). pp. 119-129.

Altaf, K. and Zulkarnain, A.F. and Qayyum, J.A. and Jahanzaib, M. (2017) Optimum build orientation OF3D printed parts for a robot gripper. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (20). pp. 5772-5777.

Altam, R.A. and Lemma, T.A. and Jufar, S.R. (2017) Trends in Supersonic Separator design development. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Amir, N. and Abidin, K.A.Z. and Shiri, F.B.M. (2017) Effects of Fibre Configuration on Mechanical Properties of Banana Fibre/PP/MAPP Natural Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composite. Procedia Engineering, 184. pp. 573-580.

Arozi, M. and Putri, F.T. and Ariyanto, M. and Caesarendra, W. and Widyotriatmo, A. and Munadi and Setiawan, J.D. (2017) Electromyography (EMG) signal recognition using combined discrete wavelet transform based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN). 2016 2nd International Conference of Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering, ICIMECE 2016. pp. 95-99.

Arshad, H. and Sulaiman, S.A. and Hussain, Z. and Naz, Y. and Basrawi, F. (2017) Microwave assisted pyrolysis of plastic waste for production of fuels: A review. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Atnaw, S.M. and Sulaiman, S.A. and Singh, L. and Wahid, Z.A. and Yahya, C.K.M.F.B.C.K. (2017) Modeling and parametric study for maximizing heating value of gasification syngas. BioResources, 12 (2). pp. 2548-2564.

Aurybi, M.A. and Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Gilani, S.I.U. and Ismaeel, A.A. (2017) Numerical analysis of solar updraft power plant integrated with external heat source. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Axinte, E. and Bofu, A. and Wang, Y. and Abdul-Rani, A.M. and Aliyu, A.A.A. (2017) An overview on the conventional and nonconventional methods for manufacturing the metallic glasses. MATEC Web of Conferences, 112.

Ayob, F.B. and Hussain, P.B. and Abdullah, A.B. and Aziz, A. (2017) Preliminary study on diffusion welding of marine grades grey cast iron to low carbon steel. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (10). pp. 3357-3362.

Azarpour, A. and N.G. Borhani, T. and R. Wan Alwi, S. and A. Manan, Z. and I. Abdul Mutalib, M. (2017) A generic hybrid model development for process analysis of industrial fixed-bed catalytic reactors. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 117. pp. 149-167.

Baig, Z. and Mamat, O. and Mustapha, M. and Sarfraz, M. (2017) Influence of surfactant type on the dispersion state and properties of graphene nanoplatelets reinforced aluminium matrix nanocomposites. Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 25 (9). pp. 545-557.

Basim Ismail, F. and Hamzah Abed, K. and Singh, D. and Shakir Nasif, M. (2017) Pure intelligent monitoring system for steam economizer trips. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Basim Ismail, F. and Why Siew Kuan, E. and Shakir Nasif, M. (2017) Development and implementation of bottom ash crushing system in Submerged Scrapper Conveyor (SSC) for Coal-fired Power Plant. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Basrawi, F. and Ibrahim, T.K. and Habib, K. and Yamada, T. and Daing Idris, D.M.N. (2017) Techno-economic performance of biogas-fueled micro gas turbine cogeneration systems in sewage treatment plants: Effect of prime mover generation capacity. Energy, 124. pp. 238-248.

Belachew, C.T. and Che Ismail, M. and Karuppanan, S. (2017) Strength Assessment of Corroded Pipelines - Finite Element Simulations and Parametric Studies. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 17 (7).

Bhayo, B.A. and Al-Kayiem, H.H. (2017) Experimental characterization and comparison of performance parameters of S-rotors for standalone wind power system. Energy, 138. pp. 752-763.

Danish, M. and Ginta, T.L. and Habib, K. and Carou, D. and Rani, A.M.A. and Saha, B.B. (2017) Thermal analysis during turning of AZ31 magnesium alloy under dry and cryogenic conditions. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 91 (5-8). pp. 2855-2868.

Dasan, Y.K. and Bhat, A.H. and Ahmad, F. (2017) Polymer blend of PLA/PHBV based bionanocomposites reinforced with nanocrystalline cellulose for potential application as packaging material. Carbohydrate Polymers, 157. pp. 1323-1332.

Dhuban, S.B. and Karuppanan, S. and Mengal, A.N. and Patil, S.S. (2017) Effect of fiber orientation and ply stacking sequence on buckling behaviour of basalt-carbon hybrid composite laminates. Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences, 24 (3). pp. 187-193.

Edara, G. and Murthy, Y.V.V.S.N. and Sharma, K.V. and Pullela, S. (2017) Numerical modeling of a fuel droplet for the evaluation of ignition temperature considering transport properties. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 10. pp. 121-130.

Emamian, S. and Awang, M. and Yusof, F. and Hussain, P. and Mehrpouya, M. and Kakooei, S. and Moayedfar, M. and Zafar, A. (2017) A review of friction stir welding pin profile. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. pp. 1-18.

Farhood, N.H. and Karuppanan, S. and Ya, H.H. and Baharom, M.A. (2017) Burst pressure investigation of filament wound type IV composite pressure vessel. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1901.

Gebremariam, M.A. and Yuan, S.X. and Azhari, A. and Lemma, T.A. (2017) Remaining tool life prediction based on force sensors signal during end milling of Stavax ESR steel. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 2.

Gilani, S.E. and Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Woldemicheal, D.E. and Gilani, S.I. (2017) Performance enhancement of free convective solar air heater by pin protrusions on the absorber. Solar Energy, 151. pp. 173-185.

Hagos, F.Y. and Aziz, A.R.A. and Sulaiman, S.A. and Firmansyah and Mamat, R. (2017) Effect of fuel injection timing of hydrogen rich syngas augmented with methane in direct-injection spark-ignition engine. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (37). pp. 23846-23855.

Hailu Shimels, G. and Dereje Engida, W. and Fakhruldin Mohd, H. (2017) A comparative study on stress and compliance based structural topology optimization. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 241 (1).

Hamdavi, S. and Rao, T.V.V.L.N. and Muhammad, M. and Faez, K.M. and Ya, H.H. (2017) Linear stability analysis of short journal bearing with an axial groove: Lineare Stabilitätsanalyse von Kurzgleitlagern mit einer axialen Nut. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 48 (3). pp. 210-217.

Hasnain, S.A. and Nasif, M.S. and Pao, W. and Al-Waked, R. (2017) Numerical investigation of smoke contamination in atrium upper balconies at different down stand depths. Building Simulation, 10 (3). pp. 365-381.

Hassan, M.H. and Othman, A.R. (2017) Contribution of processing parameters on void content in the vacuum bagging configurations of L-shaped composite laminates. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 93 (1-4). pp. 1333-1345.

Hassan, M.H. and Othman, A.R. and Kamaruddin, S. (2017) The use of response surface methodology (RSM) to optimize the acid digestion parameters in fiber volume fraction test of aircraft composite structures. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 90 (9-12). pp. 3739-3748.

Hazwani Dzulkafli, H. and Ahmad, F. and Ullah, S. and Hussain, P. and Mamat, O. and Megat-Yusoff, P.S.M. (2017) Effects of talc on fire retarding, thermal degradation and water resistance of intumescent coating. Applied Clay Science, 146. pp. 350-361.

Hidayat, M.I.P. and Ariwahjoedi, B. and Parman, S. and Rao, T.V.V.L.N. (2017) Meshless Local B-Spline Collocation Method for Two-Dimensional Heat Conduction Problems With Nonhomogenous and Time-Dependent Heat Sources. Journal of Heat Transfer, 139 (7).

Hussein, S.A. and Tahir, A.S.M. and Awang, M. (2017) On amorphous phase formation in dissimilar friction stir welding of aluminum to steel. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. pp. 69-81.

Ibrahim, K.A. and Naz, M.Y. and Sulaiman, S.A. and Ghaffar, A. and Jamil, Y. and Abdel-Salam, N.M. (2017) Effect of urea and borate plasticizers on rheological response of corn starch. Polymers, 9 (9).

Inayat, M. and Sulaiman, S.A. and Kurnia, J.C. (2017) Investigation on the effect of blending ratio and airflow rate on syngas profile produced from co-gasification of blended feedstock. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Irshad, K. and Habib, K. and Basrawi, F. and Saha, B.B. (2017) Study of a thermoelectric air duct system assisted by photovoltaic wall for space cooling in tropical climate. Energy, 119. pp. 504-522.

Irshad, K. and Habib, K. and Kareem, M.W. and Basrawi, F. and Saha, B.B. (2017) Evaluation of thermal comfort in a test room equipped with a photovoltaic assisted thermo-electric air duct cooling system. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (43). pp. 26956-26972.

Ismaeel, A.A. and Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Baheta, A.T. and Aurybi, M.A. (2017) CFD modeling of artificial vortex air generator for green electric power. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Izzatie, N.I. and Basha, M.H. and Uemura, Y. and Hashim, M.S.M. and Amin, N.A.M. and Hamid, M.F. (2017) Co-pyrolysis of rice straw and Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) using a fixed bed drop type pyrolyzer. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 908 (1).

Jamaludin, A.A. and Mehat, N.M. and Kamaruddin, S. (2017) Investigating the effects of PDC cutters geometry on ROP using the Taguchi technique. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 908 (1).

Javaid, M.Y. and Ovinis, M. and Hashim, F.B.M. and Maimun, A. and Ahmed, Y.M. and Ullah, B. (2017) Effect of wing form on the hydrodynamic characteristics and dynamic stability of an underwater glider. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 9 (4). pp. 382-389.

Javaid, M.Y. and Ovinis, M. and Thirumalaiswamy, N. and Hashim, F.B.M. and Ullah, B. and Maimun, A. (2017) Numerical investigation on the hydrodynamic characteristics of an autonomous underwater glider with different wing layouts. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (8). pp. 2588-2592.

Jessam, R.A. and Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Nasif, M.S. (2017) CFD simulation of flow control with energy promoters in S-shaped diffuser. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (7). pp. 2363-2367.

Jessam, R.A. and Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Nasif, M.S. (2017) Flow control in s-shaped air intake diffuser of gas turbine using proposed energy promoters. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Kadhim, S.K. and Nasif, M.S. and Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Nagarajan, T. and Al Waked, R. (2017) Numerical investigation on the effect of blood flow induced vibration on bileflet artificial heart valve by using fluid structure interaction technique. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (8). pp. 2561-2565.

Kadhim Khlief, A. and Ihtsham-Ul-Haq Gilani, S. and Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Mohammad, S.T. (2017) Design and modelling of novel evacuated receiver tube of concentration solar power system by using heliostat stadium arrangement. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Kai Sheng, O. and Alemu Lemma, T. and Ahsan, S. (2017) PDC Bit Hydraulic & Mud Rheological simulation to model pressure drop across Bit. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Kakooei, S. and Ismail, M.C. and Raja, B. and Mohebbi, H. and Emamian, S.S. and Moayedfar, M. (2017) Formation of nano-scale FeCO3 protective corrosion product in carbon dioxide-saturated 3 sodium chloride solution. Key Engineering Materials, 740 KE. pp. 3-8.

Kamariah, M.S.I.N. and Harun, W.S.W. and Khalil, N.Z. and Ahmad, F. and Ismail, M.H. and Sharif, S. (2017) Effect of heat treatment on mechanical properties and microstructure of selective laser melting 316L stainless steel. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 257 (1).

Kareem, M.W. and Habib, K. and Ruslan, M.H. and Saha, B.B. (2017) Thermal performance study of a multi-pass solar air heating collector system for drying of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa). Renewable Energy, 113. pp. 281-292.

Kareem, M.W. and Habib, K. and Sopian, K. and Ruslan, M.H. (2017) Multi-pass solar air heating collector system for drying of screw-pine leaf (Pandanus tectorius). Renewable Energy, 112. pp. 413-424.

Kaur, J. and Ahmad, F. and Ullah, S. and Yusoff, P.S.M.M. and Ahmad, R. (2017) The Role of Bentonite Clay on Improvement in Char Adhesion of Intumescent Fire-Retardant Coating with Steel Substrate. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 42 (5). pp. 2043-2053.

Khan, M.Y. and Karim, Z.A.A. and Aziz, A.R.A. and Isa, M Tan (2017) A case study on the influence of selected parameters on microexplosion behavior of water in biodiesel emulsion droplets. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME, 139 (2).

Kurnia, J.C. and Sasmito, A.P. (2017) Numerical investigation of phase change materials thermal capacitor for pipe flow. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Kurnia, J.C. and Sasmito, A.P. and Ping, S.I. (2017) Investigation of Heat Transfer on a Rotating Latent Heat Energy Storage. Energy Procedia, 105. pp. 4173-4178.

Kurnia, J.C. and Sasmito, A.P. and Shamim, T. (2017) Performance evaluation of a PEM fuel cell stack with variable inlet flows under simulated driving cycle conditions. Applied Energy, 206. pp. 751-764.

Kurnia, J.C. and Sasmito, A.P. and Xu, P. and Mujumdar, A.S. (2017) Performance and potential energy saving of thermal dryer with intermittent impinging jet. Applied Thermal Engineering, 113. pp. 246-258.

Lias, M.R. and Sharif, Z. and Awang, M. and Jailani, A. and Warap, H. (2017) Quasi-static modeling of spur gear time varying strength analysis. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (6). pp. 1938-1947.

Mahgoub, B.K.M. and Hassan, S. and Sulaiman, S.A. and Mamat, R. and Abdul Adam, A. and Hagos, F.Y. (2017) Combustion and performance of syngas dual fueling in a CI engine with blended biodiesel as pilot fuel. BioResources, 12 (3). pp. 5617-5631.

Mahmood, T. and Naz, M.Y. and Sulaiman, S.A. and Jamil, Y. and Shukrullah, S. and Zahid, M. and Inayat, M. (2017) CFD Modeling and Experimental Validation of a Solar Still. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Majid, M.A.A. and Fudzin, F. (2017) Study on robots failures in automotive painting line. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (1). pp. 62-67.

Majid, M.A.A. and Nordin, A. and Salim, D.A. (2017) Exergoeconomics model for power and chilled water cost rates of gas-fueled district cooling system. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 12 (21). pp. 10802-10808.

Marimuthu, T.A. and Mekbib Atnaw, S. and Mardarveran, P.A. and Shu Yi, S. and Binti Usop, M.A. and Bin Md Gapar, M.K. and Binti Rusdan, S.A. and Ramli, R.B.M. and Sulaiman, S.A. (2017) Design and development of solar desalination plant. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Mat Razali, N.H. and Sulaiman, S.A. and Zaidi Moni, M.N. and Basrawi, M.F. (2017) Pre-treatment of oil palm frond biomass via extensive high temperature drying for gasification process. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Mehat, N.M. and Kamaruddin, S. (2017) Evaluation on the feasibility of using bamboo fillers in plastic gear manufacturing via the Taguchi optimization method. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 908 (1).

Mehat, N.M. and Mohd Kassim, S. and Kamaruddin, S. (2017) Investigation on the effects of processing parameters on shrinkage behaviour and tensile properties of injection moulded plastic gear via the Taguchi method. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 908 (1).

Mehat, N.M. and Shahrul, K. (2017) Investigation on wear behavior of bamboo filler reinforcement of injection moulded plastic gear. Key Engineering Materials, 737 KE. pp. 119-123.

Mehrpouya, M. and Emamian, S. (2017) Recent advantages in laser fabrication of micro-channel heat exchangers: Fortschritte in der Herstellung von Mikrokanal Wärmetauschern mittels Laserherstellung. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 48 (3). pp. 205-209.

Mengal, A.N. and Karuppanan, S. and Ovinis, M. (2017) In–plane shear properties of basalt–carbon/epoxy hybrid composite laminates: In–plane Schereigenschaften von Basalt-Kohlenstoff/Epoxy-Hybrid-Verbundlaminaten. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 48 (3). pp. 261-266.

Meyghani, B. and Awang, M. and Emamian, S. (2017) A mathematical formulation for calculating temperature dependent friction coefficient values: Application in friction stir welding (FSW). Defect and Diffusion Forum, 379. pp. 73-82.

Meyghani, B. and Awang, M. and Emamian, S. and Khalid, N.M. (2017) Developing a finite element model for thermal analysis of friction stir welding by calculating temperature dependent friction coefficient. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. pp. 107-126.

Moayedfar, M. and Rani, A.M. and Hanaei, H. and Ahmad, A. and Tale, A. (2017) Parameter optimization and stretch enhancement of AISI 316 sheet using rapid prototyping technique. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 257 (1).

Mohammad, S.T. and Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Assadi, M.K. and Gilani, S.I.U. and Khlief, A.K. (2017) Design and modeling of solar parabolic trough power plant with MATLAB. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Mohammed, S.E. and Baharom, M.B. and Aziz, A.R.A. (2017) Performance and combustion characteristics of a novel crank-rocker engine. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 31 (7). pp. 3563-3571.

Mohd Sohor, M.A.H. and Mustapha, M. and Chandra Kurnia, J. (2017) Silicon carbide- from synthesis to application: A review. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Mohd Sohor, M.A.H. and Mustapha, M. and Mamat, O. (2017) Analysis of contributing factors for synthesizing silicon carbide using Taguchi's approach. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Mohd Sohor, M.A.H. and Mustapha, M. and Mamat, O. (2017) The effect of milling duration on silicon dioxide characterization. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Mutafi, M. and Nasif, M. and Pao, W. and Ismail, F. (2017) Numerical investigation on the effect of channelled and unchannelled screens on smoke contamination in atriums upper balconies with open upstand. MATEC Web of Conferences, 131.

Mutafi, M.A. and Nasif, M.S. and Pao, W. and Ismail, F.B. (2017) Numerical investigation on the effect of balcony open and solid upstand on smoke contamination in atrium balconies. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 908 (1).

Nasif, M.S. and Ahmed, M.A.M. and Hasnain, S.A. and Kamaruzaman, A. and Ismail, F.B. (2017) Numerical investigation of fire spread, evacuation and hazard assessment in an offshore petroleum platform by using cfd simulation. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (8). pp. 2566-2569.

Naz, M.Y. and Sulaiman, S.A. and Bou-Rabee, M.A. (2017) Particle tracking velocimetry investigations on density dependent velocity vector profiles of a swirling fluidized bed. Drying Technology, 35 (2). pp. 193-202.

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